AT&T censors Pearl Jam over anti-Bush Lyrics


The Pulse of Radio (formerly Launch Radio Networks) reports: A portion of PEARL JAM's performance at Lollapalooza in Chicago on Sunday night (August 5) was omitted from AT&T's online webcast of the event. The band was first alerted to the deletion by fans watching the show at the AT&T "Blue Room" site. The missing portions of the show occurred during the band's performance of the song "Daughter", in which it integrated a segment of PINK FLOYD's "Another Brick in the Wall" as frontman Eddie Vedder sang the alternate lyrics, "George Bush, leave this world alone" and "George Bush, find yourself another home."

The anti-Bush lyrics were reportedly the only ones missing from the webcast. A spokesperson for the company that produced the webcast for AT&T could not explain why the only edits were the anti-Bush statements.

In a statement at its web site, PEARL JAM said in part, "AT&T's actions strike at the heart of the public's concerns over the power that corporations have when it comes to determining what the public sees and hears through communications media. What happened to us this weekend was a wake up call, and it's about something much bigger than the censorship of a rock band."

The band promised that the complete version of "Daughter" would be posted at its web site soon.

AT&T blamed the omission on a mistake by a "content monitor" who was overseeing the broadcast for obscene language. The company claimed that it too would replace the missing lyrics.

A spokesperson for PEARL JAM told, "I think the bigger question here is this: What is AT&T doing to ensure that 'mistakes' like this don't happen in the future?... We're talking about them editing out content in a song that referenced the president. I'm curious as to why this content monitor thought that might concern them?"

AT&T has also lobbied against the hotly debated issue of net neutrality, which ensures free, open and equal Internet access for all content providers without any restrictions. AT&T is one of several major corporations that wants to consolidate access and has claimed it won't censor or block any content.

The company has also drawn fire for cooperating with the Bush Administration's mining of U.S. citizens'phone call and email records, allegedly as part of the so-called "war on terror."

Future of Music Coalition head Jenny Toomey told that this incident is an example of why net neutrality is important, explaining, "This event shows that companies like AT&T will risk the appearance of censorship by turning off the sound on a webcast that's being viewed by thousands of people, just because it works counter to their financial interests."
Seriously. Why censor? Artists have been making shit-ass protest songs for half a century. Let them shriek. AT&T should not and should never censor stuff like that.
Oh wow lets destroy the institution! Screw conventional thinking!

Who really cares? WOWOMGIGITYGOO! Not like anyone listens to Pearl Jam anyways.
[quote name='Cormier6083']Oh wow lets destroy the institution! Screw conventional thinking!

Who really cares? WOWOMGIGITYGOO! Not like anyone listens to Pearl Jam anyways.[/quote]

Nevermind the 60 million CDs and the sold out concerts everywhere they go, the issue isn't about Pearl Jam at all.
Censored? Censored?

How the hell is this censorship? AT&T broadcast the show. AT&T owns the bandwith. If AT&T paid for everything, then they have every right to decide what and what wasn't broadcast in the show.

Censorship can only be done by the government, not a private orginisation. If a member on this site gets banned for going outside of the boundries, or makes an ass of themselves are the being censored? No. Pearl Jam wasn't censored. Hell, they should be thankful that AT&T broadcast their old, crusty asses and have people listen to their lame ass music.
[quote name='BlargTheDestroyer']Censored? Censored?

How the hell is this censorship? AT&T broadcast the show. AT&T owns the bandwith. If AT&T paid for everything, then they have every right to decide what and what wasn't broadcast in the show.

Censorship can only be done by the government, not a private orginisation. If a member on this site gets banned for going outside of the boundries, or makes an ass of themselves are the being censored? No. Pearl Jam wasn't censored. Hell, they should be thankful that AT&T broadcast their old, crusty asses and have people listen to their lame ass music.[/quote]

Good argument for net neutrality.
[quote name='BlargTheDestroyer']Censored? Censored?

How the CENSORED? AT&T CENSORED. AT&T CENSORED. If AT&T paid for CENSORED in the show.

Censorship can only be CENSORED, not a private CENSORED. If a member on this site gets banned for going outside CENSORED, or makes an CENSORED of themselves CENSORED? No. Pearl Jam wasn't censored. Hell, they should be CENSORED old, crusty CENSORED and have people listen to their lame CENSORED music.[/QUOTE]

see i just censored you, i censored: spelling mistakes, grammar errors, inappropriate words, and idiocy for the benefits of the rest of the VS. community. Looks like entities besides the government can censure things, oh and I guess censorship is a good thing sometimes. Freedom of speech fCENSOREDing sucks anyway.
Misconstruing doesn't equal censored. In no way shape or form can individuals be censored by private companies. Pearl Jam wasn't censored. AT&T was smart by not showing PJs infantile lyrics.

