Barack Obama Supports Marijuana Decriminalization- Video

Definitely hurtful, though at this point America wastes so much money on "the war on drugs" that I think that decriminalizing marijuana would be a good idea. And for the record, I've never smoked anything my entire life.
Like I said before, this is like Jesus second coming.
Obama is the f-ing man.
MJ is not coke people. Even alcohol is worse than dank.
Ben Franklin smoked hash all the time and thats how he came up with all those inventions. Brown weed gives the real stuff a bad rep. If you haven't smoked the purple then shut up and sit down, clown.
Most of the people in jail are there because of something dealing with drugs.

They need help, not prison. Pot heads need a life and not prison.

I'm fully in support of making pot legal. Before Nixon needed something to get his face off the papers and thus started the "War on Drugs!" having pot wasn't a huge crime. The world didn't go to hell in a handbag.

And I don't think this topic will be that big of a deal. By November we will be in a depression, gas will be at least $5 a gallon, we will be going into the heating oil season and people will be freezing to death, we are no longer growing enough food to feed ourselves, and there is that little problem called Iraq that we are wasting $10,000 a second on.

I'm sure the Republicans will bring it up with gay marriage and flag burning, but in the end it won't matter at all.
I'm torn. I do think drugs mess up your mind--then again, so does alcohol, and cigarettes are much more harmful to the body than some of the "lighter" drugs. I don't think things like crack or coke or heroin should be legal, but I could see decriminalizing marijuana. I do think that crimes committed "under the influence" should definitely remain crimes (DUI for instance).
Of Barack's mostly radical (many in the bad way) viiews, this is probably the one that bothers me least.
Just regulate it like alcohol and we're good to go.

No driving high.
No openly carrying/smoking it in public.
Fire anyone smoking on the job.
Tax it to all hell.
21 and older.
Have hilarious radio commercials.
Superbowl ads with super hot chicks.
No smoking around minors (this one would be one of the most important).
[quote name='HuppSav']Like I said before, this is like Jesus second coming.[/quote]

Let's hope not. That didn't work so well the first time around.
[quote name='Magehart']Have hilarious radio commercials.
Superbowl ads with super hot chicks.[/QUOTE]

fuck no

like cigarettes, no advertisements

you know what should be legal but heavily, heavily, heavily regulated?


MDMA itself is nearly harmless but stupid twats cut it with meth and stuff. i think less people would be harmed by it if it were legal and clean.
[quote name='Koggit']
you know what should be legal but heavily, heavily, heavily regulated?


MDMA itself is nearly harmless but stupid twats cut it with meth and stuff. i think less people would be harmed by it if it were legal and clean.[/quote]

What do you base this on? With the currently available limited data, it would be a stretch to say that MDMA is "nearly harmless." At the very least, it does appear to have some neurotoxic propeties and may promote cardiac problems.$=relatedarticles&logdbfrom=pubmed
[quote name='Magehart']Just regulate it like alcohol and we're good to go.
No openly carrying/smoking it in public.
21 and older.
No smoking around minors (this one would be one of the most important).[/quote]

fuck that. I can smoke cigarettes around minors, at 18, and anywhere I want to outside. And I can smoke now near children so fuck the kids.
[quote name='Magehart']Just regulate it like alcohol and we're good to go.

No driving high.
No openly carrying/smoking it in public.
Fire anyone smoking on the job.
Tax it to all hell.
21 and older.
Have hilarious radio commercials.
Superbowl ads with super hot chicks.
No smoking around minors (this one would be one of the most important).[/quote]

Yeah, we're regulating alcohol and it's working, huh? No, we still have to many damn problems. The only reason we don't ban alcohol is because it failed the first time, and there's no use trying it again.

There's no need to let another addictive substance into society, and have it turn out to be uncontrollable like alcohol. (Yes, I know it's out there now, but the fact that it's illegal makes most people more careful when they use it.)
[quote name='Access_Denied']Yeah, we're regulating alcohol and it's working, huh? No, we still have to many damn problems. The only reason we don't ban alcohol is because it failed the first time, and there's no use trying it again.

Are you that stupid?

It failed the first time, the drug war is a failure... do you see a connection?
Obama may be in favor of decriminalization, but it will never happen. It's not politically expedient.

Unfortunately, there are too many people who believe in only letting certain things be permissible in a tightly controlled society. They are one step away from believing thieves should have their hands cut off and honor killings are probably a good idea.

fuck freedom, who needs it ! ?
I think there would be a greater push for decriminalization if voters were better informed on how much tax dollars are spent arresting, prosecuting, and imprisoning people for possession of pot. Has any pro-legalization group compiled such statistics?
[quote name='Serik']Has any pro-legalization group compiled such statistics?[/quote]
Unfortunately, they're all too stoned... :D
...but you do bring up a very good point about the money being spent.
Well, if you turn around and legalize it, then you are not longer spending money preventing it, but instead gaining money on it when tax it.

So lets say they are spending $100 million a year fighting it, maybe the amount of taxes on it reaches $100 million also. In essence, you double the money because now you have $200 million that can be used to fund other programs.

(Yes my numbers are made up, I don't actually know how much it cause or how much tax money can be gained.)
Why would label people on welfare as burnouts. Just because losers get welfare doesn't make them potheads. Where would we really be without stoners? The World would not be such a beautiful place.
[quote name='Burchamj']but, how much in added welfare are we paying for, for all the burnouts....[/QUOTE]

What the hell are you talking about? Burnouts have jobs. They HAVE to - don't you know how much weed costs? It's outrageous !

[quote name='Burchamj']but, how much in added welfare are we paying for, for all the burnouts....[/quote]
I bet my left nut that even if welfare were paid out to the legions of burnouts you think exist out there, it would still be far cheaper than perpetuating the failed drug war. Plus welfare payouts don't involve paramilitary raids on American citizens, drug gangs, and intervention in sovereign nations for the purpose of "drug enforcement."
the problem is that drug enforcement is itself an industry. You'd put thousands of cops out of work by eliminating drug enforcement agencies. The amount of bar fights and assaults would skyrocket from all those underemployed alpha-males, causing undue strain on normal law enforcement resources and filling the jails with ex-cop wannabees. Judges would have to be laid off, or re-assigned to traffic court. If that happens, cops would have to write more tickets to justify their employment and generate revenue for the new traffic judges' salaries.

And let's not even mention the decrease in gym memberships and donut shop revenues, further straining our economy.
[quote name='bigdaddy']fuck that. I can smoke cigarettes around minors, at 18, and anywhere I want to outside. And I can smoke now near children so fuck the kids.[/quote]

It is so refreshing to hear a presidential candidate say, "I inhaled frequently, that was the point". Such honesty is rare in US politics. It also marks a turn in the cultural acceptance of Marijuana use by the public.

If Obama is elected we are very close to decriminalization if not legalization in this country. It's about time.

I've written more about this as well as my recent de-conversion from Christianity on my blog


- Justin
[quote name='pittpizza']Whoever thinks marijuana smoker = welfare recipient is a fuckin moron.[/QUOTE]

.... he says after comparing his income to the official poverty line...

bread's done