Austin Area Halo 3 LAN Sept 28th!


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Man, I seriously didnt' know where to post this.... It'd be awesome to meet some Austin Area CAGs though. If this is in the wrong place, don't hate, just let me know where to move it to please. :)

Austin/TX Halo Fans... I'm throwing a Halo 3 LAN this Friday. I did the same thing after H2 was released and it was an awesome time. It's pretty chill so don't worry about not being a Halo pro. We're just getting together to have some fun and enjoy the new game with 15 or so other like minded people. :) Info below:

The Jaded Gamers' Halo 3 Multiplayer LAN

Location: Round Rock/N. Austin (RSVP for Directions)
Date: Friday, September 28th
Time: 8pm until People Pass Out
Admission: Free!


It's Halo 3. It's multiplayer. It's a LAN! We had 16 people show up for our Halo2 launch party a few years ago, and now the time has come again.

If you're looking for a hardcore H3 tourney, this isn't for you. We're basically about getting together, enjoying the game and having a blast. Skill levels will range from terrible to awesome, so all are welcome.

I host quite a few video game gatherings so come meet some new people who also love gaming and enjoy H3 Multiplayer in a LANned environment!

In addition to the Halo 3 gaming, we'll have:
- All the arcade games turned on to FREE PLAY (Killer Instinct, SF2 Hyper, SSF2 Turbo, MAME cab, Neo Geo 4 slot)
- Guitar Hero II setup. You gotta love GH2.
- $10 for All Night Pizza and Mountain Dew Halo 3 Game Fuel! If you choose, an optional $10 will buy you plenty of pizza and game fuel to keep you going through the night.

This is basically being run out of my house, and we are taking donations of equipment (360s, controllers, chairs, H3 game discs, networking equipment, etc.) Please let me know if you can donate some equipment for the evening. For the latest update on who's bringing what, refresh this page: ayer-lan-sept-28th.html
I think this is an AWESOME idea, and if I was still stationed at Fort Hood I would definitely stop-by...kudos to you for setting this up!
Wow that sounds like fun, however like Liquid said a 1 hour drive kinda nixes me out of it. Have Fun and please do it again, maybe next time I could show up!
bread's done