Bayonetta (360) $19.96+2.99s/h

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yeah it looks like they won't sell it to you. it keeps kicking it out of my shopping cart, and thats a great deal for this game. fuck
This has been posted before along with Dark Void & Darksiders but Bayonetta has been oos since they posted it in the first thread. Along with that you can find the deals in store. Too bad they're all east coast stores.
Hmm, well I would have bit on this but I guess they're out of stock or something as it keeps kicking it out of my cart. Oh well, I guess I can wait until it's that price everywhere.
I absolutely LOVED this game.
Its fast, fun, crazy story, interesting lead character, and had some comic relief thrown in at all the right times. Best of all, it was a blast to play. Probably one of the VERY few games out there these days thats worth full price for, let alone a second playthough.
If used doesn't bother you, has it for $34.99 used. Combine it with 25OFF+Edge and it comes down to about $24.xx. And free shipping, of course.
[quote name='limelight022']I absolutely LOVED this game.
Its fast, fun, crazy story, interesting lead character, and had some comic relief thrown in at all the right times. Best of all, it was a blast to play. Probably one of the VERY few games out there these days thats worth full price for, let alone a second playthough.[/QUOTE]

i agree with 100% about this game. i tried DMC4 i just couldnt get into at all it just felt boring to me. but i played bayonetta i couldnt stop laugh how over the top it was, i had so much fun if it wasn't for school i be on my second playthrough.
Its also available at for $19.99 + 1.99 shipping. Its says it dosen't come with manual but mine did. Great Prices with both sites! Thanks OP
Yeah sorry for the OOS link. I read that some people were having luck with it so I did a quick search and posted it. Familyvideo is a great site for used games if you're ok with the possibility of no manual and a sticker on the disc. The disc condition was very good for me when I ordered Force Unleashed from them.
amazing game. put in about 40 hours in 3 days after getting it around new years (bb had it early.)

I'll definitely get it again around $9.99 to finish up some things.
bread's done