B2G2 on used PS2 games at GS

[quote name='MaximusDM']The employees are probably keeping them all to themselves.
I had one time found a pretty rare Gamecube game at Gamestop in great shape and booklet (only way I buy), and I bring it to the counter and the employee looks at the game and tells me they don't have it.

I say, I just pulled this box off the shelf, why would it be there if you didn't have it. And he tells me that he had just sold it earlier WITHOUT the original box. There is a brief moment of silence as I look into this guys eyes. I could tell he was lying.

I then find ANOTHER box of the same game, and I bring it up and ask are you SURE you don't have anymore? He hastily grabs the box from my hands and then says "that shouldn't even be on the shelf, we don't have anymore."

I almost hopped the counter and grabbed him by head and foot to perform a back-breaker wrestling maneuver until he spit out his insides through his mouth. But instead I just chose to leave.[/QUOTE]
yep, whenever they say this, you can pretty much insist on taking the case+booklet... it's happened to me a couple times, and the manager always offered them to me to take for free in case I do find the disc at another gamestop

thus, I have 2 cases of Cubivore
I'd like to collect all the Ratchet and Clank games, but I'm pretty sure they'll get HD remasters at some point. I only have Going Commando.
are you sure? I have doubts about Size matters, secret agent clank and Deadlocked getting HD remasters.

Is there proof of an impending 75% off ps2 sale?
[quote name='KirbyLovesTacos']Figured since SE doesn't listen to the fans about Kingdom Hearts games that we'll never get that HD collection[/QUOTE]

Umm... this is pretty much going to happen. Nomura said sometime ago when asked about HD ports of the KH games he said "We're currently experimenting with a system to update our old games, but we have nothing to announce yet." That's pretty much business lingo for "A chance to make more money for work already done? fuck yeah we're doing that, but not right now, we got other shit to do."
[quote name='strait edge follower']Of course this sale happens AFTER bestbuy nuked the tiv's on those old ps2 sports games. I would have had a field day with this sale otherwise[/QUOTE]

Thanks for keeping us informed on what you would have done.
managed to snag nightshade, shinobi, resident evil code veronica, and siren, now all i need is to get their cover art and manual and everything would be perfect
I already have a backlog from the last B2G2 but I guess it's worth it to check out what they have. Still looking for a complete copy of Disgaea 2.

Also, have they converted all the "new" games to used yet? I remember an employee saying they were going to have some conversions a few months ago. Alot of the really good stuff left is still labeled as new.
[quote name='BoromirsFan']Is there proof of an impending 75% off ps2 sale?[/QUOTE]

Not that I've seen yet, but there's been a trend of 75% off sales when a system is two generations old. PS1 games went 75% off when PS3 came out, GBA games went 75% off when 3DS came out, Xbox games went 75% off when 360 came out with its "buy this game on Xbox Originals" crap, and there's no backward compatibility in the new PS3 slims.

Besides, we can always hope it comes soon, right? :lol:
The Getaway was such a good game, i highly recommend that for 1.99 price tag, one of the first games i owned on my ps2, pretty good story and gameplay
[quote name='Blade']Not that I've seen yet, but there's been a trend of 75% off sales when a system is two generations old. PS1 games went 75% off when PS3 came out, GBA games went 75% off when 3DS came out, Xbox games went 75% off when 360 came out with its "buy this game on Xbox Originals" crap, and there's no backward compatibility in the new PS3 slims.

Besides, we can always hope it comes soon, right? :lol:[/QUOTE]

Are you saying they don't play PS1 games anymore?
no just for the ps2 titles.... I have no fears for mine is an original ps3 with PS2 BC that i hardly ever use!

Still nice to have it though ;D
The "we dont have the disc" excuse has been given to me a few times.

The last time I went to that particular GS, they had a MINT copy of GodHand on the shelf. Brought it to the counter, got the whole "sorry, it looks like we sold it JUST before you got here" shpeal . Thought, fuck it, and asked if I could take the case / manual. Manager gave the go-ahead, and walked outta there with a smile on my face.

