Battlefield 3- Premium announced; 4 new expansions

Hi i would like to join the platoon, im fairly new to Battlefied series but would like to get better, every time i join there is no one with Mics, i just applied thanks
For the number of people that play support class (which seems to be the majority) it is truly amazing how only maybe 1 in 10 ever drop ammo.

Soodmeg, I feel your pain. I primarily play Assault and end up being the only person ever reviving. It seems people only pick assault to launch grenades.
[quote name='thrustbucket']For the number of people that play support class (which seems to be the majority) it is truly amazing how only maybe 1 in 10 ever drop ammo.[/QUOTE]What's more frustrating is that they still won't drop the packs when you spam them with ammo requests. They just don't realize how many more areas could be captured, how many more vehicles could be destroyed, how many tickets for their team could be spared, and how many points they could net off of simply dropping those packs.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']What's more frustrating is that they still won't drop the packs when you spam them with ammo requests. They just don't realize how many more areas could be captured, how many more vehicles could be destroyed, how many tickets for their team could be spared, and how many points they could net off of simply dropping those packs.[/QUOTE]

I drop ammo boxes all the time to help out my team but mostly to get the extra XP :cool:
[quote name='Soodmeg']Dude I hate that it feels like I am forced to be a fucking medic all the time. Dont get me wrong, I playing that class but it seems like if I am personally not a medic then we just dont have one for the game.

I see other people have the class selected but they never seem to get around to you know...actually reviving people. Just boggles my mind.[/QUOTE]
Well, depends on the side you're on. If you're a Defender, then I want a goddamn DNR order put on me. I'd rather die and respawn than be revived. The number of times some absolutely dimwitted medic will run in, revive me, and get me (and himself) killed are truly mind-boggling. If I'm dead, it's for a reason, so don't revive me next to the person who probably just shot me. Reviving is only really useful when you need the tickets as an Attacker, or if the situation truly benefits from it. But the number of times I've been revived in bad places with no ammo makes me very irate. It's almost as bad as those teammates who ignore objectives (but not quite so.)

Anyways, I have to say the campaign is pretty disappointing. Playing on Hard, there's some pretty badly designed levels, and it becomes clear how lazy they got with the AI, like their programmers did it when they were drunk. On a level near the end, fighting in a compound, my teammate will take cover and blindfire continuously in a direction where there's no enemies. Once I kill all of them myself, a shotgun wielding enemy will come down the stairs.

My AI partners will sprint up the stairs past him, and the shotgun guy will ignore them and focus only on me. Because apparently the best way to make a game harder is to make all enemies quite obviously target you, and only you. It's so bad that it's completely broken any immersion. Two friendlies will be a few feet away, while I'm prone a hundred yards back, and if I pop out just a small amount the enemy will quite clearly turn away from the closer, firing friendlies and target me. With near perfect accuracy, of course.

Combined with horrible checkpoints, this game is so frustrating right now that I'm starting to really wonder why I bought it on launch. It's made all the worse because I was so pumped for its release. Bah, humbug.
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[quote name='JasonTerminator']It's disgusting, and I wish for Quick Match they had an option to search for just Conquest and Rush.[/QUOTE]If you select the "server browser" option, you'll see a number of ways to optimize your search results (# of players, game modes, maps, normal/hardcore, and region). You can set your parameters to strictly search for Conquest and Rush mode servers.

I just read this article about how to maybe improve your online connection experience. You just need to open up some ports, as stated by EA.

If you are playing on PC, please enable the following online ports on your connection:
TCP: 80, 443, 9988, 20000-20100, 22990, 17502, 42127
UDP: 3659, 14000-14016, 22990-23006, 25200-25300

If you are playing on PS3, please enable the following online ports on your connection:
TCP: 80, 443, 9988, 10000-10100, 17502, 42127
UDP: 3659, 14000-14016

If you are playing on Xbox 360, please enable the following online ports on your connection:
TCP: 53, 88, 3074
UDP: 53, 88, 3074

For specific instructions on how to open your ports, please visit or contact your router manufacturer.
It might not fix anything at all, but it's worth a shot. Doesn't take too long either. My connection hasn't been too bad as of late, but I think I'll try it out.

