Area 51 Contest - Win one of three copies of Midway's Area 51 (PS2/Xbox/PC)


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Special for you, I have 3 copies of Area 51, Midway's soon to be released alien themed FPS, just waiting to be won.

To enter, simply post a little story about any alien encounters/UFO sightings you might have had. Feel free to use your imagination.
Do not create more than one post in this thread.

One entry per person. Winners will be chosen at random.
Contest will close on 4/25 (Area 51's release date)

Official info:

Area 51 Articles:

Area 51 Resource Pages:

Console pre-orders get a free copy of Midway Arcade Treasures 2 and PC pre-orders get a free t-shirt:
One day I seen a gray alien running around my town looking for nice women to take into space. It could of been an alien or it could of been a horny midget. Not quite sure
I once met this really hot girl at a bar. She was totally in to me and I told all my friends how she was going home with me. The night ran on, we shared some drinks, and then the bartender announced last call.

When I woke up the next morning, there was no hot girl in my bed. My friends thought it was funny, but the truth is she was an alien and she had to get back to her space ship as it was leaving that night. Seriously.

I called the number she gave me but it was not in service, I assume it's only because she was roaming out there in space and wasn't getting a cell phone signal.
ok, here we go.

When I was like 8 or so, I got up in the middle of the night (3 am) because I needed to go to the bathroom. So I'm sitting there on the can, with the window open (its a high bathroom window that I cant see out of, overlooking the backyard), and I cough.

Right after that, I hear the most inhuman chimera of unsightly sounds, sounding like a monsterous imitation echo of the cough. It sounded like it was coming from the neighbor's backyard. I freeze and try to listen, not making a sound. I cough again. I hear it again, closer. I run out the bathroom without flushing or wiping and hide under the covers until morning.

I still havent really made peace with that event.

Nuff said
When I was in 6th grade I took my sister and her best friend ice-skating in a little rink our Fire Company set up. It was after school and homework on a school night so the sun was already setting when we started. We skated around and watched the sunset and the streetlights flicker on. Since it was winter it is dark before we have to get home so we kept skating and were the only three left.

Finally we were ready to leave so we went to take our skates off. While doing so I noticed a bright light seemed to be shining on us so I looked up. It looked like one of the guys from the fire station had a flashlight coming to tell us it was time to leave, and then the light began lifting into the sky farther. It was actually rising over the tree line about where the sun had set approximately an hour before.

I got my sister/her friends attention and we stood there watching as it got higher and brighter without a sound. Once it got to about a 45degree angle from the ground it stopped moving up and just kept getting bigger and bigger. Eventually it appeared to fill the entire sky and it was as if we were in a trance as we couldn't stop staring and none of us said a thing.

Suddenly everything was dark, my sister’s friend was crying uncontrollably and we ran home. Upon arriving home we were being yelled at the second we opened the door. It seems we were an hour late and my mom had just woke up my dad to go look for us.

Years later we somehow got onto talking about that night and my sisters friend swears she still has nightmares about it, though she can't remember what makes it so terrifying. My sister swears it didn't happen, she can't remember anything about it. I remember it like it was yesterday even now eleven years later.

Was it aliens? Who knows all I know is.
1 it was a very memorable event for myself and terrifying for a friend.
2 it is a true story.
When I was about 8, my sister, mother and me were watching TV one night on our out in the boon docks farm when my mother went in to get something to drink. She said, "Kids come here quick!" and when we went to see what she wanted, she was standing with her head out of our kitchen door. We walk over and look out the window and there was this big strange light hovering over our barn up on the hill. There was no noise at all. It just sat there very slowly rising and falling. It was lighting the barn and the surrounding grass up like daylight. We just stood there looking at it. The phone on the wall rang next to my mom's head and she about slammed her head in the door in fear. It was my father who was a trucker on the phone. She started to tell him what was happening when the object raised slowly maybe 100 feet higher than it was and then just zoomed off at a VERY high rate of speed. My mother called the police then cause she didnt know what else to do. The next morning on the school bus, I told one of my friends that lived about 2 miles away from me and she said "You saw that too?" she had been outside in her barn when she saw it go racing through the sky too. To this day, thinking about that incident still sends cold chills up my spine.
This story too is true.
My friends and I saw a light moving across the sky one scared the hell out of me. It could've been an airplane but who really knows...
i was fishing the other day and all that beer i'd had earlier hit me hard and soon, i was pissing over the edge of the boat. anyway, i sat back down and leaned back when suddenly i got a bite in the place i had just relieved myself!

