Best Buy $2 Clearance: CAG State of the Sale

Are you out of your mind?

How is buying ONE copy of a clearance game 'hoarding' exactly?

And whats wrong with taking advantage of a store policy? Its BB's policy after all. Price adjusting is the same as price mathing other stores, rainchecks, or any other store policy that ensures comsumers dont get ripped off.

[quote name='Gator']I have to say that I'm surprised that this writeup made it to the front page of CAG.

Am I the only one who think what Shipwreck has done is shady and shouldn't be advertised to the public? Is this what we want outsiders think that CAG is all about?

What he did was legal, so I guess I can't complain. It just seems sort of desperate. Luckily there was someone else at the store doing the same thing as him (on a very slightly larger scale) so it didn't look as bad to the average reader.

Moderator or not, I don't think hoarding (enjoy your copies of Monster House, Animaniacs, Dinotopia, etc.!) and taking advantage of store policy loopholes is cool, nor should it be advertised on the front page.[/quote]
[quote name='Gator']I have to say that I'm surprised that this writeup made it to the front page of CAG.

Am I the only one who think what Shipwreck has done is shady and shouldn't be advertised to the public? Is this what we want outsiders think that CAG is all about?

What he did was legal, so I guess I can't complain. It just seems sort of desperate. Luckily there was someone else at the store doing the same thing as him (on a very slightly larger scale) so it didn't look as bad to the average reader.

Moderator or not, I don't think hoarding (enjoy your copies of Monster House, Animaniacs, Dinotopia, etc.!) and taking advantage of store policy loopholes is cool, nor should it be advertised on the front page.[/quote]
You're out of line dude. He did no hoarding. Not only that he got games he will actually play, which is the reason we all come to CAG.

I think you're just asking for a nice trip to Banfuckville...where very few come back from.
Like I said, he didn't do anything illegal, and you guys are right, "hoarding" isn't the right term.

I understand that there are no rules and no holds barred in such a large (and publicly advertised sale).

My question was more about the placement on the front page. I feel that many CAGs hate fatwallet/slickdeals people because they're hoarders. Fair enough. But do we want to advertise on the front page how a moderator of the forums did the price exchange "trick" on a bunch of games he will likely never play (I realize that this is clearly an assumption on my part)?

Obviously my posts shouldn't turn this thread into a debate (and I think there's another forum for that) about shopping "morality"; I just wanted to post my opinion (isn't that what forums are for?) ... consider this a simple "bury" (to use digg terms), no need to get all uppity.
[quote name='Gator']I have to say that I'm surprised that this writeup made it to the front page of CAG.

Am I the only one who think what Shipwreck has done is shady and shouldn't be advertised to the public? Is this what we want outsiders think that CAG is all about?

What he did was legal, so I guess I can't complain. It just seems sort of desperate. Luckily there was someone else at the store doing the same thing as him (on a very slightly larger scale) so it didn't look as bad to the average reader.

Moderator or not, I don't think hoarding (enjoy your copies of Monster House, Animaniacs, Dinotopia, etc.!) and taking advantage of store policy loopholes is cool, nor should it be advertised on the front page.[/QUOTE]

I'm sort of stumped here. I didn't take advantage of any loophole; it's part of their price guarantee policy which is one of the main reasons I shop at Best Buy and Circuit City in the first place. I see myself as a well informed consumer and I knew that there was only one copy of Ultimate Ghosts n' Goblins at that store on Saturday, so why wouldn't I head back and pick that up with any other games that happened to catch my eye?

And as others have said, I don't think I was hoarding at all. The only game I bought multiple copies of was Astonishia Story so that I could possibly trade with someone on CAG for something that they might have found during the sale. I'm a big fan of Animaniacs, so the fact that I've only really seen that game at Best Buy to begin with meant that it was an immediate pick-up at $5. Mrs. Shipwreck thought the Monster House game looked interesting, so we bought that for her. Dinotopia, sure why not, I'll give it a go and if it turns out that it sucks horribly, I'll trade it back in.

