Be honest, do you pay for music?

i subscribe to emusic. At 20 cents a song or whatever, i can handle it. Plus all those bands aren't mainstream so they aren't the ones with multi million dollar deals already - they could use the cut.
Very few artists I will pay for. Very few artists that I listen to. Normally if I hear something I like, I'll download a few songs from the cd. If I like those then I'll download the whole cd. If I like most of the songs then I'll go buy the cd.

If I download 3 songs, then the rest of the cd, and it sucks. Then I won't go buy that cd. I then normally delete the songs off my pc. But I don't download that much, and I don't buy cds that much. Music isn't a part of my life like it is for most people.
First and foremost...i download it all. And if I like it, I buy it. If it's crap, it sits on my hard drive anyway.

I'm a FIRMMMMM beleiver that bands should make their money from touring. I'll gladly pay to go see a band put on a show that is **gasp** entertaining....because, well, they are supposed to be entertainers. I'm sick and tired of going to see a band that sounds good on their albums who put me to sleep when I see them play live.
[quote name='gizmogc']The last CD I bought was Coldplay's XYZ.[/quote]You mean X&Y? Or did they come out with another one?
the last cd i bought...was will smith : of my music, i download, but i dont have a million songs, seriously..> friend however actually filled his ipod ...and some, i dont get how people can have so many "favorite" songs :whistle2:\ eh must be me :)!
[quote name='musicnoteless']If I like at least 3-4 songs I downloaded from an artist on the same album, I'll go buy the album to go support them.[/quote]

I agree.. although i despise albums that have 20 tracks and half of them are skits.
I wouldn't pay for it if I knew where to find it, and I suck ass at using BitTorrent.

I miss Napster, the REAL Napster =/
I always pay. I kind of get irritated by all the movie/music piracy that takes place these days. i mean, as they begin to bust people for this, it's just not worth it. I'd rather buy an actual copy and get the special features, etc.
[quote name='nevposey']I always pay. I kind of get irritated by all the movie/music piracy that takes place these days. i mean, as they begin to bust people for this, it's just not worth it. I'd rather buy an actual copy and get the special features, etc.[/quote]

in the same breathe, I hate when bands or whatever sell weak music just to get cds out there to sell their music. I used to buy all my music. I'd buy duds and it will just still there as a coaster. I'm not wasting my money.
One thing I ALWAYS download is region exclusive tracks, like when Japanese versions get extra tracks, I'm not going to spend out the ass to import their copy.
[quote name='DJSteel']in the same breathe, I hate when bands or whatever sell weak music just to get cds out there to sell their music. I used to buy all my music. I'd buy duds and it will just still there as a coaster. I'm not wasting my money.[/QUOTE]

but that's where formats like iTunes make it easier
[quote name='nevposey']but that's where formats like iTunes make it easier[/quote]

iTunes isn't as cheap as you think.. unless you just want single tracks.
Yes, I buy cd's. Then I rip them and resell on Amazon. I've had a hard time with bittorrent. It takes a long time to download cause everyone keeps leaving. That and I don't know about proxy stuff, I've had my cable go out when downloading. Course that could've been the old cable modem. I just don't have the time to search for valid downloads vs fake crap.
As a certified old person, I still pay for all my music, own no illegally downloaded files, don't feel entitled to own every album I like even if I can't afford it, and don't blame large corporations to compensate for my own greed.

I have less money, but the artificial bubble I've created around me filled with the air of superiority always has that new car smell wafting in it. Plus, I assume that the monetary loss is balanced by an increase in my personal value as an ever more collectible rarity.
i will buy actual cd's for quite literally six bands/groups, and that's just because i want to have guarunteed cd quality to listen to their music in my car. otherwise, i just listen to music when i'm writing, and i'm not about to shell out 99 cents a song for background noise.
This world is filled with materials and we should use what we want and what we need. Not tie our wants to memories. Then what person value is gained when there is none if there is no exchange of any source.

It is not about rarity. It is about intrest in that item. Like I know what cars are worth it while what is not worth it Then again I have no intrest in cars besides geting the best for my value.

Also when people who are not famous buy something the value goes down and it is the oppsite for people that are famous.