so i pulled up my rod and this cute little blue guy came flying outta the water. instead o floppin around in the boat like any normal fish, he kept mumbling something that sounded like, 'more elixir, please...'

at the time, i thought it was just some messed up kid, so i threw him back in the water and rowed away...

but now that i think about it, maybe he was an alien...
woke up. saw alien. had sex with it. killed it. put it in a van down by the river. the end.

lol i will crack up if i win......i mean.......i sure do hope i win!
Ok, so there I was sitting on my back porch smoking a ciggerette right. Suddenly I hear a sound in the bushes. It's not a friendly sound, that much I can figure out, so I am left with two choices. Either A: Run back in the house, and lock the door behind me, all the while praying that whatever it might be doesn't try to come after me. Option B: Go and check out the sound.

Now, I'm not the smartest cat around by far, and even though I've seen enough horror movies to know when I should run, I decide to walk over and see what is making this noise. The closer I get to the bush, the more noise this thing is making. I still can't tell what it is, but I can hear what seems to be the voice of a mentaly challenged cowboy repeating the phrase "Avenge Daddy!!!"

This startles me of course. I mean, what am I going to find? I think back to the Friday the 13th movies, and the fact that Jason started all his killing because of the fact that his mother was killed in the first flick. I begin to get goosebumps as I now stand directly in front of the bushes. I take a deep breath and start to reach out when all of a sudden this tall lanky creature emurges from the bushes!

It's George W. Bush! I'm thinking, "WOW! The president of the United States is in my back yard!" I'm simply amazed by this sight as our President looks down to me with a greesy smile on his face and says, "Tax cuts for all" but then mumbles under his breath "except for those who really need them." To star struck to speak, I just stand there, most likly with drool seaping from my mouth. Then next thing I remember was Mr. Bush starting to glow a bright gold as he mumbled something about higher income tax rates, and black eyes. This made no sense to me, I thoguht surly this had to be a dream.

turns out I was right! At that very moment I woke up. I let out a yawn and tried to roll out of bed, that's when I realized that I wasn't in my bed. I was straped on a table in a white room, and the worst part, there were 3 little green men standing over me!
I was driving home one night when a huge blue alien UFO almost came down on my car. I jammed on the brakes. I bet it only stopped inches away. I felt like I was fuzzy. It took off and when I pulled into my garage the paint on the roof of my car was faded. If I looked close at it there was like tiny blue and green spots too. Some of my hair fell out. Later that night I was asleep and I sensed someone in the room. I woke up and saw a short alien next to my feet. The alien touched my ankle and I felt cold all over. He had a pointed thing he stuck in my calf. I made a snapping sound. I panicked and fainted. The next morning I had a dent there in my skin. I can't hula-hoop very well anymore. This other time I woke up on an alien spacecraft and I was forced.......... please excuse me,... this was very traumatic.....

they forced me to .......... Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance and Parappa the Rapper....

I'm so ashamed.:cry:
My Xbox started talking to me and said, "Xbox go home", and as I put in Halo 2, Master Chief popped up in the TV and pointed to the moon. I looked up there and there was a ship coming down, I was standing there scared as crap and all of a sudden, this alien popped out and said, "Look kid, that Xbox needs to go home now, here's one was just fixed up." I said, "Thanks, by the way, do you know Bill Gates?" And the alien was like, "How do you think he became a billionare? We implanted a brain that made Microsoft exist." That was it as for the encounter of the alien. It was really strange cause I never expected something like that to ever happen to me.
One night I was watching Alien. The famous scene of when the alien comes out of the guys chest is happening and I am watching intensly. Suddenly the alien jumps out of the TV into my room. He jumps and clings to my face and I yell for help. None came. Next thing that happened was that I woke up on my couch. It was a dream but scared me as hell
I have proof that aliens are. all you need are these special glasses. they look all normal until you put them on. then when you see them with the glasses, real ugly. now excuse me, I have to kick ass and chew bubblegum. oh damn, I'm all out of bubblegum.
A month a go my family and I were traveling on the road late at night. Then all of a sudden we saw a bright light light, and my dad got blinded and we fell into a ditch. A Ufo was landing at a near by Taco Bell. We drove up to the ship and suddenly the Ufo hatch uponed up and these aliens started to come out. And they talked to me and asked "What's good to eat for under $5." We all sat down together and enjoyed a midnight snack, then after we departed and went are seperate ways. It was a night that i would never forget.
I went to a Pink Floyd was a David Bowie concert. I had really lousy seats, I was in the back section where it was all grass and bushes (this was an outdoor venue) and there were all these strange lights coming from behind it.

