Area 51 Contest - Win one of three copies of Midway's Area 51 (PS2/Xbox/PC)


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Special for you, I have 3 copies of Area 51, Midway's soon to be released alien themed FPS, just waiting to be won.

To enter, simply post a little story about any alien encounters/UFO sightings you might have had. Feel free to use your imagination.
Do not create more than one post in this thread.

One entry per person. Winners will be chosen at random.
Contest will close on 4/25 (Area 51's release date)

Official info:

Area 51 Articles:

Area 51 Resource Pages:

Console pre-orders get a free copy of Midway Arcade Treasures 2 and PC pre-orders get a free t-shirt:
I have a friend called Zim. He has a nice dog that went berzerk only once. They had a secret plan to conquer Earth for their home planet. So together they bioengineered a squid man. But they released him into the wild because he was sad he couldn't squirt ink anymore. In the end, they never did succeed with their plan. What a tear jerker.
An alien stuck a probe up my butt.

Then I woke up and realized it was a bad dream, but for some reason my ass still really hurt, go figure.
When I was in the 1st grade on my way to school on the school bus I had nothing to do so I looked out the window. I noticed that the moon was still visible in the daylight. Then as I looked closer, I saw this dark spot circling the moon. I was like OMFG ITS A UFO!
i might not have any alien stories, but i will give a little sucky sucky for a little area 51 or 2. you dont want to know how far i will go
i was playing tennis and the score was 5-4 with me on match point at 40-30. I hit the hardest serve i have ever hit, so hard in fact, that the FBI thought it was an alien UFO. they came to check it out and they took me away. they locked me up in Area 51 but i managed to get home after something sexual favors.
I was about 8 years old, my mom had dropped me off at a friends house for a sleep over. We did the usual things as kids. Ran around with a bb gun and shot at cans/targets and the sparrows and crows that landed in his yard. Then we played some video games and watched some TV.

One of the commercials was for Unsolved Mysteries. It had some clips on there of UFOs and aliens. Of course, with us only being 8, our imaginations were going. We started joking about what the aliens would be like and how it would be cool if we ever saw a UFO.

Night time comes and we decide to head outside to look for UFOs, since that's when people usually spot them. So, we're both scanning the sky...checking out the stars and taking note of anything we saw moving. We spot an airplane flying kind of low, you could see the blinking lights on the two wings....we spot a second airplane flying the opposite direction on the other side of the sky....we look around a bit more. Hoping, just hoping that we'd spot something. A bit of time passes and we found nothing.

We sit down on the chairs outside and kind of toss a tennis ball back and forth, under the porch light, and keep an eye on the sky. All of a sudden, I spot something...moving across the sky, much like an airplane. I point out the area I see it in and then my friend spots it. We watched it....I took my eyes of it for a second to look around for anything else up above when my friend screams that the object is flying in rapid circles! I glance back up and sure enough, the object is flying in circles (now, this object is at least 3-4 miles up and it apperas as just a bright white light to us, about the size of a pea in the sky) that had to be about 2-3 miles in diameter. Then the object stopped dead in it's tracks, it then dropped about a half-mile towards the ground and then shot off into the upper atmosphere at a speed that we couldn't even imaging traveling at.

We both screamed and ran inside the house, locked the doors and windows and hid under our sleeping bags. We didn't come out for a good half hour.
One day while I was watching Shaolin Soccer and this alien pops out of nowhere and says he has mad skills in kung fu and that he could take Bruce Lee. The alien starts pulling off all these crazy moves and then kicks him in the face. To make a long story short the feds came in and gave me a roofie and the alien dude was gone.
Last night I had to leave me friend's house very late at night. It was dark and the wind was howling. Every step I took the more I realized that something was watching me. I start to sweat a little and pick up the pace. Around the next block the street lights begin to flicker. A car swurves down the street and smashes into a light post. Bright lights are seen in the sky and I turn my brisk pace into a full throttle jog. I finally reach my street and run down the dirt road. The sky is showing majestic colors waiver through it. I go in my house and go up to my room. The light is on I can see it under my door. I enter the room and a person is sitting in my chair. At least I think it is a person. They are wearing a dark cloak and I can not see their face. He begins to talk in a slow hiss. " Would you like to see what I look like?" From that point on I remember nothing...
Every Thursday night I get together with my good ol' friend ALF. We go out looking for pussy, though he has his preferences and I have mind. In the end, we have some good times but I'm the one who's usually still hungry.

