Area 51 Contest - Win one of three copies of Midway's Area 51 (PS2/Xbox/PC)


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Special for you, I have 3 copies of Area 51, Midway's soon to be released alien themed FPS, just waiting to be won.

To enter, simply post a little story about any alien encounters/UFO sightings you might have had. Feel free to use your imagination.
Do not create more than one post in this thread.

One entry per person. Winners will be chosen at random.
Contest will close on 4/25 (Area 51's release date)

Official info:

Area 51 Articles:

Area 51 Resource Pages:

Console pre-orders get a free copy of Midway Arcade Treasures 2 and PC pre-orders get a free t-shirt:
So Im playing Zelda MM, and Im on this cow ranch, chilling you know. Then these fucking werid alien things come out of thin air and try to steal all the cows. So me being the badass mofo I am, I decided to slap these silly bitches upside the head with my arrows, I knock these sobs up and down the ranch saving the cows and earing myself a little nookie from Cremia.
One day I was walking along, going to Rick’s Toy Box (a, ahem, gentlemen’s club) when all of a sudden I heard the Andy Griffith theme song. All of a sudden there was a really bright light that blinded me as the Griffith theme music grew ever louder. I then awoke on a table and I was completely naked. All of a sudden these little midget creatures walked over to me, whilst whistling the theme once again. I looked and they had faces just like Oompa-Loompas. I said, “Who the hell are you?” They responded, “We are from the planet Dooke-Dakka-Dee-Hastara-Mantuar-Feron-Height.” (translates roughly to “Planet of Ham”) We are here to receive the complete Collector’s Edition First Season of Andy Griffith... on DVD! We demand you give this to us immediately or we shall explore the inner walls of your rectum with our massive friend named Bubba. I said, “Well, I’ll need some Earth money (about $50).” They then handed me a gun and said “Rob a liquor store.” Which at that point a taco flew through the room and said “Eat me!” whilst exiting swiftly. The aliens then told me that that was their friend “OMG! TEH TACO IS TEH SUXXOR!” (Bob, roughly). They then began dancing, for no apparent reason, to ‘Cotton-Eye Joe’. By this time I figured that I should put that gun to use, so I shot myself in the foot to give my brain a start. I then realized that I could easily destroy these beings with this gun, so I threw it at them. They then got really mad and the El Gigante from Resident Evil 4 popped in and I was all like “WTF?” and he was like “Dude, STFU.” He then pulled a large gun from his rectum and yelled “Get down!” in a voice awfully similar to the Governator’s. He shot the gun at me and pelted me with roasted, but still quite delicious, marshmallows. As I dodged the marshmallows I caught them in my mouth, all Matrix style. I then shouted “NO grandma, I don’t want anymore bacon bits!”, just for good effect. I jumped out the nearest window and landed on Mars, from whence the entire story-line and plot of Doom 3 took place. After I kicked some alien ass and screamed like a girl a few times, I jumped all the way back to Earth and landed in Michael Jackson’s arms and screamed “NO!!!” The aliens were pretty pissed already but when they came back for me and say Michael, they got madder because Michael began to sing “Thriller” (which, as everyone knows, is every alien’s weakness and... well it just plain sucks) Their heads exploded and filled with candy (all Willy Wonka style). Their ship suddenly lost control (because no one was flying it, duh!) and began to crash into the Earth. Michael started randomly moon-walking and moon-walked over to the soon-to-be crash site. Bob the Taco, however simply could not let Michael die and so he got out his blades and stabbed Michael through the torso and pulled him out of the way (all God of War style). The ship crashed and created a big crevasse (the Grand Canyon). The surrounding area had been a local trailer park, and so a boy named Billy (Bob Sue Joe) came out completely naked and said “Hey, Chester Cheetah is in my pants and he said ‘Flaming Hot Cheetoes anyone?’!” Eventually the Big Cat of Veranda-Monique-Shequish 4, along with the cast of Saturday Night Live and Mad T.V. came to Earth to revive Michael (cause he was stabbed, duh.). Unfortunately SNL and Mad do not get along well so they staarted pushing each other which then led to punches, which then led to shootings, and then it eventually led to WWII (Yeah, that whole Pearl Harbor thing [God Bless America] was just a cover for the real problem. Well, Mad and SNL signed a cease-fire and then completely forgot why they were fighting anyway and so we then began dancing to a mix of “8675309” and “Come Sail Away” which, when the two are combined, actually sounds quite horrible.
My favorite episode of Teen Titans is when an alien had a pet alien dog that got swaped with Beast Boy and the alien thought Beast Boy was his new pet.
This one time, at band camp, my girlfriend woke up to find an alien stealing her flute...
To make a long story short, I came in, kicked his ass, and took it back. :D
I have a summer house in the Catskills, and it seems as if this area is a magnet for UFO sightings, two of which I personally experienced.