Truth be told, the only games that I bought that either my wife or I won't play are the WWE game which I bought for a friend who likes wrestling and Harvest Moon DS which, like the copy of Astonishia Story, I bought to hopefully trade to a CAG since Mrs. Shipwreck has already thoroughly played the copy I bought during Circuit City's Black Friday sale.
Peabody, MA Best Buy has nothing but Capcom Classics Vol 1for PS2 and KoF Neowave for X-Box1.

Everything else on the list for all systems was gone.
Gator, I don't think buying single copies of games a day before the sale is hoarding or a "trick" but you are entitled to your opinion.

Your post does bring up an interesting point to me though, some of the games Shipwreck bought are less than stellar games (187, Dinotopia, Animaniacs).

Shipwreck, did you buy these in a "so cheap they're worth a shot" vain or for trade or are they games you genuinely wanted to play?

I've found myself on occasion buying stuff cos it was too cheap to pass up, then not playing it more than once. Luckily these days I only really buy 360 games or DS/PSP stuff so it doesn't happen as much.

*EDIT* Looks like you've already answered this one Shipwreck *EDIT*
I just wanted Full Auto and a couple GC games, I didnt see much of anythin but GTA SA which I didnt want so I left it for the next person that comes along.
I went to two Best Buys this morning. The thing about these two stores is that they didn't bother pulling the games. They left them on the shelves and were still restickering the price cards when I left the second store.

Here's what I picked up:

Ape Escape Academy
Go! Sudoku
Monster Hunter Freedom
Virtua Tennis

But the thing that pisses me off is I had already bought a number of games that appeared on the list a couple of weeks ago because my local BB had a 25% clearance going on. I'm going to have to price adjust the following:

Jak 3
Megaman Maverick Hunter X
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
Sly Cooper
Tiger Woods 2006
Valkyrie Profile : Lenneth

What I'm wondering about, did anybody actually see the "endcap" games get reduced? They were still priced at $9.99 at my store, and those have special UPC stickers.
[quote name='Zoe']What I'm wondering about, did anybody actually see the "endcap" games get reduced? They were still priced at $9.99 at my store, and those have special UPC stickers.[/QUOTE]

They were older than the current crop of "endcap" games. At my Best Buy they have these in with the rest of the games, but the placeholder just says something generic on it.

That's where I found the Dinotopia that everyone is so excited about!
Nothing found at the 2 BB's in Chicago on Elston Avenue or North Avenue.

We asked a clerk at each location about Daxter for PSP and they mentioned they hadn't seen that title in stock for a couple of months.

No 360, PSP games for sure. A couple guys were browsing through the DS and PS2 and weren't having any luck. For Xbox they had Painkiller (1 copy) and that was it as far as we could tell.
[quote name='shipwreck']They were older than the current crop of "endcap" games. At my Best Buy they have these in with the rest of the games, but the placeholder just says something generic on it.

That's where I found the Dinotopia that everyone is so excited about![/quote]

Hmm... I'll have to give it a try. We bought Gunstar Heroes and Exit a week ago with the 10% off coupon. PSP "endcap" games weren't on the list though, right?
I went at lunch today, nada, zilch, doesn't look like they had much to begin with! There seemed to be cart on the side with some of the clearance games, nothing that I wanted. Just doesn't seem like there was much of anything to begin with.
They were stickering games at my store... found a couple things that I didn't realize were there yesterday... but no Fire Emblem, so again, nothing for me.
[quote name='shipwreck']UPDATE:

Well, I just got back from a different Best Buy and here's the latest of my tale. I arrived around 10 minutes after they opened and I decided to do some shopping before getting my purchases from the previous day adjusted. There were already 2 other guys there that had about 10 games in their hands, so I knew there wasn't going to be much left.