*holds for laughter and applause*

So last Thursday night when we were watching Smackdown, he gets upset by the offensive ramblings of Carlito Carribean Cool. So he goes to play some of my video games. Alf is a huge Xbox fan and loves his FPS games and immediately throws a fit because I don't have one and he can't play Halo 2. I told Penis nose to quit his bitching and play one of my PS2 FPS games. Why oh why didn't he pick Red Faction 2 or XIII, he had to pop in my free copy of Turok Evolution from TRU. "This looks fun" he says.

Alf immediately immerses himself into the world of Turok. "fucking rasberries, this Tekbow is fantastic!" he proclaims. I couldn't believe my eyes as I turn and see Alf living it up in the world of Turok. He plays level after level until the Pterodactyl stage. "Holy McNugget! It exploded when it ran into the wall! Why the fuck did a dinosaur explode when it hit a wall?! This game is terrific!" I looked at him with a confused look on my face and turned back to my computer, realizing that Alf's favorite movie is Kangaroo Jack. ("Absolutely Fascinating!" -Alf)

So the moral of the story is, Alf will accept all your POX games in trade for rare/valuable itmes.
When I was about 8, I was outside looking at the stars, trying to make constellations out. I saw a small star that seemed to be moving pretty fast, outpacing an aircraft that was flying at the same time. At first I thought it was another plane, then I thought it might be a satellite. Both of these conclusions were wrong, however, as I then observed the light instantly go in the opposite direction, it was like watching a ball bounce against a wall. That couldn't have been a man made craft, maybe it was some phenomena, or maybe it was ET.
I was watching unexplained mysteries or possibly something on pbs about crop circles and ufo's when my dad started to tell me that he had seen a ufo when he was younger in china. I think he said it was as big and bright as the moon but when they blinked/looked away it had disappeared.
There was a guy in my bio 101 class in college that I swear was from mars. That guy was such a stoner but didn't smoke pot. I have no idea how that was possible. His mom must have been the a massive pot head when she was pregnant.

Sorry but that's the best I got. I don't belive in UFOs. I really do belive that we are alone in the universe.
I live in Vegas, and one time when my friend and I were driving back home from downtown we saw something move reaaaallllly fast across the sky. To this day I still dunno.... it might have been....
I awoke in a sweat, not a cold one, because I'm in Texas, and it was summer. The whole notion of a cold sweat seemed like a paradise at that moment. I had dreamed that there was something at the end of my hall outside my bedroom, scratching at the stairs. The details turned fuzzier as I started waking up more fully, hearing the low humming of my overhead and my area fan, feeling droplets running from my forehead and strands of my hair into my eyes, my crotch, my sheets. Staring at the undignified stain surrounding my sweating body, I decided that, among other things, it would not be good for me to get sick the night before I went in to apply for a job. I looked over at the clock. 3:01 am. I decided to take a cold shower. Stripping the sheets, I thought about what I had to do the next day to impress the guy on the other end of the interviewing table. How hard could it be, after all, to bag groceries for people?

As I bunched up my now freshly-salted bedcovers, I walked towards the bathroom, and I noticed that what I had taken for the humming of my fans was getting louder. In fact, it was getting more distinct, more persistent, like microphone distortion, except it was more of a vibration, and I was totally immersed in it. I felt waves of sound, or perhaps pure force, beating against my ribcage, buzzing my nostrils as it intensified. My ears began to vibrate as well, to tickle, and then to hurt. I began to shout for my mom to wake up, to ask what was going on, to get any kind of response. A bedside lamp wobbled, and fell to the floor, shattering. I screamed as I felt liquid begin to run out of my ear canals, the sound drowned out by the knowing that no one could hear me and yet desperate that someone might.

