Army Of Two Xbox 360 - $19.99


10 (100%)
looks like army of two for the xbox 360 had a universal price drop - 19.99 was 29.99. sorry if this was already posted. game any good? also if u were picking up cod:waw @ kmart, u could get that plus army of two for 45.00. just go to kmart website and sign up for email and get 5 off 50 instore and online.
Nice! I think I'll finally pick it up for the collection. I just found out the sequel Army of Two : The 40th Day drops this year 12/31/09!
EA dropped the price on a lot of their 2008 games a couple weeks back, Dead Space is now $50, Red Alert 3 is now $30, Mirror's Edge is now $40, and Army of Two is now $20.
[quote name='MIX_MASTER_ICE']There's a reason why this dropped to 19.99. Pretty bad game and like has been mentioned, controls are poor.[/quote]
oh? i was under the impression the game dropped in price for no reason lol
[quote name='MIX_MASTER_ICE']There's a reason why this dropped to 19.99. Pretty bad game and like has been mentioned, controls are poor.[/QUOTE]

It's all developed around the co-op experience, so if you don't have a friend to play it with, it's not going to be near as fun.

Controls are fine. The only place you might have reason to complain is when you have to rely on the other person to steer, or whatever. There are a few places along the way they use co-op sequences (like carrying the bomb in Gears 2) to try to screw with you, but as long as you're not relying on the AI, it's still good times.

My only real complaint about the game is that when I last played it a few months ago, it seemed like the multiplayer was still pretty laggy, and it would take a couple of seconds after you hit the analog stick for your gun to swing around.
I personally enjoyed this game. It's by no means a masterpiece, but it's a solid, entertaining affair that will distract you for 10 hours. Well worth the $20 IMHO.
[quote name='ohboy10451']horrible controls[/quote]

Controls are solid.

The AI is also workable, but co-oping though is definitely easier. I played through both with and with/out.

Be sure and DL the alternate ending, it's good and well worth it. The multiplayer (outside of co-op) is weak. The gun modding and enhancing is well developed and deep, and the use of the aggro-meter does add some strategy to what would normally just be a run-and gun/stop and pop bulletfest.

It's well worth $20. As I recall, I paid $14 and was very satisfied.
[quote name='zsciaeount']I personally enjoyed this game. It's by no means a masterpiece, but it's a solid, entertaining affair that will distract you for 10 hours. Well worth the $20 IMHO.[/QUOTE]

You mean 6 hours.

I found the game to pretty fun in co-op, the controls didn't bother me, but the game was VERY short. Nowhere near worth $60. For $20 you should find a good co-op experience.
[quote name='BillyBob29']You mean 6 hours.

I found the game to pretty fun in co-op, the controls didn't bother me, but the game was VERY short. Nowhere near worth $60. For $20 you should find a good co-op experience.[/quote]

It's definitely unnecessarily easy on recruit (it is a 6 hour cake walk and you probably won't die once), especially if you are co-oping. I recommend taking the game's difficulty up a notch higher than you think you would normally (then it becomes more like an 8 hour game). Unfortunately, the highest difficulty must be unlocked (which is not as insane a difficulty level as most unlockable modes are in games these days) this one was ideal for two experienced FPS players in co-op.
The game is a bit clunky when standing on its own, but it was VERY fun to go through in co-op. I rarely go through shooters more than once, but I went back and played this one a second time on the highest difficulty (both times in co-op).
I seem to remember enjoying the demo alright. I've talked with a buddy about playing this so I might have to pick it up. Glad I didn't buy a used copy at GS this weekend if I can get it for around the same price new. Thanks OP.
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