Also, I've been wondering since the Back to Karkand map pack is considered an "expansion," does that mean it'll be separate from the standard rotation of maps? Like how Vietnam was in Bad Company 2?
[quote name='JustYourAverageJoe']
My AI partners will sprint up the stairs past him, and the shotgun guy will ignore them and focus only on me. Because apparently the best way to make a game harder is to make all enemies quite obviously target you, and only you. It's so bad that it's completely broken any immersion. Two friendlies will be a few feet away, while I'm prone a hundred yards back, and if I pop out just a small amount the enemy will quite clearly turn away from the closer, firing friendlies and target me. With near perfect accuracy, of course.

Are you talking about
the part when you are playing as Dima and right after going through the firing range and before the hallway filled with explosions?
If so I think it is glitched... I died multiple times at that part and the guy was only there 3/4 of the time. About 5-6 times he shot me in the back because I didn't see him due to how dark it was, and the other time he knifed me in the back because again I didn't see him. Then there were the times I would see him, kill him, and then proceed to get blown to fuck because of the barrels flying at you.

As for the campaign, I thought it was alright... I liked it, but I felt like it was way too short. Don't get me wrong, I loved MoH's campaign and it is my favorite FPS campaign to date on the 360, but this seemed even shorter than that. Plus it is a massive clusterfuck. It feels like they grabbed a few 8 year-old kids with massive ADD who did small sections and then they just threw them in a hat and drew them out and placed them in that order.

Last thing about the campaign...
Are we really supposed to believe that Dima survived a fucking nuke?!?! Riggghhtttt. :roll:

As for MP, I am really enjoying it. In regards to the teammates giving out ammo and health, it is so hit or miss. Tonight I was playing with a friend and we had one guy in our squad who was doing an awesome job of throwing it out. I really didn't need it since we were off in a corner of the enemy spawn pinning them down, but I made it worth his while by just randomly firing a clip and then running to his resupply.
Just joined the CAG platoon as well. There is a really easy way to select just Conquest for quick match. Simply select Conquest under "Game Type". Conquest is 95% of what I play so I use this all the time.
125-9 so far on Conquest with just over 30 hours logged in, usually playing with a group of 2-4 friends. I've personally already maxed out Assault and Engineer, and have ~600 kills with the AEK-971 Assault Rifle (my favorite gun in the game, and what I consider to be the best) alone.

Out of those 9 losses, I can definitely say that they were all due to either having a team with at least five people having a .5 K/D ratio or worse (especially on the infantry maps), and/or joining a lopsided server where we started in the double digits down by at least 150 points. I really hate looking at these losses on the Battlelog when I know they're not genuine, but what can you do?
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner'] I've personally already maxed out Assault and Engineer, and have ~600 kills with the AEK-971 Assault Rifle (my favorite gun in the game, and what I consider to be the best) alone.

Any tips here?

It was my favorite gun in BC2, so I was excited when I unlocked it last night.

I tried both the burst fire and the fully automatic, but I just felt like I wasn't doing as much damage as the m416, so I stopped using it.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Dude I hate that it feels like I am forced to be a fucking medic all the time. Dont get me wrong, I playing that class but it seems like if I am personally not a medic then we just dont have one for the game.

I see other people have the class selected but they never seem to get around to you know...actually reviving people. Just boggles my mind.[/QUOTE]

I feel ya, I usually play as recon. I love using the radio beacon, I hardly EVER see anyone use those and it makes me sad. The more options to spawn is good IMO.
I LOVE the fact that I get so much XP from giving ammo, healing, etc.. Because my K/D is ass in this game compared to COD.

