AWAY Shuffle Dungeon - $9.99 at Bestbuy

It's also been new at GS for about a month now. But everyone knows you're most likely to get a non sealed copy there.

When I picked up mine, they did have the foresight to at least give me a sealed one from under the counter.

Should we start posting Price Tracker if it's a good deal? I mean why not, it's not that completely in your face like a thread is. I saw it this morning and reserved myself from making a post.
[quote name='Googer']In for a copy w/ local pickup using up a bit more of the gift card I got at x-mas. Thanks! :)


Yeah thanks for that.
got it for 20 bucks. Beat it ... though i just placed an order for instore pick up to keep it sealed in my collection...

dont know if they game has any replay vaule. Fun game i think about 20 hours long
That's a great price for this game. I got this one for free because I did a review for it. It's definitely worth 9.99 especially if you support Sakaguchi and if you like anything Zelda.
Thanks, I didn't know about the price drop at GS for this one. I went there tonight and grabbed a sealed copy while on my way to Wal-Mart for the new shipment of Let The Right One In DVD they just got in today. Score x 2.
[quote name='xycury']It's also been new at GS for about a month now. But everyone knows you're most likely to get a non sealed copy there.

When I picked up mine, they did have the foresight to at least give me a sealed one from under the counter.

Should we start posting Price Tracker if it's a good deal? I mean why not, it's not that completely in your face like a thread is. I saw it this morning and reserved myself from making a post.[/QUOTE]

I like having full-on threads for deals, regardless of where they're from. I wouldn't have been tracking this game, but now that I see the price, I may go for it.
[quote name='cranguy']In for one, only because I have a compulsion to support anything Hironobu Sakaguchi makes.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's why I'm interested in it.

Is this really any good? For the price, and since there's some Sakaguchi connection...

I'd go pick it up in store, but it would probably effectively cost that much to get it, and anyway it probably isn't there, or something.

Hmm...Edge only gave it 5/10, and RPGamer 2/5...
bread's done