Best Buy wishes people a happy Eid, people get pissy.


5 (100%)


In Best Buy’s Black Friday ad, they included a Happy Eid al-Adha message to recognize the holiday that Muslims around the world will be celebrating this week. For Muslims, Eid is like Christmas and this year it happens to be in the same week as Black Friday and Thanksgiving. Surprisingly, it looks like this ad has caused disappointment among many Best Buy customers.
A topic on the Best Buy forums is full of 10 pages where customers are complaining about Best Buy wishing Muslims a happy Eid. As I was reading the topic I noticed that many people were saying that they will no longer shop at Best Buy, some were saying that Best Buy should have put something about Christmas, and some said that they were shocked. Due to the complaints by a lot of people, a Best Buy supervisor, Elizabeth had to post the following response:
Thanks for sharing your point of view regarding our recent ad, which included a wish for a “Happy Eid al-Adha”.
Best Buy’s customers and employees around the world represent a variety of faiths and denominations. We respect that diversity and choose to greet our customers and employees in ways that reflect their traditions.
We do use the word “holiday” in some of our advertising because it is meant to be inclusive to everyone. However, just as we have in the past, we will also reference specific holidays such as Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa in our weekly ads, store signage and other advertising vehicles.
We encourage our employees to interact with customers naturally and feel free to wish them a Merry Christmas if they are celebrating that holiday. Thanks again for your feedback.
Community Supervisor
Best Buy® Corporate
I really don’t see anything wrong with Best Buy adding a “Happy Eid Al-Adha” text in their ad. It just proves that Best Buy appreciates diversity. It is unfortunate that people are taking other meanings from this ad. What are your thoughts on this? I’d like to end this post with: Happy Eid to any of our readers who are celebrating Eid this week, and happy Thanksgiving to any of our readers who are celebrating Thanksgiving this week.

Wow, some people really don't understand Islam, and just blindly hate as a result. This year I am going to yell at people for wishing people "Merry Christmas." :roll:
While I can totally respect BBY including a Happy Eid message in their ad I can also see why especially after how many years of the whole generic "Happy Holidays" push that some folks take offense to this. If BBY is going to do this for a Muslim holiday then they should also be doing it for Christmas and what not.

Or just simply stick to the generic "Happy Holidays."
[quote name='Demolition Man']While I can totally respect BBY including a Happy Eid message in their ad I can also see why especially after how many years of the whole generic "Happy Holidays" push that some folks take offense to this. If BBY is going to do this for a Muslim holiday then they should also be doing it for Christmas and what not.

Or just simply stick to the generic "Happy Holidays."[/QUOTE]

Oh, so Christmas happened to occur during the Thanksgiving weekend this year?
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Oh, so Christmas happened to occur during the Thanksgiving weekend this year?[/QUOTE]

I was referring to previous years of the generic use of "Happy Holidays" when it comes to Christmas.
That managed to get ten pages of whining? I have no problem with Best Buy naming a holiday versus using the generic "Happy Holidays" , while I understand some people might take offense and boycott at the same time I have to go so what? In a few months to a few years those exact same people will be standing in line for some great deal or another at Best Buy holding an ad that now in huge letters says Happy Eid al-Adha and just ignore it.
Well, we are at war and considering the average intelligence of the American consumer, probably not the greatest marketing move.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']LOL, Ameicans are retarded.

To note, though, I'd rather they just not use anything specific whatsoever.[/QUOTE]

People who stereotype and get mad at Best Buy for doing this are retarded, yet its okay for you to stereotype all Americans as being offended by this? Oh, the irony.

Stereotyping is stereotyping and you are no better than the few people who were upset by Best Buy printing that.
[quote name='manthing']Why is this NOT posted in the Vs. forum?[/QUOTE]

Why would you consider this to be controversial?

The only outrageous thing I see in this ad is 80 bones for a HDtv wall mount.
[quote name='camoor']Why would you consider this to be controversial?

The only outrageous thing I see in this ad is 80 bones for a HDtv wall mount.

I wish I was as much of dullard as you.
The fact that Best Buy is wishing muslims a happy Eid al-Adha doesn't bother me, you're retarded if you think all muslims are extremists and terrorists. The fact that Best Buy felt the need to single out a single group of anyone and prominently display that does bother me.
Who cares really? I imagine it's the same people that get pissed when people say anything other than "Merry Christmas" in December. They just want only their culture/religion recognized.
Outrageous. Just another front by the secular left in the War on Cocksmas.

