Area 51 Contest - Win one of three copies of Midway's Area 51 (PS2/Xbox/PC)


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Special for you, I have 3 copies of Area 51, Midway's soon to be released alien themed FPS, just waiting to be won.

To enter, simply post a little story about any alien encounters/UFO sightings you might have had. Feel free to use your imagination.
Do not create more than one post in this thread.

One entry per person. Winners will be chosen at random.
Contest will close on 4/25 (Area 51's release date)

Official info:

Area 51 Articles:

Area 51 Resource Pages:

Console pre-orders get a free copy of Midway Arcade Treasures 2 and PC pre-orders get a free t-shirt:
One night I had this "dream" that I was abducted by this alien chick, pretty hot as far as alien's go, anyways. We were flying all over space and and then suddenly she jumps on me and we start making out. All of a sudden she stops, looks at me and says "you better go or your gonna be late" and there was this bright flash of light. I immediately wake up and look over at my clock and its exactly 15 minutes before I had to be at work.......creepy
While flipping the channels one night, I came upon one of those evangelical channels and they had this frightening lady who looked like an alien in human clothing, like Men in Black but done really really bad. She was preaching about the evils of Harry Potter and it looked like she face was just going to melt off and the alien within her flesh was going to escape and demand our leader or something. Scary stuff.
This one day, I was feeling sick and watching a lot of TV. I saw a marathon on TBS. It was five episodes of ALF, five of Mork and Mindy, ten (the pain!) of Third Rock from the Sun, and then a bunch of movies - Lilo and Stitch, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Contact, Alien, and the Star Wars Trilogy.

Ever since then, I've been convinced that aliens exist.
Back when I used to actually go outside, I was walking down my block in the middle of summer. It was a warm day, with a slight breeze, and clear skies. The sun was just setting over the mountains, covering the scene in a pale redish light.I was enjoying my surroundings, when suddenly, out of the peaceful silence, came the sound of a fast wind. The noise grew louder, and seemed to draw nearer.

Suddenly, the sky semed to tear open. From out of nowhere, a hole erupted in the middle of the horizon, and ship broke out, before the hole dissolved into nothing. The ship seemed damaged, and was trailed by gusts of black smoke. It flew erratically through the sky, out of control. It was falling hard, and was getting lower. It skipped twice along the ground, before cutting a swathe across a field,a nd comeing to a stop, sticking out of the earth, immobile. Why I had not run by now, I do not know, but I know i should have. From the belly of that beast, a door opened. From the door emerged 3 small.....things, resembling children. but they were most definately not.

Their heads were large, way to large for a human, and completely disproportionate to their body size. There were no ears on the head, but two large eyes dominated its features. The eyes were jet black, and seemed to look through you, not at you. It was these eyes that I remember last, for th enext thing I know, there was a flash of light, and I was on my front porch. I checked my watch, it was 4 o'clock. I had left for my walk at 5. According to this, I hadnever left. I don't know what really happened, maybe I dreamed it all. But maybe I didn't.
True story from me. I was looking out of my window one night years ago, and saw a light in the countryside. I thought it must have been a farmhouse, but it looked too high, so I thought maybe it was a helicopter. My mother wondered what I was looking at, so she came and looked too. After about five minutes, the light suddenly dipped down and then shot off into the sky at about 45 degrees at an incredible speed. We just looked at each other in amazement.
So I was sitting outside on campus one day and decided to lay on the grass and look to the sky due to boredom. To my surprise, I saw some sort of small, glossy object fly past the corner of my eye. I turned my head and saw a spork lying on the grass that was thrown by a friend. At the moment, the object was an unidentified flying object, but, in conclusion, it turned out to be a spork.
Once my brother put a glow-in-the-dark inflatable alien inside the bathtub. I was going to take a shower. Once I noticed it, I said "ah." My brother then turned on the light and I saw that it was a fake alien. I thought I was going to die that evening.
It was a Friday night. I just came home from a party and I was drunk. I immediately went to bed. During the night I woke up and opened my eyes to a blinding white flash. There was nothing in my eyes except white and the brightness was blinding me so I decided to close my eyes. After a few minutes I felt long, cold fingers touching me. I could tell that there were two figures in the room observing me because I could somehow feel their presence above me and they were also talking in a gibberish foreign language. The way that they talked was very soothing so I soon fell unconsious again. When I finally woke up, the covers and bed that I slept in were all drenched in my own sweat. I felt extremely sick and dizzy. The strong smell of sulfur permeated my nostrils. A ringing sound was piercing my ear drums, but it soon faded away. I looked at the alarm clock and it read 3:00 P.M. Next, I took a shower. After that, I tried putting on some fresh clothes but they were very loose. I went downstairs and saw broken shards of mirrors everywhere. I was still feeling dizzy so I decided to go to the hospital and find out what was wrong. When I got to the hospital, I started having a severe seizure and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. After about 5 seconds a vision suddenly flashed before my mind. There was a white flash again with a small black speck in the distance. The speck started getting closer and closer until the white brightness became totall darkness. Then suddenly I woke up gasping for air. After regaining consciousness, I found myself in a dimly lit doctor's office. A small man with big, bold glasses and a white suit came before me. I soon recognized him as a doctor. He introduced himself as Dr. Shosky and told me that my insulin level was up, my weight reduced by 30 pounds, my sperm count was down, and I had developed a brain tumor. Dr. Shosky then talked more and more but his voice started to fade and was replaced by a deep gibberish language..................................To be CoNtInUeD.
How about a completed Mad Lib:

"It was a dark and glowing night. The wind was racing through the trees and off in the distance the wolves were howling at the buffalo. I wanted to get home as fast as my needles could carry me. My kneecap was pounding and my breath was coming in anonymous gasps.
Suddenly I felt the frilly hand of an alien touch my neck and I screamed stupidly. The thing lifted me off my cube and threw me onto the flowery ground. Then with his careless hands he tried to drive the flatulence out of me. I screamed so loudly I woke up every sunset in the forest.
My sceam awakened me, too. I was having a frail nightmare."
When I was 13 my daddy and I were out in the barn stacking hay. One day, I seen a light in the sky. The next thing I know, I'm out cold. I awake to find myself in a field about 300 yards from my daddy's barn. My pants & underwear are gone. Eerie, I know.
My family was living in the country. We had just come home from church on a Friday night. My father told me to take the garbage out. You know when you live in the city you have light coming from everywhere. Well, where we lived at in the country, here is no light other than the moon and stars outside. So I take the garbage out the back door and wave to make the motion light come on. It didn't come so I proceeded to take the garbage down the back steps to the garbage cans. As I am walking back from the garbage cans, all of a sudden, there are these flashing bright lights that came out of nowhere in the sky. I tell you that I did not stick around to find what they were either. I hauled ass back into the house and ran into my room in the basement and didn't come back up until the morning.
i had a dream one time that was really freaking real that my windows started to bend in towards me. next thing i know, i'm being drag kicking (although no screaming) down my hallway by three people with one infront checking if everything is all clear as we pass open doors and intersections. i try to run but i'm so tired that i finally just give up and don't care any more.

something happned that i can't remember, like the dream jumped from that scene to me walking up the stairs of my house back into my living room and finally into my room...then another wired jump and i woke up.

now if i wasn't abducted by aliens i must be crazy.
Not much of a story but here's mine.

This happened about 15 years ago, I was 13 at the time. Went to sleep around midnight and woke up for some reason at about 3am. Don't know why I got up, just did.

I was trying to get back to sleep when I was looking at my window. It was a large window with blinds. They were closed, but I could see out the slits a bit.

I saw this strange large pulsating light. It was bright orange and red. At first I thought it was a star or a planet, but then it started moving. Not moving slowly, but very quickly.

I got up to make sure I wasn't dreaming and raised the blinds. And clear as day I saw it continue to fly around. It was way off in the distance on a very clear night, not a cloud in the sky. Finally it just took off and I never saw it again.

