Battlefield 3- Premium announced; 4 new expansions

[quote name='lordopus99']

True BF fans stick around. These are most likely the CoD people trying to find a new outlet since Activision continues to dick them.[/QUOTE]

I think most "true" BF fans would stick around but I highly doubt all "loyal" BF fans kept their pre-orders. If they were under the impression that the beta (or Alpha as it were) is anywhere near a solid representation of the full game MP then they would certainly cancel that pre-order.
As of right now BF3 is #1 on Amazon's best sellers. MW3 is #10. Not trying to derail this thread, but ~30k preorders lost is small compared to the total amount of players between these two games.
[quote name='xtreme_Zr2']As of right now BF3 is #1 on Amazon's best sellers. MW3 is #10. Not trying to derail this thread, but ~30k preorders lost is small compared to the total amount of players between these two games.[/QUOTE]

cod has a hardened edition which are both in the top 15....not like bf3 will touch cod's numbers anyway

point is, the beta wasn't a shining moment.
[quote name='yahoosale14']cod has a hardened edition which are both in the top 15....not like bf3 will touch cod's numbers anyway

point is, the beta wasn't a shining moment.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, just because BF3 is currently a high ranking "best seller" doesn't mean it will come close to CoD numbers. Numbers don't lie, MW3 will decimate BF3 in sales and the suck beta doesn't help that.
The more I play the beta, the more aggravated I get. And with tanks and air support on the full version, it may only get worse for me. Two pages ago, I said I was keeping my pre-order but now I'm not so sure. Might just wait a few months and hope it drops to $40 or so.
I enjoy Battlefield 1942 and this one is on par. We all just need to calm down and trust that the game will be all it can be and a pack of Dorito chips!
I still haven't heard a whole lot of WHY this beta shows that the game will suck other than the UI.

Can someone go down a list of exactly how it's different than BC2 and why it's worse and why they don't see it getting better? All I've heard is tons of bitching without reasons.
[quote name='thrustbucket']I still haven't heard a whole lot of WHY this beta shows that the game will suck other than the UI.

Can someone go down a list of exactly how it's different than BC2 and why it's worse and why they don't see it getting better? All I've heard is tons of bitching without reasons.[/QUOTE]

Anyone on the team can spawn on anyone. Mobile spawns don't get destroyed, plus other issues with this. M-Coms are no longer effected by damage(this will stay in the final game, but I think it gives far too much advantage to the defenders). I've seen M-Coms armed but attacked go down to zero and the game ends despite M-Com still armed. The Operation Metro rush map make the engineer class slightly less useful since there are no vehicles, and the map doesn't support some of the class abilities/equipment that can be unlocked. Remember shotgun sniping in BC2? Well get ready for part 2 of that, especially since you can attach sniper scopes to shotguns. Squad management isn't in, meaning good luck ending up in the same squad as a friend (they're fixing this apaprently). Bullets do more damage, which to me make the healing kits less useful since for the most part it's about who hits the trigger first in a one on one situation. I've been using the healing kits more like a buff for defenders around objectives. Operation Metro map has the defenders spawn in an area that is overlooked by the windows of the buildings across the street, which makes for easy spawn killing. There are some serious weapon/attachment balance issues (UMP) which make some weapons far more powerful at a greater range than they should be. Revive symbol stays on a dead body past the time you can revive them, hit detection for the defib is off. Recon scopes reflect underground. No icon for who actually has a mic. No cooking grenades. Walls can be destroyed, but subway cars can't?

That's not mentioning any of the bugs, like falling through the geometry, running not working occasionally, kill cam problems, knife hit detection being completely random, screen flashing, game crashing, and so on.
Ok, that's a start. But 99% of what you listed are either balance issues, current state-of-the Metro map issues, or outright obvious bugs. All of which can be easily hotfixed.

The only real design issue I've seen in your complaint is the M-Com not being damaged. I doubt we'll see that change, but balancing issues can help address it.

I'm just not seeing any of your reasons enough to be seriously concerned that the final MP game will not be fixed/fun.
[quote name='lordopus99']
True BF fans stick around. These are most likely the CoD people trying to find a new outlet since Activision continues to dick them.[/QUOTE]

I think "true" BF fans will keep playing BC2, a relatively stable game were you're not going to get nickel and dimed to death for map packs.

Until EA shut it down of course.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Ok, that's a start. But 99% of what you listed are either balance issues, current state-of-the Metro map issues, or outright obvious bugs. All of which can be easily hotfixed.

The only real design issue I've seen in your complaint is the M-Com not being damaged. I doubt we'll see that change, but balancing issues can help address it.

