Batman: Arkham City--10/18/11

[quote name='OnyxPrimal']Ok so Game = $60+$5(skin pack)+7.00 (Nightwing)+7.00 (Robin.. no Best Buy near me). Almost $80 to get everything. Thats some bull right there. I honestly don't know If I want to get this or not at this point. I really, really, hate DLC sometimes.[/QUOTE]

So don't get the DLC. I never understood this argument, no one is forcing you to get it. Heck, Nightwing and Robin are just challenge packs (to my understanding), so they have little impact on the story. You could always wait until the DLC goes on sale.
[quote name='jza1218']So don't get the DLC. I never understood this argument, no one is forcing you to get it. Heck, Nightwing and Robin are just challenge packs (to my understanding), so they have little impact on the story. You could always wait until the DLC goes on sale.[/QUOTE]

Because it's part of the game. Part of the game I want to play with characters I want to play as and they are charging for it. I can also wait for the game to go on sale, or release a GOTY edition with DLC included. I can't support the gouging of gamers. I'm not paying upwards of $80 for a "complete" game.
i have a Nos code to give away if someone wants the batman beyond skin from the Nos reward program when it drops on the 18th. PM me for it and its yours.

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im sure its a good game but how does a short singleplayer game get a 10 by so many magazines =p

then again i read something about it being more open world so maybe it'll be longer than 10 hours this time hehe.
Game informer review: "The size of the game is daunting. I still have a ways to go to reach 100 percent, but I wouldn't be surprised if I have invested over 60 hours so far. Throw in the new game plus and a dizzying number of combat challenges for both Batman and his feline friend and this game could be one of the biggest and most enjoyable time sinks of the year."

Sounds like exaggeration but what I take away from it and having heard how many more riddler trophies there are there'll be more "meat" to the game. Which is great. I got 100% three times in Arkham Asylum. Best collectibles ever. And I hate collectibles, generally. Good to know some designers can do them right.
It took me about 15 hours for the main storyline w/ half of the Riddler items collected & max level. There are a lot of areas with hidden items that require a key you dont get til the end of the game, so you basically have to re-visit every single location if you want to get 100%.

With every trophy you pick up, you unlock more Challenge missions (60 in total). Assuming you try and 3 star each one, I can see you logging close to 60 hours in the game.
[quote name='OnyxPrimal']Because it's part of the game. Part of the game I want to play with characters I want to play as and they are charging for it. I can also wait for the game to go on sale, or release a GOTY edition with DLC included. I can't support the gouging of gamers. I'm not paying upwards of $80 for a "complete" game.[/QUOTE]

A) Why are you paying $60 for the game to begin with? This is CAG, there are plenty of options for deals. I preordered through Walmart and got a $10 GC (essentially cash) and AA:GOTY. You could probably sell AA:GOTY for $20 on Craigslist this week, netting you Arkham City for $30. Or you could go through K-Mart and get a $30 gaming coupon and use it to buy XBL points. There are options.

B) Personally, I'm willing to spend more on quality games. Sure, these DLC packs are mostly pure profit for publishers, but I tend to think that while many games are overpriced these days (see many recurrent sports titles), there are some quality games that are underpriced. With the wealth of entertainment and experiences you can get from excellent games like Halo: Reach or Gears of War 3, $60 seems like a small price to pay. As a result, if publishers feel the need to gouge a little on the DLC, I understand it. Personally, I doubt I'll buy any of the Arkham City DLC before it inevitably goes on sale.

C) Will there be a GOTY with all DLC included? Probably. Do I want to miss buying a GOTY candidate now to save a few bucks later? Probably not. Sure, I can wait. Like most on CAG, I've got a huge backlog. But I also realize greatness when I see it. I got Red Dead Redemption on release, and I loved every minute of it. Sure, it cost me a little more than if I'd waited 'til the GOTY edition came out, but I don't care. The game was fantastic.
So this comes out tomorrow, right? I preodered from Amazon with release date delivery. I'm psyched. I guess my sealed copy of Gears of War 3 will remain sealed for a few more weeks. Ugh.
I completely forgot it came out tomorrow so I ordered mine from Amazon last night as well.