Anyway there you go, make of it what you will.
One time, there was a circle of lights spinning in the sky, and since I knew it was aliens, I flipped it off. Turns out, they saw me, and then landed right next to my house, so I ran inside, grabbed a shotgun, and shot them in the head. Then, some weird thing came out of it's head (kinda like those things in RE4), so I shot him in the leg, he fell down, and I shot the thing on it's head, causing it to explode. I heard his buddies saying something I couldn't understand, so I ran and hid for a while, until I saw the UFO go back into the sky. The bad thing is, they weren't leaving, they were just trying to get a better view from above, and were using a spot light to find me. So, I took the shotgun, and very carefully shot the light out, and then they just left. Never seen from them again, thankfully.

The End, did I win?
And then it's three A.M.
And I'm on the corner, wearing my leather
This ALIEN! comes up and he's, like, "hey, punk!"
I'm, like, "yeah, whatever!"
True story:

A couple of pals and I late one night during a sleepover at a friends mountain lodge were having fun with an airsoft gun battle(several years ago). We were split up into two teams at the time, with one team guarding a house which the other dudes (me included) were trying to infiltrate.

We were all sitting behind a van on the driveway-in the line of fire, discussing how to get out of that situation. At one point several minutes later, we heard a high pitched whistling noise coming from a distance, looked up and saw an amazingly bright object scream past us at an impossible speed. For some reason, looking at the object made my eyes shed tears uncontrollably for a minute or two.

Definitely a wierd experience. And we never figured out what the hell that thing was.
Well, I went camping in Iowa last week and yes, it was a bit cold. Anyway, out tent was flooded with night at about 3 am, as a being passed through the canvas without distrubing it. Nothing really happened, but it was weird.
when i was in 5th grade, the class was outside doing PE when i saw something shiny in the sky. although i pointed and said "hey look!" no one noticed. it looked like a saucer thing, and it freaked me out.
My parents and I were driving to a relatives house. My dad and I saw this yellow light zipped down a little bit then went back up in the sky and then it disappeared.
Naturally, waking up one morning to find myself without my fingers would surprise any man, but the really amazing part happened when I realized that my coffee had gone bad.

Good lord, what the hell could be happening on this fine Autumn day, when the suns are shining bright, and Gorthonc the Impenetrable is at your door. I pondered as to his strange appearance, when a strange white light emitted from my buttocks (My vision, of course, being perfect 1:1, allowing me to see behind myself at all times.), and the delight in my phyrialnus was simply too much for any Murlockian to bear.

"Good sir, I inquire as to your presence here at my abode, the Z-9000 protocol house which I cannot talk about because of secret experiments started by our leader zOrdoCk thE THirD, leader of the Strange Capitals and magical bunnies of mjorian doom. Why could you POSSIBLY be intruding on my corpunian sun bath time?"

"Why, I found two of your digits in my disgusting insectoid cereal this morning, and was wondering if you could be so kind as to regurgetate my payment of 20 borlacks."

"I put a pox upon your offer," slorch I, "And offer you 50 thousand, no less."

"I am offfended by your generosity", as shown by his overuse of the evil "f", "and bid you farewell, good sir."

I return to my snorckel bath and realize that, of all things, today might have been somewhat weird, but I drifted back into nutrient recovery state, and slowly lost my gordula.

But at least Jade Empire was coming out this week. I'll have to find my fingers soon, or else all could be lost!
While driving in the back woods of Colorado one night my girlfriend (at the time) and I saw something alien like jump out of the woods right in front of the car. I don't know what it was, but it definitly was NOT a deer. While swirving to barely miss it, it just disappeared as it would have passed by the windows.
Anyone ever see Fire in the sky? Well is takes place in north eastern AZ, in the mountains. My parents live in Heber/ Overgaard AZ., and that is the area Fire in the Sky took place. It is a true story about an alien abduction. I go up there to visit them often, and we sit out on the porch, it is always really dark, and you can see the stars incredibly well. We often look for shooting stars. One night we saw a strange bright light and thought it might be an airplane or something, but it had a strange glow to it--almost an orange type glow. It hoovered and then zipped away almost instantly. I made sure everyone else saw that and I wasn't seeing things, they all saw it also thankfully! It returned and did the same thing 3 or 4 times in the course of the night. It sounds silly, but it was quite freaky considering we were up in confirmed "alien country". The locals have many stories of strange sightings up there also.
The aliens were there.. oh gee golly was I scared. I tried to run, but I forgot to stand up. They closed in on me. The aliens.. they were.. all around. I had to get away. Think Jobbercho. Think! I tripped one.... oh wait.. it just jumped on me to hold me down. I was wrong. It took 60 2 lbs. aliens to carry me to their ship. They laid me face down on a table. I had to get out. The leader pulled out a 3 foot long probing device. *POOP* It was nearing me. I thought to myself.. how do you defeat an army of aliens!? I got it! I know how to defeat an army of aliens! It's the same thing you do to horses... YOU PUNCH THEIR FACES OFF!!! So I did it and I left.. then I punched a horse on the way back home. Jerk.
True story. Kind of sad...