I just don't get it that even when I throw out ammo and meds people who need it won't even take it! lol
[quote name='js1']I feel ya, I usually play as recon. I love using the radio beacon, I hardly EVER see anyone use those and it makes me sad. The more options to spawn is good IMO.
I LOVE the fact that I get so much XP from giving ammo, healing, etc.. Because my K/D is ass in this game compared to COD.

I just don't get it that even when I throw out ammo and meds people who need it won't even take it! lol[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I never play Recon (sniping isn't my thing) but I barely ever see people use the beacon and it drives me nuts.

I think my favorite class is the engineer.

I hated the engineer's weapons in BC2, but he can be pretty badass in this game.

I'm currently using the SCAR-H with a holo, grip and silencer.

Oh! And an update on my friends from before. I convinced one to buy it after he saw I already put 11 hours into it. We played last night and he agrees it's better than BC2, and the beta was a terrible idea to release that late in the game. Now everyone should start falling like dominos :cool:
[quote name='Ma12kez']If you select the "server browser" option, you'll see a number of ways to optimize your search results (# of players, game modes, maps, normal/hardcore, and region). You can set your parameters to strictly search for Conquest and Rush mode servers.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, that's the best way get into games. That way you have a decent idea of how good your pings is(connection). When using the quick join they just throw you into a game, it does not look at ping and other settings. Any of the bad games I've had with lag were quick join games.
[quote name='seanr1221']Yeah, I never play Recon (sniping isn't my thing) but I barely ever see people use the beacon and it drives me nuts.[/QUOTE]

I never snipe, it's not my thing either lol. I use the shotgun on that class(I LOVE the versatility of this game). I'll get behind enemy lines and plant that shit. It helps if we are pinned down or can't seem to get out of our spawn, etc..
[quote name='js1']I never snipe, it's not my thing either lol. I use the shotgun on that class(I LOVE the versatility of this game). I'll get behind enemy lines and plant that shit. It helps if we are pinned down or can't seem to get out of our spawn, etc..[/QUOTE]

I waited until I unlocked the PP-2000 to start playing recon. I just enjoy playing support class way more. Blowing stuff up with C4 never gets old. People never ride 2 to a tank makes it very easy to blow them up with C4. Yesterday I had an enemy chopper low enough for me to plant C4 on it. As they flew away I blew them up.
The lag just really hinders my gameplay and experience. I hate rubberbanding out of now where or emptying on someone only for them to not get hit at all but I still die while we all lag all over the map.

I still can't shoot down jets with the stinger, it's literally impossible to do it against someone who has flares unlocked, you have to have a team mate also using the stinger also aiming at the same jet and coordinate your shots so that 1 person eats the flares and the other fires right after.

Obviously no one plays like this though unless it's someone in your squad you're coordinating with so the jets never get shot down. I found out last night it's the same with the choppers, I couldn't shoot a single chopper down because he had flares, everytime I reloaded so did his flares. I ended up running out of ammo while he was still flying around.

When I play medic, I know it's a dick move but I revive everyone, unless they're my friends I'm playing with, it's just too many points to miss out on not doing it plus I don't hear them cry if they didn't want the revive or they die again. I ask my friends if they want a revive before I revive them but the pubs are just free points.
[quote name='n4styn4t3']I think the player has the option to decline the revive and even if they do the reviver still gets the xp.[/QUOTE]

right. Which is why I don't get the whining about revives.
I love my KH202 with IR scope. Its prob my fav gun as I can use it mid range 3 shot burst or long range with bipod and one shot mode. I have no problems disabling planes as I lock on and then once I see them pop there flares, then I shoot.
Has anyone had issues with the online pass for BF3? I have 2 copies of BF3 for Xbox 360, and I noticed that when I redeemed one online pass for a live account my second live account is able to benefit from the same pass and is able to play online as well without having to redeem an online pass. Here's another weird thing, and I will have to look into it further but I think I was also able to benefit from the first accounts physical warfare pack in-game without actually redeeming the code on my second live account. I have verified being able to play online using my second live account with only one actually redeeming it but I have to verify that I actually was able to use the physical warfare add-ons, I did see the messages in-game stating I had unlocked those in MP menu even though I never redeemed the code using my second Live account.