I went around the bushes and there was this glow-n-the-dark grizzly bear taking a dump near by. He had these red glowing eyes that flickered on and off like a stobe light. Man I was scared. I didn't know what to do. :shock:

Then the glow-in-the-dark bear finished doing his "business" and he stood on his hind quarters and looked up in the sky. Suddenly David Bowie kicks in the song "Space Oddity" and a spaceship appeared out of nowwhere and used it's tractor beam to suck the glow-in-the-dark bear into it. Then the spaceship sped off into the darkness faster than you can say "Hamburger and fries!!"

That night, I came back home from the concert and I went into my bedroom where I left my copy of David Bowie's Space Oddity on the table only to find it missing. In its place, there was a glow-in-the-dark paw print.....

Cheapy: If I do win this contest, I am requesting the Xbox version of this game
I was 11 years old walking home with my best friend, and hovering above the baseball field clear as day we saw a UFO! It was a saucer type and stood in the air without moving. The saucer’s center darkened and glowed, darkened and glowed, repeatedly. I turned to my friend to confirm what we were witnessing, and he asked me if I had a camera at home. I didn’t, neither did he, so we stood and watched it for a couple minutes and walked home.
Preemptive alien encounter story:
I'm about to leave for a week-long camping trip in 2 hours, and for some reason, I'm morbidly sure that I'm going to wake up, in my tent, in the middle of the night, and see a little "grey" silhouette against the tent which point a bright light will flash, and I'll wake up with 6 hours lost, without a clue as to what happened!
My 7th grade teacher claimed she saw a UFO, and it had completely changed her life. Every day she told us about how bright the lights were, and how she thought she was going to be abducted. Towards the end of the year, one day, she just disappeared. The school administration told us that her mother got sick and she was taking care of her, but everyone in her class had already known that her mom died a few years ago. So we're pretty sure the aliens, or the government, finally got her. ILLUMINATI!
One night I was at my gradmother's farm when I saw a small space ship about the size of a pie plate land in one of the cow pastures. It was a little green guy that was about the size and shape of a taco...mmmmm taco. Anyway, when I went out the next morning, all that was left was the small space ship and Bessie had a sour stomach. True Story...of course I was like only 5 when that happened.
So i was walking down the street one day when this gigantically huge shiny thing landed on the street in front of me (obviously a UFO) and this humongously bloated thing stepped out (obviousy an alien) and just stared at me(obviously a scared little white dude). I was really scared and managed to squeak out a, "What do you want from me?" The Alien screamed this awful scream and roared a roar that shook the ground and made the trees tremble all around us. I was even more petrified but managed to raise my voice a little bit and say, "What do you want from me?" The alien leaned over to me and asked, "You got tree fity?" :D

Then it disappeared into the ship and took off and i never saw it again.

EDIT: my spelling sucks. :D
5 years ago, My life changed forever...

Glort was my first encounter with an alien. We have all heard the horror stories, and seen all of them movies, but they are mired in lies and xenophobia. Glort was gentle, and caring.

I was travling down an old dirt backroad in rural Kansas. I was lonely and trying to dull my pain with ice cold Natural light. I stopped on the side of the road with the express purpose of relieving myself, when I looked up and saw the most fantastic lightshow. The light wasn't alarming but instead it had a soothing effect, I swore I could hear Billy Ray Cyrus in the background (my favorite artist). The light was emanating from the underside of what looked to me in my drunken state to be a flying can of copenhagen snuff. The large flying "Cope" can touched down not 100 yards from my powder blue 1979 Ford pick-up truck. Suddenly a door opened and out walked a tall slender beautiful figure. The figure almost seemed to float over to me. I was so awestruck I had forgotten to put away my "tackle." The alien floated over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. The alien leaned in close to my ear and whispered in a strangely lyrical voice. "My name glort, and I am gonna rock your body." I can only speculate as to what happened next, because I blacked out. The next morning I woke up in the bed of my pick-up curled up in the fetal position with my pants around my ankles. Pinned to my work shirt was a single rose and a note. the note read:

You are now carrying our child. We will keep in touch every
year to monitor the growth of our hybrid child. Love, Glort"