I'm just not seeing any of your reasons enough to be seriously concerned that the final MP game will not be fixed/fun.[/QUOTE]

I don't know, to me class, weapon, map, ability and equipment problems and balance issues are sort of a big deal, along with map design that makes one class less useful in general is something I'm surprised about. I don't remember there being nearly as many issues with either Bad Company Betas, and those were done months before release. I know it's a new engine, but it concerns me that all of these issues are present aside from some major bugs, even if it is a couple month old code.

I went from excited to skeptical. There are a lot of games coming out this fall, and with the cheapass mindset I'm probably going to wait until a future sale and see if these issues are addressed first instead of picking it up day one. I'm sure it will be fixed/fun, I'm just not confident that will happen by the time the game is released.
I'll be very surprised if the Metro map in the final game stays how it is. I agree on the no reason to play engineer with it.

I don't know. I have developed games. I know that most balancing, polishing, and equalizing happens in the very final stretch of a game so most of these issues don't trouble me. I have faith in Dice to handle most of the issues - though I expect problems to persist through launch that still need hotfixing - but I'm ok with that as every MP game does.

This is also why I would never do a public beta if I could help it - most people won't get the point and they will judge it for all the wrong reasons.

Every game I ever worked on is all about adding content and assets and engine enhancements right up until the very end - then it all gels together into a game that you scramble to "make fun". Consider this - even without a very final engine, you can't really balance because timing in miliseconds and how things interact can change - so it's semi-pointless to try and balance.

To me, this beta was just to test server load. They dumped a bunch of assets that were in a usable state into a download to get people to play enough to watch what their servers do. It was in no way meant to demonstrate how balanced or fair weapons and classes will be.

It's obvious it was created before much balancing had been done.
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[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Agreed, just because BF3 is currently a high ranking "best seller" doesn't mean it will come close to CoD numbers. Numbers don't lie, MW3 will decimate BF3 in sales and the suck beta doesn't help that.[/QUOTE]

Maybe I didn't properly explain my point. I was not implying that BF3 will beat MW3 in sales. I meant both are selling like crazy and the ~30k in preorders that may have been lost is small change compared to the total number of people purchasing these games. What did MW2 have in the first week, approx. 25 M unique users? Granted there were multiple gamertags from one user, but that explains the point. BC2 has sold somewhere close to 10 M copies.

Therefore my first point is that ~30k in preorders lost doesn't mean jack. My second point is that with BF3 #1 on the sellers list, it is continuing to sell after the beta release. Finally, if you want to extrapolate, my third point is that the circle jerk of BF3 hate on this board is a small minority of the total Battlefield players. Yes there are issues, but its clear people are going on the fact that it will be fixed by release.

And I'll also be buying MW3 on release, before someone calls me a fanboy.
[quote name='thrustbucket']
The only real design issue I've seen in your complaint is the M-Com not being damaged. I doubt we'll see that change, but balancing issues can help address it.[/QUOTE]

So we no longer can ATV C4 mine ride into M-Coms... NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! :cry:

Just playing. This change sounds like a benefit.
I understand that, however I just have less confidence that they will have enough time to fix, balance and optimize everything by the time the game goes gold/or for a release day patch. Even if it was meant as a stress test, I can only go by what I've played in the Beta, which was their decision to release to the public. I'm hoping they'll release a demo around release with more of the final code so that people who might have only first had an experience with this Beta can see that the final product is better.
I doubt they will release a demo (in my experience it drains nearly a month of resources to do so) before launch.

You are likely right though..... they will scramble and it won't ALL be fixed at launched.
[quote name='lordopus99']So we no longer can ATV C4 mine ride into M-Coms... NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! :cry:

Just playing. This change sounds like a benefit.[/QUOTE]

At least no more UAV/C4 problems. Still I liked that there was an alternate tactic that could be used and instead of trying to design around that they just removed the option completely.
[quote name='thrustbucket']I doubt they will release a demo (in my experience it drains nearly a month of resources to do so) before launch.

You are likely right though..... they will scramble and it won't ALL be fixed at launched.[/QUOTE]

I don't expect them all to be fixed, but the major issues at the very least. Like I said I will end up picking it up at somepoint, but because of the issues I've seen that are a big deal to me, I plan on waiting to see the impressions of people like yourself, other CAGs, and around the web on how the maps are and about different issues before I plan on putting down the money on it myself.

