Best Buy Sucks!


CAG Veteran
I gotta tell you... I'm not a very happy person right now in regards to Best Buy.

So, I decided tonight to check out my order status, and when doing so came across the "2 Day Cyber Monday Sale".

I had order the Insignia 27 inch TV for a price of 600.00 + 100.00 service plan + 25.00 tax = 725.00 for the whole bang.

I click on the ad for the sale and what do I see...

Insignia 32 inch HDTV for the same... exact... price....

So, I called up Best Buy and told them that I wanted to cancel my order, so that I could order the 32 inch that was on sale for the same price. The operator asked me for the SKU number for the 32 inch tv, and I didn't think anything of it.

He cancelled my order and I went to get the 32 inch TV.

I placed it in my cart and went to check out...


So, I called Best Buy back and all of a sudden the manager is trying to explain to me that the price was probably adjusted, because the sale was over. I tried explaining to the moron that it was a "Cyber Monday" sale and then proceeded to ask him, "what day is it?" and he told me, "Monday". I then asked him "how could a sale called Cyber Monday end when Monday isn't over with?". He was baffled.

So, go back to order the Insignia 27 inch, but noticed the price has now gone up $30.00 since Friday. I go to place the order, but because the order was cancelled... I now have to wait up to five days for my credit card to be reimbursed.

I'll now be placing my order with some other place, because Best Buy sucks hairy balls.
Well he probably did you a favor. Why buy an off brand? Not sure whats available now, but 1 year ago I got a Sony 32" HDTV for $699. There are plenty of good deals out there - just be patient, and research what you buy.
I have been researching. I have a friend in a different state who works for Best Buy. The insignia brand is the "house brand" of Best Buy and one of the reasons why I was getting it, is because of the 4 year warranty I could order with it.

That and the little known fact that the Westinghouse brands are the most returned brand at his Best Buy.

This TV I was going to get was perfect for me, but now I'm down and out... and very upset by it. I'm not the only one who got the shaft though, apparently a few other people also went to place the same order and it did the same thing.
ive had many bad deals at best buy all because of some wise ass guy who works there , i almost had to be escorted out one time cuz i told the guy " If you wasnt behind that counter right now , id choke you out and then throw you butt naked in front of the gay bar , BUT since your a pansy-ass who cries to his mother i wont" I gave him the bird and tried to leave!!! true story they hate me here cuz i correct there ignorant asses all the time they always have stuff priced wrong!!!!
I'm more ticked off about the fact, that right now I can't order another TV, because my credit card hasn't been credited yet.
I've been pissed off at Best Buy since an employee told me last Wednesday they had 35 Wii's and would be selling them on Black Friday. I camped out for 5 hours in the rain Friday night only to be rudely dismissed by the lady in charge and told that 'we have no Wii's, see the ad Sunday'.
[quote name='Resette']I've been pissed off at Best Buy since an employee told me last Wednesday they had 35 Wii's and would be selling them on Black Friday. I camped out for 5 hours in the rain Friday night only to be rudely dismissed by the lady in charge and told that 'we have no Wii's, see the ad Sunday'.[/quote]

Hahahaha that's what you get for being stupid enough to camp out in the rain for a game system.
LIke the party so for....pass the punch

S***, if I'd known it was gonna be this kinda party, I'da done stick my Wiimote in the mashed potatoes!

Best Buy Sucks!

It does and it doesn't. I like to keep them open as an option and their first-week DVD and CD prices are very competitive, if not the best on a given week. I'll check the "Somewhat Agree" box.
i dont get it, this sort of thing is bound to happen with any major retailer, and best buy offers a crapload of loss leaders(remember the $10 off of any $30 game coupon from 2k5? not to mention all of the weekly ad sales and clearances)

I guess it is annoying to not get a deal you thought you were getting, but really these TVs are bound to go back on sale again, check back on the day after christmas and the first week following new years.

As for hating employees, there are going to be asshole employees at every store, but 99% of them are fine, but the bad apples stick out in your memory.
My friend layed out his twig and berries on the CS counter when he got shafted (pun intended) on his laptop warranty plan.

His picture is on the wall to this day.
This is news?! Hmm, ok...

I think they did you a favor. Whatever you do, DON'T get that extended warranty. Extended warranties are a huge waste of money 99.9% of the time!!

This *is* CAG, right?