I didn't know what to think. "Pregnant, me? What will the guys at the auto-shop think? Am I ready to raise a bizarre half-alien bastard child alone. The child's birth came much sooner that expected. (Hybrid gestation is only 6 months.) I was beginning to become nervous. The one year anniversary of mine and glort's coupling was fast approaching. The day finnally arrived. True to his word Glort showed up on my door step looking every bit as sexy as when we met. I don't know what happened that night either because I blacked out again but once again glort left his rose and note explaining another impregnation had occured. Every year, for the past 5 years glort and I have the same standing date. I have birthed 6 hybrid children, the last one was a set of twins, all of which Glort has taken to live on his home world. Now I ain't queer or nothin' but I love that alien man of mine.:lol:

Story as told to the King of Jack by Cletus l. Huttenmyer, jr.
I was riding home in the car one night when I saw three bight glowing circles in the sky. These seamed to move with the car, and it was not until later that I realized that it was clouds in front of the moon that caused the circles.
I had always suspected that aliens were in control of the Earth. Odd people walking around, strange events occurring daily, weird noises transmitted through the airwaves. It was always a "niggling" in the back of the mind that things just were not right. About 5 years ago the strangest event that ever happened affirmed my suspicions that the alien masters were using mind control over a small portion of the population. When GWB was re-elected, it was proof positive that aliens were in charge.

Sign me up for some alien ass-kicking!
It was the middle of the night and I was dead asleep in my room. All of a sudden a somewhat loud noise happened right outside my room. I immediantly sat up and the very second I did I saw it, standing my door way stood the sterotypical "grey". Before I could react it came towards me, blackness came followed by a searing pain in the back of my skull.

I then woke up.

I was nine when this happened and to this day I can not tell if this was a dream or not. Ever since that time I've developed a phobia about those "grey" aliens.

No I'm not joking.
Are we sure aliens exist? I could have sworn that was Yuji Naka himself delivering a big white box that contained my Super Dreamcast 2 to me personally just a few weeks ago. Hell, he even threw in a copy of Vitrua Fighter 5 personally signed by Yu Suzuki himself!

Although, I gotta wonder where the bump on the back of my head came from. And why every time Akira KO's Jacky I somehow end up on the floor with my nose broken....
One night I woke up to find an alien on the side of my bed staring me. He then told me everything will be ok and to go back to sleep. So I did and then he said that i stink =[. aliens are mean.
True story:

Last week I was out chilling with some of my friends, and we saw this weird light zip past. Then we saw fireworks and heard a loud crash in the forset. We went to go check it out. Bad idea. In the forest we found this egg type thing, and it was pink. Upon further inspection we found out the egg was neon pink, but that isn't really important.

We were in the forest, so there were sticks. Because in the forest there are trees. And occasionally branches and stuff fall from the trees. Mostly leaves though. We picked up some sticks and started attacking the egg like Mexicans attack a pinata. But in this game there is no candy. Only blood and mutant aliens.

After cracking the egg open, there was a lot of goo and it smelled like raw sewage. Not the good kind either. We heard some screaming, then there was a bright light. Inside of the egg was the most disgusting looking alien I had ever seen. I mean, the thing looked like a burnt mongoloid. It let out a horrifying scream, then I stabbed it in the face with a soldering iron.

And that my friends is how I saved the planet.
This story begins in a small town just south of the Mexican border. Here I sit with nothing but the clothes on my back, half a bottle of tequila and a paranoid feeling that someone or something is coming for me.

I have been on the lamb for what seems like an eternity but actually it has been 10 months. Moving from town to town, trying to piece together the shredded memories that haunt my dreams. I don't know who they are or what they want with me. All I know is that I have to stay one step ahead of them.

It all started while on a hiking excursion in the Smoky Mountains. One night while lying under the stars there was an incredible sight in the sky. A beautiful dance of light and shape, that I can only describe as a mixture of a meteor shower and the northern lights. For a split second time seemed to stand still, you couldn't hear a sound. I couldn't move? A feeling of tremendous pressure but total weightlessness engulfed my body. There was a flash of white hot light that faded into total darkness. I found myself lying in the woods 50 yards from my campsite the next morning. My head was bounding like I drank a gallon of rock gut vodka the night before. I stumbled back to my tent to find my things turned upside down. Almost over grown and deserted? I broke camp and headed back down the mountain. As I stared at the rocky horizon, I couldn't help but think. Something is different...I feel different?

