B2G1 Blu-ray - Best Buy (online only - 1/25 to 1/26)- Select Titles

Thanks for the heads up! I have some rewards certificates I need to use. Just curious as to how you got the $17 figure? With the 7% tax and instore pickup it would cost me $13.37 per movie.
2 at $25

Around 50

Pick 1 for free...

so 3 movies divided by $50=

$16.66 something not including taxes...

Thats how! Stay in school kids!
seems like they are pretty all the same movies we've been seeing in those b1g1 sales recently.

Was hoping for some movies that are part of Sony's Buy2Get1 rebate.
Not bad, certainly better than the CC b2g1, but still not as good if you just buy them seperately at Amazon.
bread's done