I heard Obama isn't even going to put a Cock tree in the White House this year.
[quote name='The Crotch']I heard Obama isn't even going to put a Cock tree in the White House this year.[/QUOTE]

They're not letting Joe Biden in the White House this December?
[quote name='perdition(troy']Who cares what they put in their ad as long as I get my stuff cheap.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. People are offended so easily. Its not like Best Buy said "fuck all your mothers." That's something that should piss you off, not this.
Well, the American Family Association got mad at Gap because they had a commercial that wished everyone a merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, happy Kwanzaa, and happy Solstice. They said it was a mockery of Christmas because of it being associated with those other holidays and telling people to celebrate what they want. Of course the AFA is currently boycotting Pepsi because of their "support" of the homosexual agenda.

You wish people a Merry Christmas, someone gets mad. You don't wish people a Merry Christmas, someone gets mad. Lets just get rid of holidays.
[quote name='perdition(troy']Who cares what they put in their ad as long as I get my stuff cheap.[/QUOTE]

Bingo. I'll be first in line at the "Happy I fucked Your Mother In The Ass And She Loved It Sale" as long as the shit is cheap.
If I remember correctly, they have mentioned all holidays in their ads at the appropriate time. But, this is America. You are free to celebtate your own holidays, as long as they are all Christmas.
Another protest from the overblown culture war.....

At least there wasn't a typo that said We hope Muslims celebrate IED's.


This thread has so many sarcastically hilarious responses. Pure gold.
[quote name='QiG']The fact that Best Buy is wishing muslims a happy Eid al-Adha doesn't bother me, you're retarded if you think all muslims are extremists and terrorists. The fact that Best Buy felt the need to single out a single group of anyone and prominently display that does bother me.[/QUOTE]
If Christmas happened to be at the end of November, rest assured that you'd see "Merry Christmas" in their ad. They already recognize Christmas by being closed that day (and took care of Thanksgiving with the various turkeys and whatnot in their ad.

Quit bitching.
[quote name='CouRageouS']When we saw a nipple during the Superbowl.[/QUOTE]

It was way before that. When these various family and rights groups became actual corporate businesses, that is when things really went bad. These organizations have to find something to bitch about or else they will dissapear. If everything is fine they have nothing to do, no funds coming in or donors etc so they die. As a result, these groups have to keep their names out there by constantly making issues out of non-issues.

But personally, I'm all for just doing away with the whole holiday season but since our economic system lives and breathes on the masses buying tons of crap they don't need in Oct, Nov and Dec you know that will never happen.
Christmas is over-rated , commercialism of christmas is outta hand these days. It has lost its true meaning over the years , it is kind of sad . . . but for people to get mad over something like that it just shows how ignorant the general public is. My views & expressions on muslims is a different story . . . :roll:
[quote name='JJSP']If Christmas happened to be at the end of November, rest assured that you'd see "Merry Christmas" in their ad. They already recognize Christmas by being closed that day (and took care of Thanksgiving with the various turkeys and whatnot in their ad.

Quit bitching.[/QUOTE]

You can write it off as an instance of Best Buy putting Suzy Sunshine, who wants nothing more than to spread joy and happiness across the universe, just wanting to give a shout out to those celebrating this holiday with no intentions behind it. More likely, though, Best Buy spends millions and millions (and millions) of dollars specifically on marketing and doesn't even fart without spending a week or two in meetings discussing how their market research shows how that fart will affect the general population. Most likely they had research that showed they could increase sales by marketing towards the muslim population and felt this was a good opportunity to get their attention.

The flub-up is that America is loaded to the brim with common-sense fearing, hate filled, racist jackasses who instantly (and incorrectly) associate the words muslim and islam with terrorists. Now I'm all for free speech, and for all I care Best Buy can change their name to "fuck You" and make their logo a picture of goatse, but they have not only their bigot infested band of consumers to answer to, they have shareholders who own the company who may/may not agree with their strategies.

Look, I can rant on and on, but the point I was trying to make is that NO ONE depends on Best Buy to wish them a happy holiday regardless of personal affiliation. I think we all learned a long time ago that unless you're going to go out of your way to appease everyone (which is not only impossible, but unreasonable to even attempt), the sad truth is you're better off STFU and sticking with the generic "Best Buy wishes you and your loved ones a happy holiday season" unless you're ready for a shit storm.