And who's the naked guy dancing with the lampshade on his head by the bathroom? HE'S had way too much punch.
I haven't liked BB since a few years ago. They had a laptop package on sale for about a week. I went everywhere that the locator said they had, b/c you can't order it online. Each place didn't have any. When I called, each person said they had it. But once I got in the store, they said they were missing a part of the package when they went to ring it up, blah blah. So I tried going to CC to get a price match, although none of the BBs had them in stock. CC gave it to me plus 10% off. :cool:

When I went w/ my best friend the next day to BB, it seems they had a whole bunch of the whole package in stock that day but no longer on the special sale. :bomb:
i work for best buy and and as far as you guys problems dracula is right some people are just assholes that work here but ironically if you wor there they will help out any way they can because i had problems with 3 employees at he one i work at and now they will help me any way possible

but back to the problems extended warranties are nice cause on anything other than computers its pretty much a new item and if they try to send it out for service just tell them you cant wait or some other excuse and offer to switch to a new product and the warranty will end but you get what u paid for in new product (for clarification pm me)

as far as the cyber monday sale problem the op has if you just went to a best buy and tell them its on sale on our own website we will give you that price so you even save on shipping an u get it right then and there and as far as insignias go some of them are actually better than names like sony and pioneer u just have to go in and see the product yourself because its lg and panasonic that make our tvs

as far as the wii situation goes unless the employees offer to sell them to you that day they will be held till sun because its probably in the ad and if it comes up here that it is in the add then a shipment is already at your fav store and just show up a few hours early on sun

as far as the exclusives go we do tend to have a few more exclusives then our competitors and we will price match every competitor in the area even wharehouse places if you have a membership as long as they sell what you want then we will price match cause their theory is we want your business

and if any employee tells you that something rings up wrong and and cant sell it to youor they price adjust just ask to speak to a monager, politely mind you and, and tell them the situation and more likely than not they wil do it for you

hope this cleared up some of your problems or questions
I'd just like to chime in on extended warranties (sorry to drift off topic). I had never in my life bought an extended warranty except for when I got a Hoover Steam-Vac, carpet steam cleaner from Best Buy. Sure enough, a year into owning it, the water jets stopped working. I use it a lot because I have 3 cats and a dog. Well I wheeled that sucker back into Best Buy (and there's nothing worse than being a grown man wheeling a vacuum cleaner through the parking lot and into the store.) But I plopped it down on the CS counter dripping water and dog hair everywhere and told the girl it stopped working. I showed her the extended warranty and she said "sign this and go grab a new one from the floor". And that was it.

That's my "good" experience with Best Buy and extended warranties.
[quote name='ninjalunchbox79']ive had many bad deals at best buy all because of some wise ass guy who works there , i almost had to be escorted out one time cuz i told the guy " If you wasnt behind that counter right now , id choke you out and then throw you butt naked in front of the gay bar , BUT since your a pansy-ass who cries to his mother i wont" I gave him the bird and tried to leave!!! true story they hate me here cuz i correct there ignorant asses all the time they always have stuff priced wrong!!!![/QUOTE]

I hope this is a joke, I cannot tell anymore.
[quote name='Animal7390']i work for best buy and and as far as you guys problems dracula is right some people are just assholes that work here but ironically if you wor there they will help out any way they can because i had problems with 3 employees at he one i work at and now they will help me any way possible

but back to the problems extended warranties are nice cause on anything other than computers its pretty much a new item and if they try to send it out for service just tell them you cant wait or some other excuse and offer to switch to a new product and the warranty will end but you get what u paid for in new product (for clarification pm me)

as far as the cyber monday sale problem the op has if you just went to a best buy and tell them its on sale on our own website we will give you that price so you even save on shipping an u get it right then and there and as far as insignias go some of them are actually better than names like sony and pioneer u just have to go in and see the product yourself because its lg and panasonic that make our tvs

as far as the wii situation goes unless the employees offer to sell them to you that day they will be held till sun because its probably in the ad and if it comes up here that it is in the add then a shipment is already at your fav store and just show up a few hours early on sun

as far as the exclusives go we do tend to have a few more exclusives then our competitors and we will price match every competitor in the area even wharehouse places if you have a membership as long as they sell what you want then we will price match cause their theory is we want your business

and if any employee tells you that something rings up wrong and and cant sell it to youor they price adjust just ask to speak to a monager, politely mind you and, and tell them the situation and more likely than not they wil do it for you

hope this cleared up some of your problems or questions[/QUOTE]

Seriously, spell check next time.
Sorry for all your troubles but I've been shopping at Best Buy for years and love them, never had a problem whether I've purchased something in the store or online.
I chuckled a couple of times reading this. :)

Anyway, just to chime in -
I bought a 27inch Insignia Open Box CRT HDTV with a 4 yr warranty in March. I bought it because it was cheap, and I bought the warranty because I was scared of open box.