The first one took place late at night. I woke up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. My wife was sound asleep. I tossed and turned trying to fall back asleep and couldn't so I got out of bed as to not disturb my wife. At least one of us would should get a good nights rest I thought. I roamed the house, made some tea, channel surfed for a while, the whole time I was really uncomfortable and irritated. I shut off the TV and walked to the window to stare at the star filled night sky and dropped my tea at the sight that awaited me outside the window. A bright fiery round ball was howering in the sky and seemed to be coming nearer to me through the woods. My first thought was that a nuclear bomb exploded. I froze in fear, after a moment I realized it couldn't be a bomb. It was floating in the sky, it was hovering, and it was coming closer. I wanted to wake my wife but I couldn't move. It drew closer and closer and then stopped, hovering amid the trees. It then decided to descend, lower and lower and it started to sink behind a mountain range miles and miles away. It was enormous, I thought that it was only a couple hundred feet away. I was wrong. The next morning I called the local police department to report what I saw, and supposedly I wasn't the only one.

The second incident took place while I was returning from the Catskills. My wife and I were driving down route 33, and we noticed several cars pulled over to the side of the road and the occupants were out looking up towards the sky. I took a look to see waht they were staring at and had to pull over as well. In the sky was a huge object V shaped slowly moving through the sky. It didn't make a sound. I though I was dreaming but I wasn't alone on the side of the road. The object then flipped over and shot off and dissapeared into the sky.

Well, that's it. Two sightings, no abductions. Do I believe in a higher inteligence living out among the stars. You bet.
As a child, i once was visted. From all the tales I had heard, i believed it would be frightening, painful even, but for some reason the thing i most recall is just floating in something warm...
ever since I have the ability to chang into a magical girl with special powers! coming out of the guys locker room in my superhero suit has caused many a stare, however -_^.
Well, on my last visit to Brownsville, Texas, I stayed out late one night by the border. Along about 3 o'clock in the am, I saw a few shadowy figures sneaking through the night air, ducking under a barbed wire fence. It immediately occurred to me, these are aliens.

Oh, wait, you weren't asking about THOSE types of aliens.
I remember one evening that I was standing near a tomato field. Suddenly I heard a lot of screaming and about 12-15 bodies running towards me. They were yelling in a language I couldn't understand and I was becoming scared.
I then saw a man chasing them (I later found out his name was Department O. Immigration). He was yelling something about their "green cards". I think that is government code for alien passport or something, but they didn't seem to have theirs. They all stopped at a pile of leaves and uncovered some sort of red/shiny spacecraft. They all hopped into the spaceship that resembled an El Camino and bounced away.
This was actually a very recent encounter. Last Friday I was at a friends house and we were just being teenagers, playing with fireworks and lighting crap on fire. Thats when it happened. My friend pulled a bright green plush alien out of his closet. We promptly strapped M-80's on it and lit it on fire but they failed to inflict any damage on it. Using my alien hunting skills, I was pretty sure you could burn them, so I got some WD-40 and proceeded to drench our visitor. One stroke of a match and you could hear the fat lady rolling down the street. He burned for a while, which is expected...unless it's raining outside! 0_0 Ever since that day I've had some really wierd dreams.
My one friend lives all alone by some woods. We went out there for a get drunk / lan party and ended up walking in the woods. All these strange things started happening. These lights went zipping around us and in the sky. Some of my friends think they were aliens. I think we were all drunk and high...
One day, I was driving down by some farms here in North Carolina, and I saw some hispanic men working in one of the fields. I pulled the car over to the side of the road and walked over to where they were working. I said to one of the men "are you guys, you know, like illegal aliens?". The man replied "Si". I was ll like "OK". Then I got in the car and went on my way. Wow, my first alien encounter. And in broad daylight.