The only superiority is the existance of originalism, self pride, and memory. The is no value is something that has no meaning regaurdless that it is valued.

Personally you do not need ever music out thee just what you like or what you are intrested in. Music aloing with Film is infinitive. Seeing how any recording is music or film. The same for pictures. IT is the recreaton of that peace is what is important.
[quote name='RegalSin2020']This world is filled with materials and we should use what we want and what we need. Not tie our wants to memories. Then what person value is gained when there is none if there is no exchange of any source.

It is not about rarity. It is about intrest in that item. Like I know what cars are worth it while what is not worth it Then again I have no intrest in cars besides geting the best for my value.

Also when people who are not famous buy something the value goes down and it is the oppsite for people that are famous.

The only superiority is the existance of originalism, self pride, and memory. The is no value is something that has no meaning regaurdless that it is valued.

Personally you do not need ever music out thee just what you like or what you are intrested in. Music aloing with Film is infinitive. Seeing how any recording is music or film. The same for pictures. IT is the recreaton of that peace is what is important.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='RegalSin2020']
Personally you do not need ever music out thee just what you like or what you are intrested in. Music aloing with Film is infinitive. Seeing how any recording is music or film. The same for pictures. IT is the recreaton of that peace is what is important.[/QUOTE]

Intersting responses, I thought more people bought CDs.

But I guess on a message board there would be a higher concentration of downloaders.
I've bought 2 cds this year:

The Coup "Pick A Bigger Weapon" - Awesome album and was worth spending some cash

J5 "Feedback" - At first it was still J5 but not good and then I listened to it more and more and my hatred for it has increased.
[quote name='fart_bubble']I've bought 2 cds this year:

The Coup "Pick A Bigger Weapon" - Awesome album and was worth spending some cash

J5 "Feedback" - At first it was still J5 but not good and then I listened to it more and more and my hatred for it has increased.[/quote]

I was going to buy Feedback at bestbuy for like $5 when it came out, but then I listened to it. Needless to say, I changed my mind. That album fucking sucked.
[quote name='2poor']I was going to buy Feedback at bestbuy for like $5 when it came out, but then I listened to it. Needless to say, I changed my mind. That album fucking sucked.[/quote]


Who ever thought it would be a good idea to do a song with Dave Matthews should be shot.
With music, I can can see why people steal it more often because there's so many songs (though do not condone this). With movies though, I dont get it. You get so much more if you have a DVD with surround mixed correctly, or by going to a theater instead of watching on a computer screen. surely you can agree with this, right?
I "try" a lot of music before I buy. My personal rule of thumb is that I will download an album and listen for two weeks. If I still want to keep it, I buy it. The only music that I keep "illegally" are bootlegs of live shows.

All in all, I would say that I buy between 2 and 4 albums a month. I also support artists by seeing them live, and by buying their merchandise.
I definitely buy a ton of music.. Though most of that money goes to concerts, and not albums. I'm a try-before-I-buy kind of guy, though, I admit. If it's good, I buy it, for sure.
Not only do I buy all my music, i don't download mp3s at all. I am very OCD about having the case/original disc that comes with supporting a band.

Sure i end up with some shitty cds which I then sell for a fraction of what they cost me, but I spend a lot of time researching every week, so i've gotten pretty efficient at weeding out shitty bands.
I do alot more downloading then buying, but if I can find a CD I want for less then $10, then I usualy jump on it. But that rarely happens. Usualy I support the bands I like my spending tons of money each year attending concerts and buying merch at said shows.

Some bands though, like The Decemberists, I support in anyway I can, cause they are so damn good.
Mostly no. I have a grossly gigantic collection of music, and I mean GROSS. I have more or less every videogame soundtrack you could POSSIBLY want. That, and a few thousand trance, jazz, 80s, anime, more videogame, Bemani, techno, classical, and every other type of album, but especially lots of rare/offbeat Japanese stuff. Picopop, Shibuya Kei, that sort of thing.

I did just buy a stack of 15 random CDs from Japan, based entirely on cover art, though. Lots of jazz, breakbeat, and mellow stuff.
Be honest, do you pay for music?