Didn't really care so much about them not having it, because it was the same week it was put up on PSN for $10.

The only other GS I frequent stopped carrying PS2 titles, and even so, I have like 90% of all the ones I'd ever want. As well, GS fucking price gouges on a ton of titles (like Okami & San Andreas), so if I ever wanted those I can pick them up elsewhere and/or wait for the inevitable HD re-releases (at least for a few).

I hope a few of you guys can snag some goodies, though.
My only concern is the rhythm games. Mainly DDR. I have a metal PS2 pad so the Ps3 version is all but useless to me. On top of that, I'd have to re-buy the songs I usually play. What I really hate is when I go in and have to dig all over the place for a certain game but they're all in some kind of alphabetical order...except the DDR games.

Anyway, I remember when PS1 games when on sale. Do you think that will happen soon with PS2 games?

Sorry for the rambling. I'm a bit sleep deprived.
Stopped by one store today and they only have discs now. They tossed all the cases. Didn't bother looking through the discs that much though I did see RAD.
[quote name='BudzMcGee']Last time they did this I ended up selling so many $.99 PS2 sports games to Best Buy for $1.60 a pop. It was worth the looks.[/QUOTE]
Yeah. But now Best Buy has nuked those $1 minimum trade values down to $.50 for all of the old sports games.:cry:

Shame really. I got rid of my $25 GS gift card I got from eRewards by buying up a ton of old sports crap. Funny thing was that all of them had cases/artwork/manuals just about too. :D
[quote name='AionTelos']Besides me saying I hate Gamestop and Walmart, if they have a good deal I'll shop there.
Call me a hippo-crit, but I like to think I'm ripping them off.[/QUOTE]

I like your honesty, but you are not ripping them off.

[quote name='VyseArcad1a']Actually no, I don't. If by chance they do have a deal (which isn't often) I price match it ANYWHERE else (cause you know they will do that and GameStop won't). Do you happen to know everywhere I shop? I didn't think so. How about YOU GTFO, and maybe post something relevant on this site for once.[/QUOTE]

They do have deals, not as often as Best Buy, but as brick and mortar, they do have deals frequently. Price match anywhere? Sure...right. I am sure you enjoy going to customer service all the time just to avoid stepping a foot inside gamestop. I don't give a shit where you buy, but I am sure you do buy at GameStop when they have deals, like everyone else that claims they hate the company.

Post something relevant? You mean like this post:

[quote name='VyseArcad1a']And that's why I fucking hate GameStop.[/QUOTE]

Wow, that is so relevant.

[quote name='lude21']1. STFU gslover, lol. Gamestop sucks, simple as that. 2. Always one defending their shady business practices. 3. They have the worst employees too. 4. Alot of people dont have a choice because its the only game place around, since their monopolizing the market. 5. Only time i step in that hellhole is to flip crap games/disc only/flea mrk. junk.[/QUOTE]

1. That was deep
2. Any store can do whatever they want. It is called, capitalism, dont like, don't buy and move on.
3. Every chain has bad employees. You should make some trips to Wal-Mart, even Best Buy has some "winners".
4. Monopolizing because GameStop is the only game place around? Dude, that's not GameStop's fault. They can't control what chains are in the area. That tells me how smart you are. :lol:
5. And that's the definition of a hypocrite. Gotta bite the hand that fees. People like you are the ones that bring incomplete games, and then you are the ones that bitch about missing booklet and original cases with used games being sold at the stores. GameStop says: "thank you for doing business with us". Imagine if GS didn't exist, who would take your "junk"? Think before you write.:roll:
[quote name='MasterSun1']Stopped by one store today and they only have discs now. They tossed all the cases. Didn't bother looking through the discs that much though I did see RAD.[/QUOTE]

Damn, that sucks... I'm guessing mine will do the same soon. They're about to hit critical mass in regards to space.