Arkham Asylum was one of the first 100% games I got that I'm pretty proud of, those last few challenge rooms were such bitches keeping the max multiplier combo up the whole time but it was also really fun.

Definitely got my money's worth out of that single player only game.
[quote name='BingoBrown']A) Why are you paying $60 for the game to begin with? This is CAG, there are plenty of options for deals. I preordered through Walmart and got a $10 GC (essentially cash) and AA:GOTY. You could probably sell AA:GOTY for $20 on Craigslist this week, netting you Arkham City for $30. Or you could go through K-Mart and get a $30 gaming coupon and use it to buy XBL points. There are options.[/QUOTE]

did Walmart change the pre-order? i see it with the giftcard but that's it. With the card and the other game, I'd probably pick this up.
[quote name='DestroVega']did Walmart change the pre-order? i see it with the giftcard but that's it. With the card and the other game, I'd probably pick this up.[/QUOTE]

It was up for preorder with a $10 GC and AA:GOTY, but I think that might be gone now. It has been confirmed that you can get the AC & AA:GOTY bundle in store tomorrow for $60, but you won't get the $10 GC.
So I had to use some of my games to pre-pay for this for my friends birthday at GS, really peeved about that. (It's not even a game I'd want when he's done with it) And now I have to go pick it up for him, Ugh, so I've never thought about what comes with the GS pre-order. What should I be looking for tomorrow bonus-wise when I go get it, if GS gives anything at all.
I got the CE preordered and i'm starting to second guess the purchase. Does anyone already have It Is the statue pretty nice ?
[quote name='dutch72']I got the CE preordered and i'm starting to second guess the purchase. Does anyone already have It Is the statue pretty nice ?[/QUOTE]

I work at BBY and have already seen the statue and IMO it's..."eh"

They did it in a gritty black and white just like the promotional posters. The suit itself looks detailed but his face is a weird whiteish color that sticks out like a sore thumb.
Batman Beyond skin from a NOS promotion is now available for both systems.

Is there a complete list of available skins and are they usable in MP?

EDIT: Nvm on the MP, so I assume it's just for single player/challenge rooms.
At gamestop for.midnight launch (Shelby, mi). No promo stuff, just the game early which is pretty cool and all. But I was kinda hoping for freebie crap, like a lanyard or pen or something....anything.

edit: actually they held a mini-raffle, giving away t shirts, posters or a standee. The standee was gone by the time I got picked, but I grabbed a t shirt.
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[quote name='Psykoboy2']Batman Beyond skin from a NOS promotion is now available for both systems.


I don't drink energy drinks. Home much does NOS usually cost?
[quote name='sublime90']^Nos usually cost around $2.50[/QUOTE]

I can find it at my local gas stations for 2/$3.00 almost all year round. Marathon stations btw, speedway doesn't have good prices on energy drinks.
Got my NOS code today. I'm not really into energy drinks and NOS is pretty terrible. But whatever, a drink and a skin is a good deal for $2.39.
I like the game, rented it this morning at BlockBuster, don't get me wrong but, does anyone else feel like they were just threw into something completely different than the last Batman game?
[quote name='woodcan']I don't drink energy drinks. Home much does NOS usually cost?[/QUOTE]

i drink 1 every morning to cure my ADD for Calculus. pretty much just like coffee with bubbles and vitamins =p

nos is the expensive version, tho. i usually stick with slap 12 pack from wallmart hehe. had a 2buck off nos coupon that kroger printed out for me once somewhere but i lost it =p
Cool, just bought a can of NOS and it was on sale at the convenience store for $1.60+tax. Haven't opened it yet but noticed it has High Fructose Corn Syrup which I have taken out of my diet altogether.
I don't think this will affect many people but make sure you're not downloading anything off the marketplace because once it's done the game will state that new content is available and boot you back to the main menu. It happened when Hydrophobia and Torchlight finished while I was playing even though they have nothing to do with AC.
[quote name='kklems']Anyone on east coast at a BB midnight launch? Are they giving away any swag or anything worth going out for?[/QUOTE]

I went to three BB in NOVA that claimed they were doing a midnight launch. Two of them said they canceled and so I had to drive all the way to leesburg and found out they were doing a midnight launch. I was lucky the employee said come on in, we are playing gears of war 3. Cool people there let me play Forza 4 on the Kinect. It was quite cool actually.

