Atelier Iris Trilogy Complete Set (PS2-Reprint) $89.99 AC at GameQuest Direct

[quote name='b3b0p']I don't care.

So, you collect to resell? Any one else find that strange?[/QUOTE]
Sometimes people decide to sell parts of their collection for one reason or another. I don't see why it really matters.

Personally, I really don't think this is a very good deal for these three games...
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Trust me I already have money in the market and I know a thing or two about business having a degree and a nice paying job. So don't give me your dumb lecture about investing.

Some of us do both collecting and playing. Would you want to see your $40 investment in a game tank in value cuz greedy ass GQD reprints every goddamn RPG ever made? No you wouldn't nobody would because what if you want to resell it and you get screwed cuz of a reprint like this one?[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't mind losing $40 if i got it back in playtime + knowing more sales= more likely devs make a sequel or similar game.
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Who the hell would want to see the value of something they own become less valuable? Sure as fuck not me.[/QUOTE]

When it comes to games, me, honestly. The only reason they're dropping in value is because people who want to play and enjoy the games are getting easier access to them. When I enjoy a game, I want others to enjoy it, too. I get less joy knowing that others can't get the same fun out of a game as I have.

I love Shadow Hearts 1 and 2. I recommend the pair to lots of people, but they simply cannot get them. That bothers me.
Reprints are awesome

fuck these greedy ass scum bag hoarders. May you opened an anthrax filled
envelope someday

Still too high in price though.

Greedy fuck Sticks

Been wanting to this up this set for awhile, but isn't around $100 around the going rate for these three games in new condition?
I collect some games and I'm happy these have been reprinted. It's not like GQD is doing it themselves. It's the manufacturer who is then selling it to GQD. Don't like it? Bitch at the manufacturer.

At the end of the day, if you have a 1st print (and usu there will be something to distinguish 1st print, even something as small as a reciept) it will be worth more.

Value comes from two things - rarity and popularity/critical acclaim. If it's very rare but sucks, it's worth nothing. If it's very well received and sold a lot it can be worth something to a lot still (case in point - FF VII sealed).

I say you stop complaining and keep ahold of proof of first run because value really doesn't get diluted if you truly have something valuable (i.e. sealed) - it'll only risk going down if it's opened but that's really going to be a moot point soon with all the digital downloads out there.
If you can find em @ Gamestop used, you'd spend around $40 total (and if you lucked out on B2G1, you'd get them for under $30 total). I lucked out and found the third one clearanced at Fry's a few months ago.
[quote name='wbc1228']
Reprints are fine by me.
I have about 350 games in my collection.
GQD can reprint any of my games.
The monetary value is irrelevant to me.
More people get to enjoy the games, isn't that great?!
I love picking up games that I missed in the past at a cheap price.[/QUOTE]

The monetary matters a little to me. I don't mind so much that they released FF7 etc on PSN, for example, but I'm not into these reprints. FF7 is less than $10 on PSN, so many more people can play, and I can still have a rarer physical copy, and everyone wins. Although frankly, I'm really hoping they don't reprint Suikoden II.

Oh, and I own all three of these, and can't see why they're selling them for more than $50 for the set. They're not exactly great.
It really depends on what is in your collection. There are a number of classic games that will never decrease in value no matter how many times they got port or remake.
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Didnt need to have a job. I did jack shit while studying for my GMAT for grad school since I had a good amount of money saved and money from investing in the market.

My Beemer says Hi to you though.

Nice try again at being a smartass though. Since my "great" school has ended with me having a lot of disposable income, a steady job with a raise coming next month, as well as that BMW. So thank you come again.[/QUOTE]

I have to comment on this because it made me chuckle. I guess money can't buy happiness. You have your blessed beemer, all that disposable income yet you seem to be pretty pissed off about losing maybe $20 at most from each game (Gamestop sells them used for $15 so demand for the games can't be that high).

There's more to life than cars, money, and video games. Curious in what you do for a living.

