Assassin's Creed 2 questions before buying


8 (100%)
I just finished Batman AA and I was looking for another action-type game. I am thinking about Assassin's Creed 2 (based mainly on price and reviews, since there's no demo) but I have 2 questions:

1. Will it make sense without playing AC 1? I heard the second game is a HUGE improvement on the first so I wasn't planning to play the first.

2. I also haven't played Uncharted 2 (or 1, for that matter). Is this game comparable, quality and style-wise? Or am I better off just playing Uncharted 2 instead? Obviously this is a matter of opinion, but I'd love to hear yours.
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1. yes. there's a couple references and maybe 1 scene that you may not catch by not playing the first one, but that's about it.
2. can't say haven't played either of those.
Ass Creed 2 is an awesome game. i played the first one and 2 is indeed a big improvement. i don't think it's necesarry to play the first one but i would read an online story update just to understand what's going on.

I liked Batman AA but if i had to chose 1 or the other i would pick AC 2.
I've played all 4 of the games your referring to. AC2 is much better than the first AC, and the price on it right now is really cheap so it's a bargain. It's a great game, with that said though I would still recommend Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 1 over it. The Uncharted series is just on another level compared to the AC series. It's also more like playing a movie and you're constantly on the edge. With the AC games I find myself wandering off from the story after awhile and getting sidetracked, but not in a good way like in GTA games. I hope this helps.
Thanks for the opinions guys.

I did download and try the Uncharted 2 demo but I found it a bit frustrating on Normal difficulty. Maybe I just suck at it (though I had no problem with Infamous or Batman AA on normal, or even Demon's Souls for that matter). I'll try the demo on Easy and see if I like it any better.
if youre big on replayability id go with uncharted 2 considering it has solid mp and the game story is awesome ( like playing an action movie).

but i think the story in ac2 is better its an amazing game you can find really cheap but once its done its done. oh but there is dlc for it online but i havent tried any of it case imo its too expensive.
I can't answer your first question, because AC2 is still in my backlog waiting to be played. I enjoyed the first AC a lot, but I understand the complaints people had about it, because it was pretty repetititve. Didn't bother me as much as it bothered some people, though.

As far as the Uncharted series- those are absolute must plays. I really liked Uncharted 1, but Uncharted 2 takes things to another level. It's probably my favorite game of this gen, and easily in my personal Top 5 all-time. I wouldn't worry at all about the difficulty on it if you were able to get through Demon's Souls.
[quote name='Backlash']I also haven't played Uncharted 2 (or 1, for that matter). Is this game comparable, quality and style-wise? Or am I better off just playing Uncharted 2 instead? Obviously this is a matter of opinion, but I'd love to hear yours.[/QUOTE]

I recommend both of these over AC2. Uncharted 1 and 2 are extremely high quality games. To experience the full uncharted "universe" you should definitely play 1 first then if you like it, play 2.
I too have not played AC2. In fact I just, last month played and finished AC1, and thought that was an extremely great game. So if 2 is that muche better,, I cant wait.

As far as Batman and Uncharted2, I thought going in that they were going to be similar in style, but they are not. Batman more of the hand to hand fighting, sneaking like AC.
Uncharted2 was more climbing/shooting searching. But If I had to choose 1 of these 2 it would probably be Batman,, but just because it Batman.
I hated Batman it was sooo boring to me, only reason i played it was for the voice acting. I thought Assassins Creed 2 was epic, and uncharted 2 was more epic. Assassins is fun but long and a few times you feel it drags but uncharted 2 is shorter and goes by much quicker. If you feel like dropping 30 to 40 hours Assassins is great but if you want the 8-9 hour game with many new environments and multiplayer then uncharted 2 is much better. You also don't need to play uncharted 1 since the major story is based on new characters.

Uncharted 2 really plays and feels like a movie and Assassins creed 2 feels like a long book you keep reading but finish it because you want to know the resoultion
The Uncharted games are on another level. AC looks like crap compared to UC; animations, models, voice acting all are unequal to UC. Having said that I love the history in AC2. (I couldn't play more than an hour of AC1).

But I found both UC games to be of above average difficulty (especially the first one). Play them on Easy unless you are a sucker for punishment.

Thanks guys. Hopefully I'll be able to find time for both UC2 and AC2, since it sounds like they're both worth playing through. I'll probably start with UC2, though.
i never played through AC1 since i heard it was boring and repetitive. since AC2 was supposed to be such a big improvement, i gave it a shot... and thought it was really boring and repetitive. i never really felt like an assassin once in the entire game. like, whoever i had to kill, id just walk up to them and stab in the stomach. boring. there really arent many creative ways to kill someone.

UC1 and 2 on the other hand are amazing games. granted its a little formulaic in that you enter a room, room has bad guys, kill bad guys, then move on. but the animations, graphics, voice acting and all around presentation are really great. the UC2 multi player got pretty bad with naughty dogs unneeded tinkerings, so ive given up on that aspect. hopefully they can get things right for UC3.
I loved Uncharted 2 and Batman. The first AC game, I bought and played for about an hour and got tired of. I'm on the fence about AC2. That said, you can't go wrong with UC1/2 or Batman.
I'm sure I'm the minority here but I thought AC2 wasn't all that great. You probably considered it already but if you can try to borrow AC2. I wish I did.
Just skip to AC2; It's just a better game and your not missing much by not playing the first.

For the uncharted games play them both and in order; It will enhance the experience of playing the second game and IMO the first game is just as good as the second.
AC2 is tons of fun with all the improvements from the first it's a hard game to put down. Dual hidden blades is so fucking awesome and the kills are badass to do.

UC1 and UC2 both give you that "summer blockbuster" movie feel. I thought they both amazing. The train level in U2 is easily one of the best looking levels from a presentation standpoint.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
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