I purchased 2 copies so my son and I can play together but have not yet had to redeem one of my online passes, I have been able to play online with no issues.
[quote name='mvp828']Are you talking about
the part when you are playing as Dima and right after going through the firing range and before the hallway filled with explosions?
If so I think it is glitched... I died multiple times at that part and the guy was only there 3/4 of the time.[/QUOTE]
Hmm, I think it was before that. You're sent upstairs, come back down, kill some guys near a deck looking out over the ocean, and then it's the stairs up in the next room. It's kinda hard to explain.

[quote name='mvp828']I loved MoH's campaign and it is my favorite FPS campaign to date on the 360[/QUOTE]
I'm glad someone else liked it, it was one of my favorite campaigns in an FPS for some time.

[quote name='thrustbucket']right. Which is why I don't get the whining about revives.[/QUOTE]
Well, it's frustrating and a waste of time to get taken out of the spawn menu, killed, and having to wait another 10 or 15 seconds watching the killcam and spawn counter go down before I can spawn again. I mostly play Rush, and there time is super critical. So not reaching the objective to disarm it because I couldn't spawn in time is one of the most teeth-clenchingly irritating things I've had happen to me.

EDIT: Man, enemy spawning is pretty silly. I've been sitting right at the site they spawn on a mission and knifing them as they appear, since they otherwise ignore me.
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[quote name='thrustbucket']right. Which is why I don't get the whining about revives.[/QUOTE]

You could be revived into another instant death, or you could die after seeing a vehicle and want to switch to engineer, etc.

It was way worse in BC2 as it added a death to your total every time you died, so if someone Rambo revived you and you just died again, it was rage inducing. They fixed that in this game though.
[quote name='Trakan']You could be revived into another instant death, or you could die after seeing a vehicle and want to switch to engineer, etc.[/QUOTE]

Decline the revive.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']I love my KH202 with IR scope. Its prob my fav gun as I can use it mid range 3 shot burst or long range with bipod and one shot mode. I have no problems disabling planes as I lock on and then once I see them pop there flares, then I shoot.[/QUOTE]

Usually locking on and waiting for them to panic flare works for me, but one guy yesterday was psychic or something and only fired his flares after I shot my rocket. I'd lock on and wait a few seconds but this guy never popped flares unless I actually had a rocket shot at him. And of course, jets are a pain to shoot down anyway because of the ease they get out of my range.

Thank god jets aren't good for much other than fighting other jets.

[quote name='Ma12kez']If you select the "server browser" option, you'll see a number of ways to optimize your search results (# of players, game modes, maps, normal/hardcore, and region). You can set your parameters to strictly search for Conquest and Rush mode servers.

I just read this article about how to maybe improve your online connection experience. You just need to open up some ports, as stated by EA.

It might not fix anything at all, but it's worth a shot. Doesn't take too long either. My connection hasn't been too bad as of late, but I think I'll try it out.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but quick match is still easier. Not that it matters, both options break up my squad half the time.

And the ports they want you to forward are the regular XBL ports anyway, so it's not exactly new information.
[quote name='Breakshammy']Has anyone had issues with the online pass for BF3? I have 2 copies of BF3 for Xbox 360, and I noticed that when I redeemed one online pass for a live account my second live account is able to benefit from the same pass and is able to play online as well without having to redeem an online pass. Here's another weird thing, and I will have to look into it further but I think I was also able to benefit from the first accounts physical warfare pack in-game without actually redeeming the code on my second live account. I have verified being able to play online using my second live account with only one actually redeeming it but I have to verify that I actually was able to use the physical warfare add-ons, I did see the messages in-game stating I had unlocked those in MP menu even though I never redeemed the code using my second Live account.

