Best "at home" ab excercises?


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Do things like the AbFlex and TotalGym actually work? Or are good old fashioned situps just the best route? Unlike my old job, I do very little physical work at this one, and as such I am putting on a little more weight than I used to. I don't have the schedule that would allow me to go to the gym on a regular and consistent basis, so I'm trying to work within the confines of my house. Any tips or suggestions on the best things you can do for abs/upper body at home? I wish I at least had a set of free weights...
The best abs excercise is losing weight so you can see them.

Since you wish you had free weights watch Sears, they have cheap deals on weight bench sets from Weider every now and then. Last year I got 100 pounds of weights, bar, bench with press, legs, butterfly and preacher pad for $100.
Losing weight/ burning fat is really the best way. Notice how a skinny person usually has very visible ab muscles even though they appear to lack muscle tone in general. Situps are fine, add some weight for resistance. Those other machines are basically variations of the same motion.
Yeah, as others have said, losing weight/burning fat will do more for your abs than any specific ab machine. You could have the hardest abs in the world but no one will see because you have a tire around your waist.
Dont buy machines on TV. They're garabage. You open the manual and the first thing they tell you is that nothing will happen without a good steady diet and plenty of exercise.

They work on a "Magic Cape" theory. People buy them, and do 2 things. Make it a clothes hamper, or decide to change from within. They workout everyday and eat right, and next thing they know, this machine changed their life.

It's bullshit, if you need that, then go for it... otherwise, make the change from within. You have to power without the magic cape.

I'll scan a list of AB exercises and post them here for you tonight.

ALSO! This is a big secret (Not really, just no one tells anyone):

You know how movie stars have flat abs? Its not from just doing sit ups. They do a special kind of sit up that works the muscles UNDER the six pack. Here's how you do it.

You can do any sit up. I usually do one set of these everytime I do 4 sets of sit ups, crunches and "other" sit ups.

Put your finger in your belly button. Now suck in your belly (Like sucking in your gut when a pretty girl walks by) without inhaling. You should have an inch or more difference. Then do a sit up.


I see people ALL THE TIME, with a six pack gut. Its because they think that all you need to do is sit ups.

Also, do REAL sit ups, and crunches as well. DONT just do crunches, cruches are great, but nothing cut a six pack like a REAL sit up. ALL THE WAY UP, ALL THE WAY DOWN. I cannot stress this enough.

To lose wieght is the easy part. On average the human body burns about 2000-3000 calories a day doing very little. My advice for losing wieght fast. Without getting injured permenantly.... High Protein.

Here's what I eat daily:

Breakfast: 1-1 1/2 cups of egg whites. (You can usually buy them above the eggs in the grociery. They look gross, but once you cook them, they taste great. Egg Whites ARE THE MOST PERFECT FOOD. Feel free to eat them all the time.
Snack: Boost (Chocolate)
Lunch : 2 Chicken Breasts
Snack : Boost (Chocolate)
Dinner: 2 Fish Fillets (Gordons microwave ones, yellow box. They make tons of different types. and Green Beans
Snack : Egg Whites (Great for you because people usually run out of protein around 2am)

That Meal plan is :
Calories : 1422
Total Carbs : 84g
Protein : 200g
Total Fat : 28g
Sat Fat : 4g

See, its good to stick around 1500-2000 calories. And low carb is bad for your brain (your brain burns glycose, glycose comes from carb foods). Its also good to have some fat, so your body doesnt start to shut down. Around 20-35g a day is a good place. Stick with low Sat fat foods though.
As already said in this thread a few times, you will need both a weight loss and ab program if you shooting for the visable 6 pack. You can do ab excerices all day long but if you dont eat properly, you still wont see them. I personally am 6'4" and 225lbs.. I have been MMA training for a little over 3 years and my main excerices consist of running, crunches and squats. I however do not watch my diet so I have a spare tire around my stomach but my abs are solid underneath, Ive had a few people, let it be from sparring or actual fighting go for a gut or side torso punches and come close to rolling or spraining thier wrists because they see a little belly and assume I am soft but soon find out that there is solid muscle under there. I have conditioned my body to take beatings and when I do my crunches or squats, I place weights on my chest during the sets, starting with 15lbs and ending with 30lb, increasing the weight with each set. I have no desire to be trim, I like my size and I fully know how to use it to my advantage, and there is just much god damn good food and drink out there.
I'm 6'1" and 160 lbs, and I do about the same thing as Mooky does. He knows what he's talking about.
Awesome; I too am looking to get my stomach in shape. My stomach is pretty damn small, but I used to have a nicely toned one without the little fat that I do have now. Thanks to Mookyjooky especially for the great tips.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']
Breakfast: 1-1 1/2 cups of egg whites. (You can usually buy them above the eggs in the grociery. They look gross, but once you cook them, they taste great. Egg Whites ARE THE MOST PERFECT FOOD. Feel free to eat them all the time.

