Batman Begins Deluxe Edition Now $19.98 Free Shipping w/$25 or more @

Damn it!....Busted by Scorch yet again....we need a better search engine, or you need to post up your search skills for the rest of us Scorch.

[quote name='LinkinPrime']you need to post up your search skills for the rest of us Scorch.[/QUOTE]



>search thread titles only

K, I guess sarcasm doesnt come to clear on a post.

I never saw the orinial post and didnt search. I just saw the best buy and Circuit City ads from TSD and I figured that this is a better deal for some people, so I decided to post. Are you going to fine me now Scorch?
[quote name='Skelah']free shiping when u spend 25 dollars isnt free shipping.[/QUOTE]
yes that is quite true, there were some games I wanted but you can't use them with the free shipping. SHIT!
I pickd up Batman & Big Lebowski (SE)....they both come out that day. BIGLeb was $1, but Batman was $5 it works out.
Sweet deal. Even if it is a repost, it reminded me to get in on it. Got it with the new Lebowski for free shipping.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Damn it!....Busted by Scorch yet again....we need a better search engine, or you need to post up your search skills for the rest of us Scorch.[/QUOTE]

Naw, Scorch is just a party pooper in general. :lol:

(Don't be offended Scorch, I'm just kidding)
[quote name='darkcrawlspace']My order says: "Delivery estimate: October 28, 2005." How accurate are these estimates?[/QUOTE]Not accurate at all. I placed an order Monday (Columbus Day, even) at 5:00PM, with standard shipping, and had it at 10:00AM Wednesday. Every other experience I've had with Amazon has been the same. They have warehouses everywhere, so anything other than standard/free shipping is just a waste of money.
15.08 shipped free during DDD 20% off, I'm waiting

even at 14.99 in store or internet with 6% tax it's gonna be 15.89

now that would be for people that saw it already
[quote name='darkcrawlspace']My order says: "Delivery estimate: October 28, 2005." How accurate are these estimates?[/QUOTE]

I actually just ordered this last night along with the shin megami tensei nocturne strategy guide, using a $5 gift certificate. Spent $30 total, so I got the free shipping. says I am going to get the order on November 1st. Will it really take this long? I've never ordered from, so I have no idea how their shipping is. It's being shipped UPS ground, so I assume it would be here much faster than November 1st.
[quote name='KingDox']what are the odds of a batman begins double dip ?[/QUOTE]

Pretty much guaranteed. Expect it when the next batman movie comes. And don't forget that we're not getting a commentary on this edition so that should make a nice bullet point on the double dip.
I used to get my items from super fast, even with the free shipping. Usually about 2 days. Sometimes I'd receive the package before I got the shipping confirmation email. Lately, though, it has been taking much longer. I placed an order on Monday that only left amazon's warehouse today. Both items in my order were listed as "Usually ships within 24 hours." Makes me wonder if they are doing it deliberately to encourage people to use one of the non-free shipping options.
[quote name='bostonfrontier']The movie sucks big ones[/QUOTE]

[quote name='chaarlieee']I actually just ordered this last night along with the shin megami tensei nocturne strategy guide, using a $5 gift certificate. Spent $30 total, so I got the free shipping. says I am going to get the order on November 1st. Will it really take this long? I've never ordered from, so I have no idea how their shipping is. It's being shipped UPS ground, so I assume it would be here much faster than November 1st.[/QUOTE]

Well, I've ordered from a ton of times, and their free shipping is fast. But this is the first time I've actually pre-ordered something from them, so I don't know what to expect. I'm hoping the shipping estimates are in place just in case they run low on copies of the dvd. But that wouldn't make too much sense.
[quote name='bostonfrontier']The movie sucks big ones[/QUOTE]

If by "ones" you mean my money and if by "sucks" then you mean my well spent, then yes, you are correct.
Well, my UPS tracking number tells me that my package will arrive on October 20th. My last classes of the week are on thursday, so that's perfect timing.
[quote name='basketkase543']Pretty much guaranteed. Expect it when the next batman movie comes. And don't forget that we're not getting a commentary on this edition so that should make a nice bullet point on the double dip.[/QUOTE]

I had hopes that the chances were slim. I mean the original Batman movies still are those lame old school dvd case versions. Where is the ultimate edition of the time burton batman movies ?

But it does look like I'll rent now buy later.
[quote name='KingDox']I had hopes that the chances were slim. I mean the original Batman movies still are those lame old school dvd case versions. Where is the ultimate edition of the time burton batman movies ?

But it does look like I'll rent now buy later.[/QUOTE]

Son of a bitch, what took this double dip so long ?

Amazing what you find out in mens health magazine. It looks like I'll pick up the first 2 batman movies and wait for the double dip of this newest one.
I think if you want Batman Begins, you'd be best to pick it up now. Sure, there may be a double dip, but this already a pretty expansive 2 disc set, which means the double dip will most likely occur to either coincide with the theatrical or DVD release of the next Batman film.
That means you are at least looking to wait until Summer 2007, because the studio is waiting on Chistpher Nolan to direct, and Christopher Nolan is making another film at the moment and will do the next Batman after that.
Personally, I loved the film too much not to buy this now. I imagine I can put in a lot of viewings in the next 2 years, definitely worth my money now.
I took the jump, I got the combo deal they have on their site that includes the hard cover of Batman year 1. I'm a sucker for Hardcover comics.

$26.57 for both shipped is a pretty good deal I say.
The question is why the hell the releases of the original films are so expensive. I'll probably end up buying Batman and Batman Returns, but they should be around $13 at the most.

It may be worth it though, since I think there is a load of bonus material (which I'll probably never even watch of course).
Thanks for the ingfo OP. I grabbed it with The Batman Anthology. The Anthology was $2 more than Target, but no tax and no gas money and save time makes it more than worth it. I forgot about Batman v. Dracula or I would have gotten that one too.
[quote name='KingDox']I took the jump, I got the combo deal they have on their site that includes the hard cover of Batman year 1. I'm a sucker for Hardcover comics.

$26.57 for both shipped is a pretty good deal I say.[/QUOTE]

I got this combo deal also ;).
as far as the double dip possibility, I was going to hold out because of this (I enjoy commentaries) until I read a Christopher Nolan interview where he stated while it is a possibility of having a commentary in the future, it isn't likely. He says that he is pretty happy with the deluxe package and all the additional features, which make up a lot of the stuff he could talk about on a commentary.

Oh and I really should have checked here online previously to buying the DVD at Best Buy. I would have waited to save the ~7 bucks by getting it from Amazon. However, I thought BB would have it on a small sale at the minimum.
[quote name='Graystone']I work at walmart and the one with the book is 24.92 that is way to much. I want the book but not that bad.[/QUOTE]

WalMart has one that comes with a book? Which book is it? Novelization, or what?
bread's done