Best Brick & Mortar Deal/Sale 2007


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Using the above voting system, cast your vote for Brick & Mortar Deal of the Year.
This award goes to the single best specific B&M (physical store) deal or sale of 2007.

Last year's winner:
Brick & Mortar Deal/Sale of the Year: Circuit City $8.97 Summer Sale

The list was long and the games were cheap. Many CAGs were able to eliminate the usual Summer game drought by picking up lots of games on the cheap during this sale.
50% bonus trade credit - GameCrazy. IDK if it counts as a deal, but I know people paid for many systems/games for very cheap with this one.
It's tough to say...

- K-Mart's Blue-Light Clearance: Got pretty good there near the end of the year with gems like Rogue Galaxy, Disgaea 2, along with a few X360 games for great prices.

- GameStop's GBA price drops: They had some top-notch GBA games in there for less than ten bucks each.

- PS2 budget title "front-lane" deals: I'm referring to the following PS2 games that were released in November/December with a MSRP of $14.99, but were priced at $9.99 at places like K-Mart and Best Buy: Dai Senryaku VII Exceed, Fire Pro Wrestling Returns, King of Fighters XI, NeoGeo Battle Coliseum.
[quote name='jer7583']50% bonus trade credit - GameCrazy. IDK if it counts as a deal, but I know people paid for many systems/games for very cheap with this one.[/QUOTE]

I second this one. Trade-in bonuses are definitely deals as far as I'm concerned, unless Cheapy wants to make a separate "Best trade-in deal" category.

There were SO MANY good deals last year.

- I'd also second the $25 GC with SMG at TRU and Best Buy (so pretty wide availability for most CAGs)

- Trade 2 Wii games get a new one free at EB/GS. When combined with cheap CC clearance games, this covered all of the Summer and Fall release Wii games for me and then some (still have preorders left over from it - like for SSBB)

- I'd also second the Kmart clearance which has been running all year but with particularly good periods in the Fall when the games were an additional 30% off. I got Kameo, Tomb Raider Legend, and many other games for the 360 for $4.40 - $7.

- The $5 Gamepro coupons at Best Buy. These were particularly useful in combination with the Gamecrazy trade-in deal.

I know there's more I'm forgetting right now too...
[quote name='jer7583']50% bonus trade credit - GameCrazy. IDK if it counts as a deal, but I know people paid for many systems/games for very cheap with this one.[/QUOTE]
I second this one, it was an amazing deal. But I don't think it was widely available to all users.

-Xbox 360 Premium Refurb for 249.99 with 2 year UNLIMITED EXCHANGE WARRANTY. Prices and year coverage varied by region. This means that if my 360 tanks (red ring of death), I can take it back anytime and exchange it for another refurb, and if that refurb tanks months later, I can take it back and get another one. If they do not have any refurbs in stock when I do the exchange, they give me a 249.99 gift card to be used for another new system if I wanted.

-Trade ANY 9 games (as long as it's in their trade in database) and get an extra 25 dollar bonus credit in addition to the trade in value of my games. This is how I got my Wii :) And when I say any, that means from any system even from two-three generations ago :O. Confirmed by several other cags.


Buy 2 get 1 Free. Bought a few Cube games for my nephew, 1 of which was Sonic/Monkeyball two pack so I ended up getting 4 games for the price of 2.

Best Buy

360 HD-DVD Add on drive for 180 plus tax which included:
HD-DVD Season 1 Heroes (FREE)
King Kong and HD-DVD 360 Remote (Free in box)
Choice of any two HD-DVD's (Free): Transformers, Planet Earth
5 Mail in HD-DVD's (Free, but takes forever to arrive)
100 dollar gift card.

Blackfriday sale... BioShock PC for 25 bucks!!! However after playing that game, it is well worth the full price :)

Summer of Entertainment program, spend 100 bucks within a certain time frame and get a $10 reward zone certificate (when you normally have to spend 500 to get one). Due to a glitch, I never got one even though I completed the requirement. Called them and they confirmed that I never got it/used it and they gave me 1000+ extra reward zone points to my account.
I'm still a huge fan of those Circuit City sales, whether they are 8.96 or 11.xx. I spent WELL over $200 in those clearance sales alone from Fall '07 to this January.

I never seem to score anything at Best Buy.
Best Buy's $39.99 sale on Orange Box, NBA 2K8, et cetera and so forth.

I know there have been other great deals, but most did not apply to my city. x_x;
[quote name='foltzie']Tru: Buy 2 Wii games get 1 Free.[/quote]
Is still the hands down winner for me. Made the $50 games $33.33 each.

I only need so many copies of SMG...(sure I bought 2 of them, then used the GC and gave 1 as a gift...)
[quote name='y2jedi']How 'bout the Blockbuster 5 for $25 deal ?[/QUOTE]

I banked on this and would nominate it too, but I don't know if it's technically a "deal" more than a "fortunate mistake."
Best Buy's HD DVD deal back in October where you could get two free box sets, Heroes box set, plus 5 free mail-in-rebate movies for $179.99 (Back when HD DVD had Warner and a chance).
I'd have to say one of the following:

CC's B1G1 on the Xbox 360 accessories, even though it was a complete mess in trying to take advantage of it.

TRU's B2G1's sales, as there were numerous ones this year.

TRU's SMG + $25 GC
I'd like to say Toys R Us for the Super Mario Galaxy $25 gift card, but when I tried to go back and get Mass Effect with it, they didn't have it in for several days after it launched everywhere else. The idiot working behind the counter would give me this blank stare everytime I came in, glance over at his blonde bombshell co-worker and make some patronizing remark about how I'd just have to wait until it came in because, like, you know, I dunno when it's comin' in, man, just, sometime, so, yeah.

I'll go with BestBuy coupons from GamePro.
Best Buy: Get an xbox360 hd-dvd drive, get Heroes Season 1, 2 additional HD-DVDs of your choice (including box sets) and 5 more by mail.
Revised my vote. The Super Mario Galaxy with $25 gift card at Toys R Us jumped to mind in terms of game deals, but since the category is "brick & mortar" I have to go with the 20% off any single item coupon at KMart, since I picked up the 60GB PS3 with it for $400.
The deal I have used most is the BB $10.00 off PS3 games. Combine that with sales on games at the same time has been great.
TRU: Buy any two games get one free.

TRU: Buy Super Mario Galaxy get $25 gift card

These are my two as well!

A friend & I used this to get Orange box, and two copies of Halo 3, I sold OB and ended up payin around 35 for Halo 3.

Target: COD4, Assassin's Creed and some others for $37each.
TRU: Buy Super Mario Galaxy get a $25 gift card.
TRU: Buy The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and get the strategy guide free.
TRU us November deals were a great run. Picked up Mario Galaxy and another DS game to get $25 GC for MG and use that GC with the buy 2 get 1 Wii games. Plus I think there were coupons in the mailer that gave additional GC for spending over $75.

Kmart clearance has been a wealth of finds too.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Fry's $400 for an Xbox 360 premium (with HDMI), plus Forza 2, Marvel: UA, Bioshock, Orange Box and Two Worlds. Best deal evar?[/QUOTE]
Deal of the Forever, even despite Two Worlds.
bread's done