I'm going to be extremely righteous here, and I'm not going to apologize for it. Of course I pay for music. It's theft otherwise. You know, I'd like a free Ferrari, free gas, and free Internet, for starters, but it ain't happenin'. That's 'cause those things are a little harder to steal (except the Internet, I'll concede).

Have I in the past 'borrowed' songs? Yes. Not many, though. Did I get more trouble (malware, viruses) through this than it was worth? Absolutely. Do I let others borrow my 'back up' copy of a CD once in awhile? Yeah, I'm not gonna deny that. But going 2-for-1 on the occasional album ain't the same as throwing music up there on a peer-to-peer service.* Also, am I sounding like Reggie right now, question-talking? I would say yes.

What freeloaders don't realize is that they're killing the music scene. Actually, you've already killed it. Thanks. Why should labels promote what they can't profit on? All we're left with now are the few absolute lowest-common-denominator acts on "Clear Channel Nation" that are going to move numbers because they still have an appeal to the technologically ignorant, as well as people with disposable income and that are old enough to not feel some fucked-up sense of entitlement about free music.

Also, I'm not going to dig through endless streams of shit to find a handful of nuggets on my own. And those good 'hidden gem' bands? They'll probably disband as quickly as they hit the scene, because there's no 'brass ring' for them to possibly grab anymore. Again, this chain of events is largely instigated by the legacy of Napster.

I don't think $0.99 a song is too much to ask. Check that--I know it's not too much. You can pick and choose. You don't have to buy the heinously-priced CD singles anymore. If you look carefully, you can find good deals on full albums. Even the used CD market doesn't do nearly the damage to the industry that piracy does.

It's just a generational thing. Many kids don't know a world without free music. And because of their greed and amorality here, they aren't going to know a world with nearly enough good music, either. When My Chemical Romance is the 'big thing', you know rock is dead.

*--It should be noted that for me, that is a one-way street, and I'm never the borrower.
[quote name='jollydwarf']Be honest, do you pay for music?
Too long to quote.[/quote]
Saying downloading music is killing the industry is naive. Yes, it hurts the record comapnies, and makes the big stars just slightly less famous, but I know personally I would have never heard of most of the artists I listen to if it were not for downloading. Now that I know them, I buy their albums, merch, and go to their shows when I have a chance/funds. Downloading actually helped these artists.
I'm going to reluctantly give the 'try-then-buy' crowd the benefit of the doubt here, but at the same time, I'm also going to continue to assume that the portion of downloaders that are on their 'honors' to that capacity even most of the time is a small one indeed.
[quote name='jollydwarf']


I don't think it's that simple but I understand where you are coming from. There are TONS of great great bands I've supported over the years that I never would have heard of or listened to if it weren't for downloading or friends with CD burners. I'm sure it hurts some huge stars and the record companies (who are still raking it in, believe me) but I'm willing to bet most small bands are in favor of it. It's never been easier to get your music out there and if you are good you will get heard (and paid) which is the way it should be instead of giant know-nothing companies deciding what everyone should listen to...
In responce to jollydwarf

The internet was free and is free. Back then and even now you can gain a free connection. It is just that people forgot how to do it. Think about how people link there registers and machines to the internet and allows people to use there bank cards. All you had to do was setup the machine back then and plug it into the phone wire.

Gas is free. You can convert a gas car into a water car. This has been done by a guy in the seventies with no college education. It is called a fuel cell. On the topic of a free Ferrari I am sure if your a Car dealership this would and is no problem holding on to this.

On the topic of free data if the artist choose to write there music to CD then any person with a PC can just copy the data. The same goes for PSX and SS games or even 3D0 and SNK.

You only going to get viruses in a desprate search and that is only half the time. borrowed HA you downloaded data it is no biggie data is downloaded all the time. 2 for 1 in a store is a joke. The store is sellling them a joke. I have even went into a store that sold stuff that was super bootleg in a mall they never did it proffesionally.

No Reggie is a PR manager who is probably laughing away while nintendo is doing a great job without him.

What freeloaders don't realize is that they're killing the music scene. Actually, you've already killed it. Thanks.