I was probably 10 years old, and my divorced parents were talking outside of my mom's house. I was just kind of sitting outside and I noticed this light dash across the sky. I pretty much freaked out. I could have sworn it was an alien craft or something. Then it happened again.. this bright light flew across the sky... in the exact same spot. I wandered about 20 yards from the house and realized that it was just a spotlight from a nearby car dealership.
Hello. I'm Leonard Nimoy. The following tale of alien encounters is true. And by true, I mean false. It's all lies. But they're entertaining lies. And in the end, isn't that the real truth? The answer is no.
I had a dream once about aliens. I woke up in the middle of the night. I go to the window of my room. My the window looks down onto my backyard. Down on my deck, there is a very hot alien chick. I don't remember what she looked like, but she was humanoid and hot. She was beckoning me to come down. I had the feeling she was trying to seduce me. What do I do? In a perfect example of my desires at the time, I close the blind and go to bed. I missed out on some hot alien :booty: .

I was also wondering what is the deal with the anal probing? Is that some sort of alien fetish? I was also thinking about about why they don't leave evidence. Maybe they're not only trying to hid their activities from us, but other aliens as well. It might be something they want to hide, like some people who fuck animals want to hide that.
Anyone remember that old OLD game for the PC back in the day, when floppy disks were actually floppy called Alien Mine? I do, and it was the bestest Alien game ever. That game was great, cept my neighbor ruined the disk and I could never play it again, neighbor could've been an Alien trying to hide his identity knowing that we were on to him with those 1337 graphics! :)
This is true

my friends and i were walking through the woods one night and the sky turned purple then there were these lights across the field that started glowing then after a few seconds it all stopped.
I was riding my motorcycle at night once and saw a red ball streak over my head. It was probably a meteor but it scared the hell out me all the same.
I was at Disney World and saw an alien. I took my laser blaster from the ride car and fired a lazer at him. I got 1000 points for it.
I awoke on a sunday morning after a night of heavy drinking and there stood a four armed cross between michal jackson and elvis. I vowed to never drink again.
[quote name='Redeema']So, um, I live in Cali, and there's a whole bunch of illegal aliens since they come to pick the crops and stuff, does that count?[/QUOTE]

This guy should win all 3 copies...

but yea,

I once got abducted by aliens, no joke. They probed me. You know what, screw this!! It isn't worth it!!!!!!!!! No one can ever know!!! -Runs off crying...
True story: Aliens have never visited Earth, and abduction stories are fabrications of an overactive imagination.

But I love a good shoot 'em up as much as the next guy. ;)
i know aliens exist because a buddy of mine got an alienware computer (mmm saucer silver), thus using fundamental principles of logic: if alienware exists, aliens exist; the only difference from common perception is that instead of hovering about the typical alien is enslaved in a factory in taiwan dicing up silicon

phone home . . .
One night I was outside watching a meteor shower when I saw a bright green flash go across the sky heading into the hill hehind my house. It was completely different from any of teh "shooting stars" of the night, it was a reasonably sized green ball that trail along the sky. I knew it was something but I'll never know what, and I haven't seen it again.
True story:

When I was in high school, I ran on the cross country team. Since the cross country season was in the fall, I'd train during the summer with a friend of mine who lived in my neighborhood and was also on the team. We'd wait until dusk to go running since it was cooler, and it'd often be quite dark by the time we finished our run.