About 10 years ago, I'm at a Toys R Us, where I see they have a copy of Panzer Draggon Saga for the Saturn, for the going rate of $49.99. As I reach for the slip to go and purchase it, I see a bright light. After the light, I feel normal, but there are no more copies of Saga, and I have an urge to purchase Rebel Assault II for the Playstation instead. As I look at my watch, I notice that I've lost 10 minutes of time.
I saw the most screwed up thing 4 or so years ago. As I was driving to school, I saw a huge orange and black object moving slowly, with two little dots circling and maneuvering around it, which I assumed to be planes. From one of the little dots came another dot which moved straight toward the orange and black object, making contact with it. I could only assume that the big ship was getting shot at by military jets. Damn it, I live in a city, how did no one see this?
So this one time at band camp, I met a 4 eyed alien who stuck a flute in her p***y!

Oh wait that might not have been an alien story. :)
I was in a cave and there was no one around. Suddenly a spaceship landed. Out came a little alien.

"Arthur Dent?" he asked.

"Ur, well-"

"Arthur PHILLIP Dent?" he continued.

"Yes, that's me," I finally managed to say.

"You're a jerk, Dent. A complete knee-biter."

And he got back in his spaceship and was off.
this one time, a bunch of aliens came into my workplace, next thing I know, people are getting laid off and I'm working with a bunch of aliens
One day I was playing counter strike against an alien. I headshotted him with my awp and he was like "OMFG, HAX AIMBOT WTF NOW I PROBE U LOLOLOHAHAHAHAHA!!!!1111"

The End.
A few years ago while living in New Hapshire I needed to walk the dog, a small havanese, and decided to take a stroll to the lake that was about a half mile from our house. As I approached the lake, I noticed a strange calmness in the area around me. Usually you have quite a few crickets and some small animals in the underbrush making noise. I didn't think too much of it and then I saw the strange fog rolling towards me over the lake. It had a life like quality to it as it silently approached, smoothly sliding across the almost glass like water of the lake.
It seemed rather strange that there was no breeze and yet the fog was moving at a crisp pace towards me. I was rather mezmerized by this calm and stangely wonderful site when some colored lights appeared in the fog, from the other side of the lake. So taken with this whole site, I failed to notice that the dog was standing behind me with its tail between its legs. As I squated down to reasure the pup that nothing was wrong, the lights on the other side started to move. I really didn't remember if there was a road or not on the other side, but I wasn't too shaken about it either since in the summer there are always some young folks trying to get busy in the woods and I just wrote it off.
I started walking around the lake but the dog was not to cooperative with me and refused to move. As I tugged on him to get him to get his but off the ground, I started to feel a breeze. I also noticed that the glass like surface of the lake had quite a few ripples in it and stragely enough, the fog had stopped approaching. I then looked into the fog and noticed the lights getting brighter. I guess whatever insticts the dog was exibiting started to catch on since I stated to get a bit axnious myself. I noticed the lights got brighter and brighter and then stopped short before whatever was producing the colored lights broke out of the dense fog.
Suddenly I was bathed in a bright light, which left me blinded. The dog was really neverous now, wimpering and pulling like mad, much stronger than I would have given credit for a dog his size. As suddenly as the light came on, the light went off and there was nothing. No colored lights, no fog, no breeze, nothing. I heard the crickets making thier toons and could hear the sounds of the forest as I expected.
I decided not to ask any questions, picked up the dog and hustled back to the house and decided to forget about the whole thing. In the next few days though I started hearing there were sitings of strange lights in the sky and wierd accurences from some folks in the area like missing cats and dead fish floating on the lake. I felt rather relieved I didn't end up like some of the fish or cats.

Thanks for the contest and good luck everyone!
Aliens? Well in Washington normally I just go down to Pasco if I want to meet some, their tacos are actually pretty good even if they are a bit greasy.
Aliens are all fun and games... until you're shitting blood for 3 weeks straight like after my last encounter.
Hi, this post is all about aliens, REAL ALIENS. This post is awesome. My name is Matt and I can't stop thinking about aliens. These guys are cool; and by cool, I mean totally sweet.