There was no white light.
There was no particle beam.
There was no metallic saucer arm.

One second I was in my bedroom, screaming for my life, and the next, I awoke once more, shuddering in the cold. I could not see. My eyes were open, but I could not see anything except a somehow soothing blue luminescence. I remember wondering how I could see this light, but not see any details around me. I felt a strange tingling sensation along my neck and arms, and I finally realized that the blue luminescence was not a source of light, but rather of electricity. The hairs on my body were all standing perfectly straight.

Must have blacked out. Suspended in yellow liquid, I opened my eyes, and I could see, but there was nothing to see. I felt pressure against my lips and inside, against my lungs. I looked up, down, searching for a cave or a stable outcropping. Nothing. Frantically, I stroked and kicked towards what I thought was the surface. I realized suddenly that if this was a weightless environment, I would not know which way is up or down. I kept going. Lungs aching, I needed air, and soon. I began to thrash more wildly as my cheeks ballooned under strain. I slowed, movements weakening, and snorted some of the liquid unintentionally. Sulfuric. Burning, like chlorine, except more so. I started sinking, unable to find which way is out, and beginning to accept my fate as ended. I floated for a few moments more as the yellow stuff filled my cheeks, and my lungs spasmed as I tried to breathe thick liquid. I instinctively curled up, hands grasping for my throat as I spasmed again, trying to cough and vomit at the same time. Something brushed my leg. A hand.
...A human hand?

I awoke sputtering, but finding no liquid surrounding me, I was alive and well. I knew so because my lungs were sore. I had never had sore lungs before, but then I suppose I'd never had lung spasms before, either. I sat up on my bed, and my mom was standing there with a look of concern on her face. She said I had been flailing around in my sleep and that I had knocked something over. I sighed with relief and hoarsely told her that I was going to be okay. She looked at me again, then suddenly seemed to be satisfied and walked out of the room, stairs creaking as she walked down them. I looked around my room, surveying it. My eyes came to rest on the clay pieces of what used to be my desk lamp. I looked up at the clock. 3:04 am. I guess imagination can do funny things to a person, huh?

So why did I still feel so cold in 85 degree heat?
Attention CAGers, I am Jzeear, and I have taken this body to communicate with the one called CheapyD. In the galaxy I come from, there are no cheap games, for any console, not for the Blurnn 74, DongorBox nor the powerfull Lojtar2. We have been monitoring your posts for some time, and I happened upon this host while he was cow-tipping in a field in your midwest. I have come to learn the secrets of your cheapyness... my host is about to awake, for he must go to work in his meager job to earn money for more cheap games... I will try to contact you CheapyD at a later time! Jzeear signing off
ok, so my friends and i were out cruising the nevada desert. we thought it would be cool to check out this "area 51" we heard so much about. we thought it'd be fun to mess with the army. it wasn't too hard to find, big military installation in the middle of the desert. kinda sticks out, you know. so anyway, as soon as we get close, we notice we're being followed by helicopters. cool, time to have some fun. i figured it wouldn't be too hard to lose them, left, left, right, a couple of 180's and they'd be gone. well, it started off that way. we lost them, for all of about 20 seconds. they found us again. and this time they brought some friends with them, a couple of f-18's. they guys in the chopper were all "this is a restricted area! stop or we will open fire!" i wasn't about to let our fun end so soon. i didn't think they'd really shoot at us. man, was i wrong! not to brag, but i think i did a fairly good job of avoiding their fire. then came the missles. the first few were prettty easy to avoid, but then the calvary came. a whole squardon of fighters! and they were unleashing their entire payloads at us! well, we got hit. i managed to keep us in the air for a little while, but the ship couldn't maneuver well in this gravity while busted up. so we crashed. when i woke up i was strapped to a table. i heard one of the army doctors say something about a rectal exam. i wanted no part of that. i'd performed a few on some drunk hillbillys before so i know they're not pleasant. long story short, i managed to escape, (thank god for telekinetic powers) and found a room to hide in. and that brings me to why i'm here. i'm still at area 51 and need someone to rescue me and my fiends. ...oh, and scott baio too. he was with us. he gave some kid pink eye.
I work in consulting and I am fairly sure (say 80%? ) that at least one of our clients is an alien. So I have contact with extra-terrestrials pretty often. I'd love to pretend to shoot some of our clients while playing Area 51 :)
I did a report/presentation of UFO's back in 8th grade. A classmate of mine back then supposedly saw a UFO (Encounter of the First Kind) hovering on a cloudless night. He saw it for a good 10 minutes before it disappeared. I thought it was kind of cool but he could be BSing me. Who knows?
I'm PS2, just in case!

