Beneath the radar: Drive to Survive

is it any good? I saw someone mention this in the victorious boxers thread and was wondering if either was worth the $10. I have often found alot of so called "bad" games to be quite enjoyable
Yes, it is the same game. It was also released in Japan under a budget label.

The game is reminiscent of Micromachines, but I like the play much better.

There are a number of cars, pull ahead of the pack, and you get a point. This can be accomplished with skillfull racing, or with weapons.
Whats great about the game is the framerate (a constant 60 fps) and the physics. Hit a mine, or get hit by a mortar and your car will spin along both axis, sometimes you can receover, othertimes, it's nearly impossible; you'll be pointed in the wrong direction.

Littering the track are explosive barrels, along with weapon powerups. Many of the tracks have points, where fellow drivers can be run off the road.

There over 60 tracks, and a myriad of play options. The best $10 game ever? I like it better than Victorious Boxers 2. Fans of eclectic, offbeat games must find this one. Its one of those great games that comes late in a console's life (i.e. Powershovel, RC De Go, etc)
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