One night we were out for a 5 mile run, and we only had about three-quarters of a mile to go. Since it was near the end of our run, it had gotten quite dark. We suddenly noticed three lights in the sky. The lights were clustered together in the shape of a triangle and they seemed to move together like they were connected. They were only a few hundred yards away, but there was no sound. My friend and I were watching the lights intently cuz they were very strange, though we weren't concerned or frightened at that point.

Suddenly, the lights moved in a long, graceful arc across the sky and came to a sudden stop over some nearby trees. Then they just hovered there, and it was almost like they were observing us. My friend and I looked at each other as if to say, "oh crap!" and we literally sprinted the rest of the way home, despite the fact that we had just run over 4 miles and we were pretty tired. That might have been the fastest we ran all season. I've never seen any object move like that before or since.


PS: This is a cool contest. Maybe Cheapy can do a similar contest for Geist where we can tell our ghost stories (got one of those too).
One time I awoke from a bad dream and found myself on an alien ship, tied down by this mucuous membrane, and saw all these grey dudes hovering over me and looking at me and poking me with metal things.
Then I woke up and my hole was all sore.
They are real I tell you!!
They come to my house when I am sleeping and then take me on their ship. Now give me the damn game please. Thank you.
3:30 A.M August 5th 2003, i woke up in a cold sweat. i had a fever and it was pitch black. i went to get a glass of water when i noticed a bright shining light. i looked out my window and saw the beam above the mountains to the east of my house, i pondered at what it could be and sat to watch it in my chair and eventually fell asleep and when i awoke the next morning i remembered the event but couldnt differenciate if it was a dream or reality. i will never know i guess...
One night I was partying with friends and I got wasted. That's when I met this guy who said he was from outer space ... he showed me his towel, so I knew he was telling the truth ... he said he was gonna take me see his spaceship, which was out in the woods ... to make a long story short, next morning I woke up in the middle of the woods with a huge pain in my ass ... so I was a victim of an alien probe.

True story.
Growing up, I noticed there were several subtle physical differences between me and other people. One of the first things I noticed was that I had a rather protruding stomach. I was a skinny kid, and when I breathed, it looked like my stomach fluctuated from being a beer belly to being in the last trimester of pregnancy. Fortunately, this was pretty much hidden by wearing a shirt, but I had to be careful when swimming and the like or kids would notice and, sometimes, make fun of me. Another thing I noticed was that I had a propensity to turn red. You know how when people are embarrassed or drunk they flush and their cheeks and ears, etc. turn red? Well, this would happen to me except it wasn't triggered by anything in particular and it wasn't just the normal parts that would turn red - my entire head would. Fortunately, I learned I could control this, but it would be quite embarrassing when I would suddenly start to turn red in front of people.

My parents explained to me that I had a medical condition which caused these things and gave me the standard speech about how everyone is different and differences make us special. But there was one more odd physical trait I had:Whenever people would talk about aliens or UFOs or other strange, unexplained phenomena, I would start to get very cold and my eyes would water. Whenever the conversation would turn to these events, this would happen, back to my earliest memories.

I accepted my parents' explanation that I had a medical condition. After all, each year I would go to the same doctor. He would examine my stomach and ask about turning red and say I was healthy - that my condition wouldn't prevent me from doing anything physical. He was a nice man and I beleived him - what kid doesn't trust authority figures. But as I got older, I noticed how my parents were very particular about me going to this doctor and about the nurses not examining me too closely beyond just taking my weight, height, and vitals.

When I was ten years old, I chanced upon a letter my mom had written to her sister on her desk waiting to be mailed. It scanned it for mentions of myself, curious to see what I had done my mom was most proud of, and came upon an odd sentence saying "Money has been tight recently, what with having to pay for David's treatments." Treatments? I wasn't aware that I was getting any treatments.

Man, this is going on too long. In case you haven't figured out by now, it turns out that I'm an adopted alien, receiving genetic modification treatments so that I look human. I mean, duh. If I had more time, I'd finish the story, but now I've got to run from the government agents!
bread's done