Battlefield 3 - FREE for PS+ Members starting July 2nd!

When I move from screen to screen at the menu, the screen gets all "garbled" (not quite as bad as that). It's like they wanted an "interference" look, but I find it distracting especially when moving quickly from menu item to the next. Is the menu screen transitions supposed to be like that or it is my setup?
i'm having problems redeeming my physical warfare pack. every time i try it tells me that it cannot launch the program that will let me enter it.
[quote name='Romis']link goes to dead end , where are clicking to get someone to talk to?[/QUOTE]

Sorry try this.
[quote name='Mad D']My copy is taking forever to get here.[/QUOTE]

I had release day delivery, time to complain to Amazon.
[quote name='cheapfrag']What does everyone think of the graphics? Playing multi-player I'm a little bit disappointed. I recall BFBC2 having better graphics.[/QUOTE]
Eh, graphics aren't the issue, the lag is.
I don't know. Once I saw there was a 221mb patch for the game I quit out of the damn thing. It came up as 1.01, so I would guess that's the 'earlier' one you mentioned.

Any idea what it does? If it's for MP I may just sign out of PSN and not bother downloading it.
Jst give a good couple of hours on mp, and it's great. Kinda feel that some of the maps are better for 64 players. It's crazy how big some maps are, I ran a good 2-3 mins out into the field to knife a sniper.

At first I didn't like how they changed the radio beacon, but I guess it's for balancing issues. A lot of the weapons feels different from the beta.

The graphics aren't as good as the pc (obviously) with that said I'm surprised how well it run on ps3.
Heh, I got my TDM skills on in one match, it was like 5 vs 7 for the longest part with me doing more than half of the killing for my team. Ended up with 47 kills, 26 deaths and lost the match 76 to 100. Not too shabby. I love the Engineer class.

Edit: Also don't forget to sign up for the battlelog all over again. Just log in with your origin account info and it should bring everything up proper.

Ports to forward from the News section of the Battlelog:
If you are playing on PS3, please enable the following online ports on your connection:
TCP: 80, 443, 9988, 10000-19999, 17502, 42127
UDP: 3659, 14000-14016
crappy ea cs:
Your code should have been printed on your receipt. We have been told that Best Buy is aware of this issue and has been having customers return to the store to get a new code.

yada yada....

Unfortunately since you purchased the game from Best Buy I am going to have to redirect back to them. I understand that this situation is extremely frustrating, but according to their forums. They are aware of the problem and should issue you a new code with your receipt.
Game feels a bit better than the beta, but the party system needs to patched. Tried to group with Mad last night and I got placed on the other team. O well at least it was a good excuse to shoot Mad with my M4 with IR scope :) No more people hiding in the freaking bushes hehe
I've enjoyed the game so far, I love the sounds especially with the Sony 7.1 headphones. The jets are a blast to fly, even though I have yet to kill anyone. Heli I still suck at and crash all the time and the vehicles are easy and fun to drive. So far I have only played conquest, I will get to so of the other game types tonight. I hoping to having a pretty heavy sesh tonight.
[quote name='Mad39er']Edit: Also don't forget to sign up for the battlelog all over again. Just log in with your origin account info and it should bring everything up proper.

I tried to log into battelog from the PC in order to activate it on the PS3 and it did not recognize my email and password.

I can login at the site no problem. My profile at the site does not have a "Console Persona" for PS3 and can't figure out how to add one.

Does anyone have any idea how to set up battlelog for the PS3?
Added my info to the spreadsheet - played a bit last night and love the game! I play rather randomly in the evenings currently
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I don't know. Once I saw there was a 221mb patch for the game I quit out of the damn thing. It came up as 1.01, so I would guess that's the 'earlier' one you mentioned.

Any idea what it does? If it's for MP I may just sign out of PSN and not bother downloading it.[/QUOTE]

patch 1.01 fixes all the bugs they found in the beta. plus, it includes graphical improvements. im surprised you bought something at retail (well there were the kmart, bb, and amazon deals). i read your i suck at online play many times. but i think you'll like bf3 mp, especially conquest mode. its open world sandbox-y. so you can hang around the vehicles (tanks, helis or jets) and mess around with them.


Who can fly? Great pilots can dominate matches. I can't fly for shit. For those that know, do you have tips or can you point to the right direction to learn (more so with helis than jets)? I've been ok as a tank commander.
[quote name='rvdrock']No complaints here except I can't fly a jet or heli to save my ass.[/QUOTE]

If you have any experience with ace combat, flying the jets should come naturally once you've chosen the proper controller layout. Helis on the other hand....

I wish there was a practice mode for the vehicles. As I dont really like taking the heli only to crash it within a minute of taking flight.
Twice I got screwed by stupid pilots last night. They flied around and suddenly did a kamikaze attack. I haven't tried to fly one yet, but the tank one is fun.
Amazon didn't have enough in stock to fulfill all pre order release day deliveries. I'll add those PSN requests when my copy gets here.
[quote name='enufs8d']patch 1.01 fixes all the bugs they found in the beta. plus, it includes graphical improvements. im surprised you bought something at retail (well there were the kmart, bb, and amazon deals). i read your i suck at online play many times. but i think you'll like bf3 mp, especially conquest mode. its open world sandbox-y. so you can hang around the vehicles (tanks, helis or jets) and mess around with them.