$90 for the set? That's crazy. I saw all 3 at one gamestop once and didn't even think they'd be worth it at $45.
Played the first, never beat it. It was hard finding all the alchemy(cooking etc) stuff out and my computer was dead for 6 months at the time. I even took a couple trips to my community college's computer labs to look up recipes =P I think it was the first... The whole side story of the alchemy shop keeper girl was as or more interesting than the actual main quest, so I really cared about that stuff.

I'd have a hard time paying 30 per game though. Somewhat old, just ok, and ps2?
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Trust me I already have money in the market and I know a thing or two about business having a degree and a nice paying job. So don't give me your dumb lecture about investing.

Some of us do both collecting and playing. Would you want to see your $40 investment in a game tank in value cuz greedy ass GQD reprints every goddamn RPG ever made? No you wouldn't nobody would because what if you want to resell it and you get screwed cuz of a reprint like this one?[/QUOTE]

If you were really good you would have sold before this happened.

har har har.

This thread is dumb, lock it.
[quote name='nikkai']If you were really good you would have sold before this happened.

har har har.

This thread is dumb, lock it.[/QUOTE]

Um, did you not see who started the thread?
[quote name='Vortextk']Played the first, never beat it. It was hard finding all the alchemy(cooking etc) stuff out and my computer was dead for 6 months at the time. I even took a couple trips to my community college's computer labs to look up recipes =P I think it was the first... The whole side story of the alchemy shop keeper girl was as or more interesting than the actual main quest, so I really cared about that stuff.

I'd have a hard time paying 30 per game though. Somewhat old, just ok, and ps2?[/QUOTE]

Yea, seriously $30 a pop is too expensive and that's after coupon. I picked up a sealed original print of Atelier 3 for $20 2 yrs. ago at gamecrazy but $30 is too much.
[quote name='solarisv']Yea, seriously $30 a pop is too expensive and that's after coupon. I picked up a sealed original print of Atelier 3 for $20 2 yrs. ago at gamecrazy but $30 is too much.[/QUOTE]
Well, 2 and 3 aren't really the expensive ones.

You can find them for around $20-30 I believe, but the first one tends to be around $60-70.
[quote name='donburns99']Well, 2 and 3 aren't really the expensive ones.

You can find them for around $20-30 I believe, but the first one tends to be around $60-70.[/QUOTE]

That's true, I was hoping since GQD would offer individual copies for sale but I know their going to increase the price like they did with fatal frame. On another note is 1 really a lot better then 2 and 3. I've seen the reviews before and it seems like 1 was good because it was something fresh/new while 2 and 3 received lower scores because they were a rehash of the same formula. Story wise is 1 better?
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From the looks of ebay, the 1st is selling for about $10-15 used. You can probably all 3 used for about $30-40. I tried all 3 of them. They didn't really appeal to me even though I usually love JRPGs. Although I did like the 1st Ar Tonelico though, but didn't like the 2nd one.
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Didnt need to have a job. I did jack shit while studying for my GMAT for grad school since I had a good amount of money saved and money from investing in the market.

My Beemer says Hi to you though.

Nice try again at being a smartass though. Since my "great" school has ended with me having a lot of disposable income, a steady job with a raise coming next month, as well as that BMW. So thank you come again.[/QUOTE]

That's nice. But for all we know that could be your bosses car, or you could be leasing it. So who really cares. And besides people who are careful with their money would be driving a Genesis anyway! ;)

You wouldn't happen to be a Atari Jaguar collector would you? Those guys get pissed when someone even mentions anything that negatively affects the price of their collections. Such as emulator/roms and burning Jag CD's.
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Trust me I already have money in the market and I know a thing or two about business having a degree and a nice paying job. So don't give me your dumb lecture about investing.

Some of us do both collecting and playing. Would you want to see your $40 investment in a game tank in value cuz greedy ass GQD reprints every goddamn RPG ever made? No you wouldn't nobody would because what if you want to resell it and you get screwed cuz of a reprint like this one?[/QUOTE]

So your argument is that it's wrong for them to be greedy, but it's okay for you to be greedy?
only eternal mana has value sealed.
And all 3 used go for $15 each at ebgames
So from a used standpoint, there was little value here to begin with.
From a new/collector standpoint, you'd really want to have the soundtrack for the 1st game, which isn't being reprinted, and so the value should be fine.