I saw a friendly Best Buy employee that I had spoke with on previous visits and he knew why I was there. I asked if they had any of the 360 games and he told me that they hadn't carried any of them for months. I knew this was true, but was hoping for a random King Kong siting. I thanked him and proceeded to look through the Xbox section and I picked up a few random games (the price cards had all been updated to the new prices).

I then proceeded through the rest of the sections and grabbed some more odds and ends including Astonishia Story for $1.99 which I didn't remember seeing on the list.

After I had made my initial pass, I started talking to the employee again and he pointed out some more games and items that had dropped in price. One of these was the Xport for the 360 which I picked up for $29.99.

After all was said and done, I purchased the following:

Xport - $29.99

187: Ride or Die - $1.99
Dinotopia - $1.99
Marc Ecko's Getting Up - $1.99
Painkiller: Hell Wars - $9.99
SNK Vs. Capcom SVK Chaos - $1.99

Astonishia Story x2 $1.99

Animaniacs $4.99
WWE Day of Reckoning 2 $1.99

I then took that bag of goodies back out to my car and brought yesterday's purchases back into Best Buy. I returned the Dragon Ball Z game that I had mistakingly bought and then proceeded to have customer service check the rest of the games that I had bought for price drops.

It was quickly apparent that the "Christmas wrapped" games that I had assumed were on sale were ringing up full price, so I went ahead and returned those as well. I was able to get the price adjusted on the rest of the games without any problems. So from my previous haul, I left the store with the following:

King of Fighters Neowave - $4.99

Ultimate Ghosts n' Goblins - $4.99

Harvest Moon DS - $9.99

Chronicles of Narnia - $4.99

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - $1.99
Monster House - $4.99

So in total I picked up 15 games for $61 before tax and the Xport for $30 although I'm not 100% sure that I will end up keeping the Xport.

Good luck to all today![/QUOTE]

I was one of the two guys who beat Shipwreck to the Fields Ertel Store. I got there at 10:00 a.m. with my two kids in tow (its difficult to look for games when trying to keep track of a 4 yr old while holding a 22 month old at the same time. Three other people were at the store when it opened and most of them went for the xbox360 and ds games right off the bat.

I was able to get (all) at $1.99

Maximo: Army of Zin (PS2)
Mortal Kombat: Deception (xbox)
Day of Reckoning 2 (GC)
Marc Ecko's Getting UP (xbox)
Crash Tag Team Racing (GC)
SVC Chaos (xbox)
Need for Speed Underground (xbox)

I passed on the Animaniacs(GC) and Dinotopia(xbox) that shipwreck purchased. I also passed on Ride or Die (xbox) and Chicken Shoot 2 (gba). My only regret was that someone grabbed Samurai Champloo seconds before I got to the S section. That guy purchased around ten games and admitted to me that he was looking for stuff to sell.
Total waste of time for me, which I fully expected. Most of these games haven't been stocked for months or years, and those that are were picked clean by all the vultures (resellers) yesterday.
Me and 2 co-workers loaded up in a car about 10:30 and got at the Best Buy at 10:45. Our's was HECTIC, people we're running all over the place and the cashier said that they had been waiting outside like it was Black Friday. In the end we split up and hit the gamecube, Ds, 360, and ps2 sections and each went dramatic with it. All in all we got about 60+ games together.

But another good point to make about this is; the best thing to do is grab whatever you can because you can take it back if you don't want it.
Yep, I definitely recognized you GrecianFox, I just couldn't place the name. I think this is the 4th or 5th time we've seen each other during these sales, so I think I'll remember next time. :)