I'm about age 12, year 1968, the story is going around town that there are UFO sightings. Being the adventurous sort, my dad loads us in the car, including me and my sister, and we go looking.

Stopping for soft drinks, another fully family-loaded car rolls up to the corner store and it's my uncle, who says, "We're out looking for Unidentified Flying Objects, too!"

With soft drinks in hand, my dad tools the family car around the local private airport, when two strange objects with blinking lights pass silently overhead, descending in front of the car, and appear to land just out of sight in the neighborhood to the south of us.

My dad says, "I think I can figure out where they landed! Let's go see!"

But my mom, with a look of terror on her face, says weakly, "Take me home. Take me home now."

This is never spoke of again in our family and I can't figure out why. Whenever I ask, they act like I dreamed it.

Best to all,

There was this one time where I was like talking to my friend and I was like "OHSNAP j00 ES TEH ELIAN!1!" and then he was all like "Yup." and I was like "k."
my father sometimes tells an alien story. supposedly, when he was 10 or 12 or something, he was outisde of his boyhood home one night, and above the large tree in the backyard there was a UFO-flying saucer thing hovering over it. he was completely startled, and ran inside to get someone. of course, when they came back the ship was gone.

i'm pretty sure it's a load of crap, but, you know, if he really believes it i don't want to crush his soul.
I saw a tow truck driven buy an eight armed squid-like alien late one night on hwy 101. The squid-alien was towing a 49 chevy police car and was drivng erractically. It seemed very busy driving, eating, talking on the cel phone, watching a movie, reading a map and looking for something in the glove-box, all at the same time. Even though it looked well armed, I wanted to honk my horn at it. Suddenly the tow truck pulls over to the side of the road, and is lit up by a beam of light from a UFO above it. The UFO sucks up the police car and flies off, disappearing into the dark sky. The squid-alien then turns the tow truck around and speeds off in the direction it came from.

Weird huh?

My story is acutally quite like what Onetrackmind has described. It was about 2 years ago when this happened and it happened during the day light. It was really just a normal day when I was driving my brother home from school. And while we are on the highway and chitchatting in the car, my brother, who sat right next to me, suddenly brought something to my attention.

Let me explain where we are first. We are on Maryland beltway 495 and heading north. If anyone is from the area, they will know there is a huge Mormon temple up on the hill that no one can ever miss. And what we have witnessed was a floating object hovering over the giant Mormon temple. It was pretty weird and unusal, but since we were still in the car driving, we knew it will be a better idea to stop the car and take a closer look, and we did.

After we got out of the car, I was still joking with my brother that it's probably a UFO or something, and we were just laughing at ourself silly. But after we stood there a while and started to observe the object, it became interesting. We both first thought it was just a plane slowly flying across the sky, but we then realized it looked more like a football shape object that just 'hang' in the air. We stood there and watched it for 10 minutes and that thing never moved! We started to believe it might just be a UFO or something.

Until today, what is that thing, we still have no clue. 495N is my daily route from school to home and I've never seen it again. I always look into that same spot every time I drove by, but with no luck. Though it was quite an experience for us but I dont want to jump to any conclusion saying that was a UFO or not.

