Best Buy and Wii


Best Buy is opening an hour early on the sunday(19th) that the Wii is released officially. It was an article on some random site so I'm not sure on the reality of the situation but it could be good. Sorry for no link, I forgot to copy it...

T. Foolery
Just an hour early? Thats odd. I would think they would want to do a midnight launch. I plan on standing in line on Saturday to get one at midnight at Walmart.
it is great they are opening an hour early. I will be there for that. But a midnight launch, come on. In my area there wasn't a midnight launch for the xbox 360, ps2, xbox, gamecube, the star wars dvd's. Do you really think that the wii is going to be more popular then all of those. Also with the fact the wii won't be on display in best buy if the story is correct about the demo's will only be at gamestop. And toss in there will be at least 4 million if not 11 million before january.
Well, I'd prefer Best Buy if for no other reason than I can break out the GGCs and there are two nearby. And I'll have Target and EB as a backup in the same shopping center. Good show.
I'm not planning to pick up my Wii at Best Buy because the store in the middle of a city is probably not the best place to do so... especially with an Amazon pre-order in.

But I'd like to abuse the GGC over there for remotes/games, but I'm very concerned about them selling out of those, especially Zelda. The store up here hardly ever has new releases in stock for anything (DVDs, Games, etc) especially if there's any deal on them.
I'm hoping that BB does a similar online bundle deal that they did with the 360. Then I can just get it shipped directly to my house and if any bundle components aren't what I want... I'll just go return them on launch day.
well if best buy could pay their staff for extra hours, then that would be good. :lol:

they might as well sell it before launch or break street date or something or whatever. that way they would only pay their staff within regular hours. :lol:
bread's done