Because the Wii will have a slot for its dvds...


27 (100%)
Will you get a warranty with the system? Yes, all of Nintendos systems seem to be built like tanks, however, dust, hair and dirt can easily build up inside the system with no way of cleaning the lens :whistle2:(

I hope this wont be the first Nintendo system that conks out on me.
I would think that the regular DVD trays have a higher chance of dust and gunk getting inside as the entire bay is exposed when the tray is open - as opposed to a slot loading system that is only open to DVDs (if they have it protected by a hinge).
I always worry that my 360 will die. I never worried about my Xbox, but I waited over a year from launch to buy one. I never worried about my Gamecube, and I will have no worries at all about buying a Wii on day one.
no, itll be good and if its not im sure nintendo will take care of it if its widespread (which it wont be)
I feel confident that I'll be able to stick my Wii in the toilet and discover that it still works good as new (I swear this isn't meant as a double entendre).
I like to roll the dice, so I never get the warranty for any of my systems, and I even own an early model Xbox 360.

[quote name='2Fast']I like to roll the dice, so I never get the warranty for any of my systems, and I even own an early model Xbox 360.


I know!!! I'm the same (Cept about owning the 360)!!
How are any of you people actually going to be able to walk into a store and say "Yes, I'd like to buy a Wii please." I mean, seriously. I REALLY hope they change the name for the US/UK regions, at least.
[quote name='daroga']

We're just posting random pictures, right?[/QUOTE]

No, it was a metaphor for how much our society likes donuts, dammit.
[quote name='mietha']How are any of you people actually going to be able to walk into a store and say "Yes, I'd like to buy a Wii please." I mean, seriously. I REALLY hope they change the name for the US/UK regions, at least.[/quote]

How about you order online.

Or... if you need to buy in a store, and you're immature enough that saying Wii embarrases you, you say "I would like to have one of those new Nintendo consoles please."

Do you think you can handle that?
[quote name='Quackzilla']But will it have a slot for our Wii-Wiis?

I dont know, man. The machine is kinda SMALL. ;)

Thats what SHE SAID, WOOO!
Meh, I'm not really worried about it. I think I'd rather get another game than a service plan.

Although, I'll sure as hell get one when I plan to purchase a 360 or PS3.
As others have said, I'm not worried either... I've gone though two PS2s and have Xbox that either loads slow as hell or freezes/stutters in the middle of games. But the GC has only had two disc read errors in it's entire lifetime. And I'd say I probably play my GC as much as my PS2, if not more (look at my collection of PS2/GC games).

As long as you don't put in dirty discs in the slot, I see no need to be worried.
[quote name='Quackzilla']But will it have a slot for our Wii-Wiis?

if theres a mic hole youll be in luck
I'm going to have to buy two so I can have sex with one of them.

Its shattered remains will be a faithful martyr to the pursuit of man-tech love.
Well Nintendo console are the only ones Ive never had to replace, so Im not gonna get a warranty. I still have my original working NES, SNES, N64, and Cube. But Im on my second PS1, PS2, DC, and I had to replace the drive in my Xbox.
I've never had to replace any of my consoles (except my PS2...but it was my fault it broke). My GC gives me DRE's on Resident Evil Games (and ONLY RE games...weird, huh?) I think it should be ok as long as whatever is covering the disc slot covers it well enough.
I had a slot loading cd player in my car for 5 years before the car got in a wreck. That thing was abused, getting CDs that had been on the floor of the car for weeks into the the slot. The thing skipped like 3 times that I can remember in 5 years.

The slot loading as little to do with how messed up it'll get, it all has to do with quality hardware. I'm not worred about Nintendo dropping the ball on this.
In regards to the akwardness of going to the store to ask for Wii's in stock. Why don't you just ask for a Nintendo Wii, it's not that hard to say.
Maybe some third party manufacturer will release special clear plastic slipcovers to go over the Wii, like the kind Italian grandmothers have on their couches.
[quote name='Quillion']How about you order online.

Or... if you need to buy in a store, and you're immature enough that saying Wii embarrases you, you say "I would like to have one of those new Nintendo consoles please."

Do you think you can handle that?[/QUOTE]

Or "I'd like the console formerly known as Revolution". Any old time Prince fans should be used to saying that :D

Seriously, though, what bothers me about the slot-loading deal is that it took me TWO YEARS to train my wife and kids how to properly handle GC games and put them in without getting them covered in finger prints. Fortunately the GC is "the little console that could", and has had no problems with the greasy discs (damn women and their damn lotions, damn kids and their damn food). I fear it will take as long to train them on this new-fangled mechanism :cry:.
[quote name='io']Or "I'd like the console formerly known as Revolution". Any old time Prince fans should be used to saying that :D

Seriously, though, what bothers me about the slot-loading deal is that it took me TWO YEARS to train my wife and kids how to properly handle GC games and put them in without getting them covered in finger prints. Fortunately the GC is "the little console that could", and has had no problems with the greasy discs (damn women and their damn lotions, damn kids and their damn food). I fear it will take as long to train them on this new-fangled mechanism :cry:.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. My girlfriend and I have an ever growing virtual list of reasons to never reproduce. You have made a signifigant contribution. The thought of grubby hands on any of my consoles makes my skin crawl. The GF does have a lot of lotions and creams and things of this nature, but she knows better than to touch the surface of a disc.
[quote name='ramatut4001']Thanks. My girlfriend and I have an ever growing virtual list of reasons to never reproduce. You have made a signifigant contribution. The thought of grubby hands on any of my consoles makes my skin crawl. The GF does have a lot of lotions and creams and things of this nature, but she knows better than to touch the surface of a disc.[/QUOTE]

You're welcome - glad I could help. But I was probably exaggerating a bit for comic effect. It is actually my wife who (slightly) messed up some of my discs - the kids usually don't touch them (though there was some heavy fingerprinting on one or two like Mario Sunshine and Animal Crossing that the kids tend to play alot). Having to turn them sideways and slip them into that slot meant for larger discs though, I can see causing lots of fingerprinting on the GC games. I might keep my GC up there for playing GC games and just not even let them know the Wii plays them too.

Though my youngest son did use and abuse one of my platinum Wavebirds to the point now where it tends to run to one side when you aren't even touching it (and turning off and on doesn't calibrate it like it used to). Made playing Fire Emblem VERY difficult :D. Luckily I found another at GR.

But for the love of Mario, DO NOT let children play with the wired controllers! With the Wavebird he can run around like a lunatic while he plays and the worst he can do is break the controller - not pull the whole system down. Though he did get so excited one day the controller flew out of his hands and smacked right into the center of our HDTV. For some reason, it suffered no harm - nice Sony product, that. :D
bread's done