At which point do you sell your games?


CAG Veteran
When do you feel it is time to sell your games? I have been selling alot of games myself lately and I kinda feel bad about it... I mean the money is nice to have and all but... Ehh I don't know lol. Maybe I am just to attached.

So what about you guys, when do you feel that it is time to sell your games?
I sell them when their value is high. EX: Suikoden II. I sold a factory sealed one for good $$$.

I don't care about playing them or finishing them.:cry:
When they become redundant.

For example, I found a cheap used copy of NFS Most Wanted on the 360 and sold my old Xbox version.
I keep all of them so far.... unless one of them is suddenly worth alot of $$$, and i can sell it for 3x my investment. doesnt happen often though, since i dont know when they are worth alot of $$$.

What i just cant figure out is, how do i know when they are worth $$$.... or when they might be a candidate for big $$$ later.

I have a few games ive purchased over the years, some are still sealed as back-cataloge(sp) to be played. How do i know which ones are going up in price and should remain sealed? *aside from ebay scouring every month, i'd assume*
I usually sell them right after beating them. I don't have much time to play new games, so I definetly don't have time to play old games.

I usually don't care much about the loss of $$$ and really only hold on to games that were 9/10 or 10/10 or gave me many hours of enjoyment.
Oh, that's easy. I don't. Still have every game I've ever bought back to the NES. Granted, I dont' buy a whole lot. So when I do get one, I'm sure it will be one that I'm going to keep playing for a while.
Yeah, I pretty much don't. I have a habit of going back and playing old games, especially ones that I never completed, like FF7. That's a positive habit in my, opinion, since I can get more bang for my buck when I purchase a game.

On the other hand, I do try to trade in games that turn to be lame. But in reality, a game has to approach Angry Video Game Nerd levels of sucktitude before I start thinking about trading it in/selling it. For example, I still own a copy of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon for the PS2. Man, that game sucked. I really should have sold it on eBay while it still had ~$10-15 of value.

Oh well. Now if I ever want, I can do an Angry Video Game Nerd-style video review of the game. But with less cursing. :p
I'm by no means a collector anymore, so I sell them once I hit the point where I feel I won't play them again. If they are of such low value I'll hold onto them for the hell of it, but pretty much anything over 10 dollars will go via amazon/ebay/whatever if I know I won't touch it again.
Thats a good topic to start.

I dont really sell games....not becuase I want to keep them but because I really really hate volentarly getting raped by trading/selling them.

There is no fucking way anyone can convince me that video games have the same trade in value of $40,000 cars.

No one can prove to me that when I walk out of a store after purchasing a 60 dollar game that opening it reduces its value by 20-40 dollars...especially when I see the "used" games marked up 10-15 dollars higher than what they are giving you for trade in value. No way. No how.

Most of the time I trade them to friends for things or which is the more common case I let one of them "borrow" in which I never see it again.

I actually do need to something with all these god damn games that I have and dont play.

Maybe I will bite the bullet and trade them in for another game......but not at Gamestop or EB games....a private dealer somewhere.
I wouldn't sell any of my games unless I absolutely hate it. I don't like selling games because you don't a fair value, IMO. So I just keep them all. I guess I'd only sell a game that I don't play, and that I could get a good price for.
I sell games and systems quickly and frequently. as soon as I don't foresee myself using them for a while (and that they aren't rare or something) they're outta there.
[quote name='PapiChullo']I wouldn't sell any of my games unless I absolutely hate it. I don't like selling games because you don't a fair value, IMO. [/quote]

My exact opinion also.

Again..there is no way that just opening a video game should reduce the value 20 or more dollars.

Its fucking code printed on a disc...

