Best handheld RPG?


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Looking for a good RPG to play for the PSP or DS. What i'm mainly interesetd in is a good story line. Something like FFVII or FFX where you really become attached to the characters and get sucked in. Not sure if such an RPG exists on either platform, but I figured i'd ask anyway :)

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!
FFIV and FFVI advance. Seriously. FF2 and FF3 on the SNES. Fantastic games. I used to love FFIV more, but after re-playing FFVI, I think that one wins hands down.
Closest will probably be VI but I personally feel no RPG comes close to FFX in terms of emotion and attachment to characters.
The Final Fantasies are good but I got burned out on those after a while, so I'll suggest an alternative:

Valkyrie Profile Lenneth has really interesting characters and each one is set up with a unique backstory. Some are honorable, some are scoundrels, all could carry the story by themselves. The only problem with this level of character development is there isn't really any "development" to it. You get the backstory at the beginning of that character's chapter, and then they fight on your team for a while before their time is up and they die and go that big battle in the sky, and from then on you can only follow their careers from afar. That may sound limited, but I liked it. It's certainly a different approach from the traditional Final Fantasy formula.
[quote name='Goldfingiz']interesetd in is a good story line. Something like FFVII or FFX[/quote]
In before, lol!

The best thing you are not playing is Etrian Odyssey for the DS. While the story here is minimal and rather forgettable. It's the combat and effort you have to put in to reach the next floor that draws you in.

On every level, the enemies here will not hesitate to kick your tail in. You emerge fresh to take on the new challenge and within 5 battles will run screaming back to town, but hopefully with enough loot to get that new sword or fancy shield and some vengeance for making you run away the first time.

What can I say, I like crawling around for new loot and I am sucker for games with the difficulty of SMT: Nocturne and Wizardry.

[quote name='Dead of Knight']Mother 3. kthxbye[/quote]
This game is THE reason I bought a flash cart as I await a translation patch to finally be released!
FFVI since they never released the Suikoden 1+2 collection to the US for the PSP, otherwise Suikoden II would be my pick.
Final Fantasy VI on the DS/GBA, or my favorite Phantasy Star II on the PSP.

I suppose you can play PSII on the DS/GBA, but the PSP screen is much better.
Riviera (wait for the PSP rerelease this summer)
VP: Lenneth
Thanks guys! Definitely gonna check some of these out. I knew i'd get flamed for mentioning FFVII and FFX. FFVII was the first RPG I ever played, so it blew me away. Been gaming since the 80s but I guess I just never got into them. After that, FFX was the next one that came close to that experience for me.
Reach all the way back and get Final Fantasy Legends III for the GB, or more accurately, SaGa III.

Really underrated RPG IMO. I couldn't really stand FFL2 or 1, and I liked how 3 combined the multiple classes from 2 with a somewhat traditional levelling system. =P

The storyline is dated but still pretty good for its time.
Im playing Pokemon Diamond right now, my first ever Poke game. And it is like videogame crack. But if Pokemons not your thing, then I recommend FF VI for the gba.
[quote name='Goldfingiz']Looking for a good RPG to play for the PSP or DS. What i'm mainly interesetd in is a good story line. Something like FFVII or FFX where you really become attached to the characters and get sucked in. Not sure if such an RPG exists on either platform, but I figured i'd ask anyway :)

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated![/quote]

I am personally enthralled by the games Golden Sun and Golden Sun 2: The Lost Age. They both combine to make up one overarching game and its really an incredible set. If you can find both of these, I highly suggest picking them up, yes they're for GBA, but they are worth whatever amount of money you spend. The music is out of this world, I don't know about you, but for me, the music is what really gets me emotionally involved to the characters.
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