As Black Friday draws closer...


Where's the Black friday forum? I think it deserves one...
(then again, I'm a low level newbie who shouldn't have a say in anything...).
[quote name='DesertEagleXIX']Perhaps in deal/shopping discussion.

Maybe we should start a poll of how many fights will break out around the country .[/QUOTE]
I'll say 5 reported ones (many other minor unreported ones sure to occur)
Thank you to whomever moved it to the appropriate forum. I went to the bathroom, midway while I was doing my business, I was like "Oh, soo00tg! " Where did I post it? "
Would you guys like to see the individual Black Friday threads stickied in the VGD forum?

Or perhaps a single locked thread, which compiles all of the stores and deals, and then directs users to the appropriate threads for discussion? (Sort of a compendium, or table of contents)

Or we could just leave things the way they are currently.

How would you like to see CAG handle Black Friday?
[quote name='evilmax17']
Or perhaps a single locked thread, which compiles all of the stores and deals, and then directs users to the appropriate threads for discussion? (Sort of a compendium, or table of contents)

that would work :D
bread's done