batman movies good/bad


I was going to rent some batman movies, and I wanted to know which of them are good and which are bad so I know what to rent.
Batman Returns
Batman Begins

anyone that mentions Batman Forever or Batman and Robin is trying to sabotage your Batman experience
[quote name='tehweezner']Batman
Batman Returns
Batman Begins

anyone that mentions Batman Forever or Batman and Robin is trying to sabotage your Batman experience[/quote]Don't knock me because you can't appreciate good cinema.
[quote name='Rocko']Batman and Robin is pretty great.[/quote]

This. Imagine everything your eyes have ever desired to see. Now mix it up with skittles. Then put it in a blender. Then, while the blender is running, toss it into a full bathtub. With your face in the water. That's how awesome it is.
Start with the original Tim Burton Batman, followed by Returns, and so on. Do it in order.

The animated series is a totally different category. Mask of the Phantasm and even the uncut Return of the Joker are great.

Batman begins is also in a different category.

Just your going to want to shoot yourself when in Batman and Robin the scene where Mr. Freeze
try to get his goons, who are freezing there asses off, to SING along to the corny cartoon on the tv. That scene still gives me the chills, no pun intended
[quote name='tehweezner']anyone that mentions Batman Forever or Batman and Robin is trying to sabotage your Batman experience[/quote]
Really? I always thought that if you watch Batman and Robin as a pure comedy movie you'll actually be entertained. Not as good as the 60s TV show, but it's still worth watching.
[quote name='tehweezner']

anyone that mentions Batman Forever or Batman and Robin is trying to sabotage your Batman experience[/quote]

If you can cut through or IGNORE The Riddler and Two Face parts, Forever could be considered a decent movie, but since Carey OVERBLOWS his character this is hard to do.

B&R was just a mess I don't know where to start.
Let me sum it up for all of you:

Val Kilmer, Tommy Lee Jones, Jim Carrey... how the hell could you go wrong?

Also George Clooney is by far the most horrendous stiff-ass actor to be Bruce Wayne. Hell must have frozen over from Schwarzenegger's bad acting to create that movie.
Although Uma Thurman at the B&R party = :drool:... Uma Thurman with red hair = :drool:
[quote name='Magehart']Let me sum it up for all of you:

Val Kilmer, Tommy Lee Jones, Jim Carrey... how the hell could you go wrong?

Also George Clooney is by far the most horrendous stiff-ass actor to be Bruce Wayne. Hell must have frozen over from Schwarzenegger's bad acting to create that movie.
Although Uma Thurman at the B&R party = :drool:... Uma Thurman with red hair = :drool:

Kilmer is an ok actor
TLJ Great Actor
Carrey, who the fuck takes this guy seriously these days? His best movie imho was the cable guy.

Clooney is stiff, but he's can be a good actor.

Batman has always been a dark movie type. It wasn't til Director Shitmaucker came in and fucked up Forever and B&R.

But look at it this way, if it wasn't for Shitmaucker's fuck up, we might not have had Begins and TDK.

As for Uma, she use to be hot but lately she's :puke:
Yeah, get batman begins, block off an afternoon, and give it your full attention. It's not the kind of movie you can play in the background, way too much stuff going on.
[quote name='JolietJake']Nothing will ever compare to Michelle Phifer in that cat suit.[/quote]


I agree with whoever said watch them all, in order, with one addition: when you get to Batman & Robin, download the Riff Trax for it & watch it with that. You can buy that here - $3 to make that movie actually worth watching is money WELL spent. :D

I always liked Batman Forever tho. Sure, the neon was starting to kick in, and it wasn't quite as good as the first two Tim Burton flicks, but I enjoyed Jim Carrey as the Riddler, and thought Kilmer did a pretty good job as Batman. Decent flick all-around.
[quote name='kongfunk']Batman Beyond Return of the Joker[/quote]

+1, This probably the most disturbing Batman movie, even more than TDK. Try to get the unedited version (japanese/international), the american edited version blows ass.

Be careful if you show it around little kids though, there's pretty twisted shit in it with elements of sick torture.:whistle2:# I was taken aback when I first watched it.
Yeah, Batman Beyond Return of the Joker was awesome.

I think all the batman animated movies were good (except for Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman)
Life is to short to waste watching Batman Forever and Batman and Robin. There is absolutely nothing worthwhile about either of them. If you want campy comedy crap, watch the old Adam West tv show. If you Batman as he is in the comics watch Batman Begins, Dark Knight, Batman (Burton) and to a lesser extent Batman Returns.

The Batman Animated Series and the animated movies are all worth a viewing with Mask of the Phatasm and Return of the Joker being my favorites.
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[quote name='BillyBob29']Life is to short to waste watching Batman Forever and Batman and Robin. There is absolutely nothing worthwhile about either of them. If you want campy comedy crap, watch the old Adam West tv show. If you Batman as he is in the comics watch Batman Begins, Dark Knight, Batman (Burton) and to a lesser extent Batman Returns.

