Atelier Iris 1 worth picking up for $30 new?

Iroquois Pliskin

CAG Veteran
Wondering if it's worth getting the first Atelier Iris for $30 new? I do enjoy quirky anime type humor, but the web reviews really have me on the fence about this game.
The main story is pretty weak, and not really the point of the game. There are a lot of random events and side things to do, most revolving around alchemy, so you're going to have to be into that.

Its not a terribly challenging game, but I liked it alright.
I enjoyed it and I paid full price.

The main story is pretty weak, but it has a game long alchemy side quest with its own story that I found much more interesting and entertaining than the main quest.

$30 seems like a much more reasonable price than $50 was. And it does have a pretty good sense of humor.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']It's worth $50. GotY in 2005, without a doubt.[/QUOTE]

That's rather bold, considering the titles released last year.

I paid full price on release day, and played it almost non-stop for a week (note: I never do either). The story is a little thin and the combat system is mediocre, but the dialogue is well-written and hilarious at times. Also, the Alchemy system is one of the most addicting things I've ever encountered. It's worth $30 for that alone.

If you're into old-school-ish Japanese RPGs, there's a strong possibility you'll get more than your money's worth.
One of my favorite games ever....

As everyone else has said, main quest isn't the focal point. The supporting NPC's are, with their conversations to you, and the little scenes that occur when you get new things to synthesize etc. I spent hours just trying new combos of things to make to open new cut scenes.
bread's done