If you have a sealed SMT: Nocturne (with soundtrack), the value really didn't take a knock when the game got reprinted.

Still, if you are coming from the conversation as an investor/collector, you CAN'T be surprised when this happens. There is always a chance for reprints, or reissues. Just like investing anything, there is risk.
In this case, you can minimize risk by either buying sealed copies at very low clearance prices, or to buy when they have limited items that are very unlikely to be reprinted.
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Trust me I already have money in the market and I know a thing or two about business having a degree and a nice paying job. So don't give me your dumb lecture about investing.

Some of us do both collecting and playing. Would you want to see your $40 investment in a game tank in value cuz greedy ass GQD reprints every goddamn RPG ever made? No you wouldn't nobody would because what if you want to resell it and you get screwed cuz of a reprint like this one?[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure how this makes GQD greedy, they are offering people the opportunity to get their hands on a "rare" series at a reasonable price. A chance that would otherwise be less likely because of the insanely high resell value of the originals. If anything, the might be greedy for selling such a mediocre series for so much. :S

I think the real greed lies with the individuals that want to deny others the opportunity to actually enjoy a game, just so they can maintain their own copy's resell value, but maybe thats me. :cry:
[quote name='refusedchaos']true. but no, the reprints will be exactly the same. Sometimes there are some small color differences but yea.[/QUOTE]
Well, the Atelier Iris series is old enough to have used the older case with the memory card holder in it. The reprints will use the new case without the holder. I'm not saying people will care about the different casing but at least it's something to tell the reprints apart.
[quote name='eau']Well, the Atelier Iris series is old enough to have used the older case with the memory card holder in it. The reprints will use the new case without the holder. I'm not saying people will care about the different casing but at least it's something to tell the reprints apart.[/QUOTE]

You could always just change the case with an older one then?
[quote name='Hybrid5006']After that stupid mortal kombat crap, I'm never buying from GDQ again...[/QUOTE]

Whoa there -- did you actually buy that?
Anyone who still thinks they're going to retire off of their sealed PS2 RPG collection hasn't been paying attention for the last couple of years.

The only reason to buy a game is because it brings you enjoyment-- either from playing it, or displaying a pristine sealed copy on your shelf, whatever floats your boat. There's no reason for your own enjoyment of a game to be diminished just because other people get to enjoy it too. Even in the case of the rarest niche RPG, these are still mass-market products we're talking about, not some historical artifact.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Anyone who still thinks they're going to retire off of their sealed PS2 RPG collection hasn't been paying attention for the last couple of years.

The only reason to buy a game is because it brings you enjoyment-- either from playing it, or displaying a pristine sealed copy on your shelf, whatever floats your boat. There's no reason for your own enjoyment of a game to be diminished just because other people get to enjoy it too. Even in the case of the rarest niche RPG, these are still mass-market products we're talking about, not some historical artifact.[/QUOTE]

Agreed for the most part, though I do think someone who is willing to sell off a collection rather than individual games probably would be able to rake in a pretty decent premium. It really does depend on how much you originally paid for the games in the first place. If one was able to buy most of his/her games at a substantially lower price (by waiting for clearances, sales, etc.) then odds are a collection -- even if made up of open games -- so long as their condition is like new, would stand to profit.

I think digital downloads will diminish value, but something has to be said for having a hard copy with case and manual. I wouldn't trade in my hard-copy of MvC2 for my DC for any digitally enhanced version. It's nice to own the copy vs. having it in a digital harddisk.
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Trust me I already have money in the market and I know a thing or two about business having a degree and a nice paying job. So don't give me your dumb lecture about investing.

Some of us do both collecting and playing. Would you want to see your $40 investment in a game tank in value cuz greedy ass GQD reprints every goddamn RPG ever made? No you wouldn't nobody would because what if you want to resell it and you get screwed cuz of a reprint like this one?[/QUOTE]

Who is the greedy one here?
[quote name='mogamer']And besides people who are careful with their money would be driving a Genesis anyway! ;)[/QUOTE]

Why the Genesis is an over priced POS that will have horrible resale in the future, how is that being careful. Stick with Honda or Toyota if your "careful with your money."
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Trust me I already have money in the market and I know a thing or two about business having a degree and a nice paying job. So don't give me your dumb lecture about investing.