Freloader HA right. I pay 60 dollars a month for a dickless company mentioned in BGAE. I feel it is my dutie to take advantage of my miscommings. Do I own these people anything hell no it is there chioce to write on CD or DVD.

Remember back in the days you know old school 90's when you buy a tape you only got one piece of music and then sometimes three pieces. Then if you are lucky you got a big batch of music on a super jumbo tape ( I forget the name) and it was and is beautiful the way it worked. It was like the porn industry when they could do as they please or the game industry when they worked out of there rooms in the womb. Do you not see that using a familar media type is a joke.

I regret ever buying the god forsaken SIMS2 for my sibling who just buy the stinking add-on which is no diffrent then buying doom part 2 and 3. I mean god almighty if I had that money it would be 170 dollars right now. I mean WTF when I could have downloaded it ( which I did ) and what is wrost there discs are so cheaply made.

Okay what bothers me the most is that I have all these games here and now I want to sell and did you know that the entire SNES archive if not most is less then 8gigs and around 1-2gigs compressed with 7zip I mean think people we never needed those games which I have never spent or all converted to money would be around -1000 worth of games if not more new or used complete. Okay and now all these videos I have costed like -400 and the truth is that I could have just downloaded everyhting under 200gigs or so. and that would only cost me 300 dollars in combined resources.

Who is really digging it is all there out there with big signs. Again it is worth it.
and about those people given free entertainment yes some people have failed like the people who created M.U.G.E.N. and other games.

the selling of used items is good for people who is like me who could careless about the new stuff.
[quote name='javeryh']I don't think it's that simple but I understand where you are coming from. There are TONS of great great bands I've supported over the years that I never would have heard of or listened to if it weren't for downloading or friends with CD burners. I'm sure it hurts some huge stars and the record companies (who are still raking it in, believe me) but I'm willing to bet most small bands are in favor of it. It's never been easier to get your music out there and if you are good you will get heard (and paid) which is the way it should be instead of giant know-nothing companies deciding what everyone should listen to...[/QUOTE]

It isn't that simple at all, but I mostly agree with what jollydwarf is saying. I am very skeptical of those few people who claim that they download and buy later, or those that claim they do other things to compensate a band. I think they're trying to do some post-hoc justification of their downloads, and I truly doubt that people who can't even go to a store to buy an album will go out of their way to make sure the band gets something for what enjoyment the user gained from listening to their album.

For small bands, the user hurts themself as well as the band. By denying them some semblance of sales, you ensure that these bands are required to have part-time or full-time jobs to pay the bills. That cuts down significantly on studio and touring time. It's hard to be prolific when you are tied to 40 hours a week. Many small bands are available for download via iTunes; there's a local smalltime punk-rock/grindcore label whose catalog is available via iTunes. Ironically, their pricing structure ($10 per album minimum) makes it unattractive to buy (the label charges $8 postage paid per cd). That's not the point, however. If you demand it now, and if you demand it digitally, I imagine very few of you could not find a legal means of paying for that luxury.

Now, of course, there have been benefits to downloading music. When I buy an album, there's occasionally a record-company produced extra (bonus tracks, extra dvd included, etc.) that make it worthwhile to buy an album. They're incentives that started showing up directly as a result of music downloading. For that, dear pirates, I thank you.

There are exceptions to downloading: live concerts (why limit that to something the hippies do) are one. In my opinion, deceased artists are fair game; Howlin' Wolf is long gone, as is Johnny Cash. Why should I pay for their music?

In the end, I don't believe most justifications for downloading music, as it's some person's way of legitimizing theft (the most common, the "evil record company" justification, is a logical fallacy and not to be taken seriously).
A lot of bands I like (Dashboard Confessional, Thursday) have said publicly that they dont care if you obtain their music in other ways. I usually download a few of a band's songs first, and if I like them, I buy the album. If it weren't for downloading, I wouldn't have purchased my last 4 CDs.
[quote name='6669']I wouldn't have purchased my last 4 CDs.[/QUOTE]

Elaborate. Are you telling me you never make impulse buying decisions?
[quote name='mykevermin']Elaborate. Are you telling me you never make impulse buying decisions?[/QUOTE]
That should never be done with music, in my opinion.
bread's done