Snack : Egg Whites (Great for you because people usually run out of protein around 2am)[/QUOTE]

Great post Mooky! I found it to be very accurate and informative, however I disagree with you in one area: egg whites. While they are very good for you, if you are not allergic to them, I find them to taste like pure ass. This is only an issue of conflicting opinions, obviously.

On a side note, with this fucking bird flu virus going around - if no solution to the problem is found or anti-virus created, serious bodybuilders might have to look for a new staple food for their diets. (especially if you are living in europe / asia)

That said, I too try to eat as many egg whites as possible.
[quote name='tauruskatt']Also, you could try tightening and relaxing your stomach muscles during the day. Mookyjooky, you seem to be the expert, is that pretty effective?[/QUOTE]

To answer your question, no. Just focus on feeling tall from the hips through the top of your head - whether your sitting, standing, or working out. This naturally activates your body's postural muscles, including your abs. Most guys have terrible posture - chins and shoulders that slump, and they don't stand tall, thus their guts slide down in front of them.

Pay attention to these points:
  • keep your abs braced
  • keep your shoulder blades hanging back and down
  • keep your breastbone elevated

This should help a little bit, but not nearly as much as following a strict diet and regular exercise (cardio).
Dunno if anyone has mentioned it yet but make sure to work out the obliques as well. If you walk through any gym you'll see some people that have a sixpack with some "love handles" of sorts on the side because they never think to do any kind of rotational crunch/sit-up excercise for the obliques.
Sitting on the commode... whilst constipated.

You'll sacrifice a hot sweat for a cold sweat, however.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']Dunno if anyone has mentioned it yet but make sure to work out the obliques as well. If you walk through any gym you'll see some people that have a sixpack with some "love handles" of sorts on the side because they never think to do any kind of rotational crunch/sit-up excercise for the obliques.[/quote]

That's a good point that many ppl forget about. Can't recommend this enough. The abs are but one part of the overall structure of the the torso. Having love handles when your abs are rock hard just makes you look funny.
as i used to be a great athlete in high school, this is most important part of your body, which is called the "powerhouse" it does not matter how much you can bench, squat or power clean, you can't do those to the max, if you dont have a good Powerhouse.
[quote name='fatmanforlife99']as i used to be a great athlete in high school, this is most important part of your body, which is called the "powerhouse" it does not matter how much you can bench, squat or power clean, you can't do those to the max, if you dont have a good Powerhouse.[/quote]

Sounds like someone played football in high school, like every football coach says that. =)
ya i did, i had alot going for me until i tore my acl, mcl and broke my leg in the playoffs as a senior. that ruined my chances of playing division 1 football with nebraska.
I remember my days of trying to get those perfect sexy abs.

First I do crunches and then all these other excercises like the bicycle sit-up or the err the thing with laying on your back and extending your legs out holding it like 3 inches from the ground for 15 seconds then switch it into moving your legs between an 80 - 45 degree angle and right away switching it into doing various crunches again. I went more fast-pace burning crap and later did the sit-ups (regular ones, half ones, cross-overs) till I did 200 total. I kind of wish someone gave me some work out tips. All I knew is that you HAVE to do the proper crunches and sit-ups. It has to be VERY VERY strict. You don't crunch with your head, it's straight up your stomach. You have to extend your legs all the way in doing the bicycle sit-up.

While doing that I forgot to do cardio so it's kind of hard to tell the results, because I felt it all right, but you can barely see it. The best way of losing those fats..I think is running + NOT EATING ANY FATTY FOODS! Also try not to eat at buffets! AVOID THOSE DEMONS! I ate a bagel with creamcheese cause of my strong hunger and that was stupid. Also avoid fast foods! If you really want to eliminate the bottom fat. OR.. you can eat all you want and just burn it off with brutal work outs.

The obliques.. I remember doing those by:
1. Moving side to side with weights
2. Doing some kind of workout by some kind of side exercise on the ground .. Maybe I'll scan some pictures or draw it. You lay on your side and you hold yourself up with one arm and your legs are straight out and you dip in your sides up and down with your other arm on your waist. I did weights with these so it's a little faster. I'm not sure if this works.. so much
3. Running.. -- because I did more running and it seem to work nicely

They seem to show results because I kept on measuring myself day after day.
Probably seen a great deal of result after 2 months for me.

Oh another fun thing was doing the leg hang for the bottom abs.. I can't really explain it, but you have to raise up your legs in the air while holding onto two bar for 10 seconds and repeating it.