The Batman Animated Series and the animated movies are all worth a viewing with Mask of the Phatasm and Return of the Joker being my favorites.[/quote]

Agreed. When I was a kid they would replay the old *BAM* *POW* *BAP* series (it was a foreign country) and I loved it. I was just watching youtube clips of the 1966 movie today and it's just as fun and whacky as it was back when I was a kid.

In comparison, the campy-style Batman and Robin with the rubber nipples, cod pieces, and out-of-place psychotic villians is just plain creepy.
I have to say I can not stand the Adam West Batman. Don't know why. I liked it when I was a kid but now I just can not stand it. I also just got done watching Batman: Gotham Knight and have to say unless you like anime don't bother. As for what to watch it is a toss up. Watch all the movies in the old series or just Batman and Batman Returns. The animated movies like others have said are always good. However now I have to say that GK makes that statement untrue. The old ones were good so check them out. Also check out Begins.

I would say stay away from the old Batman with Adam West, Forever, B&R and now GK. To me them are the ones that were not that great and can be avoided and forgot about.
I think I am the only person who didn't really like Batman Begins. I still think the first Burton Batman movie was the best, and most of that is just nostalgia since I saw it when I was a teenager.

I will see the new one though since it looks like Ledger did an outstanding job.
[quote name='ArthurDigbySellers']I think I am the only person who didn't really like Batman Begins. I still think the first Burton Batman movie was the best, and most of that is just nostalgia since I saw it when I was a teenager.

I will see the new one though since it looks like Ledger did an outstanding job.[/QUOTE]

What didn't you like about Begins?
[quote name='billyrox']+1, This probably the most disturbing Batman movie, even more than TDK. Try to get the unedited version (japanese/international), the american edited version blows ass.

Be careful if you show it around little kids though, there's pretty twisted shit in it with elements of sick torture.:whistle2:# I was taken aback when I first watched it.[/quote]
I just watched the uncut version of that. I didn't think it was as dark as TDK.
[quote name='ananag112']What didn't you like about Begins?[/quote]

Something about the tone of the movie bothered me. Like it was taking itself too seriously and it just came off as pretentious. I also thought the ending with the microwave thing was just ridiculous.

I don't necessarily think that Batman Begins was a bad movie, I just don't think I am into superhero movies, especially ones that strive to be realistic. I thought Spider-Man was just ok and Spider-Man 2 was pretty awful. I just skipped 3 altogether.
[quote name='ArthurDigbySellers']I don't necessarily think that Batman Begins was a bad movie, I just don't think I am into superhero movies, especially ones that strive to be realistic. I thought Spider-Man was just ok and Spider-Man 2 was pretty awful. I just skipped 3 altogether.[/quote]

Then why continue watching them? If every time I ate pizza i barfed, i would stop eating pizza...

I just ordered that batman beyond joker uncut from best buy. Im not aware of the beyond series, im assuming from them saying "dubbed/subtitled" that they where not made in the US? I could swore I saw them on WB... whats the scoop.
[quote name='Lice']Then why continue watching them? If every time I ate pizza i barfed, i would stop eating pizza...

I just ordered that batman beyond joker uncut from best buy. Im not aware of the beyond series, im assuming from them saying "dubbed/subtitled" that they where not made in the US? I could swore I saw them on WB... whats the scoop.[/QUOTE]

Yes it was a US series and actually a pretty good one at that. Unfortunately it only lasted 3 seasons but you may want to look at picking up the seasons if you enjoy return of the Joker.
Batman Begins
Batman Returns

Batman Forever is ok in a campy, comic movie kind of way. Batman and Robin is unbearable though.
[quote name='BigD63']I just watched the uncut version of that. I didn't think it was as dark as TDK.[/quote]

i dont know, i thought The Joker Returns was pretty twisted. maybe because I just didn't expect it to be so dark. either way, the implied torture was messed up.

i guess, dont expect it to be the most messed up movie ever, but for a kid's cartoon, it was pretty twisted.
[quote name='ArthurDigbySellers']Something about the tone of the movie bothered me. Like it was taking itself too seriously and it just came off as pretentious. I also thought the ending with the microwave thing was just ridiculous.[/quote]

Haha I actually agree with this.

The movie was good, but it was in desperate need of some quality comic levity. Lines like the policeman saying "no, I mean he's really driving on the roof!" or the brotherhood's henchmen telling the scarecrow "time to play" didn't cause me to even crack a smile.

Tim Burton is great at doing this, for example the scenes in the first Batman where Jack Nicholson is walking around the museum defacing art were alternately humorous and disturbing. Then that part where Batman asks Vicky Vale her weight - I'm not saying these jokes are timeless classics but in the context of the movie (which was generally dark) they got a chuckle out of me.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']Arnold as Mr. Freeze can not be beat, so many random noises and bad one-liners. See it for cheese value alone.[/quote]

Ice to see you Batman.
bread's done