The video game community is the biggest back stabbers and hustlers and con artist around.
Most often I don't. The few times I do, it's usually the system I trade in rather than the games. I keep all of my older systems pre-PSX since they're generally not backward-compatible. And if I ever get the urge to play them, instead of opening them up from the storage boxes in my garage, I get on the virtual arcades on the current gen systems (I lurves me some XBLA) or I just fire up my modded Xbox and play the emu'd versions. One thing I HAVE stopped doing is buying dvds. Now, it's all about Netflix or Greencine. I realized that, unlike games, I will less likely watch a movie or tv series once I'd seen it. Even the ones I would consider buying, I usually sleep on it and realize the next day that the urge to buy had passed or drop it in my Netflix queue if I still had an inkling of watching it.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']I only get rid of my games when I'm positive I'm never going to play them again.[/QUOTE]

Same here! There must be no doubt. Sometimes I even keep my games if I am pretty sure I may not play them again, but there is just the slightest chance. If there is a slight chance, I'll keep it. Mostly due to the fear of the unlikely yet unfortunate scenario where I feel like playing an old game again.
[quote name='Soodmeg']My exact opinion also.

Again..there is no way that just opening a video game should reduce the value 20 or more dollars.

Its fucking code printed on a disc...

The video game community is the biggest back stabbers and hustlers and con artist around.[/QUOTE]

what do open games have to do with backstabbing and conning? People aren't going to pay the same price for your game after your fingerprints and scratches are all over it.
[quote name='Apossum']what do open games have to do with backstabbing and conning? People aren't going to pay the same price for your game after your fingerprints and scratches are all over it.[/quote]

Most of the time there are no finger prints and scratches.

Most people actually take pretty good care of their games.

I rarely see a true "fucked up" gaming disc. This isnt 1999 anymore where people just threw their games around. Now that video game systems cost 400 plus dollars and video games cost 60....the quality of the disc is not even a factor.

Only the dumbest of people are actually screwing up the actually disc itself.

So I have to disagree. I havent come across a finger scratched up it looked like it was used as a plate for a long time. At least 3 years.
for me its till death do us part.
well not really.
just decided to not be valuable.

to soomeg, if you drive a car off a lot, you lose a significant amount. Sure you might lose $20 trying to sell it back to Ebgames, but they are retailers and have to make a profit, you could sell it yourself direct and maybe lose $5....
I am actually looking to sell some of my games now...and no this isn't a plug for my TL. I'm just tired of my N64 and GCN taking up space.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Most of the time there are no finger prints and scratches.

Most people actually take pretty good care of their games.

I rarely see a true "fucked up" gaming disc. This isnt 1999 anymore where people just threw their games around. Now that video game systems cost 400 plus dollars and video games cost 60....the quality of the disc is not even a factor.

Only the dumbest of people are actually screwing up the actually disc itself.

So I have to disagree. I havent come across a finger scratched up it looked like it was used as a plate for a long time. At least 3 years.[/QUOTE]

well, my first question was really what I was curious about.

but sure, whatever you say, yeah, no one has used games that have any defects, they're all perfect and should be sold at full price.
I used to sell my games once I just didn't want to play them anymore. Until I realized that game developers make no profit from me selling my game back to GS and then they sell it back to someone else. So I said fuck GameStop, I don't want them to gain a profit from me just because I don't feel like playing this game anymore. So I no longer trade my games to GS or buy used games if I can avoid it.
[quote name='Apossum']well, my first question was really what I was curious about.

but sure, whatever you say, yeah, no one has used games that have any defects, they're all perfect and should be sold at full price.[/quote]


Hmmm you clearly missed what my point was. I dont remember saying used game should be sold at full price.........

And I thought most....meant most....not everyone's used games are perfect.

I am just going to add some smilies to end this.

[quote name='Fredrick2003']When do you feel it is time to sell your games? I have been selling alot of games myself lately and I kinda feel bad about it... I mean the money is nice to have and all but... Ehh I don't know lol. Maybe I am just to attached.

So what about you guys, when do you feel that it is time to sell your games?[/QUOTE]
when I have finished them, I usually just rent console PC games because I have no other choice...
Once I play through them I sell them off pretty soon. 90% of the time a game's value goes down with time (especially if we're talking stuff released within the past year.)

And the key to not taking the $ hit from selling games you bought new is to buy your games 2nd hand yourself. Either that or only buy stuff on sale/clearance.
[quote name='Soodmeg']My exact opinion also.

