Arrested for Rapping in Public?

[quote name='crystalklear64']Stupid.

And to your friend who yelled that stuff at the kids behind you?

I have a similar story. At a restaurant, a family with 2 kids was sitting behind me and a friend. The kids would keep kicking the seat, standing up in it. I asked, nicely, for the mother to tell the kids to stop. Well she didn't do anything, so every time I felt a hit on the back of my seat, I'd say fuck. After awhile, I heard the kids start making a sort of song out of fuck and I knew my work was done.

Enjoy that one, parents.[/quote]


Truly inspired!
[quote name='thorbahn3']Take away one of Ps in rapping from the topic and you got a much better story.[/quote]

Ahhh, he beat me to it. Just like the "hidden treasures" thread, this one is a lot more interesting after clicking on it.

All in all, though, some guy running down a public street screaming profanity? I could see him being arrested if the cop actually warned him that what he was doing could be considered "disturbing the peace" or "disorderly conduct", but just to go out and arrest someone over profane verbiage? That's uncalled for.
I can't help but remember jay's rap from jay and silent bob strike back. Though he didn't get arrested for it at least.:lol:
At first, I thought that OP had added an extra "p" in the title. For that, I can see how someone could get arrested.

Damn. Beaten twice!
If I find Christmas Music offensive can I then call the cops on people singing it? Of Course I can't.

Not if you're Muslim.

All joking aside, he shouldn't have been arrested. Poor taste, but not illegal.

[quote name='Machine']Obscenity laws have been around for over 100 years - it is not something they are just starting to do.[/quote]

Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn

I used to have such a dirty mouth. It was legendary. I even reenacted the F word scene from South Park without realizing it one time. Then I kind of mellowed out. I read Mick Foley's first book where in the first few pages he discussed the word fuck, and I now use those guidelines when using the word fuck. Basically, he just uses it for special occasions like when he lost his fucking ear. I pretty much just use it when I blow something up or get shocked at work.

bread's done