Batman: Arkham Asylum @ BB

The manager at a Gamestop I frequent installed it on their PS3 Saturday (4/25) morning. I pre-ordered it right after playing though the the demo levels. It was fluid and fun. The only problem I see so far was it auto-targeted the closest enemy if you were button mashing. If you are button mashing I guess this is what you want but you will not beat the game this way.

Otherwise it is really fun to do combos against a group of guys working your way through them. Attacks come from all sides and you are capable of fighting them off if you counter properly and attack at the right time. It also does this cool slow motion attack when you really crush someone.

You can use your cape, fists, the enemies own weapons (bats/pipes) and batarangs in the demo.

Graphics are great and think is definitely the best Batman game I have ever played.
bread's done