Best Film of 2007?

[quote name='DarkNessBear']Hmm, I could of sworn Pans Labrynth came out in California in 2007.

It came out in limited release at the end of last year, but was in full release in Jan. of this year.

Good enough movie to top both years lists though :)
I have yet to see No Country for Old Men, or 3:10 to Yuma, or Eastern Promises. I want to see all of them. I Just watched MirrorMask(2005) last night and what a trip that was.

Anyway I cant say one was the best, but I actually enjoyed Transformers, Bourne Ultimatum, Pans Labyrinth, Zodiac, Reign over me (Surprising how good it was), Kncoked Up, Superbad. There are probably a few more in there.

I cant wait to see others lists. It will help me decide what I missed that I need to catch up on.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Here is my top 28

2007 Movies:
1. Pans Labrynth
2. 300
3. Sweeney Todd
4. King of Kong
5. Stardust
6. Ratatouille
7. Bourne Ultimatium
8. Reign Over Me
9. I Am Legend
10. The Simpsons
11. Grind House
12. Beowoulf
13. Super Bad
14. The Number 23
15. Blades of Glory
16. Live Free Die Hard
17. Resident Evil 3
18. Transformers
19. Spiderman 3
20. The Last Mimzy
21. Reno 911
22. Harry Potter: GOF
23. Knocked Up
24. Balls of Fury
25. Shrek 3
26. Black Snake Moan
27. License to Wed
28. Zodiac[/QUOTE]

OP, can you add a poll?
[quote name='Xevious']I agree

Spiderman 3 was the biggest dissapointment this year.[/QUOTE]

third. Spidy 3 sucked royally.

Transformers and 300 to the top.
I didn't think Spider-Man 3 sucked, but it was disappointing. The trailers made it look better than it really was...that happens with a lot of movies though :p
Wait, whats with everyone hating Spiderman 3? I thought it was pretty good.

I like 300 and National Treasure the most this year though. I Am Legend was ok, not as great as the trailer made it seem. Resident Evil 3 was sucktacular.
Best (still haven't seen Juno, and many others):
1. Ratatouille
3. Hot Fuzz
4. The Simpsons Movie
5. Transformers

Worst EvArz:
1. Spiderman 3
2. Sidney White (why? why did I see you?)
3. Pirates Of The Carribean 3
Some of my fav's were in no order Children of Men (twice, technically might be an 06 film but it came out in the US in Jan.), Superbad, Grindhouse( twice saw it first on the day after i had my wisdom teeth taken out) Sunshine, Death Sentance, Transformers, and a bunch others. I think we should also list our favorite DTV films. None really come to my mind at the moment but i know there were a few.
I really enjoyed Sweeney Todd more than I expected to. Musical or not.

There were plenty of good films, but many were pretty forgettable for me.
Sorry I didn't see a thread for this but...

For those that saw No Country for Old Men:

Was Tommy Lee Jones actually the killer? Sort of a Fight club thing? A lot of clues points to it. But I may just be dumb
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Sorry I didn't see a thread for this but...

For those that saw No Country for Old Men:

Was Tommy Lee Jones actually the killer? Sort of a Fight club thing? A lot of clues points to it. But I may just be dumb
I would love to see the thought process that led you to that conclusion.
[quote name='Liquid 2']I would love to see the thought process that led you to that conclusion.[/quote]

I think it's somewhere along the lines of "durrrrrrrrrr".
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']I think it's somewhere along the lines of "durrrrrrrrrr".[/QUOTE]Same, but I want to see him try to explain himself. I imagine it will be akin to a train wreck. :lol:
[quote name='whoknows']I didn't think Spider-Man 3 sucked, but it was disappointing. The trailers made it look better than it really was...that happens with a lot of movies though :p[/quote]

That's the whole point of trailers.
It may be the populist choice --though not the CAG choice-- but I'm going with Ratatouille.

Coming in second would be Eastern Promises, followed by Zodiac and 3:10 to Yuma (though its last-second scene is questionable). If Children of Men and Pan's Labyrinth count (I watched them in 2006 but perhaps that's because I live near Hollywood), then they're on my list, too.

Surprisingly, I didn't particularly care for No Country for Old Men. It'd seem to be right up my alley, especially because I'm a huge fan of the Coens, but this one just didn't connect with me and I may never know why. At least it's more of a return to form than The Ladykillers or Intolerable Cruelty.
Top Five In No Order):

Pan's Labyrinth: Loved the plot, setting, music and everything.

Knocked Up: I was expecting another 40-Year Old Virgin, but what I got was something even better~!

Superbad: Not as good as Knocked up IMO, but I liked it. If for no reason, then it's basically a glorified version of my HS life :lol:

Children of Men: It was a good premise (I
[quote name='Liquid 2']Same, but I want to see him try to explain himself. I imagine it will be akin to a train wreck. :lol:[/quote]

Haha, close to a train wreck.

