Best Game Plot

[quote name='icebeast']The Ace Attorney series and The Curse of Monkey Island.

In my opinion Adventure games make prime candidates for best plot as they have to rely on telling a good story since the actual gameplay is typically very simple and not all that engaging, thus the story has to make up for it in order for the game to be enjoyable.[/QUOTE]

Now that you mention it, King's Quest VI had a pretty nice story.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah that part was stupid. I liked Ezio's story, but all the future/memory crap is just silly and unnecessary IMO.

The series would have been better served to just be entirely set in the past and have you playing as those characters--rather than as Desmond who is reliving the memories in the Animus machines etc.[/QUOTE]
That's exactly what turned me off on the first AC game within the first 20 minutes of gameplay. As soon as the environmental immersion was ruined with that future/memory/VR crap I just spent the next 30 minutes going around seeing how many people I could assassinate without being detected, then I shut the frickin' game off and never went back to it.

Considering I only paid $2 for it from a local shop that had it disc only in a PS2 case, I really didn't care if it sat there forever collecting dust.:D
I never played the first one but I thought Assassins Creed 2 did a great job tying in this clan destine assassin group with historical figures. I'm a sucker for history so I found the Glyph memories fascinating. It opens up this entire world and really made me hunger for more tidbits of info.

I found the glyph memory about the dispute with Edison & Tesla to be the most clever. Thomas Edison used propaganda trying to convince the world that Nikola Tesla's discovery of AC is dangerous. He electrocuted an elephant on camera to try and prove this point. This is all historical fact. The fiction is that Edison was a Templar and he was trying to discredit Tesla. He knew this technology could prove dangerous to the Templars grip on information. It's interesting that Edison (the one we all know) is creditied as being a Templar, the group who controls the flow of information. Then poor ol' Tesla who isn't celebrated as much now but was decades ahead of Edison with his research & theories.
[quote name='Rodimus']I never played the first one but I thought Assassins Creed 2 did a great job tying in this clan destine assassin group with historical figures. I'm a sucker for history so I found the Glyph memories fascinating. It opens up this entire world and really made me hunger for more tidbits of info.

I found the glyph memory about the dispute with Edison & Tesla to be the most clever. Thomas Edison used propaganda trying to convince the world that Nikola Tesla's discovery of AC is dangerous. He electrocuted an elephant on camera to try and prove this point. This is all historical fact. The fiction is that Edison was a Templar and he was trying to discredit Tesla. He knew this technology could prove dangerous to the Templars grip on information. It's interesting that Edison (the one we all know) is creditied as being a Templar, the group who controls the flow of information. Then poor ol' Tesla who isn't celebrated as much now but was decades ahead of Edison with his research & theories.[/QUOTE]

yeah that elephant thing was pretty cool. the game was damn near perfect the only thing that got on my nerves were the puzzles.they were fun to figure out at first and then over time became a damn chore but it was worth it to solve them to see that video.

and being a fan of history and conspiracy theories i guess would tend to make the game even better but im surprised at some of the hate towards the game. if that bit at the very end didnt shock someone after playing it then theve got to be dead inside. i cant wait for the proper sequel to the game since i guess itll be set in the future but depending on how the side game turns out i could see buying that too.

the shit you do in ac2 is something id lie to see implemented in a proper tenchu game. i still think theres life left in the franchise i you follow what ac2 did. use diff locales in edo period japan and if possible some kind of mp.
[quote name='DarkSageRK']ITT only bvharris has played Final Fantasy Tactics.[/QUOTE]

I have. I didn't think it was as good as FF6, story-wise, though.
[quote name='icebeast']The Ace Attorney series and The Curse of Monkey Island.[/QUOTE]

Most definitely agree with the Ace Attorney series.

I also have to nominate Odin Sphere. I enjoyed experiencing the story unfold through the five main characters' different viewpoints.
Knight of the Old Republic (the first one only)
Uncharted 2 (for it's comical dialog)
Star Wars the Force Unleashed (a great star wars story but a very broken game)
MGS 3 (the third one is the best, 4 just sucked)
God of War 3 (I love greek mythology)
Shenmue 2
Mass Effect 1 & 2
Heavy Rain
Alan Wake
Heavenly Sword
Alpha Protocol (The plot itself is not good, but how the plot branches and reveals itself is perfect.)
MGS3 is a masterpiece, MGS1 is also very good.

Xenogears is flawed but still great, same for Xenosaga.

I also love Valkyria Chronicles because it really cultivates a feeling of real humans, average people who just want their homes and lives back. In this sense, I think it is one of the most plausible RPG plots despite the few fantasy elements. Squad 7, move out!
bread's done