
Been reading that the Ted Grant cameo last week was not just an Easter egg. He apparently will be a series regular now. Maybe training Laurel to become Black Canary?

I know its a stupid thing to expect, but once Malcolm started on his speech to Oliver about how everything was for his family, I was 90% sure Oliver was going to move to the side and Tommy would come out of the shadows.

Or they could save it for later in the season with Ras resurrecting/brainwashing Tommy using the Lazarus Pit to turn him against Malcolm/Ollie

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I'm only two episodes behind, and I'm not feeling this show this year.

So far, I would ship Roy (with combed hair) and Laurel. Kills two birds with one stone. Oliver is not as annoying, but mostly because he's far far away.

I laughed that the only people who pronounces Ra's al Ghul the Kevin Conroy way are the Asian characters, Nyssa, Maseo, and Tatsu. :D/

It bothers me that the japanese characters pronounce their own names the americanized way.  And pronouncing Ra's Al Ghul the way Oliver does has ALWAYS bothered me.

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The only problem I have with this season is that they're dragging things out over multiple episodes. The Villian of the week formula works best IMO. Flash has me hooked. I still like Arrow, but I think I like Flash more.
It's one thing to watch the soap opera that is a comic book show, but man Oliver is just sooo worse than Laurel. She just wants to help, and he just actively fuck s them up. I would've let Thea throw Merlyn under the bus, but she blabbed like an idiot.

The finale was better than the rest of the season. Way better. The season 4 opener has a lot of explaining to do now.
[quote name="skiizim" post="12691441" timestamp="1431649410"]That is awesome, is this taking over both shows or something completely separate?[/quote]

Completely seperate. I believe flash and arrow will be recurring characters. The main cast will be atom, white canary, hawkgirl, firestorm, captain cold, and heatwave
I can't help but feel like this season was 75-80% garbage.

  -Felicity was ruined. I absolutely cannot stand to see her on screen anymore, it's PAINFUL. Catering to the Olicity crowd took this show downhill big-time. And her loose lips sank Barry's ship. MUM'S THE WORD AROUND MERLYN, BRAINIAC! He doesn't wear the mask to look stylish...

  -Half of the season was spent investigating the murder of a character who is being resurrected. Not to mention Det. Lance's sudden mood swing halfway through the season because of said character's death. "Uh, oops. My bad?" Assuming he even finds out. Nobody tells 'im NUTHIN'.    

  -Roy's departure. They seriously cast an actor who wouldn't agree to stick around for more than two years? What, they couldn't find someone who would be grateful to play such a pivotal character? Arsenal was my favorite character on this show until he was written out - despite getting knocked unconscious in every fight he took part in.

  -Ra's/League of Assassins. I couldn't have been more onboard with this idea in the beginning - until it turned into a complete knock-off of a MUCH better Batman story. Plus that actor never felt like Ra's to me - no nobility whatsoever, or even much of a commanding presence. He just seemed like a thug dressed in a robe that was too big for him, not somebody an army would follow blindly. Merlyn leading the League is actually pretty cool... being Ra's, though? NOPE. I hope Nyssa takes him down.

  -They made Slade look like a dope in what may be his final appearance.

-Did they seriously dismantle the suicide squad that unceremoniously? We never even got to see poor Bronze Tiger one last time.

  -Thea's death/immediate revival/sudden sidekick status. What a rushed series of events that was.

  -Death as a whole is a joke in the show, almost to the ridiculous levels of Supernatural. Almost.

  -Hey guys, uh... what the hell happened to Wildcat? He got hit so hard, he was knocked into next season? Dafuq happened there?

  -Ray's inclusion was nice, other than being a budget Iron Man for the duration of this season. Still, he brought nearly all of the lightheartedness that this show desperately needed. Although they made him seem like an airhead at times.

  -Laurel actually isn't bad now. The canary cry certainly helps, although it could definitely use some "soundwave" SFX to make it seem like it has some oomph. It's a little goofy as-is.

  -GOOD LAWD, THOSE FLASHBACKS. So bad. They were my favorite part of the show in seasons 1 & 2. They only slowed the show's pace to a crawl every episode this season. Dafuq happened?

  -Katana/Tatsu was great every time she was onscreen. More, please?

  -More Diggle next time... with 100% more "identity concealment" hopefully. "Hey, look! It's Oliver Queen's old bodyguard! Man, he's always runnin' around the city with a gun... helps the Arrow a lot, too. Hmm... wasn't Queen accused of being the vigilante TWICE? Strange coincidence..."  Actually, I wouldn't mind if he announced his identity to the world, just so they'll stop dancing around it.

