Best Game Trading Website 2007

Voted for GameTZ, just cause you can usually get a trade initiated quickly & get what you want quickly. Plus you don't have to pay to trade there.

As for TGN, how did that even get on the poll? That place is practically dead compared to GTZ & Goozex.
I think I'm the only one who ahtes Goozex. Stupid value system. Everything I want is has too many points. And since my move, I was forced to sell most of my games. So, that's it. The Points I have I have, and that's worthless for anything I want. All I managed to do was giveaway a game for free when I could have sold it one Bay and made money.

Meanwhile good all CAG got me Pokemon so cheap, and when I sold the Pikachu digipet thingie, the final price I paid was just over 5 dollars. and got a new game wth the 3 e-Cards. Not even ebay gives you that at such a cheap price. Thanks CAG.

I can see how Goozex would be great if you've been there from day one but I signed up recently and they have absolutely nothing availble. I sent out 3 games and only received 1.. the rest of my wants are like 40+ turns away.
What no ebay?? Trading games? bah! keep them in new/mint condition and sell em on ebay. thats the best place to do your online trading. o.k so technically its selling...
gots to be goozex, i mean which other website can find me somebody who wants my used copy of cruisin for the wii?
I'd have to vote GameTZ because I care about the quality of my stuff. If you just want to get a game and don't really care about how it looks or what it comes with, then Goozex is decent, I agree. But if I want to get it complete and know it won't be scratched to heck, then I have to go with GameTZ. They just care more about QUALITY there.

Heck, if you request COMPLETE on Goozex and don't get everything, the WORST that you can do to the guy is rate him FAIR! He doesn't even really get docked for not shipping what he said he would. What is up with that? On GameTZ, you could file a complaint and get it resolved. On Goozex, that situation is pretty much a "well, better luck next time."

It's just two really different places. GameTZ has a community of people that seem to like to trade games with each other. Goozex is more of just a place to get rid of stuff. As I said, useful for certain things and certain traders, but just not the BEST trading site.

- John...
bread's done