And thanks for passing on those two games.
Good to know that the PA's will work for the games I already purchased. I'll have to go slip out over lunch and see what happens.
i manged to get down to my BB after the roads were cleared to find not a single game off the list- not even a space where they once were. wtf
At my local BB, all the sale games were off on a rolling cart by themselves. No GC or DS games left, but plenty of XBox, PS2, and PSP games. I only snagged myself a couple titles, though: The Warriors for PS2 and Drill Dozer for GBA.
all i managed to find was Katamari Damacy for 4.99 could bring myself to buy it for that price. everything else was gone. the game shelves looked ridiculously empty. overall i thin all the best buys are having worse and worse game selections.
I managed to snag 2 copies of Rallisport Challenge 2 and 3 copies of Gauntlet 7 Sorrows (PS2). Drop me a PM if you're interested. I have Final Fantasy IV and Monster Hunter (PSP) that I'll trade for something on my Trade List.
[quote name='Layd Dly']all i managed to find was Katamari Damacy for 4.99 could bring myself to buy it for that price. everything else was gone. the game shelves looked ridiculously empty. overall i thin all the best buys are having worse and worse game selections.[/QUOTE]

I noticed that too actually... since I'm usually not scouring all the shelves and seeing everything that the store has to offer, I guess I've missed how shitty the selection has become... it seems like most good games are off the shelves in a matter of a couple months. Not my problem since I typically buy stuff right away I guess...
[quote name='goosedude']Bah......No reason for CAGs to get into a tizzy........not much on these lists that :\
A) They Don't already own

B) Most wouldn't touch with with a 10ft. pole.....even at 2$ ......(See Bad Boys : Miami Takedown or American Idol) ....The gas you burn getting there is worth more than those games.


C) The ones that you would want....not a snowball's chance in hell they were even in stock to begin with....(See KILLER 7 for PS2 or PSYCHONAUTS for XBOX)....Yeah right.

P.S. Loved the Typo on --> THE CODFATHER Collector's Edition for XBOX.......

Mafia Fish.....what a concept!!![/quote]

Funny you should say that.

Guess who purchased a copy of Killer 7 for the PS2 today?
Wow... today has been interesting so far. I took my lunch break really freakin early this morning so I could be at the nearest BB at 10AM. By the time the doors opened, I counted 18 people there for the "secret clearance" (plus 5 other people there for computer repairs and returning their broken whatchamathingies). It seemed to me that the majority of people there were gamers (hopefully CAG's but definitely gamers). With the exception of 1 person, everyone was 16-25 and all guys. I saw everything from a couple of games scribbled on a napkin to people with fully printed lists to people with PDA's/cell phones with the lists on there.

When the doors opened everyone rushed to their desired game section. Knowing the layout this particular store, I made my way straight to one of the little "islands" in the middle of the walking aisles where I knew they kept most of their cheap games and found a couple of games there while everyone else was still scouring the aisles. There I found Killer 7 (last one), Enthusia, and Tak 3 (last one). By the time I had scoured the games in my island, my secret was discovered and a few people came over and checked out everything. So I decided to switch places and head over to the regular game section. Most of it was a mess with games scattered around and flipped down (from people looking behind non-clearance titles). There were a handful of price cards with the clearance sale prices on there and I managed to find a Veggie Tales, Trapt (last one), and Juiced. I briefly checked the Xbox, 360, and GC sections before checking out.

In the end, the majority of people there were pretty nice and a couple of us made some small conversations. The best comment of the morning was a guy who said they should have made it like an Easter Egg hunt. They hide all the clearance games throughout the store and we hunt for them.

So to the 18 gamers (at least a handful of CAG's I know for sure) at the Mira Mesa store in San Diego, CA, congrats on your finds and sorry for your not finds. Hope everyone got something they wanted, even if it wasn't the ever elusive Oblivion CE.
i'll be checking out the best buy outside of mid river's mall shrike, i'll let you know if there's anything there, but i kinda doubt it. i haven't seen king kong, full auto or quake 4 there for at least a month.

here's to hoping though!
[quote name='Layd Dly']overall i thin all the best buys are having worse and worse game selections.[/QUOTE]

I agree. Over the past few years, Best Buy has become the worst place for video games, for both selection and price. I stopped asking for gift cards for the store and I rarely visit anymore unless there is an amazing deal on music CDs or something.
I hit up 3 BB's this morning

Rt1 woodbridge NJ - The only game I got here was Need for Speed Underground for the Xbox - $1.99 There was absolutely nothing else in the store.