On my way down the trail I saw some police cars lining the roads shoulder. Something told me this was not a normal patrol. I quickly turned left down a dirt path and shut off the engine. I began to feel an aching in my right forearm. I could feel a bump under a small scar near my wrist that I don't recall ever having before last night. I had an overwhelming feeling that I couldn't deny, I had to know what ly in the woods. I got out of my jeep and crept through the woods with as much stealth as possible. Although it was morning the umbrella of the trees leaves provided many shadows to conceal my presence. I began to hear voices in the distance. As I approached them my arm began to ache even more. I closer I got to the voices, the more intense the pain became. I could see several men in the distance. Some were wearing white lab coats and some in, what looked to be modified haz mat suits with something written on the back. I had to get a closer look. I slowly moved in closer. The letters blurred into focus. They said "A51"? Hiding in the darkness of a huge tree I began to get a glimpse of what would be the biggest shock of my life. It all was becoming clear. Those weren't just lights in the sky. It was a UFO! The flash of light was a crash! I began to shake. I grabbed my arm as the aching escalated into unimaginable pain. The bump on my arm began to glow a bright teal color. How can this be happening to me! While trying to calm myself down things went for bad to worse. They see me! The glowing light from my arm! I've got to get out of here! I could hear foot steps and branches breaking behind me as I ran through the forest.

I jumped into my jeep and flew down the mountain road. I could see the officer’s clammering to get into their cars. I hopped on the interstate and drove for 6 hours straight all the while pondering, who were those men? What were they doing with UFO? I could have kept going if the red light on my fuel gauge wasn't screaming at me to stop. I pulled over at a mom and pop gas station and filled up. As I stood next to the pump I caught a glimpse at an old man sitting on a rocking chair outside the store reading the newspaper. Then the headline hit me, LOCAL CAMPER MISSING. I went over to the news stand a picked up a copy. Staring at the front page I noticed the date, APRIL 25th. My god! It's been four days! Was I lying on that mountain for four days? I had so many questions. I needed answers. What was in my arm? UFO shrapnel? A51? Could that mean Area 51?
Can't be, that's just an old wives tail...

Just then my arm began to glow again.....

hmmm... Area 51 huh... If that's where I can find my answers... Then that's where I going.... (to be continued.)

I saw a weird ship when I was 11 with my mom on the way home from getting groceries. Neither of us were sure of what it was, but it didn't look like a plane at all. Freaked us both out.
True Story*

I met these aliens in a Mexican resturant once... They were serving food (it was good). We talked and stuff (they were a little hard to understand) but it was all cool- I learned a lot about where they lived.

Strangely enough, their home sounded very much like Mexico... weird, huh?

*Yes, it's true. Didn't I already say that...?
A few years ago I had this weird dream that I was somehow paralyzed and couldn't speak (or make any sound at all) and aliens were in my bedroom to abduct me. The really weird part about it is that I kept waking up from my dream into another dream. I "woke up" probably 3 or 4 times before I really did wake up. The only reason I was able to figure out it was all a dream is that there was a textured ceiling in my bedroom in the dream. My bedroom didn't really have a textured ceiling.
Aliens? Is that what you call my kind? We, the progenitors of your race, are referred to as outsiders when in fact we are the creators of mankind! If not for our genetic manipulation, you humans would still be out bludgeoning lizards to death for food. So pathetic. Maybe my glowing report of progress should be rescinded, and one of disgust turned in instead! I thought I had been witness to real mastery of the tools we have given you, but now I wonder if you are even worthy of the lives we endowed you with. I shall take my leave, but know this: when your fledgling technological age abruptly ends in the coming millenia, it will be solely because of the insulting display of ignorance and interstellar racism contained in this messaging forum!


VZ366*X9 (Purveyor of Carbon-Based Anatomy Studies)
It was a clear night. The stars were twinkling above and the full moon brightened the ground below. Suddenly, a red dot appeared amongst the stars. It grew larger and larger and appeared to be headed right for me.

I thought it was an astroid of some sort, but as it got closer I noticed strange lights flashing on its sides. What then appeared to be some sort of spaceship swayed and turned and, finally, came crashing into the ground.

A little robot poked it's head out and said

"Don't press panic!"