Who can fly? Great pilots can dominate matches. I can't fly for shit. For those that know, do you have tips or can you point to the right direction to learn (more so with helis than jets)? I've been ok as a tank commander.[/QUOTE]
I had a bunch of Amazon credit and I got the $20 promo credit for pre-ordering it(w/ release day delivery no less;)), which I've applied to Lord Of The Rings: War In The North which also has a $20 promo credit that I'll apply to one of the last two games I'm interested in this year(Uncharted/Saint's Row The Third).

It's like my version of the 'coupon train' from Kmart, except I get stuff shipped right to my door and don't have to deal with the lazy people working there who don't know squat about their own promos/sales.

Hopefully Uncharted 3 has a $20 credit applied to it before release(next week) as well, then I can apply that to Saint's Row 3 and get both of those with the very end of my Amazon credit.
[quote name='cheapfrag']I tried to log into battelog from the PC in order to activate it on the PS3 and it did not recognize my email and password.

I can login at the site no problem. My profile at the site does not have a "Console Persona" for PS3 and can't figure out how to add one.

Does anyone have any idea how to set up battlelog for the PS3?[/QUOTE]

I had to activate my online pass before it would accept my login info. I activated it and turned over to my laptop and presto! It worked.
I got the EOD bot, they're so much more visible when out in the open compared to the shenanigans people were posting about them being invisible.
I have two huge.complaints:

You.can't exit MP inbetween matches. We shouldn't have to wait through the intermission until the next map loads. This is like the flu spreading through shooters. More and more games adopt this absolutely stupid idea.

Why the heck can't you change Russian loadout in the main menu. really?

I may have lost some unlocks. Don't remember if I was ru or US but i don't have the heavy barrel and reflex sight in the main menu so i hope its there next time I'm RU
I agree with those two complaints. Not being able to leave during the intermission is annoying and it'd be nice to tweak the Russian loadouts.
I think that's been an artifact of all battlefield games of recent memory - unable to quit between matches. Seems to me like it's the best time to go!

I do like that I can finally turn off VOIP if I don't feel like hearing some dude breathing like vader
Agree with those two complaints as well as matchmaking with your squad multiple times tonight it would randomly throw someone over to the other team.

Also when entering the game always choose don't put me in a squad I'll choose later. Otherwise you'll be lucky to get your entire squad, every time I choose that option it would throw me in with randoms.

Had some good games at the end with BoredDoc and CaptnStryker. Once we got our party together. Played with a few others as well. I definitely prefer Conquest and then Rush, I didn't care for teamDeathmatch all that much but only played two rounds so I will give that another chance when no one is online.
combatrhombus - i accidentally deleted you instead of your messages. oops. When we tried rush, the ea servers somehow split our squad party. I didn't even see you in the same room. decent tdm games with hito and combatrhombus. but I couldn't hear any voice. Did you guys hear me from my mic? I'm going to track down my chat issues eventually, especially with my new senn pc 360s/trittonmixamp.
Agree with combatrhombus about not squadding up initially, and then doing it after the game starts. Squadding up is a huge pain compared to Bad Company 2... although I'm happy that DICE finally gave us more options like being able to see who is in what squad for all the squads. I hope some of this is just the server being overwhelmed these first few days.

Also the VOIP seems to not work consistently.

And yea.. not being able to tweak the Russian loadout is just plain odd. I hope that gets fixed.
No I couldn't hear you at all. I've had multiple mic issues with this game as well and so have others friends now that I think of it. I always check my mic settings just to make sure its still working and it always is. I can never tell if the other person can actually hear me talking. I've also noticed when playing my Sony 7.1 headset will be normal volume like I have setup then randomly is full blast for a while. I don't know if this is something with the headset or the game. Does anyone else have similar issues?

I was wondering why you added me I thinking you were already on my list. TD I will definitely need to get use to, but yeah I saw a few times wotcher where you would be split from our party and on the other team.
I also have the sony 7.1 headset. Haven't had the issue with random volume changes. I did have trouble hearing fellow CAGs during matches, including combatrhombus, so I think that's likely due to the game's fault and not anything with our mics/headsets.
Any tips on leveling? Which mode would be best for leveling? Still stuck at level 14.

Anyone get to use soflam from recon kit? How exactly am I suppose to use it?
Why can't I cook grenades? I suicided a couple of times before I figured it out. I usually hit the gren button while behind cover, then step out and release it. All this does in BF3 is throw the grenade into the wall directly in front of me. =(

Dont even get me started on the difficulties squadding up w my friend and trying to use the voip. My friend and I wound up just using our headsets with our cellphones to communicate.

Other than that the game is great fun so far.
wow, so disheartening hearing that the squads are still messed up like they were in the beta. especially considering this game is entirely based on solid team work.

i havent bought this game yet and im not really sure i want to if the MP is still a mess.
bread's done