Last christmas, I boughy myself a digital camera and now I carry it in my car. I was thinking maybe if I ever seen it again, I will took a picture of it and send it to the UFO research people. But now if anyone here is interested, I will post that picture too, but only if I ever see it again.
Arriving in Washington D.C. on the heels of the election of President John F. Kennedy, my girlfriend found work at the White House as I plunged into my job as an aide to Congressman Charles Pratt. Sent to look into the Air force's investigation of UFO sightings, I met a couple who claim to have been abducted by aliens. And back in Washington, I was accosted by the mysterious Navy Captain Frank Bach, whose history with UFO's dates back to when spy plane pilot Francis Gary Powers was downed over the Soviet Union while pursuing an alien spacecraft. Though warned that it was too risky, I confronted Bach and was recruited into the top secret Project Majestic, whose most closely guarded secrets include the body of an extra- terrestrial. With my girlfriend and boss in the dark, I was sent to interview an Idaho farmer who has been inhabited by a parasitic alien life form that Bach said are taking over human bodies. Then, as my girlfriend suspected my comings and goings suggested I was having an affair, she was briefly kidnapped by aliens, the same ones who have already implanted Congressman Pratt. Meanwhile, I learned that President Kennedy wasn't even aware of Majestic.
My father fell asleep flying to southern Tennessee with the autopilot on. He woke up quite a bit out over the gulf of mexico without enough fuel to get back to land. So he crashes in the ocean, has to be rescued by the coast guard and is out a $60,000 aircraft and his glasses. Anyway, a week or two later, after his blurb on hard copy, I get a call from Arthur Kent of the History Channel asking me if a UFO caused my father's plane to crash or if he, or any member of my family, had ever been abducted. One of the oddest moments of my life. And yes, this is a true story, like I would make up something this inane. :)
when i was a little boy, i was abducted and taken to this alien planet. while there, there were this odd life forms, one had the shape of a man but was covered with hair. i believe he was called bubbles. i was offered drinks like "jesus juice," and was told that girls were, "icky." I believe the planet was called neverland. needless to say, after that experience i never quite walked normal again...
True story:

When I was about ten I was playing Stratego with my sister when the house started rumbling and a bright light shone through the window. My sister was whisked away by aliens and I've devoted my life to finding her and exposing the government conspiracy to hide the existence of extraterrestials. I think I found my sister at some point, but she may have been a close or some crap like that. Then I disappeared for a year or two for some reason and eventually came back a soulless zombie.
I was driving home with some friends late one night. We had just got done watching Fire In The Sky in the theatre and we were all pretty freaked out. So there's this long twisting elevated road that we have to take to get home. It's pitch black out. Theres heavy cloud cover so there's not even a smidge of moonlight. Suddenly the ENTIRE valley below us lights up as bright as the sun. We can't see the source of the light because of the sheer angle of the cliffside. We immediatly all freak out and start yelling. 5 seconds go past and the light fades. Back to pitch black, except for the 2 bright headlights guiding our way.

We got home safe, but never found out what our encounter was.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Aliens are all around us. This is something few of us actually do believe, but they're out there. Disguised as cats, dogs, or even humans, they're out there. Some are disguised better than others. [/QUOTE]
I believe you.
True Story:
One time while I was sitting in a restaurant in Manhattan, this one guy from the government came in to round up all the aliens. You should have seen the place clear out. They must have been aliens, becuase real human beings wouldn't be able to move so fast. I was staring at this one guy and he went north really quickly, then south and then he just disappeared almost right before my eyes.

So after my 6th Pepsi and third cheeseburger I ran out of McDonalds in search of an industrial garbage receptacle to heave in, like any other Wednesday.

This shiny, kind of foreign-looking silver container caught my eye around the back, behind the drive-through, and so I deposited all of my previously eaten cuisine. I figured, based on the dollar menu prices of my meal, I had yielded $7.00 or so to the bin, keeping the leftover $2 inside my stomach for digestion.