Some of us do both collecting and playing. Would you want to see your $40 investment in a game tank in value cuz greedy ass GQD reprints every goddamn RPG ever made? No you wouldn't nobody would because what if you want to resell it and you get screwed cuz of a reprint like this one?[/QUOTE]

Investments that can tank at anytime aren't a good idea. You call GQD greedy for reprinting games that costed them much more for the rights to reprint/sell the games in the first place than your whole $40 investment which you now whine over. GQD is a buisness and they have the right to earn money in any way that is legal and fair. They are doing that by reprinting some older games. Such a shame for you :roll:
[quote name='elessar123']Um, did you not see who started the thread?[/QUOTE]

Oh, I know cheapy started the thread - just sayin - the thread has derailed.
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Trust me I already have money in the market and I know a thing or two about business having a degree and a nice paying job. So don't give me your dumb lecture about investing.

Some of us do both collecting and playing. Would you want to see your $40 investment in a game tank in value cuz greedy ass GQD reprints every goddamn RPG ever made? No you wouldn't nobody would because what if you want to resell it and you get screwed cuz of a reprint like this one?[/QUOTE]

lol you mad.

Obviously you're degree couldn't buy you a brain. Yea let's not give the devs more money for their hard work because some jackoff cares about his used game price.

Guess what, I have a finance degree and a good job also, I don't whine because my "investment" in video games just dropped from $60 to $40 :roll:
[quote name='Vinny']I'm surprised nobody's bothered to clean this thread up yet.[/QUOTE]

If you're not interested in the side chatter goin on, why do you keep coming back in to read it?
[quote name='gettinmoney662']If you're not interested in the side chatter goin on, why do you keep coming back in to read it?[/QUOTE]

I'm interested in seeing if the $90 price tag is justifiable (since I don't think it is) for this reprint.

And I'm not talking about side chatter related to the topic at hand, there's nothing wrong with that. I'm talking about the fact that the tread is way off topic. I'm not sure what a BMW and degrees have to do with this reprint but mods usually clean up off topic posts in most threads after a page or two.
[quote name='gettinmoney662']If you're not interested in the side chatter goin on, why do you keep coming back in to read it?[/QUOTE]

Because he's not interested in the side chatter and wants to read discussion on the game and deal. I know that's why I keep clicking on it.
[quote name='Vinny']I'm interested in seeing if the $90 price tag is justifiable (since I don't think it is) for this reprint.[/QUOTE]

Well, $90 is just the right price for me (if I didn't already own them), but I enjoy collecting almost as much as gaming. AI 2 is very good, and AI 1 is almost as good as 2. AI 3 felt really slapped together, very weak story and mission-based gameplay. If it was $60 for AI 1 and 2, I would say definitely buy it. But it's $90 for all 3. Ask yourself how much you want to play some classic JRPGs with a great art style and a decent story.

...And for the record, I only see two reasons to oppose reprints:

1. You buy games as investments, meaning you're a fool.
2. You enjoy the fact that others can't own what you own, meaning you're a dick.
Thanks GQD for helping bring these game to a wider audience.

My 96 Saturn was paid off long ago. I only have liability insurance on it. It has been getting me to my jobs just fine for 14 years.
[quote name='Vinny']Bonds are a safer investment than games but stocks in the past year haven't exactly been solid.[/QUOTE]

If you bought any security back in March of 2009 when the market bottomed out your investment now has already retruned 200-500%.
A picture of your BMW proves nothing. You could be making payments or leasing it.

It's a video game and even if the value dropped a $100 I would not give a fuck. If the value went from $115 to $15 overnight, I would not care. In fact, I guarantee you I would not know unless someone told me.

All GQD did was make it available to those who want(ed) it. Who cares how many copes were printed and when? Besides you of course.
I thought the point of this site was to help us Cheap Ass Gamers get games Cheap Ass? Not getting pissed that rare games are getting a reprint. Thanks Cheapy. I for one am probably going to order since I never got to play these.
bread's done