[quote name='RichMeisterMan']And what exactly do you do to do that? I can't seem to play a round and not get my

ing ass handed to me when it comes to k/d.
It seems like everyone can kill me 5 or so shots, but I have to drop half a mag into their bitch ass!!! When I ever use the LMGs it's like a bad case of "Hollywood shots" the bullets hit everywhere EXCEPT for the dude I am aiming at!!!
This is a noob question, but what is a desirable ping? And at what point does the game pretty much become unplayable as far as the ping making it virtually impossible for you to get the jump on someone.[/QUOTE]
That particular game I was a medic using the M60 (OP IMO). I'd just find groups of my team, throw down a health box, then run to the enemy lines and start tearing into anyone that tried pushing up.
As for ping, I usually join any game that says it's below like 80 in the server browser. The in-game ping is

ed, so dont bother paying attention to that.
Also, is there a CAG group for this or something? My friends basically hate this game now for some reason, so I'm looking for some people to play with that actually work as a team rather than try to be Rambo every game.