And btw, if you think Best Buy is closed on Christmas to recognize the holiday, I think you need to wonder if they realize that the manpower/security to operate the store on a day almost no one will be shopping is worth the profit margin on sales that day. BB is in the business of making money, not handing out warm fuzzy feelings.
anyone see the movie 2012... they asked the director why they destoryed the christian religion symbols in the movie and didnt destory anything related to islam and their responce was they didnt want the backlash..

that is what pisses me off.. They can say FU to all of the christmas holidays but we have to allow them to push theirs

Now lets see if best buy says MERRY CHRISTMAS IN THEIR ADS this month...

Dont hold your breath cause they wont ...

also does anyone else think that tom hanks movie in that tv looks something out of STAR WARS LOL
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Oh, so Christmas happened to occur during the Thanksgiving weekend this year?[/QUOTE]

LOL, sounded like a friend from homeroom!
The only way I know to avoid getting in trouble is by wishing folk "Have a happy none-denominational winter solstice!" But I have been thinking of ditching the "Happy" as it is not right for me to force how someone should spend their none-denominational winter solstice. If they want to have a sad or unhappy one, they should feel free to do so without me emposing my point of view and believes in a happy one upon them like some @sshole.
[quote name='BillyBob29']It was way before that. When these various family and rights groups became actual corporate businesses, that is when things really went bad. These organizations have to find something to bitch about or else they will dissapear. If everything is fine they have nothing to do, no funds coming in or donors etc so they die. As a result, these groups have to keep their names out there by constantly making issues out of non-issues.[/QUOTE]

Good point, I hadn't thought of that. If only they could all be as crazy and inept as Jack Thompson.
[quote name='BlindPete']The only way I know to avoid getting in trouble is by wishing folk "Have a happy none-denominational winter solstice!"[/quote]

So you're saying you wish a happy solstice to all Wiccans, not just Gardnerians or the Church of the Crescent Moon.
the solstice referred to in my greeting is the lunar event of the solstice. It in no way shape or form mentions Wiccans, Gardnerians or the Church of the Crescent Moon, or any other type of lonely fat lesbians. Nor infers a reference or preference to that group.
LOL at the 'Take My Money Elsewhere' grandstanding at the Best Buy forum, especially the ones that already dropped thousands.

Forever 21 and In 'N' Out have John 3:16 on their goods, yet nobody bats an eye. Best Buy recognizes a holiday nobody probably even heard of until the advertisement and suddenly it's on.
[quote name='darkslime']If I was a major corporation, I would just stick with "happy holidays" to avoid any problems.[/QUOTE]

The Fox News-watchers of the world would just piss and moan at that, too.
Uhm WTF. You want someone to wish you a Merry Christmas? Go to your g.d. Church. Why does anyone seek religious fulfillment or religious justification from a commercial establishment that just wants your money? I'm fairly sure Jesus would scoff at what the Chrismas holiday has become: materialistic and selfish to the point where killing someone in a stampede is joked about.

Yes, please take your money elsewhere. Because you obviously have so much of it to make a difference.
I guess you better make sure that this new imaginary store you're going to doesn't employ atheists, doesn't provide domestic partner benefits to its employees, doesn't send jobs overseas to China, doesn't donate money to the DNC, doesn't support health care reform, doesn't exist, doesn't do anything....

Why doesn't Kmart wish me a Happy Flying-Spaghetti-Monster-Day? I am a Pastafarian afterall. Sniff.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']I thought what got everyone angry about it was that in 2006, Best Buy said they wouldn't use the word Christmas in their ads, but happy holidays instead, but then because they singled out this holiday is what called for the complaints.[/QUOTE]

I looked at their flyers for last December. They don't say "Merry Christmas". They also don't say "Happy Holidays". They don't tell you to happy or merry anything. Of course they do tell you they're closed on Christmas day, that you can order on Christmas Eve by 3pm for pickup at 5pm. That you can order by Dec. 21st and get guaranteed delivery by Christmas. Then there are the santa hats, Christmas trees, red and green whatevers. Their "movies for the season" being exclusively about Christmas. No mention of delivery by Hanukkah, I don't remember any Menorahs, etc.

But of course Christmas needs to be mentioned by name, often, and proclaimed loudly. The ubiquity of Christmas imagery means nothing if somebody says "holiday".
bread's done