Best Buy Story


CAG Veteran
So I'm at Best Buy the other day to pricematch South Park: B, L, and U and Footloose (strange double feature, I know), when I look at one of those four-cornered displays they have in the aisles.

One of the titles in the display was Donnie Darko: Director's Cut. The tag said $23.99, but this display clearly indicates each title is $9.99.

From time to time you will see like a vague title that shouldn't be there. But there were like 9 or 10 in the display.

I asked the manager about it and he gave me some story of how affilate companies come in and fill the display. I tried to plead my case that it is the employees responsiblity to make sure the product is in the proper place.

I felt like I was preaching to the choir.

Next time I go to Best Buy and see them in the display, I'll make sure to get under their skin again.

It's times like this I think back to the restaurant scene in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. "Touch me again and I'll yell Rat!!!"
My friends dad got the Stanley Kubrick DVD collection for $12.99 when it first came out. Was supposed to be $12x.99, someone forgot to put in the extra number :D
They don't have to price match the tag if the item it oddly placed like the OP item. However if the tag says Ray 2.99 then you get it for that price and if they say they will not do it. Tell them you will take a picture with you camera phone. And then take it to the county auditor of weights and measures. They will give it to you at that price really fast. I don't think they want there store closed and pay fines. The most important thing is to get a picture.
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']i like taking advantage of misplaced products when they're behind a locked glass...that way their is absolutely no way anyone else could be responsible besides an employee[/QUOTE]

I did that at Target with Doom 3 CE, which was on sale that week for 36.99 or so, but ut was for the regular edition

but this target had nonoe of the regular editions, and the CE was clearly marked as the sale price... had no problem getting the cashier in the front of the store to give it to me that price either
Next time just go checkout instead of seeking out a manager to point out the mistake. Once you complain that the DVD should be $9.99 as it was sitting in a big display at that price, the manager will be called over anyway. I think you'd have a better chance at getting the mistake honored doing it that way.

If it were me and they gave me crap I'd say something like 'So you aren't going to honor your own display price?' as a last attempt. (Yes, that has worked for me.) If they still don't want to do it, then I'd give up. If you really want to be ornery come back in the next day and if they haven't moved it, I'd say you'd be in the right to really put up a fuss to get it for the $10.
My mom's case was exactly like the OP's pretty much. She also told them that they should at least fix the error of the product placement, and they basically told her no. WTF?? You think you would be grateful if a customer pointed out an error like that. Best Buy has the worst customer service in the world.
[quote name='ne2eire']My friends dad got the Stanley Kubrick DVD collection for $12.99 when it first came out. Was supposed to be $12x.99, someone forgot to put in the extra number :D[/QUOTE]
That's amazing I've been trying to get that set at a decent price for quite some time, I would have loved that one...$12.99:wall:
You know these are the kinds of things that always happen in retail. Things should be where they're supposed to be. A good store always price matches it to where it was found. Like for instance I work at Michaels and whenever people find mismatched things in our clearance section of $1 stems, the managers instruct you to always give the customer the clearance price. Retail= pleasing customers.
You know these are the kinds of things that always happen in retail. Things should be where they're supposed to be. A good store always price matches it to where it was found. Like for instance I work at Michaels and whenever people find mismatched things in our clearance section of $1 stems, the managers instruct you to always give the customer the clearance price. Retail= pleasing customers.
It's happened to me with some games as well. I found an Eyetoy: AntiGrav with Camera that was on the shelf with a tag saying 9.99 and even a sticker with the same price on it, but it kept ringing up for $49.99 and seeing as this is BB, the manager just made up policies as they are supposed to and kept BSing me until he tried to call the police on me. fucking asshole. I fucking hate him, etc. (other mean things to say). I hate Worst Buy as I proudly adorn in my sig. So yes, fuck Best Buy!