I purchased 2 copies so my son and I can play together but have not yet had to redeem one of my online passes, I have been able to play online with no issues.[/QUOTE]

That's the way any* XBL content works. When something is purchased, the content is unlocked for the console and the account. So, as long as your son is playing on the console that redeemed the code, he can use it. If he were to try and play on a different Xbox with his account, it would no longer work.

You on the other hand can use the content on any Xbox because it's associated with your account.

This also works for XBLA games and DLC.

*some exceptions to the rule, but not many.
I'm glad I'm not the only one having problems with the jets, while they may not rack up the kill count it's still annoying people some how anticipate rockets every time, at least with me anyway. Maybe it was just a fluke.

Once they get the lag issue resolved overall this game will be a lot more fun than it is now.
Went on a rampage with the shotty in Operation Metro. Managed to get 6 kills one directly after the other when the idiots on the other team wouldn't stop rushing up the escalators. Had to reload finally then need up getting 4 more a few seconds later.
Uh, when you fire a rocket at a Jet, there is a different tone (basically, a tone for "locking on," "locked on," and "Oh fuck there's an incoming missile) yeah, individual engineers aren't even threats anymore, but 2 or three at once basically means the end of a jet since flares can't reload fast enough.
I'm just at a loss of words as to why the growler or any other light jeep can take an RPG and not explode, yet when I do hit it and disable it, it takes me longer to change guns than it does the driver to hop out and kill me.

Me and this guy were going back and forth at one point in conquest he kept driving the growler and I kept disabling it when I went to shoot him after he bailed my gun is still being drawn after switching from the SMAW. To make it more aggravating, I know he's terrible but managed to keep killing me 4 times because of that.
I'm up to 29 kills in the F-18. Loving this shit

F-18/Flanker + Tanks + M4 = my battlefield experience.

I enjoyed MOH single player. The AI was horrendous but it had its moments. It certainly wasnt great by any means.
I really hate that DICE restricts you to four players. I understand you can play with more but it's such a hassle to get even 4 people in the same squad on the same team in the same game. I can't stand having 8 retards on my team. Getting losses where 4 people can't carry the dead weight of 8 others is rage inducing.
Just got back from the honeymoon (it was booked before this release date was finalized :cool:) and have a full day off tomorrow to start BF3.

How are the servers holding up? Typical BF where they blow for the first few weeks and then get it together?
This game gets ruined by what most games like this get ruining by the ease of sniping. Its far to broad so everyone and their mom wants to do it which ruins the game on both sides. Too many of them sitting in bushes by themselves not attacking nor defending.

I wish for once a company would have the balls to not even include that class in a game and/or actually make it challenging because by far the ratio of good snipers to bad is something around 1:200.

There is only one game I can remember every playing that got it right and that was Americas Army, not only did you have to jump through a shit ton of hoops to even unlock the class it was hard has hell to aim.

I fucking hate point and click snipers.
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[quote name='n4styn4t3']I play tdm. Am I a bad person?[/QUOTE]
That's an emphatic yes.

Nah, whatever floats your boat. I can't stand it, personally. The game's mechanics and maps don't feel balanced for it, and the random spawning was pretty horrific. It literally put me right behind someone, so I didn't even have to move to knife them.

[quote name='Soodmeg']This game gets ruined by what most games like this get ruining by the ease of sniping. Its far to broad so everyone and their mom wants to do it which ruins the game on both sides. Too many of them sitting in bushes by themselves not attacking nor defending.

I wish for once a company would have the balls to not even include that class in a game and/or actually make it challenging because by far the ratio of good snipers to bad is something around 1:200.[/QUOTE]
Cannot agree enough. I'm not a teamkiller, but damn do I want to knife the 5+ "snipers" sitting back not doing jack to help take objectives or cover me. Your K/D spread doesn't mean shit when you're not a team player. I wish people, including DICE, would stop putting any value on K/D, since that has no bearing or correlation to skill or victory in this game. I was MVP with 4 or 5 kills to 10 deaths because I destroyed 6 or 7 MCOMs in a single round.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Whats the highest score you guys have got so far? I just put in a 9k round just now on Rush.[/QUOTE]

I think my highest was around 2500.
Yes I'm serious.