maybe I should pre order it as they let everyone else who PO first in line to buy it. They gave out posters and AC tshirts :p No Gift cards or contests though :(

It was worth it. Managed to waste time by playing Forza, find shopkick stuff to scan and browse.
Collectors edition doesnt come with a normal game case. Wont work for my shelf! Anyone have a printable box art to make a case?
[quote name='drbutchevil']Anyone else's disk drive spinning, even when the game is installed?[/QUOTE]

I thought I heard something. I'll pay closer attention when I jump back in later.
[quote name='drbutchevil']Anyone else's disk drive spinning, even when the game is installed?[/QUOTE]

at first it did but then it stopped.

im playing on hard and damn im getting my ass smashed. the combat is still sweet but kind of unforgiving on hard. noticed a lot more thugs have guns this time around and that pisses me off. besides that im loving this game.
[quote name='sublime90']at first it did but then it stopped. [/QUOTE] Same story. A lot of roaring when it started up, but the sound dwindled.

Apparently, the Collector's Edition is really problematic. The 360 claims to have a Blu-ray of Gotham Knight on the back of the box. I got excited, and then I pulled out a DVD. Missing contents are also being reported. I heard something about cards that were pulled at the last minute, too. Sorry if this is a rehash or repost of previous discussions.

Awesome game, though.
Question for those of you that got it at Best Buy. Was the Robin code included inside the case, or did they give you an insert for the DLC?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Question for those of you that got it at Best Buy. Was the Robin code included inside the case, or did they give you an insert for the DLC?[/QUOTE]

BB usually e-mails the code.. apparently they're having issues w/ it

it really annoys me how the characters sometimes call each other by their superhero alias and sometimes by their actual name. Stop calling him Cobblepot and call him Penguin!
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Question for those of you that got it at Best Buy. Was the Robin code included inside the case, or did they give you an insert for the DLC?[/QUOTE]

Mine was included in the case.
I have 100% Arkham Asylum 3 times so I feel that I am pretty familiar with that game's mechanics so some things that I've noticed that are slightly jarring...

In combat, the punch sound effects just are not loud/hard-hitting enough. =(

I am having much more trouble figuring out all the riddler shit ( Asylum's collectibles were the best of any genre). Maybe he'll actually have a Riddler scene and the stuff will start to unlock but I can't tell which concent I can't get to and I don't understand the switches etc at the moment. I'm not very far yet.

I really think Catwoman is a nice edition. She feels like a really different character. They didn't explain the climbing "mini-mini-game" where she scales a wall though and you tap A or RB when the circle gets smaller at the right moment. Game states 'GOOD' or Too Slow.

They have definitely upped the ante story wise. The game's opening sequence was never spoiled for me so as far as I care it was as good as Mass Effect 2's opening. Another reason why Batman/Bruce Wayne is totally bad ass (guitar riff).
yeah im so used to AA that im looking around rooms for interview tapes and stuff that just doesnt exsist anymore lol i dont like how you have to separately upgrade catwomans stuff. im with you as of right now i have no idea how to open those bear trap looking things that riddler has set up around the city. i really loved the intro to this game and so far its very fun when i dont get my ass beat down.

what else gets you xp? i know finding the riddler trophies, popping the jokers balloons set up, breaking security cameras and breaking penguin statues does. anything else i should keep an eye out for?
[quote name='Javery']...I guess my sealed copy of Gears of War 3 will remain sealed for a few more weeks....[/QUOTE]

what!? that's crazy talk!!

all kidding aside, totally understandable.

Seriously, this holiday season has been one of the biggest. So many great games to get into.

Sep. 20th: Gears of War 3
Oct. 4th: Dark Souls
Oct. 11th: Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
Oct. 18th: Batman: Arkham City

the only way to keep up is to complete one game each week to avoid any backlog, um...right. you get two weeks for Gears 3 since there's a separate campaign and multiplayer.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']I don't think that's the one he's talking about though, because he's not fat or buff at all.[/QUOTE]

com'on, everyone's the 'vacuum sealed uber tighter-than-Catwoman suit Batman' -- the rarest of all Batman suits. most sought after, most collectable.
bread's done