I was trying to calculate the amount of tax involved when a skinny kid jumped out of the bin and slapped me in the face. Recovering, I only caught a peripheral image of him run off, his skinny grey buttocks contrasting the bulbous shape of his head, before he crouched down and leapt into the air, intercepted by a cardboard box-looking vessel. Realizing what had just happened, I lost my $2. Despite the supernatural occurence, I was again broke and hungry—like any other Wednesday.
There was this bright light in my room when I was young. It was a circular shaped light on my closet door and I couldnt sleep because I thought an alien was standing there starting at me. I was sweating bullets because I hid under my covers for a good 2 hours in a summer's night. I managed to fall asleep later on and later realized that it was just the moon beaming through the cracks of my curtain -__-.
A couple of years ago, a couple of friends and I were over at my house playing Madden when we decided to go outside and play some basketbal and football. It was about midnight, and I live out in the coutry kind of in the middle of nowhere. We were throwing the football around when we heard a weird noise, and it sounded like some little girl singing and it lasted for a couple of minutes. Let me remind you that it was midnight and out in the middle of nowhere so we were like WTF. It was coming from where a bunch of cattle graze, and the noise was about 100 feet away. Me and another friend wanted to check it out, but one of my friends just didn't want to go because we would have to go through some trees, bushes and a barb wired fence, and one friend was scared shitless. So we unfortunately went back inside to play some more video games. I've always wanted to know what the hell that noise was. I've always thought it was more of a ghostly experience than alien, but the noise was coming from a cattle area and we all know aliens love cattle probing. Plus you can't forget some aliens, like the Predator, uses voice mimics to lure their prey towards them.
a [quote name='Masterkyo']True Story.....

I been waiting for this game coming out & really wanted to win FREE copy[/QUOTE]

Same here.
So I was walking through the video game section at Best Buy. I looked up and down, but couldn't find any Gamer Gift Cards. Then I heard a 'psst' from behind a row of untouched strategy guides. I looked back to make sure no one was watching, and then I peered behind the overpriced booklets. Three red eyes stared me down, and a voice said "I know what you're looking for," and a couple GGC's fell off the shelf and onto the ground.

"Thanks," I said as I scooped them off of the ground and sprinted away.

I guess aliens are Cheap Asses too.
So, this mourning I wake up and look in the mirror. BAM!!! I see an alien. I stood there for 2 hours trying to figure out stuff about the alien and communicate with it, but it only stoof there and stared back at me, even mocking me by moving at the same time I did in the same direction. Finally, after another hour I realized that I was wearing a sleeping mask and it was me the whole time.

Moral of this story, when your friend asks you to drink something and doesn't tell you want it is, say no (no matter how fine she is).
In the Summer of '89, I was working as an air traffic controller in South Hampton, Tennessee. You may think jet fighter pilots and air controllers coordinating commercial and private flight patterns all day long would have lots of UFO stories, but actually, you don't see anything mysterious that you don't see while driving from day to day.

The only thing I saw over a Summer in that job which I would consider somewhat unusual was a lone jet--presumably with an ID unit which was out of date or malfunctioning--which rose to radar height unexpectedly during an early evening in July. Since there is an AFB about 85 miles SE of the station, this wasn't that odd (they sometimes fly low patterns over uninhabited areas.) However, you seldom see one pop up on radar like that, in the absence of any nearby runways. And pop up is what it did...several times over the course of about 15min within a 1-3 mile radius, as I ran through possible scenarios to explain such a thing.

Either they had a Harrier jumpjet going through manuevers at exceptionally low speeds over rural areas, or it wasn't a jet. I discarded the possibility of a helicopter, because it concluded the 15min of bobbing by picking up speed and gaining altitude a helluva lot faster than any helicopter could. When it left radar range of the station, it was headed due North and moving so fast I felt like I was in a movie. "Misc Military Activity" was the only mention I gave it in the nightly log. The supervisor was a very down-to-earth fellow and would've considered any other interpretation as efforts to pull his leg, just like I've been pulling yours for the past minute or two.
This isn't really an alien story, but more of a tinfoil-hat story. I was walking through campus one day in college a few years ago, I saw this object hovering over a building. Looking closer, I realized that it was a helicopter... a black one... and it wasn't making a sound...

