Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Disc Read Errors


4 (100%)
Hey everybody, getting really frustrated and have no idea how to remedy this situation. I got Assassin's Creed Brotherhood on release day from amazon and have been playing it and it gave me tons of disc read errors. So, I installed it to the hard drive and this fixed the issue temporarily. I was able to get through 4 more sequences, but the disc read errors are relentless and come up every 5 minutes now making the game unplayable. All other games seem to work fine on my xbox 360, including the assassin's creed brotherhood multiplayer. I'm playing it on an older model xbox 360 pro with a 20gb hard drive (though I just got the console replaced in March) if that makes a difference. Anybody have any idea whats wrong or how to fix it so I can finish the game?
How can there be disc read errors if it is played from the HD? The data has already been read onto the disc- unless it's your HD that is going bad

Unless you scratched the disc, seems like a faulty media. You might be able to get an exchange from amazon.
First try clearing your Xbox's temp cache, if that doesn't work it's very likely your HD is going out. (certain sectors can go bad, which would cause errors with only certain games, but it will get worse as time goes on)

Best way to troubleshoot,

Ask a friend if you can use their HD. Load your profile / game save onto a flash drive, snap in thier HD, and you'll notice very quickly if it solves the problem. Luckily replacement HDs aren't really that expensive, I got a brand new (opened) 120gb one off Amazon for $45 a couple months ago.
So, nothing seems to be working. I tried moving my save files and data to my flash drive, but this didn't fix the problem. Whats odd is that it seems to be giving me an error about every 10 minutes, regardless of what I'm doing. Any ideas of what might be causing this?
Have you tried the disc on another 360, or another copy of the game on your system?

Why don't you contact Amazon to get it replaced, since it's still within their return period?
bread's done