I use to look up some bodybuilder forum (yea didn't quite make sense since I just wanted a tone) but it was interesting to see what they do. I would want to suggest the site, but I completely forgot it..
[quote name='Mookyjooky']

ALSO! This is a big secret (Not really, just no one tells anyone):

You know how movie stars have flat abs? Its not from just doing sit ups. They do a special kind of sit up that works the muscles UNDER the six pack. Here's how you do it.

You can do any sit up. I usually do one set of these everytime I do 4 sets of sit ups, crunches and "other" sit ups.

Put your finger in your belly button. Now suck in your belly (Like sucking in your gut when a pretty girl walks by) without inhaling. You should have an inch or more difference. Then do a sit up.



Correct me if I'm wrong, but on the modified sit-up you suggested, is it basically doing a sit-up but with your ab muscles being contracted at all times while doing reps?
After a horribly busy two semesters and about 15 lbs of weight loss, I am going to give all this stuff a try. I'm going to try and start running and swimming again and I'll finally have the chance to take Mookys diet advice. I'm actually looking forward to this!
How much running would you guys say is optimal per day? I began doing 40 minutes of cardio every other day, but changed it up to do around 25 minutes every single day instead.
... it's hard to just give a straight answer to 'how much running is optimal' without knowing anything about you or your goals. Assuming it's weight loss:

How tall are you?
How much do you weigh?
What is your athletic background like (very little, moderate, heavy)?
Have you had any major/chronic injuries?
How many calories would you estimate you eat per day?
What is your diet like? (very unhealthy, average, very healthy)?
How much time for exercise do you have per day?
[quote name='getmyrunon']... it's hard to just give a straight answer to 'how much running is optimal' without knowing anything about you or your goals. Assuming it's weight loss:

How tall are you?
How much do you weigh?
What is your athletic background like (very little, moderate, heavy)?
Have you had any major/chronic injuries?
How many calories would you estimate you eat per day?
What is your diet like? (very unhealthy, average, very healthy)?
How much time for exercise do you have per day?[/quote]
How tall are you? 5'7

How much do you weigh? 160 lbs

What is your athletic background like? Very Little

Have you had any major/chronic injuries? My knee gets sore from time to time depending on how much I walk

What is your diet like? Average - I'm mixing it up with a helping of vegitables (Green Giant) with a glass of orange juice and milk in the morning and then some kind of meat-oriented meal towards the evening.

How much time for exercise do you have per day? Unlimited - but I would prefer to work out something more reasonable. :)

I'm just hoping to become decently fit and be able to maintain a somewhat active lifestyle. About a month or two ago, I ballooned to 165 lbs. and that's when I decided to started running. I've lost some weight since then, but I'm also trying to iron out my mid-section.
Yea its all about diet, but exercises definitely help. Last summer after bulking up I dropped about 15 lbs and it was nice to see a little bit of definition. The best exercises for your abs is to do stuff like dead lifts and squats, but if your not really into lifting then no jumping in and hurting yourself. And when I was losing weight I was having near 2500-3000 calories a day, so it all depends on how much muscle you have burning those calories and how active you are.
[quote name='ahmedmalik']How tall are you? 5'7

How much do you weigh? 160 lbs

What is your athletic background like? Very Little

Have you had any major/chronic injuries? My knee gets sore from time to time depending on how much I walk

What is your diet like? Average - I'm mixing it up with a helping of vegitables (Green Giant) with a glass of orange juice and milk in the morning and then some kind of meat-oriented meal towards the evening.

How much time for exercise do you have per day? Unlimited - but I would prefer to work out something more reasonable. :)

I'm just hoping to become decently fit and be able to maintain a somewhat active lifestyle. About a month or two ago, I ballooned to 165 lbs. and that's when I decided to started running. I've lost some weight since then, but I'm also trying to iron out my mid-section.

Alrighty, here's the workout plan I would prescribe for you for the first 4-6 weeks. This is a gradual workup to a more intensive running schedule, but given your height/weight/injury history you should take it slow. You will probably not see significant results during this phase, and I would expect your body to feel tired for the first 2-3 weeks, but you'll start feeling really strong later. This is also a chance to get on a proper diet.

Make sure you're wearing good running shoes before you start, and make sure to stretch after running (and before if you feel tight, but not too much).

M: 25 minute run, + core
T: 30 minute run, finish with 4 x 100m strides @ 80%
W: (optional, but recommended) X-training of some kind - swim, bike, etc + core
Thu: 25 minute run @ about 1 min/mile faster than Monday's 25min
Fri: 30 minute run, relaxed (this is an easy day)
Sat: 35 minute run + core
Sun: (optional, but recommended) X-training of some kind - swim, bike, etc

Take Weds/Sun off as your body tells you to - if there are significant aches or pains, you should rest. If you're just being lazy, sack up and get out there :)

When I say core I mean core strength work - this will make running easier as well as help you on the road to the steel clad midsection. This involves situps, work with a physio ball, weights, etc. Some examples:

Should be enough to get you (or anyone) started. Report back in 5 weeks if you'd like and I can give you the next phase depending on how things are going.
I used to do sit ups, but I found they really hurt my back, I also would get a sore on my tailbone from the presure and angle even with padding.