Rt 18 - Picked up Serious Sam 2 and Tecmo classics - $4.99 and $1.99 This store was picked clean. They had Supermonkey ball for the cube and Nanobreaker for the PS2 but both rang up $9.99 so I passed .

Rt 22 Union NJ - Picked up 3 copies of Oblivion LE for the 360 - $9.99 each. I'm gifting a couple out to my friends. They had about 40 copies of this at about 1 PM. There was this guy who snagged like 10 copies and was rejected at the checkout and told 3 game limit. If you are in the area and hurry you might be able to score one. There was nothing else on the list in stock
My store (Seekonk, MA) got picked over, since, like Shipwreck, I saw a guy with a cart full of games heading toward the front... still, I managed to pick up the following:


Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2
Tokyo Xtreme Racer Drift
Def Jam: Fight for NY
Sly 2


Madden 2005

Granted, Sly 2 and Trapt weren't 1.99, but I just couldn't pass them up at low prices :) I also picked up an extra copy of Xtreme Racer Drift, since I figured I could use that and Cabela as a present for my friend's birthday (...I won't ever be able to explain his gaming habits. :p) So, the total damage was 30.87 after tax. Not too bad for 20 minutes of hunting :)
[quote name='uesc']i'll be checking out the best buy outside of mid river's mall shrike, i'll let you know if there's anything there, but i kinda doubt it. i haven't seen king kong, full auto or quake 4 there for at least a month.

here's to hoping though![/quote]
thabizzle said that Bridgeton doesn't have anything, and I know SoCo doesn't have anything. I may try Crestwood or Fenton on the way home, depending on how much spare time I have this evening.

I know I have to visit one store to get a couple of games PA'd.
Although I didn't see much really, I did get 6 games for $16 so Thanks to CAG for the chance. Was hoping for a 360 score but I will take what I get
For once, living in a backwater city paid off. Here in Mankato, MN, there was no one, and I mean NO ONE lined up waiting for the store to open other than me. THe employees were stunned that I went right to the videogame section and started picking off games that they had just finished marking down, and even more bowled over by the fact that I had a list. As I picked over there (sadly limited) stock and had my pick of what was available, I extolled the virtues of At about a quarter after ten (ten is when the store opens), three more people joined me in the section. One had learned about the sale from CAG, and the other two from FatWallet and a site I had never heard of before. The CAGer and I chatted pleasantly about what we were looking for, what we liked to play, and made recommendations. We were only buying one copy each per game and only for ourselves or for gifts for friends or relatives. The other two were grabbing five copies at a time of anything they could find and racing each other down the aisle. Even with the hoarders, there was still a lot left on the shelves after I left, including giant piles of all the verious Capcom and SNK fighting games (or whatever) that were on the list.

I purchased as gifts

DS: King Kong, Chronicles of Narnia, and Tak and the Great Juju Challenge (all for a friend's birthday), all at $2 a pop
PSP: Mercury and Outrun 2006 (for the same friend), at $2 a pop
PS2: Dragon Ball Z Budokai 1 and 2 (for my cousin's kids), again $2 each

For myself I purchased

GBA - Sigma Star Saga - $5
PS2 - Killer 7 - $2
XBX - Chronicles of Narnia ($2), The Warriors ($5), Ultimate Spiderman ($5), Spiderman 2 ($2), Chronicles of Riddick ($2), R: Racing Evolution ($2), Narc ($2)

Grand total: $47 after tax. A damn good day if I do say so myself.

Now, as for Killer 7, my CAG friend recommended it to me (as I recommended Trapt to him), but I've heard it's wonky, screwy, and convoluted. I would be glad to trade this to someone for Psychonauts, Kingdom Hearts CoM, GTA: San Andreas, Four Swords Adventures, or Worms on PSP or NDS.