1. Aliens are animals.

2. Aliens fight ALL the time.

3. The purpose of the Aliens is to probe and kill people.

Weapons and gear: Ray Gun, Anal probe, and a Spaceship.


Aliens can probe anyone they want! Aliens probe off anuses ALL the time and don't even think twice about it. These guys are so crazy and awesome that they probe ALL the time. I heard that there was this alien who was eating at a diner. And when some dude dropped a spoon the alien vaporized the whole town. My friend Vinnie said that he saw an alien totally slimed some kid just because the kid opened a window.

And that's what I call REAL Ultimate Power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you don't believe that Aliens have REAL Ultimate Power you better get a life right now or they will probe your ass off!!! It's an easy choice, if you ask me.

Aliens are sooooooooooo sweet that I want to crap my pants. I can't believe it sometimes, but I feel it inside my heart. These guys are totally awesome and that's a fact. A;oems are fast, smooth, cool, strong, powerful, and sweet. I can't wait to start yoga next year. I love Alienss with all of my body (including my colin).

Thanks for 'stealing' the text from and Robert Hamburger for thinking about sweet, sweet Ninjas.
One day last summer, my friends and I were all tripping on acid at the local elementary school at around 2am. Although 2 had wandered off... 4 of us remained. So we wandered off too, while holding onto whatever sanity we had left. Through the constant giggling and the damn cicada's buzzing around, it was hard to hear. But I heard something... a sort of rumble... Later on in our journey, we came to a sort of elevated island that overlooked Baltimore city. It was simply stunning. The lights around the city combined together to make this orange aura. And the sky! The sky was black with a tinted blue shade, casted from the stars. Simply gorgeous.

I guess everyone was as astounded as I was, because for the first time that night, there was silence. Even the cicada's decided to shut up for a minute. But then, I heard it again, the rumbling, everyone heard it. Then the flashes of light. They happened in a rapid succession, and were gone as soon as they came. We couldn't tell if they were just spotlights from the city... or something much more sinister... We decided, being the adventurers that we were, to follow the lights.

Eventually, we came across this old abandoned ghetto ass house. For some reason, our fear of "bad places in the city" had been diminshed, and that's when we decided to go inside. There it was, in a fantastic green glow... Well, I don't know what it was. And I don't remember anything that happened afterwards, but I remember the green glow... I'll never forget that glow...
Michael Jackson has to be an alien, no human could have ever changed from a cute, black kid with a great voice into a creepy, white guy who's a pedophile doing all the weird shit he's been doing lately.
So, um, I live in Cali, and there's a whole bunch of illegal aliens since they come to pick the crops and stuff, does that count?
To this day I just convinced myself I was dreaming when I remember being plucked out of bed by several lanky pasty beings. I remember them taking leading me away... and then... woke up. It's one of those dreams that felt "so real"... but who knows.

All I know, is that I want some revenge. Hoping I win this contest so I can whoop some grey alien ass!!
When I was about six or seven, I was sure that space aliens had invaded my bedroom. I was in bed, trying to sleep, when I heard voices whispering near my bed. I screamed for my parents. We looked everywhere but we couldn't find the source of the whispering. I tried to go back to sleep, but the whispering began again. I don't know how many times my parents came to my bedroom that night, but we finally discovered that an old broken radio in my room had suddenly begun to work. The voices had come from a radio announcer and singers--not space aliens. Even so, it left a lasting impression! By fifth grade, when astronauts were being sent into space for the first time, I looked out my bedroom window almost every night searching for UFOs. I never saw one, but I did see quite a few shooting stars.
I woke up and went outside and in my next door neighbor's yard, the lawn care service was working. I yelled "la migra, la migra" and they ran away. Illegal aliens...
For a while I worked at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, OH, home of Hangar 18, the site rumored to contain remains of the alien wreckage from Roswell, NM. I passed it every day coming and going from work. I know there are secret tunnels and top secret areas on the base that contain many things unfit for public consumption. I've also heard rumors that they removed the alien materials long ago, but some say it still exists, in working form.
it was late at nite in wester Pa, my bf and i were out parking, just before we started doing anything serious, we noticed these strange lights in the sky, they weren't moving like any airplane i ever saw, i pointed them out to him, and just as he looked, they shot straight up out of site in seconds. ( this is really true)
I encounter aliens about once a week. When I go to the grocery at least one of the tabloids has an alien on the front cover.
TRUE STORY - I work 2nd shift and was driving home one night about 3am and I saw out the windshield a red dot streak across the sky, so i kept looking and then saw the red dot reappear and kind of hover back and forth a little just about in the same spot as the last one I saw. it would disappear every so often but then come right back. It dissappeared for about 1/2 an hour then reappeared again doing the same hovering back and forth thing - that was when I reallized it was the cherry of my cigarrette reflecting in the windshield.
Aliens are all around us. This is something few of us actually do believe, but they're out there. Disguised as cats, dogs, or even humans, they're out there. Some are disguised better than others. For those that don't believe me, take a look at this man:
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Aliens are all around us. This is something few of us actually do believe, but they're out there. Disguised as cats, dogs, or even humans, they're out there. Some are disguised better than others. For those that don't believe me, take a look at this man:

:rofl: I've been calling that guy "alien-boy" ever since the Rockets championship years.
When I was a kid we were camping in the keys and a lot of nights we'd hear noises in the sky really loud like if something was right over us, but when we would look nothing would be there.
This one evening I was doing my usual chores around the house and when I was finished I took out the trash. Sure its nothing paranormal to take out the trash, however; this night was very different from all the others. As I was walking to the garbage rack, I noticed that the sky was a lot brighter than it normally was when I take the trash out, I thought it was just a fresh bulb in the street light, so I ignored it. Once I reached the garbage rack, I started hearing a buzzing sound coming from what seemed like directly above me, so I did what any curious 10 year old would do, I looked up. What did I see you ask? I saw this insanely large bright light, that couldn't have been more than 20 feet above me. I am paralyzed with fear as I haven't the slightest clue what to do, so naturally I call for one of my parents. By the time they made it outside, the object was no longer above me and I looked like a complete fool.
Ok, this is a true story. I SWEAR, it is. It's not really about aliens, but it's supernatural. So I was about 15 whent his happened. It was about 1 am, and I was playing something. Don't remember what console, possibly N64. I see it's getting late, so I decide to turn it off and go to bed. I get up and go to the bathroom. When I finish, I look out into the living room and see my dad sitting on the sofa in the dark, which is weird. I ask him whats wrong and he just shrugs. So I sit next to him and ask him if he couldn't sleep, and he nods his head. SO I tell him I'll sit with him for a while, and he nods again. At this point I hear "What are you doing?" form behind me. I turn around and dad in his boxers, who apparently got up to go take a whiz. I turn back to my side and see that I'm sitting by myself. I respond......."Nothing", and go to sleep, scared shitless.
The only story I can think of is from a night back when I was between 6-9 years old. I was riding in a back of a pickup truck and I saw a blue, green, red, and yellow flash across the sky. It only lasted for a few seconds and it was pretty cool looking.
Back in August, I was in Best Buy trying to grab a copy of the latest Madden. While I was there, I couldn't find any extra gift cards (I already had one for Madden!) with the $5.00 off coupon for a future purchase. Who keeps taking these cards??? I gave up my search and decided to head toward the cashier. As I was waiting for what seemed like 15 minutes, I noticed that a pale, greenish fellow was holding up the cashier and the line. I looked at the stuff he was purchasing and was in shock. On the counter was three stacks, at least 50 by my count, of those game gift cards. The fellow was yelling at the cashier, highly annoyed. From what I heard, it seems he wanted to place $0.01 on each of the cards. I smiled to myself since I finally recognized a fellow cheap ass gamer. If I had found those gift cards first, I would have done the same thing! When I was out the store, I started to look for him, hoping to say hello. Spotting him at the other side of the lot, I ran toward him waving my arm to stop him. He must have heard me, because he stopped and turned his head toward me. My heart stopped. The fellow's eyes were large, black oval shapes, twice the size of normal eyes. His gaze froze me, as if he could look deep into my soul. He blinked at me a couple of times and gave me a smile. The fiqure then turned his head back and slowly looked up. A bright beam of light, as if there was a tear in the world, swallowed the greenish figure up, never to be seen again.
Was it an alien that I came in contact with? I'm not too sure, but somebody... or SOMETHING keeps taking those game gift cards!!!
bread's done