I forgot to mention that I was so happy at finding this deal that I was going to come to CAG and post all about till I had to deal with Worst Buy as it is.
If it is marked that wayon the actual dvd I can understand, but not if it is just in a display. You can try for it, but a store can't always control when dvd's get moved around. Probably an employee mistake, too bad it wasn't on the actual dvd.
I got lucky with a mistag. Destroy all humans was @ target under a sonic sign for 19.99 for xbox. The clerk offered to price match no problem.
I got treks voyager season one at best buy for 22.99...had a sticker plain as day on it.........( i always check once in a while when i am there)...rang up 122.99, but just pointed at the sticker, and asked nicely "isnt it supposed to be what the sticker says?", and she gave it to me, no problem.
also got land of the lost season one for 14.99 (half price) for the same reason.......
best buy usually will honor it if its stickered wrong.......
I got batman animated vol 3 for the price of superfriends v2 (22.99) circuitcity....( i could tell, it had a superfriends S2 sticker on it big 22.99 on it, though, I figured what the hell, wortha shot) took it up front, had them ring it up, rang 37 something, pointed at sticker, (waiting for them to say it was stickered wrong, wasnt really gonna fight for that one, if they said no), but sure enough, they did give it to me, nice surprise.
although once turned down when one of their employees put the 2 pack will ferrell in the spot where the 1pck was supposed to be, and had a 7.49 tag in front of it, nothing on the package, fought with the manager, he just shut the conversation down, cause he couldnt win with logic.

1~he first said "oh a customer must have put that there, it happens all the time."

2~I said "4 copies?customers dont usually misplace 4 copies....and what about the sign? that says best of will ferrell 2 pk 7.50?"

3~he said"an employee must have printed out the wrong sign, my apologies."

4~I said "well, since i pointed it out to you, and you can correct it now, can i have it for that price?"

5~ "unfortunately no, its a misprice"

6~"I understand that, however it was marked like that, I wouldnt know" back to step one........

I have no qualm about taking advantage of misprices, they make enough money to be responsible with their prices.........snooze u lose, as they say. Half the time the employees dont have a clue as to what they even sell....they wander around asking if they can help, when chances are they cant or dont know anything helpful anyway.
If it's in the wrong location you shouldn't be able to get the cheaper price. With all the double dips nowadays what's a clueless BB employee gonna do? Hmm Space Balls is in the $5.99 rack...therefore rerelease of Space Balls should go there regardless of what the price tag says..

For somebody who doesn't know anything it's an honest mistake. Now for people who actually do price-stickering they should know better and if they fuck up you should be able to get the cheaper price. Same with making incorrect signs.

Of course there are extremes to this where you shouldn't be able to get the cheaper price too i.e. some poor fool prints out a sign saying PS2 $14.99 instead of $149.99. But a manager of a store not giving you a $15 item for $7.50 when it's in the specific location plain as day with NO price tag on it to begin with...that just doesn't make good business sense since you would be less likely to ever shop there again. Customer goodwill and such.
This happened to me last fall, but it was at Circuit City.

I was browsing the games as usual and I noticed the Karaoke Revolution 3 Bundle, which I'd been wanting for quite some time. I checked out the pricetag and it was marked $36.99! (It was $59.99 everywhere else!) I swear I checked that tag 10 times to make sure it said "Karaoke Revolution 3 BUNDLE - $36.99" and it wasn't the tag for the game by itself.

After some more browsing, I went up to pay and sure enough the game comes up $59.99. I'm like "There's a sign back there that says the bundle is $36.99" to which the cashier replies "That's the price for the one without the mic". I'm like "But the sign said the BUNDLE was $36.99!" and another employee who just happened to be eavesdropping said "NO, you're WRONG." (It REALLY pisses me off when some arrogant employee tries to tell you that you're either blind or cannot read) I'm like "I will SHOW you the tag!" and I go back there with the cashier.

THE TAG WAS GONE. I thought I was losing my mind or something! I asked the people working in the game section if they had removed the tag and they said they "didn't know what I was talking about". I was just standing there confused out of my mind but the cashier came back and was like "I'm sure they just moved the tag or something, I can give it to you for that price over at customer service if you want"

So long story short, I got it for $36.99 but not without having to question my ability to read and my sanity. :lol:
bread's done