Best Blu-Ray?


3 (100%)
I just got my PS3, and I'm itching to buy a blu-ray.

I'm heading out to BB tonight with some gift cards still lying around from Christmas. If you had to pick one blu-ray in your library, which would it be?

I was thinking either Casino Royale, Robocop (if they have it), or Ratatouille, but feel free to give other suggestions, too.

Thanks :bouncy:

"Sunshine is presented on Blu-ray in 1080p high definition in its theatrical aspect ratio or 2.35:1. For the most part, this a splendid image that handles the contrasting looks of the film wonderfully. Most interior shots are drab with blues and grays the predominant hues. Exterior shots, or shots with the sun in the foreground, offer a striking and at times jolting jump in contrast and saturation of color on the screen. This style is used to great effect throughout. It is sometimes startling to the viewer, and it only adds to the surreal feel of the movie. The detail in the image is simply stunning. From the shots of the ship flying over Mercury to the definition of the character's faces and their surroundings, everything about this transfer says high definition. There is a little bit of grain here and there, but it's natural and consistent. As an outer space movie, black levels are crucial to a good presentation, and for the most part they are dead on accurate. Early on in the film they seemed too bright, but after a short while this issue goes away. That was the only discernible flaw I noted throughout the length of the movie. Needless to say, this fine transfer is wholly immersive and sucks the viewer right into the middle of the story. "

Step Into Liquid
Blade Runner
Black Hawk Down
Ratatouille has been the best looking so far, to me. My girl picked up Hairspray on blu-ray and the picture is great on that as well, the colors really show the clarity, too bad no one should ever see John Travolta as a woman in hi-def.
[quote name='Maklershed']Too bad it's a shitty movie.[/QUOTE]


But Crank is top of the line picture wise, and enjoyable
bread's done