I might also be willing to return to the store for something people wanted that they couldn't find at their store, since mine seemed to have about 10% of the titles on the list.
So that's what all those 18-25 year old guys were standing in line for?

It's funny. I'm a gamer, but I don't exactly fit the visual 'mold' that I saw these gamers who were in line at the BB in Colma this morning;

Long hair, baggy pants, a cell phone and a set of earbuds (one in each ear)

Yes, they all looked like that and yes, they all did NOT know each other, but now that I've discovered that they were all there for these clearance games, I have a feeling that most, if not all of them didn't get one thing to buy, because they wandered around aimlessly, searching the PS2, PSP, XBox, 360, DS and NGC shelves with no games to be had.

However, I walked away with what I wanted and I got a pretty damn good discount (a surprise to me).

I wanted to buy "V for Vendetta" 2-disc edition for $9.99. They had tons on the special sale shelf. I also picked up some other movies which I had been waiting to purchase for $9.99, and ended up picking up 7 DVDs total.

I go to the cashier, have him scan in the DVDs then he gives me a total; About $76.XX . I pull out my credit card, about to swipe it, when the cashier then says, "that's a pretty good deal! half off" The total was then adjusted to about $42.XX. I swiped my card and left the store in a hurry after graciously thanking the cashier.

After looking at the receipt, there's apparently a 'secret' deal going on where you pretty much buy one $9.99 movie and you get a $9.99 movie for free. So, I paid for 4 DVDs and got three for free. If you do the math, that's about $5.50 a DVD.

What a deal. :)
Just got back from BB and while in the game section an employee rushed me and exclaimed very loudly, "If you are looking for cheap games from that CAG list other customers have already cleared us out." Wasn't expecting to find much if anything, hope you guys don't run into loud talker, his breath is like a truck---berserker.
I picked up 6 copies of Oblivion:CE - 1 for me, 3 for other CAGs (for $15 shipped to cover cost + tax + packaging + shipping) and 2 for eBay so my copy would be "free." Not too shabby.

EDIT: Oops - I should have mentioned - the 3 CAG copies are already spoken for!
Went to the Frisco, TX Best Buy right at opening and there were about eight other guys there for the sale as well. All the 360 stuff was already picked clean but found several Xbox and PS2 titles. There were some $4.99 titles for the DS but all the $1.99 stuff was long gone. PSP and GBA stock was pretty scant too.

Although I didn't find the real gems I wanted (absent Killer 7 or Ninja Gaiden) it was actually a pleasant experience as the other shoppers for the sale were limiting themselves to one title each and we would point out new finds as we came across them to the other guys.

Best Buy had actually premarked several of the titles and grouped them at the start of each console's section. Several employees also came over and started handing out empty baskets to those of us who were holding onto a bunch of games. This Best Buy actually seemed excited by the rush of people and were willing to help out.

Here's my very mediocre haul of ten games:


Marc Ecko's Getting Up $1.99
Ninja Gaiden $1.99
187 Ride or Die $1.99
Legends of Wrestling $1.99
Suffering Ties that Bind
Dead to Rights II $1.99
The Warriors $4.99


Front Mission 4 $1.99
Killer 7 $1.99
Driver: Parallel Lines $1.99
Shipwreck...which best buy did you go to?

I went to the Tutle Crossing one when I got off work and was approached by another person asking if I was looking for the clearanced games because they saw my list and they had nothing left.
[quote name='Dingleberry']Shipwreck...which best buy did you go to?

I went to the Tutle Crossing one when I got off work and was approached by another person asking if I was looking for the clearanced games because they saw my list and they had nothing left.[/QUOTE]

I went to Stringtown (Grove City) on Sunday and Fields Ertel (Mason) today. I would have definitely recognized you if we had been at the same Best Buy although I don't think we have ever crossed paths before.
[quote name='shrike4242']thabizzle said that Bridgeton doesn't have anything, and I know SoCo doesn't have anything. I may try Crestwood or Fenton on the way home, depending on how much spare time I have this evening.