-They are never seen in the same scene.
-Bell says, "sometimes when I read these deaths in the paper I laugh to" towards his younger partner. Maybe a sign that he finds death simple? Or just a contrast to his younger more violence accepting partner.
-he went back to the crime scene, right after they discussed, "why would chigruh go back to the crime scene?" and it seemed like bell had an idea why but never says.
-he sat in the same chair and drank the same milk looking at the same reflection. (back at the same crime scene again?) and then says, "I feel like I am in his place." Maybe a clue to the link?
-when Chigruh went in the middle of the night with those two deputies to the mexican shooting in the middle of the field and killed them. It seemed weird that two deputies would lead Chigruh to that crime scene.
-bell told someone (I forgot) about how they slaughter cattle now, and he knew a lot about the compressed cattle rod.
-The person that Chigruh pulled over in the beggining while in the cop car, seemed pretty accepting of him, is it because he really looked like bell?
-Chigruh always knew where Moss was(even after he got rid of the transmitter), and that scene where the Wife hesitates about telling Bell where Moss is, but then does it (we assume) made it seem like she was actually telling Chigruh
-At the end Bell was retired, maybe because he got the money? That he found when he returned to the scene.
-The scene where Bell was driving up to the mexican fight at the motel seemed a little odd, like Bell was dissapointed he didn't get to be the one responsible for his death.

But, I know this is wrong. Because, the movie is to well made to have some cheesy twist and at the beggining Chigruh was being arrested, wouldn't make since if it was Bell...

And also, I think every movie I see has atleast one character that is acctually two... damn fight club.
For Action I would say Shoot Em Up, Just took itself the right way not serious, Kind of like a Live Looney toon cartoon without talking rodents. It was a fun unique movie. The Eagle Vs. Shark, brilliantly funny. 3:10 to Yuma.For mainstreem horror the Mist. For indie Horror, Hatchet. Comedy tie Superbad or Knocked up.

I will go see No country for Old Men Friday, then make up my mind about that.

Worst would be Hitman.
I have to say 28 Weeks Later was my favorite film of 2007 and quite frankly, the best horror film of the year.

It was so terribly overlooked.
I just saw No Country for Old Men and thought it was fantastic, but Juno still gets my vote for film of the year. I'm suprised I haven't really seen any mention of it in this thread.
i was really hoping control would have turned out to be the best of the year,but it was missing something.i would have to say the darjeeling limited was the best offering this year.
My picks for top 10 movies are as follows:
10. The Lookout
9. 1408
8. Juno
7. Shooter
6. Smokin' Aces/Shoot Em Up (tie)
5. Transformers
4. Alpha Dog
3. Daywatch
2. Superbad
And my favorite movie of 2007....
1. 300

Some other movies that might of made the list (if I had the time to see them) are: Grindhouse, 3:10 to Yuma, Eastern Promises, Michael Clayton, No Country for Old Men, I Am Legend, and Sweeny Todd.
The best 3 I saw this year in theaters:
- 300
- Superbad
- Charlie Wilson's War

None of which were really best picture material IMHO.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Haha, close to a train wreck.

-They are never seen in the same scene.
-Bell says, "sometimes when I read these deaths in the paper I laugh to" towards his younger partner. Maybe a sign that he finds death simple? Or just a contrast to his younger more violence accepting partner.
-he went back to the crime scene, right after they discussed, "why would chigruh go back to the crime scene?" and it seemed like bell had an idea why but never says.
-he sat in the same chair and drank the same milk looking at the same reflection. (back at the same crime scene again?) and then says, "I feel like I am in his place." Maybe a clue to the link?
-when Chigruh went in the middle of the night with those two deputies to the mexican shooting in the middle of the field and killed them. It seemed weird that two deputies would lead Chigruh to that crime scene.
-bell told someone (I forgot) about how they slaughter cattle now, and he knew a lot about the compressed cattle rod.
-The person that Chigruh pulled over in the beggining while in the cop car, seemed pretty accepting of him, is it because he really looked like bell?
-Chigruh always knew where Moss was(even after he got rid of the transmitter), and that scene where the Wife hesitates about telling Bell where Moss is, but then does it (we assume) made it seem like she was actually telling Chigruh
-At the end Bell was retired, maybe because he got the money? That he found when he returned to the scene.
-The scene where Bell was driving up to the mexican fight at the motel seemed a little odd, like Bell was dissapointed he didn't get to be the one responsible for his death.

But, I know this is wrong. Because, the movie is to well made to have some cheesy twist and at the beggining Chigruh was being arrested, wouldn't make since if it was Bell...

And also, I think every movie I see has atleast one character that is acctually two... damn fight club.

No. If you are going to slaughter a cinematic masterpiece, please do it elsewhere. I don't think you even got the point of the film AT ALL.
[quote name='TFN']lol @ people saying Pan's Labyrinth.

My favorite film of the year is Fargo.[/quote]

Pan's Labryinth didn't recieve a wide release until 2007, hence it has a 2007 release date.
[quote name='darthbudge']Pan's Labyrinth didn't recieve a wide release until 2007, hence it has a 2007 release date.[/quote]
That's crap logic. It's a 2006 film.

It's like if I said I never had Pizza Hut until today and so prior to today, Pizza Hut never existed. Just because you never saw Pan's Labyrinth until 2007, doesn't mean it wasn't released in October of 2006. It's a 2006 film.

Besides 2007 saw a plethora of amazing films released this year. Much better, in my opinion, than any other year thus far in the 2000's and the best year since probably 1999.

No Country For Old Men
There Will Be Blood
Eastern Promises
The Darjeeling Limited
The Bourne Ultimatum
Sweeney Todd
American Gangster
3:10 To Yuma
Hot Fuzz
Knocked Up
28 Weeks Later
The Simpsons Movie
Charlie Wilson's War
Michael Clayton
Rescue Dawn
The Man From Earth
The Host
King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

You don't need to dive into 2006 to complete your list.
bread's done