Now, I have a pushup/situp plan like so. First day, 3 sets of 10 pushups and 20 situps, alternating between the two. Set the reps and and sets to something you feel comfortable with, DON'T make it everything you can do, as you'll need a little buffer. Second day, add one rep so you're doing 3 sets of 11 and 21. Continue adding one rep every day up to day 10. Then on day 11, go back down to 10/20 reps and add another set so you're doing 4 sets of 10. Then just keep repeating the cycle adding 10 reps and then another set.

Additionally, make each set different. Do normal crunches, lay your legs to the side (one set each side) or put your left foot on your right knee and bring your torso up and twist your right elbow to your left knee, do bicycle crunches, put your legs strait up into the air and reach for your toes, lay on your back and hold your feet 3 inches off the floor for a few seconds... there are a ton of different ab workouts you can combine.

With all ab workouts when you put your hands behind your head, DO NOT pull on your neck. Your arms are there to add resistance, not lift. Never use your arms when crunching. Try to keep your elbows out of your sight. If you're focused on pushing them back, you can't be using them to tug on your neck.

Do the same thing with your pushups. Put your hands under your shoulders and do 10, then put your hands by your waist, make a fist and do 10 more from your knuckles, do clapping pushups where you push off the ground so hard your body pops up and you have time to clap your hands together and if you're feeling really strong, lay down on your stomach and put your arms on the ground infront of you over your head and then try to pick yourself up.

Variety is key to any exercise plan. If you just do the same thing everyday over and over your muscles get bored and you stop improving. Keeping things new yeilds the best results.
When do you feel like being outside?

Obviously, if its 100 degrees in the blistering sun, you'd want to wear sunscreen and drink more water, but you wont explode or something if you jog at the "wrong" time of day.

I know a lot of people like to do it in the morning when its not too hot and you can still smell the dew, but thats more athestics than anything.

[quote name='Zen Davis']Question. What would be the best time to go outside and run?[/quote]
Here's a tip for everyone: Spot reduction ab work doesn't do anything. You won't get a 6-pack from situps. You'll get a 6-pack from 10% or less bodyfat.

Now that's out of the way: Exercise. Run around your neighborhood for about 30 minutes a day, or make time for the gym. Even if you have to go at 9PM or get up an hr and a half earlier.
[quote name='Kayden']When do you feel like being outside?

Obviously, if its 100 degrees in the blistering sun, you'd want to wear sunscreen and drink more water, but you wont explode or something if you jog at the "wrong" time of day.

I know a lot of people like to do it in the morning when its not too hot and you can still smell the dew, but thats more athestics than anything.[/quote]

I heard that running while its too hot can dehydrate you too quickly which is why I asked. Plus it seemingly kills my stamina as well.
just do crunches, and situps. but not the ones where somebody holds your legs that defeats the purpouse of using your abdominals. also just squeeze real hard your abs when you do each rep. (your abs are not gonna show even if you do 100 situps a day and have a thick layer of fat on top of it lol)
[quote name='Zen Davis']How much running would you guys say is optimal per day?[/QUOTE]

3 miles 4-5 times a week. Also, you HAVE to time yourself if you want to get the maximum weight loss out of you running.
Jooky's egg whites suggestion is something I hadn't considered.

One problem with that.. Eggs typically are are bad gassy foods. Meaning they make me fart quite a lot (and quite badly). I usually avoid them for that reason. Do you guys have that problem with egg whites too?
It can, that's why I said you'd want to drink more water. It'd wont kill you, but yes, it is more taxing. However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it; just don't overdo it.

quote=Zen Davis;3189527]I heard that running while its too hot can dehydrate you too quickly which is why I asked. Plus it seemingly kills my stamina as well.[/quote]
[quote name='Morrigan Lover']3 miles 4-5 times a week. Also, you HAVE to time yourself if you want to get the maximum weight loss out of you running.[/quote]
I time myself through the music I play. I end up running for 23:30, which is the total length of the music I set up for running, and then doing another 15 or so minutes later in the day. I'm don't mesure how many miles I run though since I'm basically running in a circle and I figure that if I don't stop running, I'm going to complete a mile is roughly 11:30 and so I do double that, then I consider myself running two miles. It's pretty much a guesstimate though.
bread's done