It's not meant to be bitching as much as I'm just surprised from prior experience with the Betas how many issues there are with the code they used, and there are so many games coming out that I personally am now reluctant to purchase it on day one when I was previously planning on doing so.
I don't know if it's going to be added in the release copy and since everyone is complaining the engineer kit is useless, but on Metro in the beginning of the map on the PC alpha the attackers got a bradley to use, not sure why they took it out for the console beta.

If they change anything about that bomb robot I will not buy this game. That is the ultimate troll weapon and I love it. Robot fights and all.
[quote name='hustletron']I don't know if it's going to be added in the release copy and since everyone is complaining the engineer kit is useless, but on Metro in the beginning of the map on the PC alpha the attackers got a bradley to use, not sure why they took it out for the console beta.

If they change anything about that bomb robot I will not buy this game. That is the ultimate troll weapon and I love it. Robot fights and all.[/QUOTE]

They changed it from the Alpha because it was way to overpowering.

They didn't just throw Operation Metro together on a whim. They changed stuff from the Alpha to the Beta and they released it for the Beta so they could test those changes that they made.
[quote name='hustletron']
If they change anything about that bomb robot I will not buy this game. That is the ultimate troll weapon and I love it. Robot fights and all.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but it'll probably take forever to unlock, like FOOOEVAH
[quote name='MrPiggles']Yeah, but it'll probably take forever to unlock, like FOOOEVAH[/QUOTE]

I believe it is the fourth unlock in the engineer class. It doesn't take forever to unlock, just takes more time because you can't really use the abilities of the class to the best effect to gain more EXP. In the Beta you get experience pretty quickly.

[quote name='xCappax']bhahaahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahhahahahahaha


Haha yeah that's about right.
[quote name='xCappax']bhahaahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahhahahahahaha


While that glitch is hilarious, I really, really hate the glitch where people lie prone face-up, like they are dead. I've walked right past prone people who look like that, it's pretty bad.
Is there more stuff from that Viking Robot guy? That honestly had me laughing innapropriately loudly in the office.
I LOL at the viking robot thing! I been playing assault class guess I need to swap it up. Looks like fun robot flamer thrower. :D
I really can't stand the BETA anymore. Awful map, guns are all too powerful, extreme camping. Since dice has earned the benefit of the doubt from me, I'm keeping my preorder, but I don't think the things I listed will be fixed at all.
Everyone playing with the beta drivers, right? Campers are so funny, but it is a strategic part of the game.

I replayed this game last night after installing my new video card, so much purrrttttier!
You guys seen the new PS3 multiplayer gameplay video? The visuals are amazing!

And now I laf at them bitches who cancelled their preorders. I laf.


Now I'm gonna masturbate
[quote name='binici']Everyone playing with the beta drivers, right? Campers are so funny, but it is a strategic part of the game.

I replayed this game last night after installing my new video card, so much purrrttttier![/QUOTE]

Are the drivers in the XBL store? I haven't seen any link on my dashboard or in the game for such a thing, please tell me how!
[quote name='JasonTerminator']Are the drivers in the XBL store? I haven't seen any link on my dashboard or in the game for such a thing, please tell me how![/QUOTE]

Just install the Catalyst beta drivers. Xbox 360 is ATI tech, after all. It should work.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']Are the drivers in the XBL store? I haven't seen any link on my dashboard or in the game for such a thing, please tell me how![/QUOTE]

[quote name='Spokker']Just install the Catalyst beta drivers. Xbox 360 is ATI tech, after all. It should work.[/QUOTE]

This may have been asked before, but does the beta end at 12 AM tonight or does it end after another full day tomorrow?
[quote name='thamaster24']This may have been asked before, but does the beta end at 12 AM tonight or does it end after another full day tomorrow?[/QUOTE]

Battlefield facebook page:
get your last rounds in before we close the beta on Oct 10th at 12:00pm (noon, CET)

Sucks I didn't realize it was ending so soon! :(
Are there any unlockables in the BF3 beta that carry over to the retail game? I got the Gears ones and missed out on the Uncharted and Resistance ones as UC3 was terrible and then I got too busy after it was fixed and I just missed the R3 beta.

I've played this beta twice briefly both times. I'm new to Battlefield having played a little bit of each Bad Company, but I'm unimpressed with this beta. I've heard it's really more of an alpha and I've heard so much good about the BF series and considering how awesome the campaign trailer is I'm sticking with my preorder now.
[quote name='jdawgg76']Are there any unlockables in the BF3 beta that carry over to the retail game? I got the Gears ones and missed out on the Uncharted and Resistance ones as UC3 was terrible and then I got too busy after it was fixed and I just missed the R3 beta.[/QUOTE]As I remember it, they don't carry over.

Just in case anyone is wondering, the beta is officially closed.
bread's done