Assassin's Creed: Unity Announced (PS4, X1, PC), Out Holiday 2014


2 (100%)
Note there will be TWO Assassin's Creed games this year, one for current and one for old gen

More screenshots in the link below.


These screenshots, sent to me by a source who requested anonymity, show Unity's new assassin roaming around what appears to be Paris. You can see Notre Dame, the Seine River, and other Parisian landmarks, and the shots are very clearly from an early version of the game
What's more, this is just one of two major Assassin's Creed games that will be out later this year, according to a number of sources. Unity will be for the current-gen consoles—Xbox One and PS4—while a second game, possibly called or code-named Comet, will be released on Xbox 360 and PS3. Presumably one or both versions will also be on PC.
Video link from Ryuukishi

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Dang. This looks great and I want this game on 360/PS3 instead of Black Flag 2 which is probably what we last-gen peasants are getting. :lol:

Are they really calling it Unity? Bleh

I hope they don't give old gen a Black Flag 2. Black Flag was one of the bests imo, but there's no need to milk the naval battle stuff. 

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Wonder which event it deals with.
French Revolutionary War, it seems. Weird that they suddenly are bouncing all over the place time-wise, instead of slowly moving forward (American Revolution --> backwards to Golden Age of Piracy --> forwards to the French Revolution...)

that's a female right? that body does not look like a man stance or posture
There's nothing especially feminine about that stance I don't think, but the assassin does look on the thinner side, which could mean either a woman or a scrawny guy. Seemed more like a guy in the teaser trailer to me though.

Looks like a guy to me, I think the robes are just less bulky/more form-fitting than what Ezio, Connor, and Edward wore.

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They're really trying to push out the 360/PS3 asap it seems. The transition from the Xbox/PS2 took way longer but with all of these games that are due out late in this year as well as ones yet to be announced seems to indicate developers are on the move to get gamers to move on much faster than they did with the PS2/Xbox. Not too happy but nothing you can do. I wouldn't be so opposed to upgrading but I'm just irked that I'll have to keep my current systems to play my PS3/360 games. Bunch of bull they did this to us again.

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