Best Buy 25% off Coupon (must buy 3 items)

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Saw this over on fatwallet and I felt we could make better use of it. I haven't seen it on CAG so I thought I would post. Hope some of you can get it to work.

I tried this today with success at a Best Buy in St. Louis, Mo (Brentwood location).

I purchased the following items.

Halo 3
Oblivion The Elder Scrolls
Assassins Creed Strategy Guide

It totaled to like $105 something.
I handed the cashier the coupon found here
and he rang it in. It showed no discount. I handed him a printout of this site page
(Sorry I could not get it to link properly)

I told him I got the coupon and had no idea what Best Buy sold as toys and I searched the bestbuy website and found that they consider many items toys. He went to check with the manager. He came back and said ok. He only gave me 15% off of Halo 3 and Oblivion.

I thought to myself, should I take the discount and leave or go for the full 25% off? I went for the kill, I showed him a similar printout showing the toy search on the website but showing the strategy guide. He said ok. He had to go get the manager to override the changes, she told him to be sure I gave him the printouts for the discount file on the coupon.

I walked out the door paying only $85.47
(He took the 25% off the sale price of the strategy guide, which the coupon says not to do)

Could I have gotten greedy and tried to pickup a Wii that they had in stock or a PS3, sure but why press my luck. I find with most deals moderation wins out.

I really feel the key was to have the printout showing the toys search and the item I wanted. you can get the toy search to browse out to a PS3 or a Wii or and video game hardware you might want to go for. Do not click on a product keep the list view, or the toy search results

"38 items found for "toy" in All Categories > Games & Toys > Xbox 360 > Games > Shooters"

at the top of the page goes away, that was my bargaining chip.

Proof enough?

I met little to no resistance, like I said stay away form systems and you might be ok.

Its very YMMV, but I saw it and it worked for me. Take the time and make the printouts from their site and you have a much greater chance. When your item is listed from a search starting with teh word toy on their website its tough to argue.

Also calling the 800 # has worked on many things like this in the past for me. I am a newer poster here on CAG and I didnt see the old post so sorry. I knew I would take lumps on the deal being so YMMV but its worth a shot on some items.
Yeah, I finally pulled the trigger on this deal after having followed the SD thread closely. I ended up getting Rock Band for the 360, Mass Effect, and Kane and Lynch (sp?) for ~$235 after each item was discounted 25%. I had zero problems whatsoever, although now there is a memo sent out from corporate saying this should exclude video game hardware and games according to posts on SD, just FYI.
Thanks for the receipt, but I would suggest that people use it on things that are difficult to get discounted. Halo 3 was recently $30 from GoGamer and the CE was $40 from Newegg. Obilivion 360 was $19.99 from Best Buy the week of 12/16, $17.99 AC. Suggestions: Rock Band, GH III, Mass Effect.
I used it on what I wanted. I also was trying to stay under $90 for a total. I dont really like GH and a friend of mine has Rack Band so I dont need to buy it as everyone goes over there to play it.

Glad I could help everyone on this. Does it help if you have a reciept like the one I posted, when your trying to get it to work?

I still feel that the printouts are key and dont get too greedy and draw attention to yourself with $300 plus in merchandice.
A corrextion notice was sent out for this today stating it was not valid for video games or systems. So depending on how on top of things your local BBY is it may or may not work.
I got it to work for me with Assassin's Creed and Orange Box, but for whatever reason, it only took off the price for Orange Box. o_O
this coupon is a pain in the ass to get working.

trust me i've tried already at 2 bestbuys. the biggest hassle is trying to convince a manager what is considered a "toy. i did the same thing u did and spent my time debating what was a toy...
bestbuy are crooks, nuff said.
This deal is near dead, after the email sent out to the BB employees you'd have to get an insanely brain dead employee to do this.

Also, its already in two other threads here ---V
Didn't have any problems on my end. Neither the guy I asked about the deal nor the cashier gave a second thought about it.

I simply just went to the link OP provided to Best Buy's search, clicked on M-rated, printed it out and showed them that Orange Box and Assassin's Creed were considered toys in that search.

No fuss, no muss.
You know, that's a squirrely ass coupon. BB home of electronics, dvds, cds and
video games and systems. I must of totally missed the toy section. How could I walk by all the aisles of stuffed animals and boardgames and miss'em? hmm

So if they decide to not count games, wtf else can you buy with that coupon?
They had a big thread at SD about it.....I saw it and then realized it was too much hassle and I didn't want anything that much to try and fight for it. I would venture to say it is extremely YMMV. Although, one point somebody could bring up is......"what "toys" does Best Buy actually sell?...." The answer is none.
What is the legality of printing a coupon that works for literly almost nothing in the store. Wouldn't that be a blatent "Bait and Switch"? Macy's seems to do this all the time esp. in the past two weeks sundays adds.

I had a friend actually find an item not excluded but they said it wasn't "on-sale". Well the box was tagged at 74.99 and it rang up as 39.99 you can't tell me that isn't on sale he got 10% off b/c he couldn't wait for the manager to argue that point.
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