[quote name='CGH']Gba games 75% off at gs when did sale start?[/QUOTE]

Wait, what?
The thing is though most of these games are instore only, and non of what I want is anywhere near me. Also I'm assuming you have to get all 4 games at once. At this point my PS2 library is pretty good, so the only games I have left to pick up are a few hidden gems. It's easier if I just pick them up individually at this point, because even if I do find them at Gamestop the cases are probably going to be all messed up.
i'm not a very big fan of gamestop but it's mostly because their prices suck in comparison to other retailers but when they do have some sales i dont mind shopping there since the employees try to be helpful, but i'm less inclined to let the employees actually handle the game since one of them took a box cutter to a dark souls collectors edition, but that was just one mishap among the decent amount of customer service ive received from the employees; my theory is that if the gamestop ur going to is the only gamestop within a 10 mile radius ur likely to not get optimal service
I'm a little burned out on PS2 at this point, it's too bad this sale couldn't have been a few months ago, though I cleaned up on the last one and more or less finished my collection off with the 50% off sale. At this point I'm only left with a handful of games I need to track down, so I'll pass on this one.
Hmm...all this talk about Dance Dance Revolution has me wanting to pick up more of them. Already have DDR Supernova, DDR X, and DDR Super Nova 2 in my backlog. Might get the rest of them just to complete the PS2 series.
Received my 4 copies of Dark Cloud 2 today, none of them had the original instruction manuals with them and all but one of the PS2 cases were torn like shit. Discs were in surprisingly good condition though and they did come with the original artwork.
My games are supposed to get here tonight. I'm hoping everything comes in decent shape. Not getting my hopes up though.
Okay, got 8 games in that I ordered. 2 came with inserts in generic cases, no manuals. The rest generic cases, no inserts/manuals. At least I made an order for replacement cases/manuals when BRE Software had them for 65% off. Got some stuff I would have had to pay a lot more for on ebay too.
Wow. I thought this was over days ago.

Is it B2G2 free on ALL used PS2 games? It's in store too right?

[quote name='Nesmaster75']I believe today is the last day for the sale.[/QUOTE]
I traded in games for 50% off a used game deal. The game happened to be a rather expensive PS2 game.

Wonder if I could return/rebuy for the b2g2 deal, even if I took advantage of the trade in deal? I wasn't aware this deal was still going on....
[quote name='jkimrey']I traded in games for 50% off a used game deal. The game happened to be a rather expensive PS2 game.

Wonder if I could return/rebuy for the b2g2 deal, even if I took advantage of the trade in deal? I wasn't aware this deal was still going on....[/QUOTE]

50% off is the same if not better as b2g2...b2g2 can only ever be equal to a max of 50% off assuming all the games you bought were the same price.
[quote name='CGH']Gba games 75% off at gs when did sale start?[/QUOTE]

...What? Every store near me sold out or shipped their GBA games elsewhere this summer, and I live in New England.
[quote name='EarthBoundX5']50% off is the same if not better as b2g2...b2g2 can only ever be equal to a max of 50% off assuming all the games you bought were the same price.[/QUOTE]

The only advantage of 50% off is not having to find 4 games you need at one store. I want to finally pick up the SMT games if they ever do another 50% off.
Yeah, I spent about an hour flipping through all the PS2 games on a table. Found some games I wasn't even looking for. One store said this was ending on Jan. 8 and another said Jan. 18!

I'd love to see 75% off Gameboy Advance games or B2G2 on them soon.
[quote name='Gosha']The only advantage of 50% off is not having to find 4 games you need at one store. I want to finally pick up the SMT games if they ever do another 50% off.[/QUOTE]

...not sure if you misread or misunderstood my post. I was saying the 50% off is better; which it is, vastly over the b2g2
Okay, got my order I placed about a week ago in. One of the orders I ordered the second Fullmetal Alchemist game and they ended up sending me Ridge Racer 6 on 360 for some reason....

The second order, which was supposed to be 4 copies of DDR X2 ended up being a 3 copies of DDR MAX 2 and a one of EXTREME 2. Going to go try returning these to Gamestop right now because of this.
bread's done