Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood CE (360, PS3) Tron: Evolution CE (360) $40 @newegg

I bought the CE for $60 at gamestop, took it back. Bad quality on the jack in box, feels like its going to break any second after putting it back in the box. returned it, and bought the stand alone game from BB for $15, worth it then.
I think I'll wait to get the game used under $15 someday. Too big of a backlog and I LOVED ACII. The extras are cool, but its just more stuff I don't need and won't take to my grave with me.
Dammit... first the KZ3 CE drops (got it at $80, dropped to $50) and now this (got it at $60, now $40). And both of these CEs suck too (the extras, not the games).
As a reminder, the DLC code inside is expired. I bought it anyway, though - the CE DLC is included in the DaVinci DLC, which I bought when it was on sale a little while back.
This seems like a fairly nice collector's edition for a low price, but I'm a stranger to the series. If any of you are willing to share your opinions on the series I'd really appreciate it.

One thing I've heard is that much of the game is automated with little to no input for the combat and platforming. Is this true?
Man, I hope best buy drops their price. I have credit that is burning a hole in my pocket!

[quote name='Barkwhip']This seems like a fairly nice collector's edition for a low price, but I'm a stranger to the series. If any of you are willing to share your opinions on the series I'd really appreciate it.

One thing I've heard is that much of the game is automated with little to no input for the combat and platforming. Is this true?[/QUOTE]

A lot of the platforming is pseudo automated. You still make decisions about where to go but the game will pick the best route to do it. Such as if you're climbing up a wall, you just hold A and press up. If you can reach a hold above you, you will keep climbing. But if there's nothing above you, you would have to press another direction to go sideways and get to a new area to climb.

All in all, the series is fun. The first game was revolutionary but far too repetitive. The second game was a major improvement. I've heard good things about brotherhood but haven't tried it yet.
This seems like a fairly nice collector's edition for a low price, but I'm a stranger to the series. If any of you are willing to share your opinions on the series I'd really appreciate it.
My personal suggestion would be to start with Assassin's Creed II. Gameplay-wise ACII and ACB aren't very different but in my opinion with ACII you get a better setting, betting music and perhaps most importantly a more engrossing story (I wouldn't worry about playing ACI to catch up on it's story; save yourself the tedium of playing that game and just wiki or youtube the story). If you care more about mutliplayer than story though obviously ACB will be your go-to game since ACII has no multiplayer whatsoever.

As for the Collectors Edition specifically, I can't really recommend it. I think people looking forward to the jack-in-the-box are going to be as let down by it as they probably were by the batarang that came with the arkham asylum CE. If you're like me and try to sell off the extras to lower the cost of the game you should be warned that they don't seem to fetch a whole lot.

One thing I've heard is that much of the game is automated with little to no input for the combat and platforming. Is this true?
The combat is pretty automated but the platforming will require some finesse
I'm debating it so hard. I platinum part II but from what I hear getting platinum on Brotherhood is harder and the whole brotherhood members die-ing permanently sound like possible frustration.
Thanks OP! I was waiting for the reg edition to hit sub $25ish but 40 for the CE is great. Grabbed a PS3 copy.
The regular edition was $15 at best buy not too long ago[quote name='gibbyva']Thanks OP! I was waiting for the reg edition to hit sub $25ish but 40 for the CE is great. Grabbed a PS3 copy.[/QUOTE]
damn i was too slow. I wanted the 360 version and was contemplating getting it or waiting for gamestop. I want their halequin one. Ah well guess i'll wait for GS

[quote name='shadowkast']The regular edition was $15 at best buy not too long ago[/QUOTE]

when? I never saw it listed in the clearance and price drop stuff
Had just got the AC CE on PS3 from another thread, but this is the lowest I'd seen Tron CE for 360 for. Thanks OP!!! :)
I was going to order Tron CE, but after reading reviews of the poor quality of this set, I'll wait to pick-up the game for $10. I guess the light cycle is Happy Meal worthy.
Well, I went ahead and bough it. Funny because I went to add it to my cart and forgot I had it in there already and it said You have exceeded the blah blah, basically that I cannot get 2 because there's only 1 in their warehouse. So I bough the last one in a hurry out of impulse for the PS3. Thanks for the post OP and I hope it's worth it!
Both are Sold Out now. Thank you all for making it easy on me. I am too tempted by Collector Editions these days.
bread's done