Battalion Wars 2


CAG Veteran
This is what war looks like when it's fought by playschool men. The graphics are solid and the vehicle designs are great. The controls, are ok. You can get so involved in the individual battles that you forget that it is an RTS game. I found a good deal of "replayability" as well. There are several different ways to solve each battle. There is a pretty solid online community, I don't have to wait for Vs. matches. I bought iit (new) for $20 and I've been playing it for a month!!. A happy suprise - It's worth at least a rental, but you need to be patient because the control learning curve is steepish. -b.a.g.
I have had this since within a few weeks of release. I only opened it to get the Nintendo Code to register it. I feel kind of bad about that, considering all the crappy games I try.
i bought and played this fairly early on. i really liked it. it was pretty simply, but i enjoyed the RTS aspect of it. i went through the whole game, and even unlocked and beat some of the extra levels. i thought it had a good balance between being challenging and being fun.

i only tried the online a little. i got my butt kicked a few times, and just quit. though i enjoy this type of game, i don't think i'm good enough at it to compete online.
Two years ago, I bought the the GameCube version from a $5 BBV clearance. I've considered getting the Wii version, but the GCN one can play in widescreen and is very difficult, IMO, so I'll probs just stick with that. Cool concept and lots of tension, that's for sure.

It's funny, but the opening theme music pops into my head quite often. I don't even play the game very much.
bread's done