Took it home and immediately I noticed that analog signals were concaving. Called CSR and they sent the tech to my home - he said replace it.

BB shipped another open box TV to me and replaced it. (Gave me a new warranty.) Immediately upon installing it, I noticed the same thing - worse than before. But I waited before calling. Called in Sept and was told the same thing again - Get it replaced.

That was a pain to do this time. I had to call them 2 or 3 times a week between Sept and Oct (about a month) to get them to give me a RA number.

Finally they did though, and gave me a new, upgraded model, in box with a new 4 year warranty.

A couple of things I learned.

1. Buy the warranty on TV's. It is basically a guarantee that the product works, or your money back in the form of store credit. (I am fine with either option.) A TV Warranty is always renewed when you get it replaced. (Don't let them tell you it doesn't. Call up 1-888-Best Buy.)

2. Be persistent. They will try to run you around and make you quit. Don't. Stay on them. Ask to speak to a Supervisor. They are tremendous at helping you. The regular CSR does not have much, if any power.

3. Be picky about the TV after you get it. They don't really want to hassle with fixing it. It is easier for them just to replace it.

4. Keep COPIOUS notes. Who you talked to. When you talked to them. What they said. (I was able to point out the TECH was the problem. Every single place in the chain of messages, he was the break down.)

5. Be firm, but kind. In my case, everyone was kind except the tech. So I continually told them that.

6. If all options are exhausted and they will NOT honor their own warranty, be willing to call BBB or Call for Action (East Coast.) I did not have to do this, but I was willing to do so - and told them that on the phone the last time.

7. Lastly, and I probably don't need to say this, but this is CAG... Don't be cheap. Remember, you got what you paid for. Don't try to get your 2 year old SD CRT TV upgraded to a new, HDTV LCD. Keep it in the same family. (CRT/CRT, HDTV/HDTV, etc) You will probably have to pay the difference, but if it is close, they will probably work with you and save you some money. (In my case, they did not make me pay the $100 difference. And I was very grateful for that. I requested that "gift" from the manager for the hassle.")

Just what I learned.
The reason why I was getting a 27 inch TV for $600.00 is because of it being an HDTV, flat screen, widescreen, and that's one of the cheapest prices I've seen in awhile for an HDTV that size.

I'm still going to buy the warranty, because of the people who posted their stories about what happens if you didn't buy the warranty. Anything over $500.00 ( hell, $100.00 ) deserves to have a warranty bought with it. It's the smart thing to do for so many reasons.
[quote name='CollStorm']The reason why I was getting a 27 inch TV for $600.00 is because of it being an HDTV, flat screen, widescreen, and that's one of the cheapest prices I've seen in awhile for an HDTV that size.

I'm still going to buy the warranty, because of the people who posted their stories about what happens if you didn't buy the warranty. Anything over $500.00 ( hell, $100.00 ) deserves to have a warranty bought with it. It's the smart thing to do for so many reasons.[/quote]
Yes, obviously. If you were paying $600.00 for a non-HDTV, you'd be a real fucking moron.

I just think you could get a much better deal, you should be able to find at the very least a 32" for around that price range.
I remember I bought a laptop and didn't bring it in to get it fixed and I bring it into best buy since they were cheaper than the other options in town and they looked mine up and found out I had an extended warranty so I got it fixed for free. I always get the extended warranty plan just in case with high end electronics since I'm worried about them breaking down. Though I'll probably buy something other than Toshiba next time I buy a computer.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']My friend layed out his twig and berries on the CS counter when he got shafted (pun intended) on his laptop warranty plan.

His picture is on the wall to this day.[/quote]

Seems like a really inappropriate picture to have in a store... :D
yea those prices are known to jump from online to B&M. sometimes it can get worse than eBay


back in june, i could have gotten the famous 30" Samsumg HDTV + Xbox 360 deal for $1034 flat(tax,shipping, etc) since that was the price online, but since it was sold out by 7:30pm, they couldnt honor that price, and the best they could do was $1194 with the 36" TV Stand and a bunch of accessories....

i mean i still took it but jeez... *drinks punch* good party....
bread's done