Back! Ouendan 2 (JP) (DS) - $29.90 at Play-Asia


1 (100%)


Shipping is $2.60

So, $32.50 shipped if you get it on its own.

If you don't have this game, get it now.
Fantastic game that was worth the $50 or whatever it was I paid for it many months ago. At this price it's a no-brainer. I may buy a second copy to give as a gift. Oh, and I have an M3DSS. However, I don't buy into the if you buy the game later it's OK mentality. If you've been playing it for 6 months then you should have paid for it 6 months ago at the original price. However, it is possible to use a flash cart without shortchanging anyone/any company. Only install games on it that you have (already) bought and still posses (and rip from the original cart if you have that ability). If you sell a game, remove it from your flash cart. You'll feel better about yourself and yet still get the advantage of being able to easily carry (and switch between) your games, as well as being able to play homebrew.
[quote name='Needles-Kane']Is a good site too? They have it for $29.99 with free shipping. Anyone have any coupon codes for this site?[/QUOTE]

I have purchased from them (once) with no problems and they are located in the US so you'll get your game a bit quicker usually.
^^^ Cool, thanks!

I haven't played the 1st one and only a demo of EBA but it seems pretty fun and everyone highly recommends it so I think I'll give it a try. My wife said she didn't like the demo and would never play the game but she said that about Mario vs Donkey 2, Brain Age, Animal Crossing GC, etc etc and ending up loving them. This also seems like a big improvement over the others and EBA2 isn't announced so that adds more fuel to the fire.

Being in japanese doesn't detract too much? It doesn't seem possible to pay any attention to the story while playing and I don't really care about the music either, just the gameplay.

Here is the address if anyone wants from them $29.99 free shipping
YesAsia is totally reputable, I buy CDs from them every other week. The only thing is once you order a game (or Japanese DVDs for some reason) from them, you cannot cancel the order at all.
[quote name='Needles-Kane']Being in japanese doesn't detract too much? It doesn't seem possible to pay any attention to the story while playing and I don't really care about the music either, just the gameplay.[/QUOTE]

You can understand almost everything without knowing a lick of Japanese. The menus take a little bit of experimentation, but it's all really self-explanatory. And the vignettes of each stage are told via animated manga-style panels, so it's surprising how easily you can figure out what's going on even through the language barrier.

Taking out music preferences and looking from a sheer gameplay perspective, Ouendan 2 is easily the best game in the series. It's got the gameplay refinements from EBA (skipping the intros to songs, and you can even save up to 20 stage replays in separate save slots), and the note patterns and rhythms are probably the hardest and the most enjoyable in the series. I'm a huge fan of the music too, though; a good blend of pop, rock and a hip-hop tune or two.

I was just replaying my copy of this today, out of sheer coincidence. :) It was totally worth the $60 I paid at a local import shop, and it's most assuredly worth half that to everyone else here.
[quote name='Scarface7']Will this play on American DS? and is it in English?[/quote]

Yes, the PSP and DS will play any games, regardless of region.

No, it is not in English, though it is straightforward enough to navigate it by a little trial and error.
Regarding the Japanese barrier, if you have played EBA, then you will have no problem at all. The interface is essentially identical. Even if you haven't played EBA you can probably figure it out pretty quickly. Regarding the stories, in a way it is even more fun that you can't understand the text. You'll be watching a story unfold in pictures and not be sure of what is going on, and then some image will make it all clear and it will seem all the funnier for it. Oh, and I like the music in the game. I might even like the music in Ouendan 2 better than Ouendan 1, but that opinion could change daily. I also like the music in EBA. I guess I'm just easy to please. :)
Thanks lunker and crunch.

I think I would like the fact the songs are not in English. I don't care for japan at all but I have a problem with songs getting stuck in my head so if I don't understand them maybe that would help- although it didn't help with the intro and ending songs when my wife watched Bleach :cry:

I didn't know EBA has the refinements of intro skipping and replay saving, now I have to make a choice since EBA may be found a lot cheaper. I can't find it cheap here in MN though, I haven't checked walmart but I really hate to support that welfare company.
I loved EBA, definitely hope there's a second one. I'd probably get O2 but I want to go through the first one first. Anyone else find it weird that the sequel costs $20 less than the original? $50 for a budget rerelease seems high.
[quote name='SevereTireDamage']I loved EBA, definitely hope there's a second one. I'd probably get O2 but I want to go through the first one first. Anyone else find it weird that the sequel costs $20 less than the original? $50 for a budget rerelease seems high.[/quote]
Budget rerelease? Ouendan 1 wasn't rereleased as a budget title. The only reason that Ouendan 2 is cheaper is because it's on sale.

Where's my Ouendan 3 announcement, that's what I want to know.
[quote name='Needles-Kane']I didn't know EBA has the refinements of intro skipping and replay saving, now I have to make a choice since EBA may be found a lot cheaper. I can't find it cheap here in MN though, I haven't checked walmart but I really hate to support that welfare company.[/QUOTE]

If you want EBA cheap you need to look in Sears and kmart. It's $1.97 at Sears. Kmart is also very cheap, but I believe a bit more. See the Sears and kmart threads.
When I bought Ouendan 2 a little over a month ago at Yesasia (for 29.99 and free shipping) it came just a week later. Both sites are trustworthy, and I've only had 1 bad experience after a dozen or so transactions between the two of them.

That one bad transaction was with Ouendan 1. I bought it from Yesasia the same time as my friend across town bought it. He got his in a week and a half, mine took 2 months for seemingly no reason at all. No emails, no status change, no nothing. Had to call their CS a couple times, but they came through for me eventually.
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