He showed up around July 1994 when i was like 9 years old and i lived in this town called Maple Grove and i swear to god there was this guy who used to sit on a street corner by my house and my parents told me to stay away from him and i did becuase i didnt want to get rabies. He was definatly a hobo because he lived on that corner.
Whenever me or my friends walked by he would always well "ALIENS IS COMMING."
one year for holloween, he put on this alien suit and just sat on the corner passed out, very odd.
This guy was usually pretty quite, but every once and a while he would yell about how he was in the aliens spacecraft and other such stories. he would yell about how the aliens were comming back one day for him one day and they were going to pick him up on the same street corner where they left him, that was that street corner.
Well he finally dissapered around August 1996. Me and my friends always talk about where he went. I am not sure, either he was telling the truth about the aliens or the cops took him away for good. I can barely look at that street corner anymore gives me the creeps.
It happened to me on christmas.
I was sleeping when I heard a noise, and when I went out to see
what was making the noise, a big fat red alien with green eyes singing in a kid's
voice was putting something under the tree.
I hit it and beat it to death, but when it died it was gone.
Nobody would believe me, they say I'm crazy......
I won't be so crazy when I get my free game! hahahahah!!!
I was in Roswell, New Mexico driving with my family in my moms minivan. Next thing i know, two huge and i mean three times the size of our van trucks drive by with completely darkended windows and i swear that as they drove by i saw glowing lights through the tint in the back of them. Anyway they werent driving too fast and they pulled into this fenced are that looked like some kind of air force base and sped down the trail. Eerie!!
I'm so paranoid that aliens are out to get me..I paste an X on my window, with masking tape bought from the $1 store, every night to make sure my informant keeps me informed.

The other day I thought I saw the pattern of a little green man in my toast..I was thinking about ebaying it and then discovered that it was probably just mold.
YEah so I was driving home from school one day and it was dark but moon lit. I often play kill goose kill (turn off my headlights to scare the shit out of my friends) when there is a full moon out. and chose to do such this time. I turned the lights off and saw something to my right over the hill on a private driveway. The light was pulsating and red. I thought it was just the taillights of a car using the driveway until I saw the lights gradually ascend into the sky and take off into the atmosphere...

Aliens...or maybe mecha barbara striesand.
I live in the middle of a field surrounded by cows and various other farm animals. One night I was heading to the bathroom, when I saw two glowing eyes staring outside of the patio window..staring at me. As soon as I get towards the patio door to investigate the eyes blinked away...and the next minute I saw a bright light heading towards the sky. Alien encounter or the neighbours taking a peek at me taking a leak ? :p
As my friend David and some of his friends were out one night during the summer, they noticed a triangular ship with three lights, one at each vertex. My friend, amazed at the sight of an unidentified ship, started screaming for the ship to land and for the surrounding people to look up. To this day, he still claims that it really was an alien ship, and he showed me a video of similar UFO sightings. Around the same time of David's sighting, other people in Illinois claimed to have seen a ship with very similar characteristics. Do aliens really exist? Maybe by playing Area 51 I'll learn more.... :)
One night, as I was sleeping, a noise arouse from outside my second story window that woke me up. I opened my eyes to see what was there, and miniature space men with big green heads, black eyes, and silver space suits came in through my window. I cried in terror, but no one heard me. They came closer to where I was wetting myself and pulled the sheets off from where my feet lay. They then began to remove my socks and with that they went away.
One time when I was walking in my backyard I saw a big flash of light underneath my bushes. When I went to check it out I found a dead cat.
I was driving with my bro last week. We saw some spooky red lights flashing. It caused all the cars at the intersection to stop. Everyone was stopping and then going, like they were being controlled... Four way stop, or alien technology...? We may never know!
A few years ago I was out in a forest. A spaceship landed right in front of me. Several aliens came out of the ship to meet me. "We come in peace" they tell me. When I think back to Sci Fi movies the only ones I can think of are the ones where the aliens attack the humans.
"I'll never let you take over Earth!" I yell. Each one of the aliens has some sort of phaser like weapon on their belt. I grab one and start firing. Within seconds all of the aliens are dead. I take the rest of the weapons and burn the bodies. I hid the ship in a barn on my parent's land. I enjoy taking the ship out for a spin every now and then.
So I was eatting at a Taco Bell, and the guy hands me soy sauce instead of hot sauce. Will Smith sees a cat running around and sprays it in the dudes face, blinding him, and then throws him at the cat. The cat spits out Tommy Lee Jones and Danny Glover. Glover says he's getting too old for this and Jones says get your egg roll outta my taco.

Will Smith then pulls an arena out of his pocket and starts singing Wild Wild West, while Mel Gibson dresses up as a girl and asks why there's a black man in Scotland.

Glover kills predator who gets a lil rowdy with a queen alien, and everything sounds like bad spanish dubbing. The night ends with everyone watching Trigun and eatting pasta ala dago. Will Smith kills a guy when he finds out there's not unlimited soup and breadsticks, then complains about bad use of words in the show.
bread's done