Again..there is no way that just opening a video game should reduce the value 20 or more dollars.

Its fucking code printed on a disc...

The video game community is the biggest back stabbers and hustlers and con artist around.[/quote]

I agree.

There are some very weird prices. Let's say Zelda for the Wii, as soon as you open it, it loses half it's value? Why? You bring it to GS and they give you crap for it, and then sell it for $40 used. I rather buy a new game then trust the idiots at GS.

There are very few games that keep their value a long time, most of them are Mario Parties for some reason.

Getting rid of games is usesless unless you can get in on a great trade at GS, doubtful at best, or trade it directly to the person or sell it on eBay for a good ammount.

A friend of mine had several PS2 games he wanted to trade in and one Xbox 360 game. I don't remember what the Xbox 360 game was, but it wasn't a bad game. GS would hive him close to $20 for some crap PS2 game and $11-$12 for another crap PS2 game. They would have only gave him $8 for the Xbox 360 game. He's like "You're joking?" and kept the game. He spent $60 on it not that long ago and thought he could get some money back to buy a new game.

I have some bad game that were $5 or $10 that I hardly play, but I will keep them and give them as gifts to my little cousins then sell them.
Since I buy my games on clearance, I don't take much of a hit if I sell them cheap since I typically get back what I spent obtaining it.

I'd like to have a variety of games available but now I'm going to keep games that are simply unique or diverse. Unfortunately that means I'm paring down my RPG collection since not many are truly diverse from another game.

I only trade in to GS/EB when I get an incentive bonus, like the trade 3 cart only DS games get $10 extra! Otherwise I trade fairly often on a few sites.
I sell games once I have beat them and that i know I will not play through again or play on-line. I also try to just buy games off of Ebay, sale, and sites like this. I never buy a game at Gamestop unless it is on some crazy sale (almost never) mainly because the people that work in my local stores are just annoying. I really don't need to be convinced to pre-order a game like Madden or Halo. If they want to pimp presales they should try to target a game that actually may not be available on launch not a game that is the biggest selling game of all time or a franchise like Madden. They should pimp a game like Eternal Sonata, Viva Pinata, etc. Those are games that stores will not carry a lot of copies of and hence a preorder might be necessary. I also never trade a game back in. I sell on ebay or here. You make so much more money if you can get by without the immediate gratification of trading a game in.
I used to save almost every game. Now I sell pretty often. I'll sell any game that I do not plan to play again before the game sells for less value then I sold it for. Bioshock, for example. I got 32.50 for it at Gamestop without the hassle of mailing it to someone. If I ever play it again, it will be after a price drop/coupon that brings it down to $10-15. Most likely, though, by then I won't want to play it again anyway because there will be newer games out that I want instead.

While I may not get the best price from Gamestop, I get plenty more than if I wait for myself to put the game up on ebay. I almost never put things up for sale even when I get them set out and ready to do so.

If city gamers could just get a swap meet going on saturday mornings, we would all save a lot of money. Just show up with game and price and wait at a table to sell. Use your $$$ to buy other games. Easy enough if someone would sponsor it.

i used to play then trade right away so the value doesn't affect me too much. but times have change and i have very little time to play games, not to mention i have no working xbox, or ps2 (just Wii and the Gamecube). i dont really have the new gen systems yet although my brother who lives with me has them, still, i don't jump in and buy games for them right away.

except for maybe virtua tennis 3 for the x360. i did buy that and played it both off and online. the only reason why i traded it was because gamecrazy was having that extra 50% bump for all current gen games. i made $45 on that game which retailed for $49.

for rare items, i usually don't sell them right away. sure you can get $100 now, but if you wait a year or so you could easily make more than that. the less there are listed, the more money you'll make.

for limited edition items, usually i would sell them right away before the hype dies down. it also usually depends on an item. if the game suck or if its mediocre most likely the hype will slow down and eventually hit closer to retail (kinda like what happened to ninja gaiden sigma collector's edition).
I don't really like to "sell" my games, unless they have been rotting in the closet or my ammo box for years. (as the case with my PC games) I'd rather just trade them, and only if I'm 99% sure I won't want to play them long-term anymore.