I know I have to visit one store to get a couple of games PA'd.[/quote]

Shrike, do you know if anyone has had any luck at the Brentwood store? I was thinking about checking there on my way home...
A whole lot of nothing I say. A total bust from what I've heard from my friend. He only managed to get 2 of the games on my list. I guess that's okay in a good and bad sense. Good that I'm not spending a lot. Bad that I'm not getting games for cheap. Oh well...I wasn't expecting a whole lot out of this anyhow.
I drove over an hour to get to the nearest BB and got there 20 minutes after they opened. After looking forever and not finding anything, I saw an employee with several papers and a hand scanner. I asked if it was the list of $2 markdowns to which he replied, "that is totally false. We haven't even carried most of the games on that list for a long time." I saw him scan a couple games that were on the list and they came up full price. He said the store would be posting a sign in front saying this "sale" is a hoax. What gives?
I'm looking to get Ninja Gaiden, Suffering Ties that Bind, and WWE Day of Reckoning 2.
[quote name='javeryh']I picked up 6 copies of Oblivion:CE - 1 for me, 3 for other CAGs (for $15 shipped to cover cost + tax + packaging + shipping) and 2 for eBay so my copy would be "free." Not too shabby.

EDIT: Oops - I should have mentioned - the 3 CAG copies are already spoken for![/quote]

At the rt 22 BB?
I am only 15, but I made a list of about 14 games and had my dad go to BB for me. I hope he found at least a couple (I want FF:CC and FE the most). Luckily, I live in a city of about 40000 that really doesn't know about these things, so I should get a lot. I mean, last time, I found Radiata Stories for $5 about a week after it was set out. I didn't even know about it.
Got the following for trade send me a PM with what you want and what you got available.

College Hoops 2k6 X3 (360)
NHL 2k6 (360)
Final Fantasy XII Art Collection X3
Midway Arcade Treasures 3 (PS2)
Legacy of Kain Defiance (PS2)
Marble Madness/Klax X2 (GBA)
Wild Arms 4 (PS2)
Katamari Damacy (PS2)
Advance Wars (DS)
Hit my local BB a few minutes before 10 AM to find an acquaintance standing @ the front gate. I asked him if he should be @ work and he replied that he called work to say he was having car problems, but would be in shortly. Once the gate opened we made our way to the game section, only to find a small bin with some clearance games. Nothing had been marked and neither one of us had brought a list, so we both immediately called our wives to see if they were near a computer. No luck. So we grab a few games that we're interested in and find the nearest BB employee with a price gun to scan the games for us. Low and behold they come up @ the $1.99 & $4.99 prices. So we kindly ask the employee to start scanning games for us and we must have drove him insane because he found the sheets with the price stickers for the sale and handed them to us. We split the stack and started going through what they had in stock, asking each other once we found something of interest if the other one was interested. Sadly for us it looked as though some BB employees had pulled the X360 games as well as a few other good games. I did end up with......

Soul Calibur II (GC)
Mega Man X Collection (GC)
Advance Wars Dual Strike (DS)

I also picked up these if anyone is interested....

Psychonauts (XBX)
Marvel Nemesis Rise of the Imperfects (XBX)
Final Fantasy XI Treasures of Ahi Urhgan (PS)

I might even part with the Advance Wars Dual Strike if anyone is interested.

I did pass on some games, Top Spin (PS), Ratchet & Clank GC (PS) & X-Men Legends (GC), but I might go back and see if anything might have magically showed up. My friend picked up a dozen or so games, singles of games all for himself.

Edit: I just my receipt and realized that I received 20% off on half my games. Anyone else notice this?
[quote name='javeryh']Yup.[/quote]

I was talking to a guy that picked up six copies I guess it was aroud 1:00 PM. He told me he was gonna put a couple on ebay and that GS was giving $24 trade in on the game. Maybe it was you. If you remember talking to a tall guy with a decent size gut , wearing a yankee hat with sunglasses on top - that was me
bread's done