Yikes. So yeah, clearly this was a rocky season for me. Luckily I have The Flash now, which has just been a lot of fun to watch - except for that awful Bug-Eyed Bandit episode. Hopefully Legends of Tomorrow is just as fun and goofy. Maybe I won't even have to watch Arrow next time if it pans out.  

I was over the moon with this show following the season 2 finale. I'm just hoping the light-hearted tone that Amell promised us after season 2 ended actually happens in season 4. I'm more than ready for the quippy "hero of the people" Green Arrow. I've had my fill of whiny characters, incessant brooding, and disturbed stares. Also, can Felicity die in the season premiere? Pretty please? If even just for the, I dunno, six minutes she would actually remain dead... 'cause her "adorkable" schtick has worn off.   

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I am pleasantly surprised by how good Legends of Tomorrow looks and how ambitious they are getting with the DC television universe. The introduction of time travel most certainly leaves the door open for a multiverse.

Hey, if decomposition isn't a thing at least they can bring back Moira & Tommy now.
Hell, go dig up Flash's mom while they're at it. Then head back to Lian Yu to retrieve Robert Queen's corpse, and Shado. Resurrections for everyone!

Especially since the side-effects of being brought back to life consists only of four seconds of animal-like behavior.

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Flash season finale tonight!

I think it's silly, though, that they think any of us believe Barry is actually going to change the past. If he saves his mother, he doesn't become the Flash. Unless they are going to do a Flashpoint storyline, which will have to wrap up mid-season, so that he can be present for Legends of Tomorrow. Even that wouldn't work, because his meddling in the past would affect Arrow, too.

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They can't afford Flashpoint on their budget, because if they did it, that would mean they have to show other wish fulfillment, ie Shipp in costume.

My thought: there's nothing wrong with a vasectomy.

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I guess since there is no Flash thread this could just be the CW DC Happy Fun time thread.  I thought the Flash finale was much better than Arrow's was. The way the episode ended makes me wonder if they could just turn the show into a "universe of the week".  It'd also be a good way to show off characters like Killer Frost who I couldn't see happening in the current universe. 

I'm sure its only going to be a matter of time, but i'm hoping we'll soon see parody videos involving
Eddie grabbing the gun, but instead of shooting himself, he runs off and gets a vasectomy, then it cuts to Eobard being erased from the timeline

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I guess since there is no Flash thread this could just be the CW DC Happy Fun time thread. I thought the Flash finale was much better than Arrow's was. The way the episode ended makes me wonder if they could just turn the show into a "universe of the week". It'd also be a good way to show off characters like Killer Frost who I couldn't see happening in the current universe.

I'm sure its only going to be a matter of time, but i'm hoping we'll soon see parody videos involving
Eddie grabbing the gun, but instead of shooting himself, he runs off and gets a vasectomy, then it cuts to Eobard being erased from the timeline
The very second they confirmed the multiverse within this last episode, I immediately thought about how awesome it would be if at least the first half of season 2 was done Sliders style - with Barry forced to jump from timeline to timeline until he finds his way home.

Imagine the possibilities! Not only could it show us characters like Killer Frost without sacrificing Caitlyn's character, but such alternate versions could even get sucked into the timestream/speed force and wind up in the "main" universe. There was a quick glimpse of a universe where Barry was locked up in prison, and I immediately started thinking about how he could serve as this show's version of Barry's evil twin/Cobalt Blue if he ends up in the primary timeline.

These writers clearly aren't afraid to play around with oddball storylines, so there are tons of possibilities for season 2.

I still didn't watch the season finale. I'm going to do that tomorrow for sure. I really enjoyed the season so far, so I'm expecting a great finale. 

Welp,  No better way to start off a season than with a huge facepalm at the line of "Felicity, you have failed this omelette".

As much as I love Neal McDonough I'm kind of dreading the amount of retconning they have planned now that they're introducing mystical magic to the show, and of course, Ollie has known about that being a thing all along.

Time to take place on whose grave they were at in the flash forward.  Based on what Ollie says at it, my $$$ is on
Capt Lance

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I guess it's very clear why Dahrk is blackmailing Larry Lance, considering what series is supposed to premiere next year.

I was not impressed with this episode. After three seasons of terrorist attacks, especially when the mayor was killed two years ago!, why Star City isn't under some super protection by ARGUS is beyond me.

Thea and Laurel? Great team. Too bad they don't know anybody better than Ollie.

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What little shit I gave about this show, I've officially lost.

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Yup. I feel the same. I saw the ending after watching the MIddle and the Goldbergs and it seems I didn't miss much. I like the character of Anarky, and the Arrow writers took the lame way out by making him no better than Oliver or his foes at the beginning of season one.
And the scheme to bring Sara back? IT JUST STARTED, not it was already in place, IT STARTED.

bread's done