Best Buy Reward Zone Facebook App: Earn Free Points With Polls and Activities

Looks like the poll updated as I was getting the app one about a half hour ago but now it's a 25 pointer.
What the fuck is going on with this app? I could never get the Ultimate Kitchen to go live, in either Chrome or Firefox. They didn't change the contest entry period, either, from what their terms and conditions display. I can't believe Best Buy would be so inept at handling an app.
I'm glad the 25 point thing is in tact. I know BestBuy is losing allot of money by giving away free "munny" but I'm not complaining. :D
[quote name='Kanokare']It's the mobile poll for 10 points again. Try not to blow up again guys. Remember, only 1 more week until all the maintenance is supposed to end.

Edit: Yup it's 25 again. Guess it was just 10 filler for a few until they updated.[/QUOTE]
When are you guys going to explain wtf the "mobile poll" is? I downloaded the apps and can't find any polls. The FB poll gives 25 today.
Anyone else see on BestBuy Reward Zone site that this promotion now says "Expires Soon" on it?
[quote name='ck76']Anyone else see on BestBuy Reward Zone site that this promotion now says "Expires Soon" on it?[/QUOTE]

I see that too... odd
no it doesn't tk

(my points for today's poll show up in my rewardzone, however i'm still at the same points i was yesterday)

(i love this app, and the audience rewards thing... between both i'll have plenty of $$$ to get South Park Stick of Truth when it comes out, FREE!)
Here's a sorta on topic question

Is it possible to apply these certs to pre ordered games?

I pre ordered the new Tomb Raider CE a while ago and deposited $5 on it. I went in a few days ago to completely pay it off so when it was released I could just go in and pick it up. Three BB employees had no idea how to do that and then told me I would have to wait until the actual release date to pay it off.

I was just wondering if there was a way I could go online and apply a few certs to get the price of the pick up to be lowered.
[quote name='Francision']I'm glad the 25 point thing is in tact. I know BestBuy is losing allot of money by giving away free "munny" but I'm not complaining. :D[/QUOTE]

The certs are making me spend a lot more cash at bb. They stole some business I was going to give to amazon.

Bb is losing money but hopefully they realize that they are making money off of some people like me.
[quote name='strizay']Here's a sorta on topic question

Is it possible to apply these certs to pre ordered games?

I pre ordered the new Tomb Raider CE a while ago and deposited $5 on it. I went in a few days ago to completely pay it off so when it was released I could just go in and pick it up. Three BB employees had no idea how to do that and then told me I would have to wait until the actual release date to pay it off.

I was just wondering if there was a way I could go online and apply a few certs to get the price of the pick up to be lowered.[/QUOTE]

It is not possible to use reward certificates towards a preorder. Period. Also, as of right now anyway, when you go to pick up the game you can't apply reward certificates towards the purchase. You'll have to pay for the whole thing, then they will do some sort of adjustment using the certificates and give you back the cash value of the certificates.

I had to do this when picking up Metal Gear the other day and several other people reported the same thing in the Preorder promo thread. It is annoying for sure. I assume they are working on a fix for this (but who knows).
I find it odd how people are saying using rewards when picking up a pre-order does not work. I did it with Dead Space 3 no problem and my cousin had no issues with Metal Gear Rising this past Tuesday.
[quote name='Saix_XIII']I find it odd how people are saying using rewards when picking up a pre-order does not work. I did it with Dead Space 3 no problem and my cousin had no issues with Metal Gear Rising this past Tuesday.[/QUOTE]

Picking up is one thing, actually preordering and paying off prior to release is what some people are asking about, which seems to be a problem.
[quote name='tk_tymes']does the double reward points thing from 2 facebook accounts still work?[/QUOTE]

Trust me it still works : ) I been doubling my RZ account's, since the maintence early this week, I already earned from Sunday to today, another $10 cert.
[quote name='Poor2More']Trust me it still works : ) I been doubling my RZ account's, since the maintence early this week, I already earned from Sunday to today, another $10 cert.[/QUOTE]

Gee, I wonder why they'll end this promotion.
[quote name='Anexanhume']Gee, I wonder why they'll end this promotion.[/QUOTE]

Yea, it sucks that there's always people who are going to abuse things like this but its BB's job to make sure stuff like this doesn't happen. I wonder how much money they've lost already, probably a lot.
there really is no reason to abuse this. It's so easy to get $5 in certs, I don't know how long they're gonna keep doing this program. Every 10 days, you can redeem. All you have to do is find other people to do this too that have no interest in the certs and take theirs. I have mine and my wife and 2 of my daughters do it for me. That's $20 in certs every 10 days, $60 a month. That's practically a free game every month for just clicking a few times.
[quote name='strizay']there really is no reason to abuse this. It's so easy to get $5 in certs, I don't know how long they're gonna keep doing this program. Every 10 days, you can redeem. All you have to do is find other people to do this too that have no interest in the certs and take theirs. I have mine and my wife and 2 of my daughters do it for me. That's $20 in certs every 10 days, $60 a month. That's practically a free game every month for just clicking a few times.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure that's not what BB intended for people to do with this program...but okay. Plus you're not allowed to use certs that aren't in your name.
[quote name='sp00ge']Picking up is one thing, actually preordering and paying off prior to release is what some people are asking about, which seems to be a problem.[/QUOTE]