But I usually keep Limited Edition games regardless of age and value. (except for Ubisoft LEs because they suck)
I'm not into collecting games so I sell my games frequently. I only hang onto the ones that I still play from time to time and ones that aren't worth selling because of the low price it'll fetch.
I don't sell them. (More like I can't) But when I die, I know my kids will just throw them out and not bother with the hassle. So instead when I retire and open up my comic book shop (30 years from next month) I'll sell them then.
Nowadays I sell them as soon as I finish them. If for any reason I think I might play it again or multiplayer is great I will hold onto them. I don't see a reason to keep them just in case, especially with the backlog I have. Have to say having a kid changed my atitude a bit.
RPGs and other games that require a large timesink (>20 hours) in order to get anywhere are sold as soon as I'm done with them or I get bored.

Now shooters (shmups), fighters, and 2d platformers. Those stick around in the "library" as they can be enjoyed anywhere from a 30 minute bite to a 2 hour session and I feel satisfied.

Except for Gradius V, that one always makes me cry by the Stage 7 Rush.
I usually sell the ones that I beat and then care about least. or usually just the garbage games I get in sales that I really don't care about. I've just about trimmed all the fat off my collection and I'm down to only the games that I plan on keeping.
Shaq-Fu that. I just sell them about 2 days before I finish them, so once I beat them I send them right out, you can sell for more that way =/
I don't sell my stuff, except for a few rare games I did not enjoy one bit- specifically, Alundra, Lode Runner, and Fighting Force (which I did like, but when you can beat a game with all 4 characters the day after you bought it, and there was a power outage they day you bought it, well...)

As one can imagine, I have a mighty backlog of games that I've either yet to play or haven't touched in months/years. I suppose I do feel kinda bad that I've got these games just sitting around when someone out there probably wants to actually play them... but I still ain't selling. I'm not strapped for cash. I actually like just having the object itself around- I've spent a fair amount of time just picking up games and DVDs off the shelf, looking at them for awhile, then putting them back. Just having it to hold is satisfying to me. Plus, there is nothing greater than when I get to dust off a game for someone stopping by and see them enjoy it. Example:

Brother, to female friend: "I think we should try and have you play Kid Icarus someday, I think you'd like it."
Me: "Oh, I'll go get it going."
Brother: "Wait- you actually have Kid Icarus?!"
Me: "Yeah, for a long time now."

Needless to say, it was an entertaining afternoon. And I think that's worth the whopping 10 bucks apiece most of my games would be lucky to get.
Since I joined this site and I rarely buy a game for full retail or even close anymore, I usually get close to what I paid for my games when I trade them.

Of course, the BEST thing to do is to actually SHOP AROUND before just giving up your games for the first trade value you're told. If you have an FYE, Gamecrazy, Gamerush and a Gamestop or nine around you, see which one gives the BEST value for your money and go with them.

But, you also have to see if those stores have trade deals going on, such as the great(and never to be done again since they musta realized how much money they could lose on the deal) 'trade 3, get $10 extra' Gamestop deal.

Deals like those give you added value for your games and make the idea of trading/selling them seem at least to be a little less of a rip off then.

Most places go by the following:

age of the game(if it came out 3-4 years ago, don't expect to get crap for it)
number they have in stock(if they have 10 copies of xyz game, you're sol)

And some even go by condition, giving less if your game looks like you used sandpaper to clean fingerprints off of it. If Gamestop went by this as well, I might be less inclined to dislike their chain, but many of the titles I've gone to buy from them look like ass.

As for me, if there is a game out that I really want, but it's from a publisher I dislike(like The Godfather from EA), I'll buy it used even if it means I'm giving a place like Gamestop ALL of my money and giving nothing to that publisher.

But as for trading games....I have kept every game I've bought(just about) within the past couple of years, since I feel most places are a HUGE rip off.
bread's done