A large multinational corporation would play it smart by not showing pro or anti views for either party.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']see i just censored you, i censored: spelling mistakes, grammar errors, inappropriate words, and idiocy for the benefits of the rest of the VS. community. Looks like entities besides the government can censure things, oh and I guess censorship is a good thing sometimes. Freedom of speech fCENSOREDing sucks anyway.[/quote]

Hilarious :applause:

The best part was when BTD didn't get it. The worst part is, I bet BTD votes (hey, dubya had to win somehow)
I don't understand where you're coming from BTD (well I understand what you're saying, it just doesn't make any sense).

So I was watching Pulp Fiction on Bravo last night and they had words and scenes taken out/replaced. How is that not censorship?

I can see where they have every legal right to do it as they own the station, but what does legality have to do with censorship?
[quote name='Cormier6083']Who really cares? WOWOMGIGITYGOO! Not like anyone listens to Pearl Jam anyways.[/QUOTE]

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.
[quote name='BlargTheDestroyer']Misconstruing doesn't equal censored. In no way shape or form can individuals be censored by private companies. Pearl Jam wasn't censored. AT&T was smart by not showing PJs infantile lyrics.

A large multinational corporation would play it smart by not showing pro or anti views for either party.[/quote]
Well, they could theoretically show pro views for the party less likely to tax or regulate them into unprofitability, and thus destruction.

Related: Damn, I wish someone would censor that friggen poem Zing posted. Or, at the very least, create a corollary to Godwin's Law specifically dealing with that.
Well put Zing. It is incumbent upon members of a free society to stand up for each other's liberties, even if they are not of the same class/race/views/opinions. By protecting each other's liberties we protect our own.

RollingSkull, it should be noted that Godwin's Law does not apply to discussions directly addressing genocide, propaganda, or other mainstays of the Nazi regime (including but not limited to censorship).
[quote name='pittpizza']RollingSkull, it should be noted that Godwin's Law does not apply to discussions directly addressing genocide, propaganda, or other mainstays of the Nazi regime (including but not limited to censorship).[/quote]
Because when I hear censorship, the first thing I think is Nazis. *Rolls eyes*

Again, entertainment types with a 12-year-old's view of politics have been an American tradition for as long as I've been around. Cliche-ass poem or no cliche-ass poem: I don't approve of what AT&T did. I also don't think "THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW" is the best response to it.
[quote name='dragonreborn23']Heh, this is Pearl Jam we are talking about... I'm surprised they could understand the lyrics to begin with.[/quote]

See what happens when people who don't know what they are talking about, speak (well in this case, type)?
[quote name='KingofOldSchool']How many years has you band been touring around the World?

K, thanks.[/QUOTE]

I love that argument. Pearl Jam sucking is my opinion. Think about all the things you don't like that are really famous or popular and apply that to it. Just because something is popular doesn't make it inherently good.

"Man, bologna sucks.

"Öh yeah, how many sandwiches have YOU been on?"
The whole point of the thread is whether or not Pearl Jam sucks. Its about raising awareness that:

1. AT&T censors
2. AT&T is against Net Neutrality

Those points put together will draw a simple conclusion.
Reality's Fringe;3269093 said:
I love that argument. Pearl Jam sucking is my opinion. Think about all the things you don't like that are really famous or popular and apply that to it. Just because something is popular doesn't make it inherently good.

"Man, bologna sucks.

"Öh yeah, how many sandwiches have YOU been on?"

But you can't dispute something that is a fact and 100% true all of the time. Pearl Jam is the best band in the history of the world = FACT. Just accept it. ;)
[quote name='Xevious']The whole point of the thread is whether or not Pearl Jam sucks. Its about raising awareness that:

1. AT&T censors
2. AT&T is against Net Neutrality

Those points put together will draw a simple conclusion.[/QUOTE]

Why bother, really? Let us drink our beers, watch "American Gladiators," and argue 360 vs PS3, or HD DVD vs Blu-Ray, while all our rights are handed over to the corporations.

The revolution is not coming, I'm afraid. This thread is an indication of that. We're more concerned with who sucks or who rules than the fact that laissez faire capitalism's impact on our freedom has been violated, yet again.
bread's done