Um..."Also, as of right now anyway, when you go to pick up the game you can't apply reward certificates towards the purchase"
[quote name='WolfmanASTN']I'm still getting 25 points, but the app won't let me do the design a kitchen thing, the timer keeps changing[/QUOTE]

same here, for both parts of your comment
[quote name='Deader2818']hmm, I just got zero points and they took points away from the past to days and a bunch of my pending points went missing...[/QUOTE]

Same here!
[quote name='black_hand313']Today's poll is only worth 10 points. And I got 0[/QUOTE]

Same here, but I just checked my account, and the 10 points showed up.

As for the kitchen, the app actually now says that it's down due to technical difficulties and has a separate link to enter the sweepstakes.
[quote name='Deader2818']hmm, I just got zero points and they took points away from the past to days and a bunch of my pending points went missing...[/QUOTE]

They deposited points, I went from 1,890 pending points to simply 890, but I also gained 1,000 points on my actively available. I'm not saying this happened to you, but there was a day where those 1,000 points showed up both as on my account and pending because the number simply hadn't updated. If you hadn't been paying close attention you could easily think you lost points.

10 points for today's poll as well. Maybe it'll be changing up from time to time, still fine by me. Free points is free points.

As for the zero point thing... I really wish people here and on the Best Buy Facebook page would do some reading. It happens sometimes, but the points still get deposited. It's just a little glitch that shows you got zero when you actually didn't, tends to happen more often if you do the poll the moment it goes live (my theory is that it has something to do with time zones and RZ saying you got zero points because that poll "hasn't started yet" in your time zone).
On the left side of the poll today, it says 10 points, so it's not a glitch. And yes, as far as the zero point thing goes, I've received my points all but one time when I got the zero points message.

I also had some pending points vanish, but looking at my history vs what I cashed out, the numbers match. So more than likely, all of the pending points people are complaining about 'losing', were never theirs to begin with... probably another glitch.
It was a good run while it lasted.

Still, 10 points per day plus the random other promos they run with Member's Choice and the other Living Room/Kitchen/etc thing they are doing isn't a bad deal. They could have just nixed the whole thing.
Just sounds like they knew how to grow their facebook page fast. It did help me get at least one 5 dollar gift cert while I knew about it. Thanks OP.
[quote name='sp00ge']On the left side of the poll today, it says 10 points, so it's not a glitch. And yes, as far as the zero point thing goes, I've received my points all but one time when I got the zero points message.

I also had some pending points vanish, but looking at my history vs what I cashed out, the numbers match. So more than likely, all of the pending points people are complaining about 'losing', were never theirs to begin with... probably another glitch.[/QUOTE]

It also said 10 pts on left side during them random mobile poll that pop up every now and then so it's not really an indicator that 10 pts is set in stone.
Yup it's 10 points again. It had to be nerfed one day and we all know it :D I'll still be doing it every day though. That's still like spending 10 dollars (or 5 dollars in gaming items).
Well, now FACEBOOK itself is down for me right now, so I'm not even sure what the point values are for me. If it's not 1 thing, it's another.
Why can't amazon have a program like this? Oh yeah, it's amazon they can do whatever the fuck they want and people still love them.
[quote name='strizay']there really is no reason to abuse this. It's so easy to get $5 in certs, I don't know how long they're gonna keep doing this program. Every 10 days, you can redeem. All you have to do is find other people to do this too that have no interest in the certs and take theirs. I have mine and my wife and 2 of my daughters do it for me. That's $20 in certs every 10 days, $60 a month. That's practically a free game every month for just clicking a few times.[/QUOTE]

So your daughters have their own reward zone account? Are they adults? Yeah, this is milking the system.
[quote name='slickkill77']Ok so what is the deal with the ultimate kitchen? Is it ever going to open up or what?[/QUOTE]

It keeps saying 7 days, but the gym is now at 8 days so curious what happens when they overlap.
[quote name='Deader2818']I think the poll is messing up again. Its showing the mobile app poll again for me.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I only need 21 points to get a $10 cert and I really want to get Crysis 3 soon!
[quote name='Chemicalgamer01']so what happened with the kitchen makeover ultimate space???? it was supposed to happen but it didn't and now it might overlap with the gym one.[/QUOTE]

The app has been pretty screwy lately.
bread's done