Atari 2600 connector.


137 (100%)
okay, i remember a wierd box with a switch instead of the a/v cords of today. I've never seen any around any more. How do you guys connect your systems, or where have you seen them.

Should this topic be in the deal requet?
I have been looking for one as well, because i just found an old pong machine that has a wierd single av cord. I was thinking that an atari converter box would work. any ideas?
Yeah i was looking at that, and the problem is that i want to see what the other cord looks like. The pong machine only cost me 90 cents so i wanted to minimize the cost, and 13 bucks is way more that i want to spend. I figure that one day i will find either the splitter or a more complete unit at goodwill.
[quote name='gregthomas77']this would probably work[/QUOTE]
I bought one similar to this, only it has a single A/V (RCA) input on it as well. I'm not sure about the 2600 or the Pong machines, but my 7800 has a single RCA connector on the back. I just connected it with a cheap Radio Shack RCA cable, and it was good to go! My advice is to bring your machine to RS and try to match up the appropriate connection.
[quote name='organicow']I bought one similar to this, only it has a single A/V (RCA) input on it as well. I'm not sure about the 2600 or the Pong machines, but my 7800 has a single RCA connector on the back. I just connected it with a cheap Radio Shack RCA cable, and it was good to go! My advice is to bring your machine to RS and try to match up the appropriate connection.[/QUOTE]

yeah i might just do that but my radioshack sucks. i went looking for a connector for a sega genesis model 2 connector and didnt find one there.
An automatic RF switch (like a standard NES one, or the one linked above) WILL NOT WORK! The 2600 doesn't put out enough power to flip an automatic switch and you will have badly buzzy sound and possibly a grainy picture.

I use the little connector pictured above. They sell them at Radio Shack. Or you can get the old style manual RF switches (the kind with a real switch you have to get up and flip) They sell those at Radio Shack too, but they are a bit more expensive than the simple non-swicthing hook up.

Edit: I think this is what you would want from Radio Shack:

(That'll give you the part number to reference when you go in the store.)
[quote name='niceguyshawne']These are the best way to go, I use it for my Intellivision and Atari 7800.[/QUOTE]

Ditto, I use one of these on my 2600.... you can get them from Radio Shack as well, I think they run about $4 there too......
wow, i'm glad i made this thread. thanks i'm gonna pick up the one pictured. can't wait to see if my 2 atari 2600 are working. if not i might be visiting radio shack this whole weekend till one of those bastards work.
[quote name='urzishra14']is a 2600 worth getting it up and running?[/QUOTE]

Definitely, if you are the type who can enjoy one-screen, very simple games (not all are one screen of course). There are some really awesome games for 2600, including just about everything made by Imagic for the system and a whole lot made by Activision, and the good ones are generally very cheap. On the other hand, a lot of these games have been put in compilations like Atari Anniversary and Activision Anthology for current consoles, so you might just want to hunt these down. But make sure you try Cosmic Ark at least once in your life.
I have the most fun playing the simple multi-player games on the 2600. Warlords is a great one for 4 players, Ice Hockey is a riot, and Bowling is surprisingly fun for such a simple game. Freeway is another one that is fun for a bit.
i want to get it up and running so i can beat a game called secret quest. i remember playing it and i could do 4 of the 8 levels. i think i can do it now.
Just scored an Atari 2600 and was wondering if any of you could post pics of these adapters needed to play on newer TV's, thanks:) I couldn't get to the products via the links provided.
[quote name='neudog']Just scored an Atari 2600 and was wondering if any of you could post pics of these adapters needed to play on newer TV's, thanks:) I couldn't get to the products via the links provided.[/quote]
I am so glad I don't have to use these anymore...nothing like using a screwdriver to hook up a game console to the tv. Not sure what the previous posters were linking to because, as you said, the links don't work anymore. But this does have coax on it...haven't hooked one up in years though, so I can't say from experience it'll work.

At the bottom of that page they have a link to a quick reference guide for all types of Atari power supplies and connectors...should be helpful.
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