I was playing man-hunt with some friends one day in my friend's backyard, and we saw this light. I was all like "Dude: no lights, this is man-hunt" and the guy was like fuck u

then i learned he was an alien cuz he was all like "Hey, I'm an alien, I'm gonna kick ur asses"

I was like, "Go fuck your mom" and he was like "I dont have one" and I felt kind of bad, but then i reilized he was talking shit before. Then I stabbed him

Okay, so a couple of years ago, I was sitting on my porch late on night around 1(I couldn't sleep). And then all of a sudden there's this bright light in the sky and it's moving in a sort of pattern. Left, Right, Left, Right. Oh well, that's not important. Anyways, I'm staring up at it and it starts to move towards me, closer, and closer. Eventually it's right above me and i can make out strange markings on its belly. It hovers there for a few moments before suddenly lurching to right and then back up and then to the left and then the markings begin to glow a bright blue -- and then red -- and then yellow.

Next thing I know I'm in this silver room -- at least the ceiling and floor were silver -- I couldn't see the walls. There's this... thing standing -- or more, sitting on the air -- in front of me. It has no eyes, but a large opening in its head. It was drinking a slurpee through it's left arm-ish thing. It, or maybe it was just me, talks into my mind. It says "Would you like some?" I was too afraid to answer but I some how mannaged a nod. It floated over and stuck my arm in the slurpee. It spoke to me again, "Drink!" I tried, I really did. But... I just couldn't get it up through my arm. I would have told it this but, I also couldn't figure out how to do the whole "talk into the mind thing" on him. So I kicked him in the nuts (or that general area) and I grabbed the slurpee and drank it.

When it regained conciousness, He asked me "Why did you do that?" I just nodded because I still couldn't figure out to communicate with it. So it shot me with it's laser gun thing. I screamed. I don't think it like that sudden loud noise because it shot me again and again. I passed out.

When I wke up, I found myself in a tube of lemon jellow, but amazingly, I could breath! So, being the brilliant creature that I am, I began to eat my way out of the jellow. But the alien just kept refilling it and laughing at me. I eventually had to go the bathroom. i somehow got it to realize this fact, and it let me out and told me "Go." So I went -- right there. Now this obviously pised the alien off so he ejected me into space in a little capsule.

I was heading out into space, past mars, past jupiter, and past a whole bunch of other stuff. And then I finally started to slow, and eventually I was entering the atmosphere of a strange planet. When I hit the ground, the capsule opened, and a large group of similar looking aliens grabbed me and strapped me to a giant slice of pizza. They then carried me into a large building and put me into another tube of jellow (strawberry this time). I was getting tired of all of this jellow.

So I just kind of floaded there in the jellow for a while. Then a really mean looking alien came in and started to to tests on me! I wasn't happy. I started to resist so they shot me with that laser gun thing again. When I woke up, I was lying on the ground in the same building, totally naked, and missing my left nipple. I think they must have gotten tired of me because they didn't come back for a long time. Little did I know, they were testing my nipple to find the most painful way to anhililate me!!!

They came back, and as they approached me, I became terrifyingly aware that the leader whas wering my nipple on its forehead. Wierd. So they dragged me off and then strapped me onto this metal bed thing that was suspended in the air. Then the leader approached my and said some alien words and then reached into me to pull my heart out!!!!

................Then I woke up.

I was back in my bed and i was sweating like I had never sweat before. I check to make sure all my limbs were complete -- then I felt for a heartbeat. It was there! Then i realized something was missing. That alien bastard kept my nipple!

So the next day...
this one time, I totally had sex with this hot alien. think one of those f'd up hentais, except the chick was the one with the tentacles. Yeah.
bread's done