I suck ass, but I have fun.
I totally agree with others about the sniping issue, although I do think that they've taken some big steps since BC2. I loved BC2 but the sniping was just something I had to live with. At least with BF3 they've taken away some of the power with with shaky crosshair and lots of muzzle flash. Unfortunately, I think they toned down the muzzle flash a bit from the beta, which I thought was perfectly acceptable. I'd love DICE to at least include a game mode that removes the sniper class. Wouldn't that be interesting?

Also, I'm having fun flying the jets the few times that I'm lucky enough to find one available due to the hoarders wasting time waiting around for them. However, do you really just start off with the turret and no missiles or am I missing a button? I was able to tail lots of other jets and put tons of rounds into them but the most damage I ever got was seeing them smoke.
[quote name='gubmccargen']
Also, I'm having fun flying the jets the few times that I'm lucky enough to find one available due to the hoarders wasting time waiting around for them. However, do you really just start off with the turret and no missiles or am I missing a button? I was able to tail lots of other jets and put tons of rounds into them but the most damage I ever got was seeing them smoke.[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately, you gotta unlock the heat seeking missiles. Once you get those puppies, you'll have 100x more fun flying jets.
I hit my highest today at just around 12,300. I'll check battlelog just to make sure but it was definitely an insane fucking round. Used the shotty and mines the whole time!
[quote name='Soodmeg']This game gets ruined by what most games like this get ruining by the ease of sniping. Its far to broad so everyone and their mom wants to do it which ruins the game on both sides. Too many of them sitting in bushes by themselves not attacking nor defending.

I wish for once a company would have the balls to not even include that class in a game and/or actually make it challenging because by far the ratio of good snipers to bad is something around 1:200.

There is only one game I can remember every playing that got it right and that was Americas Army, not only did you have to jump through a shit ton of hoops to even unlock the class it was hard has hell to aim.

I fucking hate point and click snipers.[/QUOTE]

I agree completely. Most FPS games do get ruined by the snipers. It's so freaking annoying in a game of rush where half your team is just camping and sniping horribly. Though I doubt a game will ever completely eliminate the sniper/recon/etc class, it would be nice to see it made a little more difficult or at least hard to unlock actual sniper rifles. discourage the idiots...

[quote name='JustYourAverageJoe']Nah, whatever floats your boat. I can't stand it, personally. The game's mechanics and maps don't feel balanced for it, and the random spawning was pretty horrific. It literally put me right behind someone, so I didn't even have to move to knife them.[/QUOTE]

I've played a lot of TDM, and it is amazes me how poorly they implanted spawning in this game. I honestly find it hard to believe that NO ONE from DICE noticed how badly they screwed that up. I cannot tell you how many times I have spawned right in front of a group of enemies.
Thanks for the info on the jets and I can't wait to unlock the missiles. Now the challenge is going to be earning points with just the gun.

I'm also really enjoying using the vehicle mines in this game. One of the major improvements of mines in BF3 is allowing them to remain planted beyond your death. If I'm not mistaken BC2 removed them as soon as you died, which made it pointless for me to spend much time with them. It's one of those things that is incredibly frustrating when you're plowing along in a tank and just get destroyed but also so satisfying to just get tons of random points when you do it yourself.

I played a few rounds tonight with CAG Platooner Shady this evening and we dominated most of the rounds. The rest of you join up already! I'm not sure what the actual practical purpose is of a platoon but it lets you easily keep track of other CAGs and get their Gamertag if you want more friendly BF3-playing CAGs.!/bf3/platoon/2832655241033136176/
bread's done